next bunch of accepted scripts

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2016-03-02 12:43:09 +01:00
parent 3ed3073eff
commit f7fedc4744
10 changed files with 221 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,sys,string,math,types,time
import os,sys,math,types,time
import scipy.spatial, numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -94,18 +94,18 @@ parser.set_defaults(symmetry = [damask.Symmetry.lattices[-1]],
(options,filenames) = parser.parse_args()
input = [options.eulers != None,
options.a != None and \
options.b != None and \
options.c != None,
options.matrix != None,
options.quaternion != None,
options.microstructure != None,
input = [options.eulers is not None,
options.a is not None and \
options.b is not None and \
options.c is not None,
options.matrix is not None,
options.quaternion is not None,
options.microstructure is not None,
if np.sum(input) != 1:
parser.error('need either microstructure label or exactly one orientation input format.')
if options.axes != None and not set(options.axes).issubset(set(['x','+x','-x','y','+y','-y','z','+z','-z'])):
if options.axes is not None and not set(options.axes).issubset(set(['x','+x','-x','y','+y','-y','z','+z','-z'])):
parser.error('invalid axes {} {} {}.'.format(*options.axes))
(label,dim,inputtype) = [(options.eulers,3,'eulers'),
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ for name in filenames:
if coordDim == 2: = np.insert(,2,np.zeros(len(,axis=1) # add zero z coordinate for two-dimensional input
if options.verbose: damask.util.croak('extending to 3D...')
if options.phase == None:
if options.phase is None: = np.column_stack((,np.ones(len( # add single phase if no phase column given
if options.verbose: damask.util.croak('adding dummy phase info...')
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ for name in filenames:
maxcorner = np.array(map(max,coords))
grid = np.array(map(len,coords),'i')
size = grid/np.maximum(np.ones(3,'d'), grid-1.0) * (maxcorner-mincorner) # size from edge to edge = dim * n/(n-1)
size = np.where(grid > 1, size, min(size[grid > 1]/grid[grid > 1])) # spacing for grid==1 equal to smallest among other spacings
size = np.where(grid > 1, size, min(size[grid > 1]/grid[grid > 1])) # spacing for grid==1 set to smallest among other spacings
delta = size/np.maximum(np.ones(3,'d'), grid)
origin = mincorner - 0.5*delta # shift from cell center to corner
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ for name in filenames:
# ------------------------------------------ process data ------------------------------------------
colOri = table.label_index(label)+(3-coordDim) # column(s) of orientation data (following 3 or 2 coordinates that were expanded to 3!)
colOri = table.label_index(label)+(3-coordDim) # column(s) of orientation data followed by 3 coordinates
if inputtype == 'microstructure':
@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ for name in filenames:
statistics = {'global': 0, 'local': 0}
grain = -np.ones(N,dtype = 'int32') # initialize empty microstructure
orientations = [] # empty list of orientations
multiplicity = [] # empty list of orientation multiplicity (number of group members)
phases = [] # empty list of phase info
orientations = [] # orientations
multiplicity = [] # orientation multiplicity (number of group members)
phases = [] # phase info
nGrains = 0 # counter for detected grains
existingGrains = np.arange(nGrains)
myPos = 0 # position (in list) of current grid point
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ for name in filenames:
myData =[index[myPos]] # read data for current grid point
myPhase = int(myData[colPhase])
mySym = options.symmetry[min(myPhase,len(options.symmetry))-1] # select symmetry from option (take last specified option for all with higher index)
mySym = options.symmetry[min(myPhase,len(options.symmetry))-1] # take last specified option for all with higher index
if inputtype == 'eulers':
o = damask.Orientation(Eulers = myData[colOri:colOri+3]*toRadians,
@ -250,26 +250,27 @@ for name in filenames:
if options.tolerance > 0.0: # only try to compress orientations if asked to
neighbors = np.array(KDTree.query_ball_point([x,y,z], 3)) # point indices within radius
# filter neighbors: skip myself, anyone further ahead (cannot yet have a grain ID), and other phases
neighbors = neighbors[(neighbors < myPos) & \
([index[neighbors],colPhase] == myPhase)] # filter neighbors: skip myself, anyone further ahead (cannot yet have a grain ID), and other phases
([index[neighbors],colPhase] == myPhase)]
grains = np.unique(grain[neighbors]) # unique grain IDs among valid neighbors
if len(grains) > 0: # check immediate neighborhood first
cos_disorientations = np.array([o.disorientation(orientations[grainID],
SST = False)[0].quaternion.w \
for grainID in grains]) # store disorientation per grainID
closest_grain = np.argmax(cos_disorientations) # find grain among grains that has closest orientation to myself
closest_grain = np.argmax(cos_disorientations) # grain among grains with closest orientation to myself
match = 'local'
if cos_disorientations[closest_grain] < threshold: # orientation not close enough?
