changed all remaining routines in f2py to more clever determination of array size (requires f2py >= 2.0)
enabled 3D visualize to work with odd resolution by switching to linear reconstruction
PLEASE NOTE: Redefinition of routines for f2py might cause trouble -> DELETE DAMASK_ROOT/lib/damask/ in this case
further changes: added pure statement where possible, polished, unified use of "Q" for "Quaternion" and reordered math to have similar routines together
introduced 'isotropic' and 'orthorhombic' lattice types to use corresponding symmetries in stiffness tensor. intended to be used with non-crystal plasticity models (j2, constitutive_none with isotropic, cubic or orthotropic elasticity).
saves to copy same geometry description for different elements that are essentially similar regarding the IP number but differ in total node count.
introduced quadratic tetrahedron (Marc element 127 -- element 157 might also work, but did not perform well in fully elastic calc so far)
fixed bug in the adaptive Euler integrator and the RK4 integrator, which could not reach the stateJump function, because of erroneous check for converged flag; also corrected the state counter for the RK4 integrator
added some OMP FLUSH statements were necessary
replaced openmp do by forall construct where possible; this is much safer and perhaps even as fast for small loops
Removed "leapfrogging" (increase of step for next guess, when last guess was ok); Replaced Armijo rule testing for step size by simple check if the residuum got better, since the former virtually did not have any effect; consistently using the 2-norm of the residuum rather than infinity-norm for the convergence check throughout the function
new function in IO to print integers without leading zeros, implemented it at some places in the new spectral solver (reporting still needs some serious polishing)
updated preprocessing for documentation to handle precision correctly
also introduced check for inversion into DAMASK_spectral_Utilities.f90 for the stress BC calculation. This part is further improved by using 5% of the reference stiffness to avoid trouble in the fully plastic regime (where the stiffness is underestimated)
Test for Marc 2010 is updated because the new inversion give slightly different results near 0 (order of e-13)
when winding forward to last substep in increment, also do the calculation if this substep is below "subStepMinCryst";
output of "wind forward" and "cutback" info only for crystallites that are still "todo"
maximum component in Lp determines absolute convergence criterium:
aTol = max(maxLpComp * rTol_fromConfig , aTol_fromConfig)
this ensures that small values in Lp do not spoil the convergence, similar to the effect of the relevantStrain parameter before (not needed anymore in the stress integration)