Martin Diehl
preventing array index out of bounds in case of empty line, removed to goto statements
2012-11-07 09:31:46 +00:00
Martin Diehl
fixed bug when reading in geometry for spectral solver
2012-11-06 17:16:01 +00:00
Martin Diehl
reordered PETSc initialization (now first part done in interface, setting of parameters done in numerics), removed unnecessary includes for PETSc
still not running with gfortran, use at own risk!
2012-11-06 16:00:51 +00:00
Martin Diehl
replaced call flush(6) by flush(6), slightly improved formating for output of gfortran version
2012-11-06 15:50:20 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
now works in "sourcing" mode.
still have to worry about figuring out the lib/pathinfo details and setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly...
2012-11-06 15:40:45 +00:00
Christoph Kords
introduced distinction between ip coordinates and cell center coordinates; the former can be globally calculated by subroutine mesh_build_ipCoordinates, the latter locally by the function mesh_cellCenterCoordinates; renamed mesh_ipCenterOfGravity to mesh_ipCordinates
2012-11-06 14:37:13 +00:00
Christoph Kords
Simplified algorithm of crystallite_integrateStress while preserving (almost) same functionality.
Removed "leapfrogging" (increase of step for next guess, when last guess was ok); Replaced Armijo rule testing for step size by simple check if the residuum got better, since the former virtually did not have any effect; consistently using the 2-norm of the residuum rather than infinity-norm for the convergence check throughout the function
2012-11-06 12:35:45 +00:00
Martin Diehl
adopted new naming scheme
2012-11-06 08:49:48 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
missed those three in former commit...
2012-11-05 21:28:01 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
renaming of (loosely related) "spectral" scripts to (more tightly related) "geom" versions.
2012-11-05 21:19:12 +00:00
Christoph Kords
inserted missing flush(crystallite_todo) in parallel section; might have caused trouble in parallel calculations before
2012-11-05 14:45:52 +00:00
Martin Diehl
removed debug statement in, deleted obsolete (new solver will report statistics anyway and most probably the current count does not work as the screen output was modified)
2012-10-31 10:06:11 +00:00
Martin Diehl
updated geom pack/unpack test to new definition
2012-10-31 10:04:53 +00:00
Martin Diehl
substituted matrix inversion to solve equation by direct solution routine from LAPACK
2012-10-31 09:56:26 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
exported PDF versions as 300dpi PNG
2012-10-31 09:28:46 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
made errors report to STDERR.
maxMicrostructure remains silent if not present.
2012-10-30 16:32:00 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
exchanged "maxGrainCount" for "maxMicrostructure", since this is what it really means...
2012-10-30 16:15:10 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
changed packing syntax from "N copies of x" to "N of x" (now consistent with IO.f90)
2012-10-30 15:53:46 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
changed packing syntax from "N copies of x" to "N of x" (now consistent with geomPack and IO.f90)
2012-10-30 15:47:11 +00:00
Test User
Added report of SUCCESSFUL test for Revision 1848
2012-10-30 03:59:17 +00:00
Christoph Kords
corrected limit for upper stable dipole distance; fixed a bug in the postResults where division by zero might happen
2012-10-29 13:02:01 +00:00
Christoph Kords
added possibility to scale the plastic shearrate by the ratio of mobile to total density; keyword in material.config is "deadZone"
2012-10-29 12:49:28 +00:00
Martin Diehl
improved performance for large packing values
2012-10-26 12:59:43 +00:00
Martin Diehl
did a mistake during last update of this test, now it should run again
2012-10-25 13:16:48 +00:00
Martin Diehl
now just comparing substring to figure out if setup_processing was importing the core module
2012-10-25 12:40:06 +00:00
Martin Diehl
error messages are now printed, added svn properties
2012-10-25 09:16:17 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added missing quotes
2012-10-25 07:56:58 +00:00
Martin Diehl
import of damask.core will not complain any more if done in, however will check if exist after compilation and delete it before compilation
2012-10-25 07:55:27 +00:00
Claudio Zambaldi
this version of the env script maybe works
2012-10-24 15:22:30 +00:00
Claudio Zambaldi
Dynamically create DAMASK_ROOT and DAMASK_BIN
by sourcing this script.