grains = existingGrains[np.atleast_1d( ( np.array(phases) == myPhase ) & \
( np.in1d(existingGrains,grains,invert=True) ) )] # check every other already identified grain (of my phase)
grains = existingGrains[np.atleast_1d( (np.array(phases) == myPhase ) & \
(np.in1d(existingGrains,grains,invert=True)))] # other already identified grains (of my phase)
if len(grains) > 0:
cos_disorientations = np.array([o.disorientation(orientations[grainID],
SST = False)[0].quaternion.w \
for grainID in grains]) # store disorientation per grainID
closest_grain = np.argmax(cos_disorientations) # find grain among grains that has closest orientation to myself
closest_grain = np.argmax(cos_disorientations) # grain among grains with closest orientation to myself
match = 'global'
if cos_disorientations[closest_grain] >= threshold: # orientation now close enough?
@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ for name in filenames:
config_header += ['<texture>']
for i,orientation in enumerate(orientations):
config_header += ['[Grain%s]'%(str(i+1).zfill(formatwidth)),
'axes\t%s %s %s'%tuple(options.axes) if options.axes != None else '',
'axes\t%s %s %s'%tuple(options.axes) if options.axes is not None else '',
'(gauss)\tphi1 %g\tPhi %g\tphi2 %g\tscatter 0.0\tfraction 1.0'%tuple(orientation.asEulers(degrees = True)),

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,sys,string,math
import os,sys,math
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
from scipy import ndimage
@ -73,15 +73,16 @@ for name in filenames:
# --- read data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
microstructure = np.tile(np.array(table.microstructure_read(info['grid']),'i').reshape(info['grid'],order='F'),
np.where(info['grid'] == 1, 2,1)) # make one copy along dimensions with grid == 1
np.where(info['grid'] == 1, 2,1)) # make one copy along dimensions with grid == 1
grid = np.array(microstructure.shape)
#--- initialize support data -----------------------------------------------------------------------
periodic_microstructure = np.tile(microstructure,(3,3,3))[grid[0]/2:-grid[0]/2,
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # periodically extend the microstructure
microstructure_original = np.copy(microstructure) # store a copy the initial microstructure to find locations of immutable indices
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # periodically extend the microstructure
# store a copy the initial microstructure to find locations of immutable indices
microstructure_original = np.copy(microstructure)
X,Y,Z = np.mgrid[0:grid[0],0:grid[1],0:grid[2]]
gauss = np.exp(-(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z)/(2.0*options.d*options.d))/math.pow(2.0*np.pi*options.d*options.d,1.5)
@ -99,44 +100,50 @@ for name in filenames:
for i in (-1,0,1):
for j in (-1,0,1):
for k in (-1,0,1):
# assign interfacial energy to all voxels that have a differing neighbor (in Moore neighborhood)
interfaceEnergy = np.maximum(boundary,
microstructure,i,axis=0), j,axis=1), k,axis=2))) # assign interfacial energy to all voxels that have a differing neighbor (in Moore neighborhood)
microstructure,i,axis=0), j,axis=1), k,axis=2)))
# periodically extend interfacial energy array by half a grid size in positive and negative directions
periodic_interfaceEnergy = np.tile(interfaceEnergy,(3,3,3))[grid[0]/2:-grid[0]/2,
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # periodically extend interfacial energy array by half a grid size in positive and negative directions
index = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(periodic_interfaceEnergy == 0., # transform bulk volume (i.e. where interfacial energy is zero)
# transform bulk volume (i.e. where interfacial energy is zero)
index = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(periodic_interfaceEnergy == 0.,
return_distances = False,
return_indices = True) # want array index of nearest voxel on periodically extended boundary
# boundaryExt = boundaryExt[index[0].flatten(),index[1].flatten(),index[2].flatten()].reshape(boundaryExt.shape) # fill bulk with energy of nearest interface | question PE: what "flatten" for?
return_indices = True)
# want array index of nearest voxel on periodically extended boundary
periodic_bulkEnergy = periodic_interfaceEnergy[index[0],
index[2]].reshape(2*grid) # fill bulk with energy of nearest interface
diffusedEnergy = np.fft.irfftn(np.fft.rfftn(np.where(ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(interfaceEnergy > 0.,
structure = struc,
iterations = options.d/2 + 1), # fat boundary | question PE: why 2d - 1? I would argue for d/2 + 1 !!
periodic_bulkEnergy[grid[0]/2:-grid[0]/2, # retain filled energy on fat boundary...
