Correction of the expression for the velocity of mobile dislocation densities in constitutive_dislobased.f90
Correction of some Fortran syntax, incompatible with Compaq Visual Fortran (e.g. integer(8))
I restructured the subroutine in view of non local constitutive models.
ATTENTION OpenMP parallelization does not work with this version, needs some more work.
ATTENTION CPFEM_GIA8.f90 is not addopted to the new scheme and will NOT work, should actually be renamed CPFEM_RGC.f90 ;-)
I removed crystallite.f90, the routines are now in CPFEM_*.f90.
I removed the marc2005 interface routine since it is outdated.
- added subroutine to detect symmetric solver
mesh.f90: - added subroutine call in mesh_init to detect symmetric solver during input file parsing
mpie_cpfem_marc2007r1_sequential.f90: - resorted include order of other source files
- symmetrize d in case a symmetric solver is used
constitutive_pheno.f90: - included code to output shear rates and shear activity as post results
CPFEM_Taylor_sequential.f90: - symmetrize H_bar
- generalized reference to CPFEM_results in call of SingleCrystallite
# improved SingleCrystallite to advance by true cutbacking (instead of improving guess and integrating always from t_0)
# module "crystal" renamed to "lattice" together with its prefix for variables
# extension of "computationMode" to deal with cutbacks (CPFEM_general).
# cutback and new inc detection for MARC is based on common block variable cptim (and inc), not incsub anymore!
# generalized GrainInterAction as new homogenization scheme
# two symbolic links are required: constitutive.f90 and CPFEM.f90
renamed CPFEM_stressIP to CPFEM_MaterialPoint
renamed CPFEM_stressCrystallite to CPFEM_Crystallite
introduced new global variables to keep track of FE state within module
All subroutines were committed at once:
- constitutive_pheno works
- constitutive_dislo without twinning also works
This release should serve as reference