!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @author Sharan Roongta, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @brief Parser for YAML files !> @details module converts a YAML input file to an equivalent YAML flow style which is then parsed. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module YAML_parse use prec use IO use YAML_types implicit none private public :: YAML_init public :: parse_flow,to_flow contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief do sanity checks !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine YAML_init call selfTest end subroutine YAML_init !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief reads the flow style string and stores it in the form of dictionaries, lists and scalars. !> @details A node type pointer can either point to a dictionary, list or scalar type entities. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive function parse_flow(flow_string) result(node) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow_string class (tNode), pointer :: node class (tNode), pointer :: myVal character(len=pStringLen) :: key integer :: e, & !> end position of dictionary or list s, & !> start position of dictionary or list d !> position of key: value separator (':') flow_string = trim(adjustl(flow_string(:))) if (flow_string(1:1) == '{') then ! start of a dictionary e = 1 allocate(tDict::node) do while (e < len_trim(flow_string)) s = e d = s + scan(flow_string(s+1:),':') e = d + find_end(flow_string(d+1:),'}') key = trim(adjustl(flow_string(s+1:d-1))) myVal => parse_flow(flow_string(d+1:e-1)) ! parse items (recursively) select type (node) class is (tDict) call node%set(key,myVal) end select end do elseif (flow_string(1:1) == '[') then ! start of a list e = 1 allocate(tList::node) do while (e < len_trim(flow_string)) s = e e = s + find_end(flow_string(s+1:),']') myVal => parse_flow(flow_string(s+1:e-1)) ! parse items (recursively) select type (node) class is (tList) call node%append(myVal) end select end do else ! scalar value allocate(tScalar::node) select type (node) class is (tScalar) node = trim(adjustl(flow_string)) end select endif end function parse_flow !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief finds location of chunk end: ',' or '}' or ']' !> @details leaves nested lists ( '[...]' and dicts '{...}') intact !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function find_end(str,e_char) character(len=*), intent(in) :: str character, intent(in) :: e_char !< end of list/dict ( '}' or ']') integer :: N_sq, & !< number of open square brackets N_cu, & !< number of open curly brackets i N_sq = 0 N_cu = 0 do i = 1, len_trim(str) if (N_sq==0 .and. N_cu==0 .and. scan(str(i:i),e_char//',') == 1) exit N_sq = N_sq + merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '[') N_cu = N_cu + merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '{') N_sq = N_sq - merge(1,0,str(i:i) == ']') N_cu = N_cu - merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '}') enddo find_end = i end function find_end !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief Returns Indentation. ! @details It determines the indentation level for a given block/line. ! In cases for nested lists, an offset is added to determine the indent of the item block (skip ! leading dashes) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function indentDepth(line,offset) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line integer, optional,intent(in) :: offset indentDepth = verify(line,IO_WHITESPACE) -1 if(present(offset)) indentDepth = indentDepth + offset end function indentDepth !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief check whether a string is in flow style, i.e. starts with '{' or '[' !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isFlow(line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line isFlow = index(adjustl(line),'[') == 1 .or. index(adjustl(line),'{') == 1 end function isFlow !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief check whether a string is a scalar item, i.e. starts without any special symbols !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isScalar(line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line isScalar = (.not.isKeyValue(line) .and. .not.isKey(line) .and. .not.isListItem(line) & .and. .not.isFlow(line)) end function isScalar !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief check whether a string is a list item, i.e. starts with '-' !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isListItem(line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line isListItem = index(adjustl(line),'-') == 1 end function isListItem !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief check whether a string contains a key value pair of the for ': ' !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isKeyValue(line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line isKeyValue = .false. if( .not. isKey(line) .and. index(IO_rmComment(line),':') > 0 .and. .not. isFlow(line)) then if(index(IO_rmComment(line),': ') > 0) then isKeyValue = .true. else call IO_error(704,ext_msg=line) endif endif end function isKeyValue !