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2], # ...and zero everywhere else
index[2]].reshape(2*grid) # fill bulk with energy of nearest interface
diffusedEnergy = np.fft.irfftn(np.fft.rfftn(
ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(interfaceEnergy > 0.,
structure = struc,
terations = options.d/2 + 1), # fat boundary | PE: why 2d-1? I would argue for d/2 + 1
periodic_bulkEnergy[grid[0]/2:-grid[0]/2, # retain filled energy on fat boundary...
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2], # ...and zero everywhere else
periodic_diffusedEnergy = np.tile(diffusedEnergy,(3,3,3))[grid[0]/2:-grid[0]/2,
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # periodically extend the smoothed bulk energy
index = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(periodic_diffusedEnergy >= 0.5, # transform voxels close to interface region | question PE: what motivates 1/2 (could be any small number, or)?
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # periodically extend the smoothed bulk energy
# transform voxels close to interface region | question PE: what motivates 1/2 (could be any small number, or)?
index = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(periodic_diffusedEnergy >= 0.5,
return_distances = False,
return_indices = True) # want index of closest bulk grain
return_indices = True) # want index of closest bulk grain
microstructure = periodic_microstructure[index[0],
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # extent grains into interface region
grid[2]/2:-grid[2]/2] # extent grains into interface region
immutable = np.zeros(microstructure.shape, dtype=bool)
# find locations where immutable microstructures have been or are now
for micro in options.immutable:
immutable += np.logical_or(microstructure == micro, microstructure_original == micro) # find locations where immutable microstructures have been or are now
microstructure = np.where(immutable, microstructure_original,microstructure) # undo any changes involving immutable microstructures
immutable += np.logical_or(microstructure == micro, microstructure_original == micro)
# undo any changes involving immutable microstructures
microstructure = np.where(immutable, microstructure_original,microstructure)
# --- renumber to sequence 1...Ngrains if requested ------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,string,re
import os,re
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ if (options.dimension == 3):
elif (options.dimension == 2):
for i,l in enumerate(line):
# for pts in line[int(abs(lines)-1)]:
# for pts in line[int(abs(lines)-1)]:
for pts in l:

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
import os,sys,math,re,random,string
import os,sys,math,random
import numpy as np
scriptName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def integerFactorization(i):
return j
def binAsBins(bin,intervals):
""" explode compound bin into 3D bins list """
"""explode compound bin into 3D bins list"""
bins = [0]*3
bins[0] = (bin//(intervals[1] * intervals[2])) % intervals[0]
bins[1] = (bin//intervals[2]) % intervals[1]
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ def binAsBins(bin,intervals):
return bins
def binsAsBin(bins,intervals):
""" implode 3D bins into compound bin """
"""implode 3D bins into compound bin"""
return (bins[0]*intervals[1] + bins[1])*intervals[2] + bins[2]
def EulersAsBins(Eulers,intervals,deltas,center):
""" return list of Eulers translated into 3D bins list """
"""return list of Eulers translated into 3D bins list"""
return [int((euler+(0.5-center)*delta)//delta)%interval \
for euler,delta,interval in zip(Eulers,deltas,intervals) \
def binAsEulers(bin,intervals,deltas,center):
""" compound bin number translated into list of Eulers """
"""compound bin number translated into list of Eulers"""
Eulers = [0.0]*3
Eulers[2] = (bin%intervals[2] + center)*deltas[2]
Eulers[1] = (bin//intervals[2]%intervals[1] + center)*deltas[1]
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def binAsEulers(bin,intervals,deltas,center):
return Eulers
def directInvRepetitions(probability,scale):
""" calculate number of samples drawn by direct inversion """
"""calculate number of samples drawn by direct inversion"""
nDirectInv = 0
for bin in range(len(probability)): # loop over bins
nDirectInv += int(round(probability[bin]*scale)) # calc repetition
@ -55,15 +55,12 @@ def directInvRepetitions(probability,scale):
# ---------------------- sampling methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----- efficient algorithm ---------
def directInversion (ODF,nSamples):
""" ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians) """
"""ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians)"""
nOptSamples = max(ODF['nNonZero'],nSamples) # random subsampling if too little samples requested
nInvSamples = 0
repetition = [None]*ODF['nBins']
probabilityScale = nOptSamples # guess
scaleLower = 0.0
nInvSamplesLower = 0
@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ def directInversion (ODF,nSamples):
for bin in range(ODF['nBins']): # loop over bins
repetition[bin] = int(round(ODF['dV_V'][bin]*scale)) # calc repetition
# build set
# build set
set = [None]*nInvSamples
i = 0
for bin in range(ODF['nBins']):
@ -110,7 +107,6 @@ def directInversion (ODF,nSamples):
if (j == nInvSamples-1): ex = j
else: ex = int(round(random.uniform(j+0.5,nInvSamples-0.5)))
bin = set[ex]
bins = binAsBins(bin,ODF['interval']) # PE: why are we doing this??
