Discrete twinning flag applied globally

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achalhp 2024-04-14 16:33:09 +05:30
parent eee852fe38
commit fe34aef061
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@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ module function plastic_phenopowerlaw_init() result(myPlasticity)
startIndex = endIndex + 1
endIndex = endIndex + 1
stt%frozen => plasticState(ph)%state(startIndex,:)
!stt%frozen = 0.0_pReal-1.0_pReal
stt%frozen = 0.0_pReal-1.0_pReal
dlt%frozen => plasticState(ph)%deltaState(startIndex-o,:)
plasticState(ph)%atol(startIndex:endIndex) = pl%get_asReal('atol_gamma',defaultVal=1.0e-6_pReal)
@ -409,13 +409,15 @@ pure module subroutine phenopowerlaw_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dMp,Mp,ph,en)
+ ddot_gamma_dtau_sl(i) * prm%P_sl(k,l,i) * P_nS(m,n,i)
end do slipSystems
!call kinetics_tw(Mp,ph,en,dot_gamma_tw,fdot_twin, ddot_gamma_dtau_tw)
!twinSystems: do i = 1, prm%sum_N_tw
! Lp = Lp + dot_gamma_tw(i)*prm%P_tw(1:3,1:3,i)
! forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
! dLp_dMp(k,l,m,n) = dLp_dMp(k,l,m,n) &
! + ddot_gamma_dtau_tw(i)*prm%P_tw(k,l,i)*prm%P_tw(m,n,i)
!end do twinSystems
Discrete_twin: if ( prm%discrete_twin ) then
call kinetics_tw(Mp,ph,en,dot_gamma_tw,fdot_twin, ddot_gamma_dtau_tw)
twinSystems: do i = 1, prm%sum_N_tw
Lp = Lp + dot_gamma_tw(i)*prm%P_tw(1:3,1:3,i)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLp_dMp(k,l,m,n) = dLp_dMp(k,l,m,n) &
+ ddot_gamma_dtau_tw(i)*prm%P_tw(k,l,i)*prm%P_tw(m,n,i)
end do twinSystems
endif Discrete_twin
end associate
@ -500,11 +502,11 @@ module subroutine plastic_phenopowerlaw_deltaState(ph,en)
call plastic_kinematic_deltaFp(ph,en,twinJump,deltaFp)
if(twinJump) then
dlt%f_twin(:,en) = 0.0_pReal - stt%f_twin(:,en)
dlt%fmc_twin(:,en) = 0.0_pReal - stt%fmc_twin(:,en)
dlt%frozen(en) = 1.0_pReal - stt%frozen(en)
dlt%variant_twin(en) = twin_var !- stt%variant_twin(en)
dlt%variant_twin(en) = twin_var !- stt%variant_twin(en
end associate
@ -553,9 +555,12 @@ module subroutine plastic_kinematic_deltaFp(ph,en,twinJump,deltaFp)
Discrete_twin: if ( prm%discrete_twin ) then
Frozen: if(stt%frozen(en)<2.0_pREAL) then
call random_number(random)
do n = 1, ncellneighbors
neighbor_e = geom(ph)%IPneighborhood(1,n,en) !< Identify neighbor
@ -564,8 +569,10 @@ module subroutine plastic_kinematic_deltaFp(ph,en,twinJump,deltaFp)
Ability_Nucleation: if(stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)>(stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var))) then !< Frequency control
stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en) = stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var)
Success_Nucleation: if (random <= stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)) then
twinJump = .true.
deltaFp = prm%CorrespondenceMatrix(:,:,twin_var)
endif Success_Nucleation
endif Ability_Nucleation
@ -583,15 +590,18 @@ module subroutine plastic_kinematic_deltaFp(ph,en,twinJump,deltaFp)
enddo NeighborLoop
Growth_Criteria: if(var_growth>0) then !< If neighbor twinned,
Ability_Growth: if(stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)>(stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var))) then !< Frequency control
stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en) = stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var)
Success_Growth: if (random <= stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)) then !< Random sampling
twinJump = .true. !< Output flag
deltaFp = prm%CorrespondenceMatrix(:,:,twin_var) !< Correspondence Matrix
endif Success_Growth
endif Ability_Growth
endif Growth_Criteria
!Growth_Criteria: if(var_growth>100000.0_pReal) then !< If neighbor twinned,
! Ability_Growth: if(stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)>(stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var))) then !< Frequency control
! stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en) = stt%fmc_twin(twin_var,en)+prm%checkstep(twin_var)
! Success_Growth: if (random <= stt%f_twin(twin_var,en)) then !< Random sampling
! write(6,*)'frozen1',stt%frozen(en)
! twinJump = .true. !< Output flag
! deltaFp = prm%CorrespondenceMatrix(:,:,twin_var) !< Correspondence Matrix
! endif Success_Growth
! endif Ability_Growth
!endif Growth_Criteria
endif Frozen
end if Discrete_twin
end associate
@ -728,15 +738,29 @@ pure subroutine kinetics_tw(Mp,ph,en,&
tau_tw = [(math_tensordot(Mp,prm%P_tw(1:3,1:3,i)),i=1,prm%sum_N_tw)]
Discrete_twin: if ( prm%discrete_twin ) then
where(tau_tw > 0.0_pREAL .and. stt%frozen(en) < 0.9_pReal) ! Achal .and. stt%frozen(en) < 0.9_pReal
dot_gamma_tw = 0.0_pREAL !(1.0_pREAL-sum(stt%gamma_tw(:,en)/prm%gamma_char)) & ! only twin in untwinned volume fraction
!* prm%dot_gamma_0_tw*(tau_tw/stt%xi_tw(:,en))**prm%n_tw
dot_gamma_tw = 0.0_pREAL ! only twin in untwinned volume fraction
fdot_twin = (0.005_pReal*(abs(tau_tw)/stt%xi_tw(:,en))**prm%n_tw)/prm%gamma_char ! Achal 0.005 is reference slip rate
else where
dot_gamma_tw = 0.0_pREAL
fdot_twin = 0.0_pREAL
end where
where(tau_tw > 0.0_pREAL) ! Achal Unchanged model
dot_gamma_tw = (1.0_pREAL-sum(stt%gamma_tw(:,en)/prm%gamma_char)) & ! only twin in untwinned volume fraction
* prm%dot_gamma_0_tw*(tau_tw/stt%xi_tw(:,en))**prm%n_tw
fdot_twin = 0.0_pREAL ! Achal Unchanged model
else where
dot_gamma_tw = 0.0_pREAL
fdot_twin = 0.0_pREAL
end where
end if Discrete_twin
if (present(ddot_gamma_dtau_tw)) then
ddot_gamma_dtau_tw = dot_gamma_tw*prm%n_tw/tau_tw