! $Id$
!> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Isostrain (full constraint Taylor assuption) homogenization scheme
module homogenization_none
 use prec, only: &
 implicit none
 public :: &


!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields, reads information from material configuration file
subroutine homogenization_none_init(fileUnit)
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env                                                                  ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran 4.6 at the moment)
 use IO
 use material
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),                                      intent(in) :: fileUnit
 integer :: &
   maxNinstance                                                                                     ! no pInt (stores a system dependen value from 'count'
 write(6,'(/,a)')   ' <<<+-  homogenization_'//HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_label//' init  -+>>>'
 write(6,'(a)')     ' $Id$'
 write(6,'(a15,a)') ' Current time: ',IO_timeStamp()
#include "compilation_info.f90"

 maxNinstance = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_ID)
 if (maxNinstance == 0) return

end subroutine homogenization_none_init

end module homogenization_none