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief check whether a string contains a key without a value, i.e. it ends with ':' ! ToDo: check whether this is safe for trailing spaces followed by a new line character !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isKey(line) character(len=*), intent(in) :: line if(len(IO_rmComment(line)) == 0) then isKey = .false. else isKey = IO_rmComment(line(len(IO_rmComment(line)):len(IO_rmComment(line)))) == ':' & .and. .not. isFlow(line) endif end function isKey !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief reads a line of YAML block which is already in flow style ! @details Dicts should be enlcosed within '{}' for it to be consistent with DAMASK YAML parser !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_flow !< start position in flow character(len=*), intent(in) :: line integer :: & s, & list_chunk, & dict_chunk if(index(adjustl(line),'[') == 1) then s = index(line,'[') flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '[' s_flow = s_flow +1 do while(s < len_trim(line)) list_chunk = s + find_end(line(s+1:),']') if(iskeyValue(line(s+1:list_chunk-1))) then flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '{' s_flow = s_flow +1 call keyValue_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line(s+1:list_chunk-1)) flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '}' s_flow = s_flow +1 elseif(isFlow(line(s+1:list_chunk-1))) then call line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line(s+1:list_chunk-1)) else call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line(s+1:list_chunk-1)) endif flow(s_flow:s_flow+1) = ', ' s_flow = s_flow +2 s = s + find_end(line(s+1:),']') enddo s_flow = s_flow - 1 if (flow(s_flow-1:s_flow-1) == ',') s_flow = s_flow - 1 flow(s_flow:s_flow) = ']' s_flow = s_flow+1 elseif(index(adjustl(line),'{') == 1) then s = index(line,'{') flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '{' s_flow = s_flow +1 do while(s < len_trim(line)) dict_chunk = s + find_end(line(s+1:),'}') if( .not. iskeyValue(line(s+1:dict_chunk-1))) call IO_error(705,ext_msg=line) call keyValue_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line(s+1:dict_chunk-1)) flow(s_flow:s_flow+1) = ', ' s_flow = s_flow +2 s = s + find_end(line(s+1:),'}') enddo s_flow = s_flow -1 if(flow(s_flow-1:s_flow-1) == ',') s_flow = s_flow -1 flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '}' s_flow = s_flow +1 else call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) endif end subroutine line_isFlow !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief reads a line of YAML block of type : and places it in the YAML flow style structure ! @details Makes sure that the is consistent with the input required in DAMASK YAML parser !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine keyValue_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_flow !< start position in flow character(len=*), intent(in) :: line character(len=:), allocatable :: line_asStandard ! standard form of : integer :: & d_flow, & col_pos, & offset_value col_pos = index(line,':') if(isFlow(line(col_pos+1:))) then d_flow = len_trim(adjustl(line(:col_pos))) flow(s_flow:s_flow+d_flow+1) = trim(adjustl(line(:col_pos)))//' ' s_flow = s_flow + d_flow+1 call line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line(col_pos+1:)) else offset_value = indentDepth(line(col_pos+2:)) line_asStandard = line(:col_pos+1)//line(col_pos+2+offset_value:) call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line_asStandard) endif end subroutine keyValue_toFlow !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief reads a line of YAML block and places it in the YAML flow style structure !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_flow !< start position in flow character(len=*), intent(in) :: line integer :: & d_flow d_flow = len_trim(adjustl(line)) flow(s_flow:s_flow+d_flow) = trim(adjustl(line)) s_flow = s_flow + d_flow end subroutine line_toFlow !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief convert a yaml list in block style to a yaml list in flow style ! @details enters the function when encountered with the list indicator '- ' ! reads each scalar list item and separates each other with a ',' ! If list item is non scalar, it stores the offset for that list item block ! Increase in the indentation level or when list item is not scalar -> 'decide' function is called. ! decrease in indentation level indicates the end of an indentation block !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine lst(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck !< YAML in mixed style character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_blck, & !< start position in blck s_flow, & !< start position in flow offset !