(1) subStepSizeHomog and subStepSizeCryst := size of substep when cut-back is applied (initially was hard-coded).
(2) stepIncreaseHomog and stepIncreaseCryst := step increase when calculation for substep converge (was also hardcoded).
introduced a possibility to choose different finite difference scheme, i.e., forward-, backward- and central-difference, for computing grain numerical tangent. note that central-difference scheme will slow down the computation significantly. please use it only if necessary.
parameters to set these new features have been included in numerics.f90 and numerics.config, whereas corresponding error messages have been introduced in the IO.f90
in constitutive_nonlocal.f90:
Derivatives of shear rates w.r.t. resolved shear stress HAVE to be positive.
Computation of dgdot_dtauslip is now correct.
cleaning up of twin system nomenclature
introduced lookup mechanism to calculate the twinning shears depending on the c/a ratio of the present structure (was [wrongly!!] hardcoded to Titanium)
- read in activation energy for dislocation glide from material.config
- changed naming of dDipMin/Max to dLower/dUpper
- added new outputs: rho_dot, rho_dot_dip, rho_dot_gen, rho_dot_sgl2dip, rho_dot_dip2sgl, rho_dot_ann_ath, rho_dot_ann_the, rho_dot_flux, d_upper_edge, d_upper_screw, d_upper_dot_edge, d_upper_dot_screw
- poisson's ratio is now calculated from elastic constants
- microstrucutre has state as first argument, since this is our output variable
- periodic boundary conditions are taken into account for fluxes and internal stresses. for the moment, flag has to be set in constitutive_nonlocal.
- corrected calculation for dipole formation by glide
- added terms for dipole formation/annihilation by stress decrease/increase
- passing of arguments is adapted for constitutive_nonlocal model
- in stiffness calculation: call to collect_dotState used wrong arguments
- crystallite_postResults uses own Tstar_v and temperature, no need for passing them from materialpoint_postResults
- crystallite_postResults uses own Tstar_v and temperature, no need for passing them from materialpoint_postResults
- changed error message 229
- changed example for nonlocal constitution according to constitutive_nonlocal
- added some flush statements
crystallite does not accelerate anymore, since, typically, longer step immediately fails and uses resources in vain. (future: remember number of successful steps to increase step size after x of those...)
# IO has some additional functionality for Abaqus parsing
# ping pong scheme in FE interface now similar (and more human understandable) in both versions
# mesh has better splitting of different tasks, plus operation on database whenever possible
# FEsolver as new global var to indicate FEM solver type
# computation mode reshuffling: 6 is now Marc special case of recycling...
- take orientation gradients into account when calculating dislocation stress and dislocation fluxes
- hard coded value for nu
- changed kinetics (parameter G0 is currently defined as a parameter, needs to be read from material.config)
- added some output statements
- some functions and subroutines needed additional input variables for passing to constitutive_nonlocal
- some functions and subroutines needed additional input variables for passing to constitutive
- call microstructure with current temperature, Fp, Fe, not "sub0" values
- show number of IPs, that are "onTrack" instead of those not "onTrack"
- calculate Fe at beginning of substep, since we need it for state preguess
(state < relevant state) or (residuum < relative tolerance * state)
since the relevant value for the state variables depend on their nature and can vary by large scales (e.g. volume fraction: 1e-10, dislocation density: 1e5) it is not possible to set a unique value. instead the constitutive law has to decide what is relevant. therefore, all constitutive laws now read in parameters from the material.config that determine the values for relevantState [@luc: in dislobased law relevant State is for the moment generally set to 1e-200, so no additional parameters necessary in material.config. if you also want this feature, we can still implement it, no big deal]
- added sanity checks in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
- corrected coordinate transformation for backstress calculation in constitutive_nonlocal.f90
- corrected equations for evolution of dipole dislocation densities (athermal annihilation and formation by glide)