Franz Roters
included "-heap-arrays 500000000" in remark on how to change compile command
2011-03-08 08:18:04 +00:00 |
Franz Roters
Abaqus interfaces dapted to newest version of the rest of the code
does not yet check for restart, have to check out first how restarts work in Abaqus
explicit code not checked as we do not have a license
2011-03-07 12:49:27 +00:00 |
Franz Roters
abaqus routines VGETOUTDIR and GETOUTDIR do not return the trailing slash, which we assume to be there, so it has to be appended
2011-03-03 10:29:59 +00:00 |
Martin Diehl
extended IO to cope with different name for solverJob and Model
polishing, added error codes
added FFTW library files
2011-02-21 14:37:38 +00:00 |
Philip Eisenlohr
corrected syntax errors (long lines, line continuation by \) and logical mistake in mpie_cpfem_marc / abq_std which went unnoticed in ifort. Using SunStudio f90 surfaced those...
2010-08-03 23:47:00 +00:00 |
Martin Diehl
cpfe_general now returns also Kirchhoff-stress P and dPdF
added dummy variables P and dPdF to mpie_cpfe_* to be able to call cpfem_general correctly
2010-07-07 09:58:18 +00:00 |
Philip Eisenlohr
renamed "mpie_cpfem_init" subroutine within mpie_interface module to more general name "mpie_interface_init"
2010-06-08 09:35:13 +00:00 |
Franz Roters
improved version of general I/O functions
renamed module cpfem_interface to mpie_interface
2010-05-11 06:57:15 +00:00 |
Franz Roters
changed fileopen routines in IO.f90 to use solver dependant functions defined in the interface routines
DID NOT test ABAQUS versions yet, not shure whether (V)GETOUTDIR returns path with or without terminating slash
2010-05-10 15:02:59 +00:00 |
Christoph Kords
enclosed output statements in an "if (verboseDebugger)"
2010-03-25 08:27:42 +00:00 |
Philip Eisenlohr
renaming of abaqus to _std and adding of VUMAT interface for explicit.
2010-02-18 10:23:42 +00:00 |