#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import os,math,sys import numpy as np import damask from optparse import OptionParser scriptID = '$Id$' scriptName = scriptID.split()[1] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # -------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """ Create seeds file by poking at 45 degree through given geom file. Mimics APS Beamline 34-ID-E DAXM poking. """, version = scriptID) parser.add_option('-N', '--points', dest = 'N', type = 'int', metavar = 'int', help = 'number of poking locations [%default]') parser.add_option('-z', '--planes', dest = 'z', type = 'float', nargs = 2, metavar='float float', help = 'top and bottom z plane') parser.add_option('-x', action = 'store_true', dest = 'x', help = 'poke 45 deg along x') parser.add_option('-y', action = 'store_true', dest = 'y', help = 'poke 45 deg along y') parser.add_option('-p','--position', dest = 'position', type = 'string', metavar = 'string', help = 'column label for coordinates [%default]') parser.set_defaults(x = False, y = False, z = [0.0,1.0], N = 16, position = 'pos', ) (options,filenames) = parser.parse_args() # --- loop over output files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if filenames == []: filenames = [None] for name in filenames: try: table = damask.ASCIItable(name = name, outname = os.path.splitext(name)[-2]+'_poked_{}.seeds'.format(options.N) if name else name, buffered = False, labeled = False) except: continue damask.util.report(scriptName,name) # --- interpret header ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- table.head_read() info,extra_header = table.head_getGeom() damask.util.croak(['grid a b c: %s'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['grid']))), 'size x y z: %s'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['size']))), 'origin x y z: %s'%(' : '.join(map(str,info['origin']))), 'homogenization: %i'%info['homogenization'], 'microstructures: %i'%info['microstructures'], ]) errors = [] if np.any(info['grid'] < 1): errors.append('invalid grid a b c.') if np.any(info['size'] <= 0.0): errors.append('invalid size x y z.') if errors != []: damask.util.croak(errors) table.close(dismiss = True) continue # --- read data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ microstructure = table.microstructure_read(info['grid']).reshape(info['grid'],order='F') # read microstructure # --- do work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ newInfo = { 'microstructures': 0, } Nx = int(options.N/math.sqrt(options.N*info['size'][1]/info['size'][0])) Ny = int(options.N/math.sqrt(options.N*info['size'][0]/info['size'][1])) Nz = int((max(options.z)-min(options.z))/info['size'][2]*info['grid'][2]) offset = int(min(options.z)/info['size'][2]*info['grid'][2]) # offset due to lower z-plane damask.util.croak('poking {} x {} x {}...'.format(Nx,Ny,Nz)) seeds = np.zeros((Nx*Ny*Nz,4),'d') grid = np.zeros(3,'i') n = 0 for i in xrange(Nx): grid[0] = round((i+0.5)*info['grid'][0]/Nx-0.5) for j in xrange(Ny): grid[1] = round((j+0.5)*info['grid'][1]/Ny-0.5) for k in xrange(Nz): grid[2] = offset + k grid %= info['grid'] seeds[n,0:3] = (0.5+grid)/info['grid'] # normalize coordinates to box seeds[n, 3] = microstructure[grid[0],grid[1],grid[2]] if options.x: grid[0] += 1 if options.y: grid[1] += 1 n += 1 newInfo['microstructures'] = len(np.unique(seeds[:,3])) # --- report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- remarks = [] if ( newInfo['microstructures'] != info['microstructures']): remarks.append('--> microstructures: %i'%newInfo['microstructures']) if remarks != []: damask.util.croak(remarks) # ------------------------------------------ assemble header --------------------------------------- table.info_clear() table.info_append(extra_header+[ scriptID + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]), "poking\ta {}\tb {}\tc {}".format(Nx,Ny,Nz), "grid\ta {grid[0]}\tb {grid[1]}\tc {grid[2]}".format(grid=info['grid']), "size\tx {size[0]}\ty {size[1]}\tz {size[2]}".format(size=info['size']), "origin\tx {origin[0]}\ty {origin[1]}\tz {origin[2]}".format(origin=info['origin']), "homogenization\t{}".format(info['homogenization']), "microstructures\t{}".format(newInfo['microstructures']), ]) table.labels_clear() table.labels_append(['{dim}_{label}'.format(dim = 1+i,label = options.position) for i in range(3)]+['microstructure']) table.head_write() table.output_flush() # --- write seeds information ------------------------------------------------------------ table.data = seeds table.data_writeArray() # --- output finalization -------------------------------------------------------------------------- table.close() # close ASCII table