not needed since patched copy of module is used

This commit is contained in:
Vitesh Shah 2023-11-24 07:31:01 +01:00
parent 2a48bf504e
commit fb823c81e7
1 changed files with 4 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -89,20 +89,6 @@ class AttributeManagerNullterm(h5py_modified.AttributeManager):
class ResetAttributeManager(h5py.AttributeManager):
Reset the attribute management for DREAM.3D hdf5 files.
def create(self, name, data, shape=None, dtype=None):
class Result:
@ -1989,18 +1975,17 @@ class Result:
Directory to save DREAM3D files. Will be created if non-existent.
#h5py._hl.attrs.AttributeManager = AttributeManagerNullterm # 'Monkey patch'
N_digits = int(np.floor(np.log10(max(1,self.incs[-1]))))+1
Crystal_structure_types = {'Hexagonal': 0, 'Cubic': 1, 'Triclinic': 4, 'Monoclinic': 5, 'Orthorhombic': 6, 'Tetrogonal': 8}
# crystal structure map according to Dream3D
Phase_types = {'Primary': 0}
lattice_dict = {}
#further additions to these can be done by looking at 'Create Ensemble Info' filter
# other options could be 'Precipitate' and so on.
lattice_dict = {}
dx = self.size/self.cells
at_cell_ph,in_data_ph,at_cell_ho,in_data_ho = self._mappings()
@ -2008,7 +1993,7 @@ class Result:
dream_dir = Path.cwd() if target_dir is None else Path(target_dir)
with h5py_modified.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
for inc in util.show_progress(self.visible['increments']):
cell_orientation_array = np.zeros((,3))
phase_ID_array = np.zeros((,dtype=np.int32) #need to reshape it later
@ -2094,14 +2079,12 @@ class Result:
o[ensemble_label].create_dataset(name='PhaseName',data = phase_name_list, dtype=h5py_modified.Datatype(tid))
# also assuming Primary phases
# there can be precipitates etc as well
# Attributes Ensemble Matrix
o[ensemble_label].attrs['AttributeMatrixType'] = np.array([11],np.uint32)
o[ensemble_label].attrs['TupleDimensions'] = np.array([len(self.phases) + 1], np.uint64)
# Attributes for data in Ensemble matrix
for group in ['CrystalStructures','PhaseTypes']: # 'PhaseName' not required MD: But would be nice to take the phase name mapping
for group in ['CrystalStructures','PhaseTypes']:
o[ensemble_label+'/'+group].attrs['ComponentDimensions'] = np.array([1],np.uint64)
o[ensemble_label+'/'+group].attrs['Tuple Axis Dimensions'] = f'x={len(self.phases)+1}'
o[ensemble_label+'/'+group].attrs['DataArrayVersion'] = np.array([2],np.int32)
@ -2127,8 +2110,6 @@ class Result:
o[geom_label].attrs['SpatialDimensionality'] = np.array([3],np.uint32)
o[geom_label].attrs['UnitDimensionality'] = np.array([3],np.uint32)
#h5py._hl.attrs.AttributeManager = ResetAttributeManager # Reset the attribute manager to original
def export_DADF5(self,