Eulers = binAsEulers(bin,ODF['interval'],ODF['delta'],ODF['center'])
orientations[j] = np.degrees(Eulers)
reconstructedODF[bin] += unitInc
@ -122,8 +118,7 @@ def directInversion (ODF,nSamples):
# ----- trial and error algorithms ---------
def MonteCarloEulers (ODF,nSamples):
""" ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians) """
"""ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians)"""
countMC = 0
maxdV_V = max(ODF['dV_V'])
orientations = np.zeros((nSamples,3),'f')
@ -146,8 +141,7 @@ def MonteCarloEulers (ODF,nSamples):
def MonteCarloBins (ODF,nSamples):
""" ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians) """
"""ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians)"""
countMC = 0
maxdV_V = max(ODF['dV_V'])
orientations = np.zeros((nSamples,3),'f')
@ -169,8 +163,7 @@ def MonteCarloBins (ODF,nSamples):
def TothVanHoutteSTAT (ODF,nSamples):
""" ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians) """
"""ODF contains 'dV_V' (normalized to 1), 'center', 'intervals', 'limits' (in radians)"""
orientations = np.zeros((nSamples,3),'f')
reconstructedODF = np.zeros(ODF['nBins'],'f')
unitInc = 1.0/nSamples
@ -199,7 +192,7 @@ def TothVanHoutteSTAT (ODF,nSamples):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """
parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description ="""
Transform linear binned ODF data into given number of orientations.
IA: integral approximation, STAT: Van Houtte, MC: Monte Carlo
@ -251,7 +244,7 @@ for name in filenames:
randomSeed = int(os.urandom(4).encode('hex'), 16) if options.randomSeed == None else options.randomSeed # random seed per file for second phase
randomSeed = int(os.urandom(4).encode('hex'), 16) if options.randomSeed is None else options.randomSeed # random seed per file for second phase
# ------------------------------------------ read header and data ---------------------------------
@ -308,13 +301,13 @@ for name in filenames:
'Reference Integral: %12.11f\n'%(ODF['limit'][0]*ODF['limit'][2]*(1-math.cos(ODF['limit'][1]))),
# call methods
# call methods
Functions = {'IA': 'directInversion', 'STAT': 'TothVanHoutteSTAT', 'MC': 'MonteCarloBins'}
method = Functions[options.algorithm]
Orientations, ReconstructedODF = (globals()[method])(ODF,nSamples)
# calculate accuracy of sample
# calculate accuracy of sample
squaredDiff = {'orig':0.0,method:0.0}
squaredRelDiff = {'orig':0.0,method:0.0}
mutualProd = {'orig':0.0,method:0.0}
@ -375,7 +368,7 @@ for name in filenames:
'(gauss) phi1 {} Phi {} phi2 {} scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0'.format(*eulers),
#--- output finalization --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#--- output finalization --------------------------------------------------------------------------
with (open(os.path.splitext(name)[0]+'_'+method+'_'+str(nSamples)+'_material.config','w')) as outfile:

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
Writes meaningful labels to the marc input file (*.dat)
based on the files
output is based on the files
that are written during the first run of the model.
