import copy from os import path import numpy as np import h5py from . import Config from . import Rotation from . import Orientation class ConfigMaterial(Config): """Material configuration.""" _defaults = {'material': [], 'homogenization': {}, 'phase': {}} def __init__(self,d={}): """Initialize object with default dictionary keys.""" super().__init__(d) for k,v in self._defaults.items(): if k not in self: self[k] = v def save(self,fname='material.yaml',**kwargs): """ Save to yaml file. Parameters ---------- fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional Filename or file for writing. Defaults to 'material.yaml'. **kwargs Keyword arguments parsed to yaml.dump. """ super().save(fname,**kwargs) @classmethod def load(cls,fname='material.yaml'): """ Load from yaml file. Parameters ---------- fname : file, str, or pathlib.Path, optional Filename or file for writing. Defaults to 'material.yaml'. """ return super(ConfigMaterial,cls).load(fname) @staticmethod def from_table(table,constituents={},**kwargs): """ Load from an ASCII table. Parameters ---------- table : damask.Table Table that contains material information. constituents : dict, optional Entries for 'constituents'. The key is the name and the value specifies the label of the data column in the table **kwargs Keyword arguments where the key is the name and the value specifies the label of the data column in the table Examples -------- >>> import damask >>> import damask.ConfigMaterial as cm >>> t = damask.Table.load('small.txt') >>> t pos pos pos qu qu qu qu phase homog 0 0 0 0 0.19 0.8 0.24 -0.51 Aluminum SX 1 1 0 0 0.8 0.19 0.24 -0.51 Steel SX >>> cm.from_table(t,{'O':'qu','phase':'phase'},homogenization='homog') material: - constituents: - O: [0.19, 0.8, 0.24, -0.51] fraction: 1.0 phase: Aluminum homogenization: SX - constituents: - O: [0.8, 0.19, 0.24, -0.51] fraction: 1.0 phase: Steel homogenization: SX homogenization: {} phase: {} """ constituents_ = {k:table.get(v) for k,v in constituents.items()} kwargs_ = {k:table.get(v) for k,v in kwargs.items()} _,idx = np.unique(np.hstack(list({**constituents_,**kwargs_}.values())),return_index=True,axis=0) idx = np.sort(idx) constituents_ = {k:np.atleast_1d(v[idx].squeeze()) for k,v in constituents_.items()} kwargs_ = {k:np.atleast_1d(v[idx].squeeze()) for k,v in kwargs_.items()} return ConfigMaterial().material_add(constituents_,**kwargs_) @staticmethod def load_from_Dream3D(fname,base_group,grain_data,phase_name): """ Load material data from DREAM3D file. The parts of homogenization and phase need to be added by the user. Parameters ---------- fname : str path to the DREAM3D file. base_group : str Name of the group (folder) below 'DataContainers', for example 'SyntheticVolumeDataContainer/Grain Data'. grain_data : str Name of the dataset having grain based data for conversion, for example 'EulerAngles'. phase_name : list List with name of the phases. Examples -------- >>> import damask >>> import damask.ConfigMaterial as cm >>> t = damask.Table.load('small.txt') >>> t pos pos pos qu qu qu qu phase homog 0 0 0 0 0.19 0.8 0.24 -0.51 Aluminum SX 1 1 0 0 0.8 0.19 0.24 -0.51 Steel SX >>> cm.from_table(t,{'O':'qu','phase':'phase'},homogenization='homog') material: - constituents: - O: [0.19, 0.8, 0.24, -0.51] fraction: 1.0 phase: Aluminum homogenization: SX - constituents: - O: [0.8, 0.19, 0.24, -0.51] fraction: 1.0 phase: Steel homogenization: SX homogenization: {} phase: {} """ root_dir = 'DataContainers' hdf = h5py.File(fname,'r') config_info = ConfigMaterial() # empty yaml dictionary orientation_path = path.join(root_dir,base_group,grain_data) grain_orientations = np.array(hdf[orientation_path]) grain_quats = Rotation.from_Euler_angles(grain_orientations).as_quaternion() material_dict = config_info.material_add(constituents={'phase':phase_name[0],'O':grain_quats},homogenization='SX') @property def is_complete(self): """Check for completeness.""" ok = True for top_level in ['homogenization','phase','material']: # ToDo: With python 3.8 as prerequisite we can shorten with := ok &= top_level in self if top_level not in self: print(f'{top_level} entry missing') if ok: ok &= len(self['material']) > 0 if len(self['material']) < 1: print('Incomplete material definition') if ok: homogenization = set() phase = set() for i,v in enumerate(self['material']): if 'homogenization' in v: homogenization.add(v['homogenization']) else: print(f'No homogenization specified in material {i}') ok = False if 'constituents' in v: for ii,vv in enumerate(v['constituents']): if 'O' not in vv: print('No orientation specified in constituent {ii} of material {i}') ok = False if 'phase' in vv: phase.add(vv['phase']) else: print(f'No phase specified in constituent {ii} of material {i}') ok = False for k,v in self['phase'].items(): if 'lattice' not in v: print(f'No lattice specified in phase {k}') ok = False for k,v in self['homogenization'].items(): if 'N_constituents' not in v: print(f'No. of constituents not specified in homogenization {k}') ok = False if phase - set(self['phase']): print(f'Phase(s) {phase-set(self["phase"])} missing') ok = False if homogenization - set(self['homogenization']): print(f'Homogenization(s) {homogenization-set(self["homogenization"])} missing') ok = False return ok @property def is_valid(self): """Check for valid file layout.""" ok = True if 'phase' in self: for k,v in self['phase'].items(): if 'lattice' in v: try: Orientation(lattice=v['lattice']) except KeyError: s = v['lattice'] print(f"Invalid lattice: '{s}' in phase '{k}'") ok = False if 'material' in self: for i,v in enumerate(self['material']): if 'constituents' in v: f = 0.0 for c in v['constituents']: f+= float(c['fraction']) if 'O' in c: try: Rotation.from_quaternion(c['O']) except ValueError: o = c['O'] print(f"Invalid orientation: '{o}' in material '{i}'") ok = False if not np.isclose(f,1.0): print(f"Invalid total fraction '{f}' in material '{i}'") ok = False return ok def material_rename_phase(self,mapping,ID=None,constituent=None): """ Change phase name in material. Parameters ---------- mapping: dictionary Mapping from old name to new name ID: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected material IDs. constituent: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected constituents. """ dup = copy.deepcopy(self) for i,m in enumerate(dup['material']): if ID and i not in ID: continue for c in m['constituents']: if constituent is not None and c not in constituent: continue try: c['phase'] = mapping[c['phase']] except KeyError: continue return dup def material_rename_homogenization(self,mapping,ID=None): """ Change homogenization name in material. Parameters ---------- mapping: dictionary Mapping from old name to new name ID: list of ints, optional Limit renaming to selected homogenization IDs. """ dup = copy.deepcopy(self) for i,m in enumerate(dup['material']): if ID and i not in ID: continue try: m['homogenization'] = mapping[m['homogenization']] except KeyError: continue return dup def material_add(self,constituents=None,**kwargs): """ Add material entries. Parameters ---------- constituents : dict, optional Entries for 'constituents' as key-value pair. **kwargs Key-value pairs. Examples -------- >>> import damask >>> O = damask.Rotation.from_random(3).as_quaternion() >>> phase = ['Aluminum','Steel','Aluminum'] >>> m = damask.ConfigMaterial().material_add(constituents={'phase':phase,'O':O}, ... homogenization='SX') >>> m material: - constituents: - O: [0.577764, -0.146299, -0.617669, 0.513010] fraction: 1.0 phase: Aluminum homogenization: SX - constituents: - O: [0.184176, 0.340305, 0.737247, 0.553840] fraction: 1.0 phase: Steel homogenization: SX - constituents: - O: [0.0886257, -0.144848, 0.615674, -0.769487] fraction: 1.0 phase: Aluminum homogenization: SX homogenization: {} phase: {} """ length = -1 for v in kwargs.values(): if hasattr(v,'__len__') and not isinstance(v,str): if length != -1 and len(v) != length: raise ValueError('Cannot add entries of different length') else: length = len(v) length = max(1,length) c = [{} for _ in range(length)] if constituents is None else \ [{'constituents':u} for u in ConfigMaterial._constituents(**constituents)] if len(c) == 1: c = [copy.deepcopy(c[0]) for _ in range(length)] if length != 1 and length != len(c): raise ValueError('Cannot add entries of different length') for k,v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(v,'__len__') and not isinstance(v,str): for i,vv in enumerate(v): c[i][k] = vv.item() if isinstance(vv,np.generic) else vv else: for i in range(len(c)): c[i][k] = v dup = copy.deepcopy(self) dup['material'] = dup['material'] + c if 'material' in dup else c return dup @staticmethod def _constituents(N=1,**kwargs): """Construct list of constituents.""" N_material=1 for v in kwargs.values(): if hasattr(v,'__len__') and not isinstance(v,str): N_material = len(v) if N == 1: m = [[{'fraction':1.0}] for _ in range(N_material)] for k,v in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(v,'__len__') and not isinstance(v,str): if len(v) != N_material: raise ValueError('Cannot add entries of different length') for i,vv in enumerate(np.array(v)): m[i][0][k] = vv.item() if isinstance(vv,np.generic) else vv else: for i in range(N_material): m[i][0][k] = v return m else: raise NotImplementedError