##################### # $Id: material.config 477 2009-12-15 10:22:17Z MPIE\c.kords $ ##################### ##################### [SX] type isostrain Ngrains 1 ##################### ##################### [Cu_nonlocal] crystallite 1 (constituent) phase 1 texture 1 fraction 1.0 ##################### ##################### [ori] (output) eulerangles (output) grainrotation (output) grainrotationX (output) grainrotationY (output) grainrotationZ (output) f (output) fe (output) p (output) ee # elastic strain as Green-Lagrange tensor ##################### ##################### /echo/ [Ni_nonlocal] elasticity hooke plasticity nonlocal /nonlocal/ (output) rho (output) rho_sgl_mobile (output) rho_sgl_immobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_pos (output) rho_sgl_edge_neg (output) rho_sgl_screw_pos (output) rho_sgl_screw_neg (output) rho_dip_edge (output) rho_dip_screw (output) rho_forest (output) excess_rho_edge (output) excess_rho_screw (output) accumulatedshear (output) shearrate (output) resolvedstress (output) resistance (output) velocity_edge_pos (output) rho_dot_gen (output) rho_dot_sgl2dip_edge (output) rho_dot_sgl2dip_screw (output) rho_dot_ann_ath (output) rho_dot_ann_the_edge (output) rho_dot_ann_the_screw (output) rho_dot_edgejogs (output) rho_dot_flux_edge (output) rho_dot_flux_screw (output) slipdirection.x (output) slipdirection.y (output) slipdirection.z (output) slipnormal.x (output) slipnormal.y (output) slipnormal.z (output) fluxdensity_edge_pos.x (output) fluxdensity_edge_pos.y (output) fluxdensity_edge_pos.z (output) fluxdensity_edge_neg.x (output) fluxdensity_edge_neg.y (output) fluxdensity_edge_neg.z (output) fluxdensity_screw_pos.x (output) fluxdensity_screw_pos.y (output) fluxdensity_screw_pos.z (output) fluxdensity_screw_neg.x (output) fluxdensity_screw_neg.y (output) fluxdensity_screw_neg.z lattice_structure fcc Nslip 12 # number of slip systems per family c11 246.5e9 c12 147.3e9 c44 124.7e9 burgers 2.48e-10 0 0 0 # Burgers vector in m rhoSglEdgePos0 6e10 # Initial positive edge single dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoSglEdgeNeg0 6e10 # Initial negative edge single dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoSglScrewPos0 6e10 # Initial positive screw single dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoSglScrewNeg0 6e10 # Initial negative screw single dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoDipEdge0 0 # Initial edge dipole dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoDipScrew0 0 # Initial screw dipole dislocation density in m/m**3 rhoSglScatter 0 minimumDipoleHeightEdge 2.6e-9 # 3.0e-9 # minimum distance for stable edge dipoles in m minimumDipoleHeightScrew 12.0e-9 # 50e-9 # minimum distance for stable screw dipoles in m lambda0 45 # 33 # prefactor for mean free path edgeMultiplication 0.1 randomMultiplication 0 atomicVolume 1.2e-29 selfdiffusionPrefactor 1.9e-4 # Gottstein p.168 # prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient selfdiffusionEnergy 5.1e-19 # Gottstein p.168 # activation energy self-diffusion solidSolutionEnergy 1.8e-19 # activation energy of solid solution particles in J solidSolutionConcentration 5e-7 # 1e-7 solidSolutionSize 1.0 peierlsStressEdge 1e5 # Peierls stress for edges in Pa (per slip family) peierlsStressScrew 1e5 # Peierls stress for screws in Pa (per slip family) doublekinkWidth 10 # width of double kinks in multiples of burgers vector length b viscosity 1e-3 # viscosity for dislocation glide in Pa s p 1 # exponent for thermal barrier profile q 1 # exponent for thermal barrier profile attackFrequency 50e9 # attack frequency in Hz surfaceTransmissivity 1.0 # transmissivity of free surfaces for dislocation flux grainBoundaryTransmissivity 0.0 aTol_rho 1e100 # absolute tolerance for dislocation density in m/m**3 aTol_shear 1e10 # absolute tolerance for dislocation density in m/m**3 significantRho 1e8 # dislocation density considered relevant in m/m**3 significantN 1 shortRangeStressCorrection 0 CFLfactor 1.1 # safety factor for CFL flux check (numerical parameter) r 1 interaction_SlipSlip 0 0 0.625 0.07 0.137 0.122 # Dislocation interaction coefficient linetension 0.8 edgejog 0.01 # 0.2 ##################### ##################### [111] (gauss) phi1 315 Phi 0 phi2 0 scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000