also documents the changes to .bashrc if one wants to
'install' DAMASK permanently
2012-10-24 15:19:41 +00:00
Christoph Kords
third entry in mesh_ipNeighborhood stores the neighbor_index that points from each neighbor back to the central ip; needed in nonlocal model
2012-10-24 14:03:02 +00:00
Martin Diehl
documented utilities and structured, worked on the restart capabilities of the new basic solver
2012-10-24 11:31:40 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added a test for compiling all spectral solver variants with gfortran
2012-10-24 09:26:21 +00:00
Martin Diehl
new references, as the results are slightly different for corrected phenopowerlaw
2012-10-23 16:25:36 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
switched saturation behavior!!
was \dot s_alpha = (1-s_alpha/s_inf)^a h_alphabeta \dot gamma_beta
now \dot s_alpha = h_alphabeta (1-s_beta/s_inf)^a \dot gamma_beta
current form is consistent with the genmat implementation (and appears to make more physical sense). Kalidindi_etal1992 suggested this form, but altered it to the alpha-one in Bachu+Kalidindi1998... By now, it seems that some groups use alpha, others beta approach.
introduced two new absolute tolerance values for "shears" and "twinFrac" (default 1e-6).
2012-10-22 14:55:07 +00:00
Christoph Kords
In crystallite for state integrators 2 and 3: now that "stateJump" is called before integrating dotState, we have to do state = state + dotState *dt instead of state = subState0 + dotState * dt; otherwise the deltaState is lost
2012-10-22 13:34:15 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
found some figures that have not yet been committed
2012-10-22 08:25:25 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added ./ in case current path is not in path
2012-10-22 08:18:44 +00:00
Christoph Kords
In crystallite: for state integrators 2 and 3 the deltaState always has to be done at the beginning of the integration, not at the end; otherwise the stiffness calculation can be completely wrong, when the state is changed after the stress integration for the central solution.
Also changed some debugging levels in crystallite and mainly in constitutive_nonlocal
2012-10-22 07:59:35 +00:00
Martin Diehl
added test to check creation of core module with ifort and gfortan
added test to see if all spectral solvers compile (and get the same results independently of make options)
polished spectral utilities
2012-10-19 16:31:40 +00:00
Martin Diehl
resetting reference to old status after fixing bug in new basic scheme
2012-10-19 12:12:27 +00:00
Christoph Kords
modified multiplication term in order to mimic a discrete distribution of dislocation sources; namely, at high resolution, when there is (on average) less than one source per integration point, a random generator decides whether there is a source in the finite volume or not; if there is one, then the multiplication turns independent of the density and depends only on the velocity/volume times a scalar factor; recovers density*velocity/lambda for large finite volumes
2012-10-19 11:40:17 +00:00
Christoph Kords
for state integrator 2 (explicit euler) and 3 (adaptive 2nd order euler): don't do any state evolution during stiffness perturbation, but only stress integration, since for those cases the state is not restored after every perturbation step
2012-10-19 11:20:31 +00:00
Martin Diehl
unified naming scheme, fixed a bug in the new basic scheme, and added a statistic file similar to abaqus to store the information on needed cut backs and iterations for each inc
2012-10-19 08:44:21 +00:00
Christoph Kords
only first broken ip signals "terminally ill"
2012-10-18 13:48:06 +00:00
Christoph Kords
changed keyword in spectral geometry file for multiplication of entries from "copies of" to "of"
2012-10-18 10:17:16 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
switched to general logic that branches locally depending on shell type.
now bash and csh derivatives should work.
2012-10-18 09:55:54 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
mainly cosmetics. added some comments. changed debug levels for some outputs. corrected (probably non-essential) check for NaN in FPI stressIntegrator.
2012-10-18 09:53:26 +00:00
Martin Diehl
updated compile test to check the new basic solver, maximum relative difference was at 0.2% compared to old version
2012-10-18 08:48:25 +00:00
Philip Eisenlohr
removed now obsolete vectorproduct variables st, tt...
2012-10-18 07:25:49 +00:00