import sys,os,re,string
import sys,os,re
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ scriptID = ' '.join([scriptName,damask.version])
# -----------------------------
def ParseOutputFormat(filename,what,me):
# -----------------------------
format = {'outputs':{},'specials':{'brothers':[]}}
outputmetafile = filename+'.output'+what
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ for file in files:
for what in me:
outputFormat[what] = ParseOutputFormat(formatFile,what,me[what])
if not '_id' in outputFormat[what]['specials']:
if '_id' not in outputFormat[what]['specials']:
print "'%s' not found in <%s>"%(me[what],what)
print '\n'.join(map(lambda x:' '+x,outputFormat[what]['specials']['brothers']))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import sys,os,string
import sys,os
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ def outMentat(cmd,locals):
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
cmd = eval(cmd[3:])
def outFile(cmd,locals,dest):
if cmd[0:3] == '(!)':
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ def outFile(cmd,locals,dest):
def output(cmds,locals,dest):
for cmd in cmds:
if isinstance(cmd,list):
@ -58,12 +56,12 @@ def servoLink():
'max': np.zeros(3,dtype='d'),
'delta': np.zeros(3,dtype='d'),
Nnodes = py_get_int("nnodes()")
Nnodes = py_mentat.py_get_int("nnodes()")
NodeCoords = np.zeros((Nnodes,3),dtype='d')
for node in xrange(Nnodes):
NodeCoords[node,0] = py_get_float("node_x(%i)"%(node+1))
NodeCoords[node,1] = py_get_float("node_y(%i)"%(node+1))
NodeCoords[node,2] = py_get_float("node_z(%i)"%(node+1))
NodeCoords[node,0] = py_mentat.py_get_float("node_x(%i)"%(node+1))
NodeCoords[node,1] = py_mentat.py_get_float("node_y(%i)"%(node+1))
NodeCoords[node,2] = py_mentat.py_get_float("node_z(%i)"%(node+1))
box['min'] = NodeCoords.min(axis=0) # find the bounding box
box['max'] = NodeCoords.max(axis=0)
box['delta'] = box['max']-box['min']
@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ def servoLink():
# loop over all nodes
for node in xrange(Nnodes):
pos = {}
key = {}
maxFlag = [False, False, False]
Nmax = 0
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ def servoLink():
maxFlag[coord] = True # remember face membership (for linked nodes)
if Nmin > 0: # node is on a back face
# prepare for any non-existing entries in the data structure
# prepare for any non-existing entries in the data structure
if key['x'] not in baseNode.keys():
baseNode[key['x']] = {}
if key['y'] not in baseNode[key['x']].keys():
@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ else:
from py_mentat import *
import py_mentat
file['croak'].write('error: no valid Mentat release found')
@ -176,8 +173,9 @@ outputLocals = {}
file['croak'].write( 'waiting to connect...\n')
output(['*draw_manual'],outputLocals,'Mentat') # prevent redrawing in Mentat, should be much faster. Since py_connect has no return value, try this to determine if failed or not
# prevent redrawing in Mentat, should be much faster. Since py_connect has no return value, try this to determine if failed or not
file['croak'].write('Could not connect. Set Tools/Python/"Run as Separate Process" & "Initiate"...\n')
@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ output(['*remove_all_servos',
cmds = servoLink()
if options.verbose:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os, sys, string
import os,sys
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -12,19 +12,17 @@ sys.path.append(damask.solver.Marc().libraryPath('../../'))
def outMentat(cmd,locals):
if cmd[0:3] == '(!)':
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
cmd = eval(cmd[3:])
def outFile(cmd,locals,dest):
if cmd[0:3] == '(!)':
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ def outFile(cmd,locals,dest):
def output(cmds,locals,dest):
for cmd in cmds:
if isinstance(cmd,list):
@ -51,26 +48,24 @@ def output(cmds,locals,dest):
def init():
return [
"#"+' '.join([scriptID] + sys.argv[1:]),
"*draw_manual", # prevent redrawing in Mentat, should be much faster
"*new_model yes",
"*set_element_class hex8",
"*set_nodes off",
"*show_view 4",
return [
"#"+' '.join([scriptID] + sys.argv[1:]),
"*draw_manual", # prevent redrawing in Mentat, should be much faster
"*new_model yes",
"*set_element_class hex8",
"*set_nodes off",
"*show_view 4",
def mesh(r,d):
return [
"%f %f %f"%(0.0,0.0,0.0),
@ -102,7 +97,6 @@ def mesh(r,d):
def material():
cmds = [\
"*new_mater standard",
"*mater_option general:state:solid",
@ -112,7 +106,7 @@ def material():
"*geometry_type mech_three_solid",
# "*geometry_option red_integ_capacity:on", # see below: reduced integration with one IP gave trouble being always OUTDATED...
