added compiler switches for gfortran and ifort to check for standard conformity
old gnu compilers <4.4 are not longer supported because they don't provide the c binding for fftw
additional output in DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90
132 character cut off in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
rounding error in math.f90 complex number initialization (1.0_pReal)*2.0_pReal*pi
new $DAMASK_NUM_THREADS warning in numerics.f90 / IO.f90
polishing in DAMASK_spectral.f90
renamed some math functions, so that we have a universal naming scheme: for matrix multiplications use an "x" (e.g. math_mul33x3); don't use the "x" to describe the shape of the tensor that the function is applied to (e.g. math_invert33 instead of math_invert3x3)
for fcc constitutive_nonlocal_kinetics is called only once and the result is used for each dislocation type, for all other lattice structures we have one call for each dislocation type
dislocation velocities are stored in the state, so we actually now have three "parts" of the state, the basic states that are updated by "constitutive_dotState" come first, then the dependent states that are calculated by "constitutive_microstructure" follow, and finally we have a last part reserved for other variables that just use the memory reserved by the state array and are updated somewhere else.
LpAndItsTangent does not need the full state, but only the local state, so changed that at least for the nonlocal constitutive law
* use "math_invert3x3" instead of "math_inv3x3" for inversion of Fe
* for dislocation stress calculation: first regular case, then special case of dead dislocations in central ip
* "dv_dtau" now given for each dislocation type, so is a (ns,4) array
* deleted unused variables in "_LpAndItsTangent"
* corrected contribution of deads in "_LpAndItsTangent"
* the NaN variables defined in math did not give a proper NaN value, so use 0.0/0.0 again
* neighbors with nonlocal constitution but local properties (i.e. /nonlocal/ flag not set) are also considered for incoming fluxes
* dislocation flux is blocked if we encounter a sign change in the resolved shear stress from the central ip to the neighbor
* do not set density to zero if below certain threshold; this creates an artificial sink term
* Marc: node displacements are added to initial node coordinates (mesh_node0) to get current node positions (mesh_node), then ip coordinates are deduced
* Abaqus: ip coordinates are directly updated, no update of node coordinates!
* Spectral: for the moment no update of either ip or node coordinates! passing only dummy values with initial ip coordinates
* replaced "dble" intrinsic function by "real" with pReal kind in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
* removed useless line breaks in output of state in CPFEM.f90
* Also added some more openmp directives to increase percentage of parallelized code.
* "implicit none" was missing in two subroutines of homogenization and constitutive.
0 : only version infos and all from "hypela2"/"umat"
1 : basic outputs from "CPFEM.f90", basic output from initialization routines, debug_info
2 : extensive outputs from "CPFEM.f90", extensive output from initialization routines
3 : basic outputs from "homogenization.f90"
4 : extensive outputs from "homogenization.f90"
5 : basic outputs from "crystallite.f90"
6 : extensive outputs from "crystallite.f90"
7 : basic outputs from the constitutive files
8 : extensive outputs from the constitutive files
If verbosity is equal to zero, all counters in debug are not set during calculation (e.g. debug_StressLoopDistribution or debug_cumDotStateTicks). This might speed up parallel calculation, because all these need critical statements which extremely slow down parallel computation.
In order to keep it like that, please follow these simple rules:
DON'T use implicit array subscripts:
example: real, dimension(3,3) :: A,B
A(:,2) = B(:,1) <--- DON'T USE
A(1:3,2) = B(1:3,1) <--- BETTER USE
In many cases the use of explicit array subscripts is inevitable for parallelization. Additionally, it is an easy means to prevent memory leaks.
Enclose all write statements with the following:
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
<your write statement>
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Whenever you change something in the code and are not sure if it affects parallelization and leads to nonconforming behavior, please ask me and/or Franz to check this.
* removed input variables in constitutive_collectDotState and constitutive_postResults that are not needed anymore (because of recent changes in constitutive_nonlocal)
Now it is possible to compile a single precision spectral solver/crystal plasticity by replacing mesh.f90 and prec.f90 with mesh_single.f90 and prec_single.f90.
For the spectral method, just call "make precision=single" instead of "make". Use "make clean" evertime you switch precision