< stores leading '- ' in nested lists character(len=pStringLen) :: line integer :: e_blck,indent indent = indentDepth(blck(s_blck:),offset) do while (s_blck <= len_trim(blck)) e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2 line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck)) if (len_trim(line) == 0) then s_blck = e_blck + 2 ! forward to next line cycle elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) > indent) then call decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) offset = 0 flow(s_flow:s_flow+1) = ', ' s_flow = s_flow + 2 elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) < indent .or. .not. isListItem(line)) then offset = 0 exit ! job done (lower level) else if(trim(adjustl(line)) == '-') then ! list item in next line s_blck = e_blck + 2 e_blck = e_blck + index(blck(e_blck+2:),IO_EOL) line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck)) if(indentDepth(line) < indent .or. indentDepth(line) == indent) & call IO_error(701,ext_msg=line) if(isScalar(line)) then call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 offset = 0 elseif(isFlow(line)) then call line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 offset = 0 endif else ! list item in the same line if(line(indentDepth(line)+2:indentDepth(line)+2) /= ' ') & call IO_error(703,ext_msg=line) line = line(indentDepth(line)+3:) if(isScalar(line)) then call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 offset = 0 elseif(isFlow(line)) then call line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 offset = 0 else ! non scalar list item offset = offset + indentDepth(blck(s_blck:))+1 ! offset in spaces to be ignored s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:e_blck),'-') ! s_blck after '-' symbol endif end if end if if(isScalar(line) .or. isFlow(line)) then flow(s_flow:s_flow+1) = ', ' s_flow = s_flow +2 endif end do s_flow = s_flow - 1 if (flow(s_flow-1:s_flow-1) == ',') s_flow = s_flow - 1 end subroutine lst !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief convert a yaml dict in block style to a yaml dict in flow style ! @details enters the function when encountered with the dictionary indicator ':' ! parses each line in the block and compares indentation of a line with the preceding line ! upon increase in indentation level -> 'decide' function decides if the line is a list or dict ! decrease in indentation indicates the end of an indentation block !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine dct(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck !< YAML in mixed style character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_blck, & !< start position in blck s_flow, & !< start position in flow offset character(len=pStringLen) :: line integer :: e_blck,indent logical :: previous_isKey previous_isKey = .false. indent = indentDepth(blck(s_blck:),offset) do while (s_blck <= len_trim(blck)) e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2 line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck)) if (len_trim(line) == 0) then s_blck = e_blck + 2 ! forward to next line cycle elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) < indent) then if(isScalar(line) .or. isFlow(line) .and. previous_isKey) & call IO_error(701,ext_msg=line) offset = 0 exit ! job done (lower level) elseif(indentDepth(line,offset) > indent .or. isListItem(line)) then offset = 0 call decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) else if(isScalar(line)) call IO_error(701,ext_msg=line) if(isFlow(line)) call IO_error(702,ext_msg=line) line = line(indentDepth(line)+1:) if(previous_isKey) then flow(s_flow-1:s_flow) = ', ' s_flow = s_flow + 1 endif if(isKeyValue(line)) then call keyValue_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) else call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) endif s_blck = e_blck +2 end if if(isScalar(line) .or. isKeyValue(line)) then flow(s_flow:s_flow) = ',' s_flow = s_flow + 1 previous_isKey = .false. else previous_isKey = .true. endif flow(s_flow:s_flow) = ' ' s_flow = s_flow + 1 offset = 0 end do s_flow = s_flow - 1 if (flow(s_flow-1:s_flow-1) == ',') s_flow = s_flow - 1 end subroutine dct !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief decide whether next block is list or dict !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine decide(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck !< YAML in mixed style character(len=*), intent(inout) :: flow !< YAML in flow style only integer, intent(inout) :: s_blck, & !< start position in blck s_flow, & !< start position in flow offset integer :: e_blck character(len=pStringLen) :: line if(s_blck <= len(blck)) then e_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2 line = IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:e_blck)) ! exit here if '---' is found if (isListItem(line)) then flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '[' s_flow = s_flow + 1 call lst(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) flow(s_flow:s_flow) = ']' s_flow = s_flow + 1 elseif(isKey(line) .or. isKeyValue(line)) then flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '{' s_flow = s_flow + 1 call dct(blck,flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) flow(s_flow:s_flow) = '}' s_flow = s_flow + 1 elseif(isFlow(line)) then call line_isFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 else line = line(indentDepth(line)+1:) call line_toFlow(flow,s_flow,line) s_blck = e_blck +2 endif endif end subroutine !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! @brief convert all block style YAML parts to flow style !