"marc_extractData" is a simple variant of the "postResult" script that extracts all data from a macro *.t16 file (quadratic elements not yet supported) and writes it into an asciitable
"addDataToGeometry" searches for corresponding *.txt and *.vtk file in a given directory and adds the data from the *.txt file as SCALARS to the *.vtk file
first script needed an additional function in mesh that returns the corresponding node of a given ip in a specific element
first call damask.core.mesh.mesh_init_postprocessing(meshfilename) to initialize all necessary mesh variables
then damask.core.mesh.mesh_build_cellnodes(nodes) calculates the cellnode positions for a given list of node positions
the meshfile that is needed for the init is created automatically by mesh_init in DAMASK
For marc simulations, run
changed all remaining routines in f2py to more clever determination of array size (requires f2py >= 2.0)
enabled 3D visualize to work with odd resolution by switching to linear reconstruction
PLEASE NOTE: Redefinition of routines for f2py might cause trouble -> DELETE DAMASK_ROOT/lib/damask/core.so in this case
further changes: added pure statement where possible, polished, unified use of "Q" for "Quaternion" and reordered math to have similar routines together
f2py functions remaining in math.f90 now uses assumed size arrays in order to have simpler interfaces. This is only working with python 2.7!
changed python pre- and postprocessing scripts.
If you encounter any problems whith core modules, try to remove the old core.so in the lib/damask
prevented FEsolving from potentially write to a none existing file
started to introduce petsc into the make chain (nothing happens if PETSC_DIR is not set)
changed order of arrays in nearest neighbor search to make it fortran fast
constitutive.f90 and homogenization.f90 write state size out during initialization
setup/setup_processing.py is using byterecl to be compatible with binary files written out by solver