# "*geometry_option red_integ_capacity:on", reduced integration with one IP gave trouble being always OUTDATED...
@ -122,13 +116,13 @@ def material():
def geometry():
cmds = [\
"*geometry_type mech_three_solid",
# "*geometry_option red_integ_capacity:on",
"*element_type 7", # we are NOT using reduced integration (type 117) but opt for /elementhomogeneous/ in the respective phase description (material.config)
# we are NOT using reduced integration (type 117) but opt for /elementhomogeneous/ in the respective phase description (material.config)
"*element_type 7",
@ -137,7 +131,6 @@ def geometry():
def initial_conditions(homogenization,microstructures):
elements = []
element = 0
for id in microstructures:
@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ parser.set_defaults(port = None,
if options.port:
from py_mentat import *
import py_mentat
parser.error('no valid Mentat release found.')
@ -258,9 +251,9 @@ for name in filenames:
outputLocals = {}
if options.port:
output(cmds,outputLocals,table.__IO__['out']) # bad hack into internals of table class...

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import sys,os,math,re,string
import sys,os,math,re
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ except:
try: # check for MSC.Mentat Python interface
from py_mentat import *
import py_mentat
MentatCapability = True
MentatCapability = False
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ def outMentat(cmd,locals):
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
cmd = eval(cmd[3:])
if 'log' in locals: locals['log'].append(cmd)
if 'log' in locals: locals['log'].append(cmd)
@ -83,10 +83,9 @@ def rcbOrientationParser(content,idcolumn):
return grains
def rcbParser(content,M,size,tolerance,idcolumn,segmentcolumn): # parser for TSL-OIM reconstructed boundary files
def rcbParser(content,M,size,tolerance,idcolumn,segmentcolumn):
"""parser for TSL-OIM reconstructed boundary files"""
# find bounding box
boxX = [1.*sys.maxint,-1.*sys.maxint]
boxY = [1.*sys.maxint,-1.*sys.maxint]
x = [0.,0.]
@ -145,8 +144,8 @@ def rcbParser(content,M,size,tolerance,idcolumn,segmentcolumn): # parser for T
match = True
# force to boundary if inside tolerance to it
if (not match):
# force to boundary if inside tolerance to it
if (abs(x[i])<dX*tolerance):
x[i] = 0
if (abs(dX-x[i])<dX*tolerance):
@ -226,7 +225,7 @@ def rcbParser(content,M,size,tolerance,idcolumn,segmentcolumn): # parser for T
for keyY in allkeysY:
points.append({'coords': [float(keyX)*scalePatch,float(keyY)*scalePatch], 'segments': connectivityXY[keyX][keyY]})
for segment in connectivityXY[keyX][keyY]:
if (segments[segment] == None):
if (segments[segment] is None):
segments[segment] = pointId
@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ def rcbParser(content,M,size,tolerance,idcolumn,segmentcolumn): # parser for T
myLen = math.sqrt(myV[0]**2+myV[1]**2)
best = {'product': -2.0, 'peek': -1, 'len': -1, 'point': -1}
for peek in points[myEnd]['segments']: # trying in turn all segments emanating from current endPoint
for peek in points[myEnd]['segments']: # trying in turn all segments emanating from current end
if peek == myWalk:
peekEnd = segments[peek][1] if segments[peek][0] == myEnd else segments[peek][0]
@ -652,7 +651,6 @@ def cleanUp(a):
# -------------------------
def image(name,imgsize,marginX,marginY,rcData):
# -------------------------
dX = max([coords[0] for coords in rcData['point']])
dY = max([coords[1] for coords in rcData['point']])
@ -697,87 +695,87 @@ def image(name,imgsize,marginX,marginY,rcData):'.png',"PNG")
# -------------------------
def inside(x,y,points): # tests whether point(x,y) is within polygon described by points
# -------------------------
inside = False
(x1,y1) = points[npoints-1] # start with last point of points
startover = (y1 >= y) # am I above testpoint?
for i in range(npoints): # loop through all points
(x2,y2) = points[i] # next point
endover = (y2 >= y) # am I above testpoint?
if (startover != endover): # one above one below testpoint?
if((y2 - y)*(x2 - x1) <= (y2 - y1)*(x2 - x)): # check for intersection
if (endover):
inside = not inside # found intersection
if (not endover):
inside = not inside # found intersection
startover = endover # make second point first point
(x1,y1) = (x2,y2)
def inside(x,y,points):
"""tests whether point(x,y) is within polygon described by points"""
inside = False
(x1,y1) = points[npoints-1] # start with last point of points
startover = (y1 >= y) # am I above testpoint?
for i in range(npoints): # loop through all points
(x2,y2) = points[i] # next point
endover = (y2 >= y) # am I above testpoint?
