type: dislotungsten references: - D. Cereceda et al., International Journal of Plasticity 78:242-265, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2015.09.002 N_sl: [12] b_sl: [2.72e-10] rho_mob_0: [1.0e+9] # estimated from section 3.2 rho_dip_0: [1.0] # not given Q_s: [2.61154e-19] # 1.63 eV, Delta_H0 B: [8.3e-5] omega: [9.1e+11] # nu_0 p_sl: [0.86] q_sl: [1.69] tau_Peierls: [2.03e+9] # there is also tau_c^* = 2.92GPa, not clear in the paper h: [2.566e-10] a_nonSchmid: [0.938, 0.71, 4.43] h_sl-sl: [0.009, 0.72, 0.009, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06, 0.09] w: [2.992e-09] # 11b i_sl: [1] # c, eq. (25) D: 1.0e+10 # d_g, eq. (25) D_a: 1.0 # d_edge = D_a*b # climb (disabled) D_0: 0.0 # disable climb f_at: 1 Q_cl: 1.0 output: [Lambda_sl] v_0: [1]