Christoph Kords
require all hardening coefficients/ non schmid coefficients to be specified in material.config, do not silently ignore any
warning message now more meaningful (?) when using less than maximum number of slip families
2013-09-12 14:47:09 +00:00
Christoph Kords
for bcc: exchanged 2nd and third hardening coefficient to be consistent with fcc; now 2nd is coplanar and 3rd is collinear; added newer reference concerning the bcc hardening coefficients
2013-08-14 11:47:03 +00:00
Christoph Kords
nonSchmid behavior now ready to use for bcc with phenopowerlaw and nonlocal constitutive model.
nonSchmid tensors according to Koester,Ma,Hartmaier,2012.
extended lattice_Sslip with non-Schmid tensors (the full non-symmetric tensors are required for the tangent and cannot be retrieved from the symmetrized Mandel notation)
2013-08-05 09:23:21 +00:00
Christoph Kords
changed "math_AxisAngleToR" to "math_axisAngleToR" to be consistent with spelling in math.f90
2013-07-22 09:43:35 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
reworked the hexagonal slip system order and adjusted interaction matrices to a logic that facilitates later system additions without altering existing structure.
2013-07-01 14:01:42 +00:00
Franz Roters
implementation of twin nucleation criteria according to Davids PhD thesis
applies for fcc crystal structure only
2013-07-01 13:06:01 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
added second type prismatic slip system for hexagonal lattices as 6th slip family.
consequently, 4 new interaction types (21,22,23,24) available for slip/twin and twin/slip.
interaction of slip/slip got rearranged and now has 42 types...
list of former --> new:
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
11 13
12 14
13 15
14 16
15 18
16 19
17 20
18 22
19 23
20 25
21 28
22 29
23 30
24 31
25 33
26 34
27 35
28 37
29 38
30 40
2013-06-14 10:20:31 +00:00
Martin Diehl
moved public data res,size and homog from mesh to DAMASK_spectral_utilities (as grid and geomSize)
2013-05-08 15:52:29 +00:00
Franz Roters
updated copyright header
2013-03-22 17:35:05 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added time stamp to init of lattice
2013-03-07 22:45:00 +00:00
Martin Diehl
hickups in doxygen documentation fixed
2013-03-05 14:35:26 +00:00
Christoph Kords
fixed bug in lattice: line continuation character was missing
2013-02-27 10:49:23 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed 2003 standard initialization expression not supported by ifort so far
2013-02-27 07:35:53 +00:00
Martin Diehl
some more detailed doxygen comments
2013-02-26 19:01:31 +00:00
Pratheek Shanthraj
reporting current time for most module inits
2013-02-25 16:34:59 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
parsing of material.config file now expects adequate number of (slip/twin) family entries according to given lattice type.
used to read up to maxN, but that caused unnecessary IO_warnings...
2013-02-14 22:24:55 +00:00
Martin Diehl
improved reading in of values, now only warnings in case of problematic entries in material.config
divergence calculation sqrt scaling optionally introduced for basic scheme spectral solver
2013-02-08 15:55:53 +00:00
Martin Diehl
small corrections on changes related to non-schmid systems
2013-01-22 10:04:15 +00:00
Pratheek Shanthraj
added code structure for non-schmid mechanics. work in progress…
2013-01-21 23:11:16 +00:00
Pratheek Shanthraj
moved stiffness tensor calculation to lattice
introduced 'isotropic' and 'orthorhombic' lattice types to use corresponding symmetries in stiffness tensor. intended to be used with non-crystal plasticity models (j2, constitutive_none with isotropic, cubic or orthotropic elasticity).
2013-01-21 21:57:26 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
corrected buggy calculation of Schmid matrix for twins introduced in rev1809.
(stress acting on twin systems was overestimated by factor of sqrt(3) due to that!!)
additional polishing.
2012-11-23 17:02:50 +00:00
Nader Zaafarani
A modified twin-twin interaction matrix for BCC is introduced.
An introduction of a third parameter at the interactionTwinTwin in the material.config for BCC-dislotwin materials is essential.
2012-11-16 13:39:08 +00:00
Nader Zaafarani
Formation of the Slip-Slip interaction matrix for BCC.
2012-11-14 17:35:33 +00:00
Martin Diehl
corrected some bugs in the last commits
2012-11-14 14:33:41 +00:00
Nader Zaafarani
The twin system <111>{112} for BCC is introduced.
2012-11-14 13:43:59 +00:00
Nader Zaafarani
Twin-slip interaction matrix for BCC is set to 0.
