Luc Hantcherli
I will proceed step by step.
constitutive_dislo.f90 contains a modified version of Anxin's dislocation based model. As far as tested it, I consider it now error free. Mechanical twinning is NOT implemented YET.
mattex.mpie file is modified in accordance with the changes in constitutive_dislo.f90
It would be a great help if someone else can check the implementation. I may have overseen something.
2008-11-06 13:09:12 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
In dislo:
- model for stacking fault energy computation w.r.t temperature and orientation
- classical thermodynamical approach to twin nucleation (delta_E)
- rename some parameters
In crystallite:
- add msg='ok', even if components in consistent tangent are not re-computed
- allow for pseudo-convergence in the outer-loop (case of slow convergence of dislocation densities)
in mattex:
- add new parameters
2008-06-17 14:40:46 +00:00
Franz Roters
OpenMP seems to work now
watch out for critical sections
write and matmul statements need to be marked accordingly!!!
2008-06-17 13:15:36 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Subscript Crystal_ changed to Lattice_ according to the module Lattice
2008-04-10 12:13:37 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
New update of constitutive_dislo.f60 considering the changes in mesh.f90 (see map_ElemType)
Parameters assignation, hardening matrices and constitutive equations are PROPERLY implemented (tested)
Comparison to my own old subroutine: on going
2008-03-25 14:19:22 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Corrected errors from the last release of constitutive_dislo
Changed parameter designation in mattex file
2008-03-14 16:23:08 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
updated constitutive_xxx to reflect new 9x9 dLp_dTstar - used to be 3x3x3x3
2008-02-21 12:50:37 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Corrected syntax
2008-01-10 19:00:45 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Delete unused physical constants from pheno
Rename Boltzmann Constant Kb->kB
2008-01-10 18:51:58 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
All subroutines were committed at once:
- constitutive_pheno works
- constitutive_dislo without twinning also works
This release should serve as reference
2007-12-14 13:36:04 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Commit dislo
2007-12-11 14:30:21 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Finalizing the implementation of deformation twinning in constitutive_dislo.f90
Assume to be ready to use
2007-12-10 12:55:43 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
constitutive_Microstructure() computes now twin "plop" volumes from the given microstructure.
Mattex.dat has 2 parameters for deformation twinning:
- average grain size
- average twin stack thickness
2007-12-07 15:12:43 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Constitutive_dislo.f90 contains now a modified version of HomogenisedC that accounts for twin reoriented regions.
ONLY constitutive_dislo was changed, NOT constitutive.pheno
2007-12-07 14:17:42 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Construction of the elasticity matrices for rotated/twin regions.
Definition of constitutive_Ntwin and constitutive_MaxNtwin
2007-12-07 13:59:15 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Corrected undefined "state" in HomogenisedC
Added "forall" loops in C construction
2007-12-07 10:54:19 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Corrected HomogenisedC:
1- No dependence on material volume fractions!!!
2- Can now depend on state of microstructure
changed some loops from Nstatevars to Nslip
2007-12-07 10:37:06 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Changed to SI conformity. Mattex file changed bg->burgers
2007-11-15 17:04:30 +00:00
Franz Roters
made sumVolfrac real also in constitutive_dislo.f90
2007-11-07 15:02:54 +00:00
Franz Roters
removed unused variables
corrected allocation error in constitutive_dislo.f90
2007-10-24 15:24:49 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
hybrid IA sampling now respects sample symmetry
2007-10-24 15:13:10 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Corrected the treatment of interaction coefficients in constitutive_dislo
2007-10-22 15:32:45 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Checked computation of hardening matrix
In case of constitutive_pheno.f90, the computation can be optimized.
Mattex file slightly modified
2007-10-16 12:20:58 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Added a possible example of mattex file
Some syntax corrections
2007-10-16 11:50:51 +00:00
Luc Hantcherli
Constitutive_dislo contains the dislocation-based modeling of crystal plasticity.
2007-10-16 09:01:19 +00:00