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function to_flow(blck) character(len=:), allocatable :: to_flow character(len=*), intent(in) :: blck !< YAML mixed style integer :: s_blck, & !< start position in blck s_flow, & !< start position in flow offset, & !< counts leading '- ' in nested lists end_line if(isFlow(blck)) then to_flow = trim(adjustl(blck)) else allocate(character(len=len(blck)*2)::to_flow) ! move forward here (skip empty lines) and remove '----' if found s_flow = 1 s_blck = 1 offset = 0 call decide(blck,to_flow,s_blck,s_flow,offset) to_flow = trim(to_flow(:s_flow-1)) endif end_line = index(to_flow,new_line('')) if(end_line > 0) to_flow = to_flow(:end_line-1) end function to_flow !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine selfTest() if (indentDepth(' a') /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='indentDepth') if (indentDepth('a') /= 0) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='indentDepth') if (indentDepth('x ') /= 0) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='indentDepth') if ( isFlow(' a')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isFLow') if (.not. isFlow('{')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isFlow') if (.not. isFlow(' [')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isFlow') if ( isListItem(' a')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isListItem') if (.not. isListItem('- a ')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isListItem') if (.not. isListItem(' -b')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isListItem') if ( isKeyValue(' a')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKeyValue') if ( isKeyValue(' a: ')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKeyValue') if (.not. isKeyValue(' a: b')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKeyValue') if ( isKey(' a')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if ( isKey('{a:b}')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if ( isKey(' a:b')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if (.not. isKey(' a: ')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if (.not. isKey(' a:')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if (.not. isKey(' a: #')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isKey') if( isScalar('a: ')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isScalar') if( isScalar('a: b')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isScalar') if( isScalar('{a:b}')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isScalar') if( isScalar('- a:')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isScalar') if(.not. isScalar(' a')) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='isScalar') basic_list: block character(len=*), parameter :: block_list = & " - Casablanca"//IO_EOL//& " - North by Northwest"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: block_list_newline = & " -"//IO_EOL//& " Casablanca"//IO_EOL//& " -"//IO_EOL//& " North by Northwest"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: flow_list = & "[Casablanca, North by Northwest]" if (.not. to_flow(block_list) == flow_list) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') if (.not. to_flow(block_list_newline) == flow_list) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') end block basic_list basic_dict: block character(len=*), parameter :: block_dict = & " aa: Casablanca"//IO_EOL//& " bb: North by Northwest"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: block_dict_newline = & " aa:"//IO_EOL//& " Casablanca"//IO_EOL//& " bb:"//IO_EOL//& " North by Northwest"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: flow_dict = & "{aa: Casablanca, bb: North by Northwest}" if (.not. to_flow(block_dict) == flow_dict) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') if (.not. to_flow(block_dict_newline) == flow_dict) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') end block basic_dict basic_flow: block character(len=*), parameter :: flow_braces = & " source: [{param: 1}, {param: 2}, {param: 3}, {param: 4}]"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: flow_mixed_braces = & " source: [param: 1, {param: 2}, param: 3, {param: 4}]"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: flow = & "{source: [{param: 1}, {param: 2}, {param: 3}, {param: 4}]}" if (.not. to_flow(flow_braces) == flow) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') if (.not. to_flow(flow_mixed_braces) == flow) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') end block basic_flow basic_mixed: block character(len=*), parameter :: block_flow = & " aa:"//IO_EOL//& " - "//IO_EOL//& " param_1: [a: b, c, {d: {e: [f: g, h]}}]"//IO_EOL//& " - c: d"//IO_EOL//& " bb:"//IO_EOL//& " - {param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}"//IO_EOL character(len=*), parameter :: mixed_flow = & "{aa: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}, {c: d}], bb: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}]}" if(.not. to_flow(block_flow) == mixed_flow) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='to_flow') end block basic_mixed end subroutine selfTest end module YAML_parse