2012-11-14 11:53:22 +00:00
Nader Zaafarani
A modified slip-twin interaction matrices for FCC and BCC are introduced.
The shear twin value for BCC is corrected.
An introduction of a third parameter at the interactionSlipTwin in the material.config for dislotwin materials is essential.
2012-11-14 11:13:16 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
switched matrix indices in SlipSlip, SlipTwin, TwinSlip, and TwinTwin such that first index refers to first name and second to second...
2012-11-14 10:27:23 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
removed now obsolete vectorproduct variables st, tt...
2012-10-18 07:25:49 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
just to be able to tell about the bug I found in the hex slip systems---which I actually forgot to mention during the last commit---I slipped in a syntax error that now is fixed, too...
2012-10-12 20:31:50 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
tidied up the Schmid matrix calculations.
added internal check against dilatation in Schmid matrices.
2012-10-12 17:59:50 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added doxygen comments, some polishing, added "protected" statements where applicable
2012-10-02 12:53:25 +00:00
Martin Diehl
some comments to be seen in documentation
2012-08-15 13:38:38 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
changed variable name "debug_what" to "debug_level"
2012-07-05 09:54:50 +00:00
Martin Diehl
debug.config, debug.f90, DAMASK_abaqus_exp.f, DAMASK_abaqus_std.f: changed to new debug scheme (wasn't working)
lattice.f90, FEsolving.f90: explicitly defined public functions and variables, all others are now private
numerics.f90: changed output format of real numbers, now instead of 0.1eX 1.0e(X-1) is printed to screen
Makefile: now using correct Optimization flags for OPTIMIZATION=AGGRESSIVE
DAMASK_spectral_AL.f90: improved, but still testing. Stress BCs now seem to be handled correctly
2012-03-20 18:01:31 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added new, flexible debugging scheme.
now all modules have their own debug specification.
compiles and runs, I hope nothing is broken
did a lot of polishing
2012-03-08 20:25:28 +00:00
Martin Diehl
cleaning up, removing includes not needed
2012-02-21 15:42:47 +00:00
Martin Diehl
polishing: removed variable names like 'unit' and 'data' that are keywords of fortran and ensured that integer and real precision matches independent of machine standard.
removed cut_off parameter for damask_spectral
removed outpot of derived divergence measures and added RMS output in brackets
added comments and options to the makefile
2012-02-15 18:58:38 +00:00
Christoph Kords
reordered (and partly redistributed) error message identifiers, deleted those which are not in use anymore.
all constitutive as well numerics now raises an error, if an unknown keyword is found in the respective config file
2012-02-13 17:41:27 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixing inconsistencies in variable assignments
2012-02-10 11:56:05 +00:00
Martin Diehl
made code standard conform to Fortran 2008 (ignoring warning concerning comments beyond character 132). Basically, changing "x" format specifier to "Nx" ("1x") plus removing $ format specifier
added compiler switches for gfortran and ifort to check for standard conformity
old gnu compilers <4.4 are not longer supported because they don't provide the c binding for fftw
2012-01-31 19:18:55 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added compilation_info.f90, to store compilation date,time and compiler info in each file
added #include statement at each init() routine
2012-01-31 14:54:49 +00:00
Christoph Kords
added new math function "math_deviatoric33" which returns the deviatoric part of a 3x3 tensor
renamed some math functions, so that we have a universal naming scheme: for matrix multiplications use an "x" (e.g. math_mul33x3); don't use the "x" to describe the shape of the tensor that the function is applied to (e.g. math_invert33 instead of math_invert3x3)
2012-01-26 13:50:00 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
edited lines exceeding 132 chars (before any comment started)
2012-01-11 16:56:35 +00:00
Martin Diehl
did a lot of polishing:
- removed unnecessary "return" before end of subroutine or function:
- changed undetermined array length (:) to (1:3)
To prevent problems with some code analysing tools:
- "3D oneliner loops" (with ";) only for "do" and "enddo" at the same time
- removed line continuation in OMP statements
made the makefile more flexible, removed heap-arrays switch
2011-09-13 15:54:06 +00:00
Martin Diehl
previous commit was wrong file
2011-09-02 10:46:37 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added new glide system for hex lattice
2011-09-02 10:43:49 +00:00
Martin Diehl
introduced alternative location for material configuration.
If present, the >>>JOB.materialConfig<<< file takes precedence over the standard >>>material.config<<<
2011-08-02 10:14:16 +00:00
Franz Roters
removed unused variables
2011-04-13 14:16:22 +00:00
Franz Roters
changed enconding of all source files to UTF-8 without BOM (signature) Codepage 65001
2011-04-07 07:20:28 +00:00