- read in activation energy for dislocation glide from material.config
- changed naming of dDipMin/Max to dLower/dUpper
- added new outputs: rho_dot, rho_dot_dip, rho_dot_gen, rho_dot_sgl2dip, rho_dot_dip2sgl, rho_dot_ann_ath, rho_dot_ann_the, rho_dot_flux, d_upper_edge, d_upper_screw, d_upper_dot_edge, d_upper_dot_screw
- poisson's ratio is now calculated from elastic constants
- microstrucutre has state as first argument, since this is our output variable
- periodic boundary conditions are taken into account for fluxes and internal stresses. for the moment, flag has to be set in constitutive_nonlocal.
- corrected calculation for dipole formation by glide
- added terms for dipole formation/annihilation by stress decrease/increase
- passing of arguments is adapted for constitutive_nonlocal model
- in stiffness calculation: call to collect_dotState used wrong arguments
- crystallite_postResults uses own Tstar_v and temperature, no need for passing them from materialpoint_postResults
- crystallite_postResults uses own Tstar_v and temperature, no need for passing them from materialpoint_postResults
- changed error message 229
- changed example for nonlocal constitution according to constitutive_nonlocal
- added some flush statements
crystallite does not accelerate anymore, since, typically, longer step immediately fails and uses resources in vain. (future: remember number of successful steps to increase step size after x of those...)
# IO has some additional functionality for Abaqus parsing
# ping pong scheme in FE interface now similar (and more human understandable) in both versions
# mesh has better splitting of different tasks, plus operation on database whenever possible
# FEsolver as new global var to indicate FEM solver type
# computation mode reshuffling: 6 is now Marc special case of recycling...
- take orientation gradients into account when calculating dislocation stress and dislocation fluxes
- hard coded value for nu
- changed kinetics (parameter G0 is currently defined as a parameter, needs to be read from material.config)
- added some output statements
- some functions and subroutines needed additional input variables for passing to constitutive_nonlocal
- some functions and subroutines needed additional input variables for passing to constitutive
- call microstructure with current temperature, Fp, Fe, not "sub0" values
- show number of IPs, that are "onTrack" instead of those not "onTrack"
- calculate Fe at beginning of substep, since we need it for state preguess
(state < relevant state) or (residuum < relative tolerance * state)
since the relevant value for the state variables depend on their nature and can vary by large scales (e.g. volume fraction: 1e-10, dislocation density: 1e5) it is not possible to set a unique value. instead the constitutive law has to decide what is relevant. therefore, all constitutive laws now read in parameters from the material.config that determine the values for relevantState [@luc: in dislobased law relevant State is for the moment generally set to 1e-200, so no additional parameters necessary in material.config. if you also want this feature, we can still implement it, no big deal]
- added sanity checks in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
- corrected coordinate transformation for backstress calculation in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
- corrected equations for evolution of dipole dislocation densities (athermal annihilation and formation by glide)
<< correction for a very stupid mistake. replacing stress P with the absolute value of stress abs(P) during convergence check. it should work upon deep-drawing.
homogenization.f90 and crystallite.f90 >>> Correction in the algorithm to count the iteration distribution (for better statistics).
material.config and numerics.config >>> more collection of parameters.
- dipole dislocations with evolution
- collect state uses subdt and subTstar0_v
- in nonlocal modus: set all crystallites to broken if one is not on track anymore after either stress integration or state update
- constitutive_microstructure is now called inside state update and not in integrate_stress anymore
- new parameter for nonlocal constitution
- age Tstar after increment was finished
IO.f90 >>> adding "inRad" instead of using inRad from math.f90 module, since math.f90 module is now below IO.f90.
numerics.f90 >>> now can read the parameter "fixed_seed" from numerics.config. this parameter is used to set a pseudo-random number generator/fixed seeding. default value is 0 (zero), which will give fully random number.
math.f90 >> adding a possibility to fix the seeding (i.e., pseudo random number)
numerics.config >>> add a new parameter: "fixed_seed"
constitutive_phenopowerlaw.f90 >>> adding new parameter: constitutive_phenopowerlaw_w0_slip, i.e., the hardening rate exponent.
homogenization.f90 >>> most important change is to add an if-else statement (line 379-380) to switch crystallite_requeted = .false. for already converged material point iteration (el/ip). the rest of the changes are cosmetics and debugging stuffs.
crystallite.f90 >>> similar to homogenization.f90, the most important change is to add additional if-else statement (line 574) in the jacobian (perturbation) loop. now the jacobian calculation will only be performed when crystallite_requested = .true.. the rest is only cosmetic.
- completed postResults output function
- connecting vector of neighboring material points is mapped to intermediate configuration of my neighbor
- zero out dotState only when crystallite is non-finished
- set nonfinished flag to false if crystallite is not on Track after state update
- in updateState: set onTrack flag to false if encounter NaN
- removed some old debugging outputs and added others
- in debugging mode now telling when a cutback happens
formerly, if the number of orientations requested was (far) less than the number of nonzero bins in the texture representation, you only got a subset of low phi1 values..! (that is the top corner in Euler space -- Hi Bing ;-) )