import re import copy import pandas as pd import numpy as np from . import util class Table: """Store spreadsheet-like data.""" def __init__(self,data,shapes,comments=None): """ New spreadsheet. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame Data. Column labels from a pandas.DataFrame will be replaced. shapes : dict with str:tuple pairs Shapes of the columns. Example 'F':(3,3) for a deformation gradient. comments : str or iterable of str, optional Additional, human-readable information. """ comments_ = [comments] if isinstance(comments,str) else comments self.comments = [] if comments_ is None else [c for c in comments_] = pd.DataFrame(data=data) self.shapes = { k:(v,) if isinstance(v,(np.int64,np.int32,int)) else v for k,v in shapes.items() } self._relabel('uniform') def __repr__(self): """Brief overview.""" self._relabel('shapes') data_repr = self._relabel('uniform') return '\n'.join(['# '+c for c in self.comments])+'\n'+data_repr def __getitem__(self,item): """ Slice the Table according to item. Parameters ---------- item : row and/or column indexer Slice to select from Table. Returns ------- slice : Table Sliced part of the Table. Examples -------- >>> import damask >>> import numpy as np >>> tbl = damask.Table(data=np.arange(12).reshape((4,3)), ... shapes=dict(colA=(1,),colB=(1,),colC=(1,))) >>> tbl['colA','colB'] colA colB 0 0 1 1 3 4 2 6 7 3 9 10 >>> tbl[::2,['colB','colA']] colB colA 0 1 0 2 7 6 >>> tbl[1:2,'colB'] colB 1 4 2 7 """ item = (item,slice(None,None,None)) if isinstance(item,slice) else \ item if isinstance(item[0],slice) else \ (slice(None,None,None),item) sliced =[item] cols = np.array(sliced.columns if isinstance(sliced,pd.core.frame.DataFrame) else [item[1]]) _,idx = np.unique(cols,return_index=True) return self.__class__(data=sliced, shapes = {k:self.shapes[k] for k in cols[np.sort(idx)]}, comments=self.comments) def __len__(self): """Number of rows.""" return len( def __copy__(self): """Create deep copy.""" return copy.deepcopy(self) copy = __copy__ def _label(self,what,how): """ Expand labels according to data shape. Parameters ---------- what : str or list Labels to expand. how : str Mode of labeling. 'uniform' ==> v v v 'shapes' ==> 3:v v v 'linear' ==> 1_v 2_v 3_v """ what = [what] if isinstance(what,str) else what labels = [] for label in what: shape = self.shapes[label] size =,dtype=int) if how == 'uniform': labels += [label] * size elif how == 'shapes': labels += [('' if size == 1 or i>0 else f'{util.srepr(shape,"x")}:')+label for i in range(size)] elif how == 'linear': labels += [('' if size == 1 else f'{i+1}_')+label for i in range(size)] else: raise KeyError return labels def _relabel(self,how): """ Modify labeling of data in-place. Parameters ---------- how : str Mode of labeling. 'uniform' ==> v v v 'shapes' ==> 3:v v v 'linear' ==> 1_v 2_v 3_v """ = self._label(self.shapes,how) def _add_comment(self,label,shape,info): if info is not None: specific = f'{label}{" "+str(shape) if,dtype=int) > 1 else ""}: {info}' general = util.execution_stamp('Table') self.comments.append(f'{specific} / {general}') def isclose(self,other,rtol=1e-5,atol=1e-8,equal_nan=True): """ Report where values are approximately equal to corresponding ones of other Table. Parameters ---------- other : Table Table to compare against. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance of equality. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance of equality. equal_nan : bool, optional Consider matching NaN values as equal. Defaults to True. Returns ------- mask : numpy.ndarray bool Mask indicating where corresponding table values are close. """ return np.isclose(,, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) def allclose(self,other,rtol=1e-5,atol=1e-8,equal_nan=True): """ Test whether all values are approximately equal to corresponding ones of other Table. Parameters ---------- other : Table Table to compare against. rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance of equality. atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance of equality. equal_nan : bool, optional Consider matching NaN values as equal. Defaults to True. Returns ------- answer : bool Whether corresponding values are close between both tables. """ return np.allclose(,, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) @staticmethod def load(fname): """ Load from ASCII table file. In legacy style, the first line indicates the number of subsequent header lines as "N header", with the last header line being interpreted as column labels. Alternatively, initial comments are marked by '#', with the first non-comment line containing the column labels. Vector data column labels are indicated by '1_v, 2_v, ..., n_v'. Tensor data column labels are indicated by '3x3:1_T, 3x3:2_T, ..., 3x3:9_T'. Parameters ---------- fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path Filename or file for reading. """ try: f = open(fname) except TypeError: f = fname try: N_comment_lines,keyword = f.readline().strip().split(maxsplit=1) if keyword != 'header': raise ValueError else: comments = [f.readline().strip() for i in range(1,int(N_comment_lines))] labels = f.readline().split() except ValueError: comments = [] line = f.readline().strip() while line.startswith('#'): comments.append(line.lstrip('#').strip()) line = f.readline().strip() labels = line.split() shapes = {} for label in labels: tensor_column ='[0-9,x]*?:[0-9]*?_',label) if tensor_column: my_shape =':',1)[0].split('x') shapes[label.split('_',1)[1]] = tuple([int(d) for d in my_shape]) else: vector_column = re.match(r'[0-9]*?