changed all remaining routines in f2py to more clever determination of array size (requires f2py >= 2.0)
enabled 3D visualize to work with odd resolution by switching to linear reconstruction
PLEASE NOTE: Redefinition of routines for f2py might cause trouble -> DELETE DAMASK_ROOT/lib/damask/ in this case
further changes: added pure statement where possible, polished, unified use of "Q" for "Quaternion" and reordered math to have similar routines together
f2py functions remaining in math.f90 now uses assumed size arrays in order to have simpler interfaces. This is only working with python 2.7!
changed python pre- and postprocessing scripts.
If you encounter any problems whith core modules, try to remove the old in the lib/damask
symlinks in DAMASK_ROOT/bin do not carry the extension, but the source files do.
Hope that results in the maximum number of happy developers and users.