#!/usr/bin/env python ## # This script will read in all the seeds and partition the space # using scipy.spatial.Delaunay triangulation. # The unknown location will be then interpolated through Barycentric # interpolation method, which relies on the triangulation. # A rim will be automatically added to the patch, which will help # improve the compatibility with the spectral solver as well as # maintain meaningful microstructure(reduce artifacts). import sys, os import numpy as np import argparse from scipy.spatial import Delaunay scriptID = string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') scriptName = os.path.splitext(scriptID.split()[1])[0] OFFSET = 0.1 #resize the seeded volume to give space for rim/pan PHANTOM_ID = -1 #grain ID for phantom seeds def d_print(info, data, separator=False): '''quickly print debug information''' if(separator): print "*"*80 print info print data #prepare command line interface parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="geoFromBarycentic", description='''Generate geom file through \ Barycentric interpolating seeds file.''', epilog="requires numpy, and scipy.") parser.add_argument("seeds", help="seeds file in DAMASK format:\ http://damask.mpie.de/Documentation/AsciiTableFormat", default="test.seeds") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s 0.1") parser.add_argument("-g", "--grid", nargs=3, help="grid size(mesh resolution, recommend using 2^x)", default=[32,32,32], type=int) parser.add_argument("-s", "--size", help="physical size of the target volume.", nargs=3, default=[1.0,1.0,1.0], type=float) parser.add_argument("-o", "--origin", help="lower left corner of the patch.", nargs=3, default=[0.0,0.0,0.0], type=float) parser.add_argument('-m', '--homogenization', help='homogenization index to be used', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('-c', '--crystallite', help='crystallite index to be used', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('-p', '--phase', help='phase index to be used', default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument('-F', '--Favg', help='reshape the periodicity, not useful for RIM method', nargs=9, default=[1.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0], type=float) parser.add_argument("-G", "--geomFile", help='the name of the output geom file', default='seeds.geom', type=str) parser.add_argument("-C", "--configFile", help='output dummy material.config file', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="start debugging script", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("-S", "--seedsFile", help="write out resized seeds file", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("-r", '--addRim', help="add rim and provide control of face lifting point", action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() # get all the arguments right after #quick help to user print "*"*80 parser.print_help() print '''Sample usage: ./geoFromBarycentic.py 20grains.seeds -g 128 128 128 -S -r; geom_check seeds.geom; seeds_check new_seed.seeds. ''' print "*"*80 if (args.debug): d_print("args are:", parser.parse_args(),separator=True) #/\/\/\/\/# # m a i n # #\/\/\/\/\# print "only work for 3D case now, 2D support coming soon..." print "reading seeds file: {}".format(args.seeds) with open(args.seeds, 'r') as f: rawtext = f.readlines() n_header = int(rawtext.pop(0).split()[0]) #record all the seeds position if (args.addRim): grid_shift = np.array(args.size) * np.array([OFFSET,OFFSET,OFFSET*2]) s_coords = np.array([[np.array(float(item))*(1 - OFFSET*2) for item in line.split()[:3]] + grid_shift for line in rawtext[n_header:]]) else: #no need for shifting with periodicity s_coords = np.array([[np.array(float(item)) for item in line.split()[:3]] for line in rawtext[n_header:]]) #record ID of the seeds: int/EulerAngles if 'microstructure' in rawtext[n_header-1]: s_id = [int(line.split()[-1]) for line in rawtext[n_header:]] else: print "WARNING:" print "THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TO GROUP CRYSTALLITES." print "ALL CRYSTAL ORIENTATIONS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE UNIQUE." print "FOR MORE ACCURATE CONTROL OF SEEDS GROUPING, USE MICROSTRUCTURE ID." s_id = range(len(s_coords)) #s_eulers here is just a