if (startover != endover): # one above one below testpoint?
if((y2 - y)*(x2 - x1) <= (y2 - y1)*(x2 - x)): # check for intersection
if (endover):
inside = not inside # found intersection
if (not endover):
inside = not inside # found intersection
startover = endover # make second point first point
(x1,y1) = (x2,y2)
return inside
return inside
# -------------------------
def fftbuild(rcData,height,xframe,yframe,resolution,extrusion): # build array of grain numbers
# -------------------------
maxX = -1.*sys.maxint
maxY = -1.*sys.maxint
for line in rcData['point']: # find data range
(x,y) = line
maxX = max(maxX, x)
maxY = max(maxY, y)
xsize = maxX+2*xframe # add framsize
ysize = maxY+2*yframe
xres = int(round(resolution/2.0)*2) # use only even resolution
yres = int(round(xres/xsize*ysize/2.0)*2) # calculate other resolutions
zres = extrusion
zsize = extrusion*min([xsize/xres,ysize/yres])
def fftbuild(rcData,height,xframe,yframe,resolution,extrusion):
"""build array of grain numbers"""
maxX = -1.*sys.maxint
maxY = -1.*sys.maxint
for line in rcData['point']: # find data range
(x,y) = line
maxX = max(maxX, x)
maxY = max(maxY, y)
xsize = maxX+2*xframe # add framsize
ysize = maxY+2*yframe
xres = int(round(resolution/2.0)*2) # use only even resolution
yres = int(round(xres/xsize*ysize/2.0)*2) # calculate other resolutions
zres = extrusion
zsize = extrusion*min([xsize/xres,ysize/yres])
fftdata = {'fftpoints':[], \
'resolution':(xres,yres,zres), \
fftdata = {'fftpoints':[], \
'resolution':(xres,yres,zres), \
frameindex=len(rcData['grain'])+1 # calculate frame index as largest grain index plus one
dx = xsize/(xres+1) # calculate step sizes
dy = ysize/(yres+1)
frameindex=len(rcData['grain'])+1 # calculate frame index as largest grain index plus one
dx = xsize/(xres+1) # calculate step sizes
dy = ysize/(yres+1)
grainpoints = []
for segments in rcData['grain']: # get segments of each grain
points = {}
for i,segment in enumerate(segments[:-1]): # loop thru segments except last (s=[start,end])
points[rcData['segment'][segment][0]] = i # assign segment index to start point
points[rcData['segment'][segment][1]] = i # assigne segment index to endpoint
for i in range(2): # check points of last segment
if points[rcData['segment'][segments[-1]][i]] != 0: # not on first segment
points[rcData['segment'][segments[-1]][i]] = len(segments)-1 # assign segment index to last point
grainpoints = []
for segments in rcData['grain']: # get segments of each grain
points = {}
for i,segment in enumerate(segments[:-1]): # loop thru segments except last (s=[start,end])
points[rcData['segment'][segment][0]] = i # assign segment index to start point
points[rcData['segment'][segment][1]] = i # assigne segment index to endpoint
for i in range(2): # check points of last segment
if points[rcData['segment'][segments[-1]][i]] != 0: # not on first segment
points[rcData['segment'][segments[-1]][i]] = len(segments)-1 # assign segment index to last point
grainpoints.append([]) # start out blank for current grain
for p in sorted(points, key=points.get): # loop thru set of sorted points
grainpoints[-1].append([rcData['point'][p][0],rcData['point'][p][1]]) # append x,y of point
grainpoints.append([]) # start out blank for current grain
for p in sorted(points, key=points.get): # loop thru set of sorted points
grainpoints[-1].append([rcData['point'][p][0],rcData['point'][p][1]]) # append x,y of point
bestGuess = 0 # assume grain 0 as best guess
for i in range(int(xres*yres)): # walk through all points in xy plane
xtest = -xframe+((i%xres)+0.5)*dx # calculate coordinates
ytest = -yframe+(int(i/xres)+0.5)*dy
if(xtest < 0 or xtest > maxX): # check wether part of frame
if( ytest < 0 or ytest > maxY): # part of edges
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex+2) # append frameindex to result array
else: # part of xframe
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex) # append frameindex to result array
elif( ytest < 0 or ytest > maxY): # part of yframe
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex+1) # append frameindex to result array
if inside(xtest,ytest,grainpoints[bestGuess]): # check best guess first
else: # no success
for g in range(len(grainpoints)): # test all
if inside(xtest,ytest,grainpoints[g]):
bestGuess = g
bestGuess = 0 # assume grain 0 as best guess
for i in range(int(xres*yres)): # walk through all points in xy plane
xtest = -xframe+((i%xres)+0.5)*dx # calculate coordinates
ytest = -yframe+(int(i/xres)+0.5)*dy
if(xtest < 0 or xtest > maxX): # check wether part of frame
