type: nonlocal references: - C. Kords, On the role of dislocation transport in the constitutive description of crystal plasticity, RWTH Aachen 2013, http://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/229993/files/4862.pdf output: [rho_u_ed_pos, rho_b_ed_pos, rho_u_ed_neg, rho_b_ed_neg, rho_u_sc_pos, rho_b_sc_pos, rho_u_sc_neg, rho_b_sc_neg, rho_d_ed, rho_d_sc] N_sl: [12] b_sl: [2.48e-10] V_at: 0.012e-27 # Omega d_ed: [2.6e-9] d_sc: [12.e-9] i_sl: [45] # k_2 f_ed_mult: 0.1 # k_1 rho_u_ed_neg_0: [6.e+10] # 2.88e12 / (12*4) rho_u_ed_pos_0: [6.e+10] # 2.88e12 / (12*4) rho_u_sc_neg_0: [6.e+10] # 2.88e12 / (12*4) rho_u_sc_pos_0: [6.e+10] # 2.88e12 / (12*4) rho_d_ed_0: [0] rho_d_sc_0: [0] D_0: 3.e-53 Q_cl: 0.0 # no temperature dependency Q_sol: 1.79444e-19 # 1.12 eV c_sol: 5.e-7 # correct unit? f_sol: 1. # d_obst tau_Peierls_ed: [.1e6] tau_Peierls_sc: [.1e6] w: 10 # w_k p_sl: 1 q_sl: 1 nu_a: 50.e+9 B: 1.e-3 f_ed: 0.01 # k_3 h_sl-sl: [0, 0, 0.625, 0.07, 0.137, 0.137, 0.122] # Tab. 3.4 chi_GB: 0.0 # full blocking at GB chi_surface: 1.0 # no blocking at surface f_F: 0.0 # no line tension correction sigma_rho_u: 0 # no random distribution short_range_stress_correction: false rho_significant: 1.e6