quick book keeping s_eulers = np.array([[float(item) for item in line.split()[3:]] for line in rawtext[n_header:]]) if(args.debug): print d_print("resize point cloud to make space for rim/pan:", s_coords) if(args.addRim): #add binding box to create rim/pan for the volume where the ID of the seeds is #unknown print "Shrining the seeds to {}x in each direction".format(1 - OFFSET*2) x,y,z = args.size[0],args.size[1],args.size[2] print "Use circumscribed sphere to place phantom seeds." r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)/2.0 BINDBOX = [[0,0,0],[x,0,0],[0,y,0],[x,y,0], [0,0,z],[x,0,z],[0,y,z],[x,y,z], [x/2.0+r,y/2, z/2], [x/2.0-r, y/2, z/2], [x/2, y/2.0+r, z/2], [x/2, y/2.0-r, z/2], [x/2, y/2, z/2.0-r]] #8 corners + 5 face centers (no top) print "Adding phantom seeds for RIM generation:" for point in BINDBOX: print point s_coords = np.vstack([s_coords,point]) s_id.append(PHANTOM_ID) else: #The idea here is that we read in each seed point, than duplicate in 3D (make a few copies), #move on to the next seed point, repeat the same procedure. As for the ID list, we can just use the #same one. The trick here is use the floor division to find the correct id since we pretty much duplicate #the same point several times. Favg = np.array(args.Favg).reshape((3,3)) x,y,z = args.size[0],args.size[1],args.size[2] tmp = [] for seed in s_coords: tmp += [np.dot(Favg, np.array(seed) + np.array([dx,dy,dz])) for dz in [-z, 0, z] for dy in [-y, 0, y] for dx in [-x, 0, x]] s_coords = tmp for item in tmp: print item if (args.seedsFile): with open("new_seed.seeds", "w") as f: outstr = "4\theader\n" outstr += "grid\ta {}\tb {}\tc {}\n".format(args.grid[0], args.grid[1], args.grid[2]) outstr += "microstructures {}\n".format(len(set(s_id))) outstr += "randomSeed 0\n" outstr += "x\ty\tz\tmicrostructure" if (args.addRim): for i in range(len(s_id)): outstr += "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(s_coords[i][0], s_coords[i][1], s_coords[i][2], s_id[i]) else: for i in range(len(s_coords)): outstr += "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(s_coords[i][0], s_coords[i][1], s_coords[i][2], s_id[i//3**3]) f.write(outstr) #triangulate space with given point-clouds tri = Delaunay(s_coords) if(args.debug): d_print("simplices:", tri.simplices, separator=True) d_print("vertices:", s_coords[tri.simplices]) #populate grid points (only 3D for now) mesh_pts = [[(i+0.5)*args.size[0]/args.grid[0], (j+0.5)*args.size[1]/args.grid[1], (k+0.5)*args.size[2]/args.grid[2]] for k in range(args.grid[2]) for j in range(args.grid[1]) for i in range(args.grid[0])] mesh_ids = [PHANTOM_ID*2]*len(mesh_pts) #initialize grid #search ID for each grid point s_id = np.array(s_id) #allow multi-indexing mesh_idx = tri.find_simplex(mesh_pts) for i, pt in enumerate(mesh_pts): if mesh_idx[i] < 0: continue #didn't find any envelop tetrahedron --> something wrong! #calculate Barycentric coordinates bary_c = tri.transform[mesh_idx[i],:3,:3].dot(pt-tri.transform[mesh_idx[i],3,:]) bary_c = np.append(bary_c, 1 - bary_c.sum()) if (args.addRim): tmp_ids = s_id[tri.simplices[mesh_idx[i]]] #rim method else: tmp_ids = np.array(s_id[tri.simplices[mesh_idx[i]]//(3**3)]) #kill periodicity through floor division #print tmp_ids #print tri.simplices[mesh_idx[i]]//(3**3) max_weight = -1960 for this_id in tmp_ids: msk = [item==this_id for item in tmp_ids] #find vertex with the same id tmp_weight = sum([bary_c[j] for j in range(len(bary_c)) if msk[j]]) if tmp_weight > max_weight: max_weight = tmp_weight mesh_ids[i] = this_id if (args.debug): d_print("bary_c:",bary_c,separator=True) d_print("vertex ID:", tmp_ids) d_print("final ID:", mesh_ids[i]) mesh_ids = np.reshape(mesh_ids, (-1, args.grid[0])) #write to file with open(args.geomFile, "w") as f: outstr = "5\theader\n" outstr += "grid\ta {}\tb {}\tc {}\n".format(args.grid[0], args.grid[1], args.grid[2]) outstr += "size\tx {}\ty {}\tz {}\n".format(args.size[0], args.size[1], args.size[2]) outstr += "origin\tx {}\ty {}\tz {}\n".format(args.origin[0], args.origin[1], args.origin[2]) outstr += "homogenization\t{}\nmicrostructure\t{}\n".format(args.homogenization, len(set(s_id))) for row in mesh_ids: row = [str(item) for item in list(row)] outstr += "\t".join(row) + "\n" f.write(outstr)