_',label) if vector_column: shapes[label.split('_',1)[1]] = (int(label.split('_',1)[0]),) else: shapes[label] = (1,) data = pd.read_csv(f,names=list(range(len(labels))),sep=r'\s+') return Table(data,shapes,comments) @staticmethod def load_ang(fname): """ Load from ang file. A valid TSL ang file has to have the following columns: * Euler angles (Bunge notation) in radians, 3 floats, label 'eu'. * Spatial position in meters, 2 floats, label 'pos'. * Image quality, 1 float, label 'IQ'. * Confidence index, 1 float, label 'CI'. * Phase ID, 1 int, label 'ID'. * SEM signal, 1 float, label 'intensity'. * Fit, 1 float, label 'fit'. Parameters ---------- fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path Filename or file for reading. """ try: f = open(fname) except TypeError: f = fname content = f.readlines() comments = [util.execution_stamp('Table','from_ang')] for line in content: if line.startswith('#'): comments.append(line.split('#',1)[1].strip()) else: break data = np.loadtxt(content) shapes = {'eu':3, 'pos':2, 'IQ':1, 'CI':1, 'ID':1, 'intensity':1, 'fit':1} remainder = data.shape[1]-sum(shapes.values()) if remainder > 0: # 3.8 can do: if (remainder := data.shape[1]-sum(shapes.values())) > 0 shapes['unknown'] = remainder return Table(data,shapes,comments) @property def labels(self): return list(self.shapes) def get(self,label): """ Get column data. Parameters ---------- label : str Column label. Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray Array of column data. """ if re.match(r'[0-9]*?_',label): idx,key = label.split('_',1) data =[key].to_numpy()[:,int(idx)-1].reshape(-1,1) else: data =[label].to_numpy().reshape((-1,)+self.shapes[label]) return data.astype(type(data.flatten()[0])) def set(self,label,data,info=None): """ Set column data. Parameters ---------- label : str Column label. data : np.ndarray New data. info : str, optional Human-readable information about the new data. Returns ------- table : Table Updated table. """ dup = self.copy() dup._add_comment(label,data.shape[1:],info) m = re.match(r'(.*)\[((\d+,)*(\d+))\]',label) if m: key = idx = np.ravel_multi_index(tuple(map(int,","))), self.shapes[key]) iloc = + idx[:,iloc] = data else:[label] = data.reshape([label].shape) return dup def add(self,label,data,info=None): """ Add column data. Parameters ---------- label : str Column label. data : np.ndarray Modified data. info : str, optional Human-readable information about the modified data. Returns ------- table : Table Updated table. """ dup = self.copy() dup._add_comment(label,data.shape[1:],info) dup.shapes[label] = data.shape[1:] if len(data.shape) > 1 else (1,) size =[1:],dtype=int) new = pd.DataFrame(data=data.reshape(-1,size), columns=[label]*size, ) new.index = = pd.concat([,new],axis=1) return dup def delete(self,label): """ Delete column data. Parameters ---------- label : str Column label. Returns ------- table : Table Updated table. """ dup = self.copy(),inplace=True) del dup.shapes[label] return dup def rename(self,old,new,info=None): """ Rename column data. Parameters ---------- label_old : str or iterable of str Old column label(s). label_new : str or iterable of str New column label(s). Returns ------- table : Table Updated table. """ dup = self.copy() columns = dict(zip([old] if isinstance(old,str) else old, [new] if isinstance(new,str) else new)),inplace=True) dup.comments.append(f'{old} => {new}'+('' if info is None else f': {info}')) dup.shapes = {(label if label not in columns else columns[label]):dup.shapes[label] for label in dup.shapes} return dup def sort_by(self,labels,ascending=True): """ Sort table by values of given labels. Parameters ---------- label : str or list Column labels for sorting. ascending : bool or list, optional Set sort order. Returns ------- table : Table Updated table. """ labels_ = [labels] if isinstance(labels,str) else labels.copy() for i,l in enumerate(labels_): m = re.match(r'(.*)\[((\d+,)*(\d+))\]',l) if m: idx = np.ravel_multi_index(tuple(map(int,','))), self.shapes[]) labels_[i] = f'{1+idx}_{}' dup = self.copy() dup._relabel('linear'),axis=0,inplace=True,ascending=ascending) dup._relabel('uniform') dup.comments.append(f'sorted {"ascending" if ascending else "descending"} by {labels}') return dup def append(self,other): """ Append other table vertically (similar to numpy.vstack). Requires matching labels/shapes and order. Parameters ---------- other : Table Table to append. Returns ------- table : Table Concatenated table. """ if self.shapes != other.shapes or not raise KeyError('Labels or shapes or order do not match') else: dup = self.copy() =,ignore_index=True) return dup def join(self,other): """ Append other table horizontally (similar to numpy.hstack). Requires matching number of rows and no common labels. Parameters ---------- other : Table Table to join. Returns ------- table : Table Joined table. """ if set(self.shapes) & set(other.shapes) or[0] !=[0]: raise KeyError('Dublicated keys or row count mismatch') else: dup = self.copy() = for key in other.shapes: dup.shapes[key] = other.shapes[key] return dup def save(self,fname,legacy=False): """ Save as plain text file. Parameters ---------- fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path Filename or file for writing. legacy : bool, optional Write table in legacy style, indicating header lines by "N header" in contrast to using comment sign ('#') at beginning of lines. """ seen = set() labels = [] for l in [x for x in if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))]: if self.shapes[l] == (1,): labels.append(f'{l}') elif len(self.shapes[l]) == 1: labels += [f'{i+1}_{l}' \ for i in range(self.shapes[l][0])] else: labels += [f'{util.srepr(self.shapes[l],"x")}:{i+1}_{l}' \ for i in range([l]))] header = ([f'{len(self.comments)+1} header'] + self.comments) if legacy else \ [f'# {comment}' for comment in self.comments] try: fhandle = open(fname,'w',newline='\n') except TypeError: fhandle = fname for line in header + [' '.join(labels)]: fhandle.write(line+'\n'),sep=' ',na_rep='nan',index=False,header=False)