- switched Fi and Li from state variables to crystallite variables
- Lp and Li are now work conjugate with the corresponding mandel stresses defined in their respective configuration
- T, Lp and Li need to return tangents wrt Fi arising from the convection of the material frame due to Fi
- Updated analytic jacobian to take into account tangents wrt Fi
- Updated Lp and Li residual jacobians to take into account tangents wrt Fi
temperature is stored in crystallite, but homogeneous on one IP (not an component (grain) quantity and an input value parsed in by the BVP solver.
introduced heat, a component (grain) quantity which is homogenized before returned to the heat transfer solver.
went ahead with removal of dummy functions in homogenization and constitutive, this time mainly reduced function signatures to reflect actually needed quantities.
commented and cleaned up the marc interface.
For marc simulations, run
introduced PETSc option for debugging that introduces some debugging options into the petsc options and move PETSc initialization from numerics to DAMASK_spectral_utilities
Removed "leapfrogging" (increase of step for next guess, when last guess was ok); Replaced Armijo rule testing for step size by simple check if the residuum got better, since the former virtually did not have any effect; consistently using the 2-norm of the residuum rather than infinity-norm for the convergence check throughout the function
lattice.f90, FEsolving.f90: explicitly defined public functions and variables, all others are now private
numerics.f90: changed output format of real numbers, now instead of 0.1eX 1.0e(X-1) is printed to screen
Makefile: now using correct Optimization flags for OPTIMIZATION=AGGRESSIVE
DAMASK_spectral_AL.f90: improved, but still testing. Stress BCs now seem to be handled correctly
added compiler switches for gfortran and ifort to check for standard conformity
old gnu compilers <4.4 are not longer supported because they don't provide the c binding for fftw
-removed to long lines
-restructured f2py modules and merged make_DAMASK2Python into setup processing
-setup_code.py now sets library path in makefile and asks for compile switches for spectral code
-substituted \ in format strings with $
restructured DAMASK_spectral:
-more logical output and structure of code
-better input for spectral debug parameters
introduced parameters for selective debugging of spectral code and partly introduced the advanced divergence calculation again which is controlled by debug.config
added switch in numerics to control divergence behavior (uncorrected and corrected by phenomenological factor)
added precision directive to all values I found