if( ytest < 0 or ytest > maxY): # part of edges
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex+2) # append frameindex to result array
else: # part of xframe
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex) # append frameindex to result array
elif( ytest < 0 or ytest > maxY): # part of yframe
fftdata['fftpoints'].append(frameindex+1) # append frameindex to result array
if inside(xtest,ytest,grainpoints[bestGuess]): # check best guess first
else: # no success
for g in range(len(grainpoints)): # test all
if inside(xtest,ytest,grainpoints[g]):
bestGuess = g
return fftdata
return fftdata
# ----------------------- MAIN -------------------------------
@ -926,12 +924,12 @@ if 'mentat' in options.output:
outputLocals = {'log':[]}
if (options.port != None):
if (options.port is not None):
if 'procedure' in options.output:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,sys,string,math,random
import os,sys,math,random
import numpy as np
import damask
from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup
@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ scriptID = ' '.join([scriptName,damask.version])
# ------------------------------------------ aux functions ---------------------------------
def kdtree_search(cloud, queryPoints):
find distances to nearest neighbor among cloud (N,d) for each of the queryPoints (n,d)
"""find distances to nearest neighbor among cloud (N,d) for each of the queryPoints (n,d)"""
n = queryPoints.shape[0]
distances = np.zeros(n,dtype=float)
tree = spatial.cKDTree(cloud)
@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ parser.set_defaults(randomSeed = None,
options.grid = np.array(options.grid)
gridSize =
if options.randomSeed == None: options.randomSeed = int(os.urandom(4).encode('hex'), 16)
if options.randomSeed is None: options.randomSeed = int(os.urandom(4).encode('hex'), 16)
np.random.seed(options.randomSeed) # init random generators
@ -133,10 +131,12 @@ for name in filenames:
remarks = []
errors = []
if gridSize == 0: errors.append('zero grid dimension for %s.'%(', '.join([['a','b','c'][x] for x in np.where(options.grid == 0)[0]])))
if gridSize == 0:
errors.append('zero grid dimension for %s.'%(', '.join([['a','b','c'][x] for x in np.where(options.grid == 0)[0]])))
if options.N > gridSize/10.: errors.append('seed count exceeds 0.1 of grid points.')
if options.selective and 4./3.*math.pi*(options.distance/2.)**3*options.N > 0.5:
(remarks if options.force else errors).append('maximum recommended seed point count for given distance is {}.{}'.format(int(3./8./math.pi/(options.distance/2.)**3),'..'*options.force))
(remarks if options.force else errors).append('maximum recommended seed point count for given distance is {}.{}'.
if remarks != []: damask.util.croak(remarks)
if errors != []:
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ for name in filenames:
if not options.selective:
seeds = np.zeros((3,options.N),dtype='d') # seed positions array
gridpoints = random.sample(range(gridSize),options.N) # create random permutation of all grid positions and choose first N
gridpoints = random.sample(range(gridSize),options.N) # choose first N from random permutation of grid positions
seeds[0,:] = (np.mod(gridpoints ,options.grid[0])\
+np.random.random(options.N)) /options.grid[0]
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ for name in filenames:
distances = kdtree_search(seeds[:i],candidates)
best = distances.argmax()
if distances[best] > options.distance: # require minimum separation
seeds[i] = candidates[best] # take candidate with maximum separation to existing point cloud
seeds[i] = candidates[best] # maximum separation to existing point cloud
i += 1
if i%(options.N/100.) < 1: damask.util.croak('.',False)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-
import os,string,itertools
import os,itertools
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ parser.set_defaults(pos = 'pos',
(options,filenames) = parser.parse_args()
if options.whitelist != None: options.whitelist = map(int,options.whitelist)
if options.blacklist != None: options.blacklist = map(int,options.blacklist)
if options.whitelist is not None: options.whitelist = map(int,options.whitelist)
if options.blacklist is not None: options.blacklist = map(int,options.blacklist)
# --- loop over input files -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -101,13 +101,11 @@ for name in filenames:
# --- filtering of grain voxels --------------------------------------------------------------------
mask = np.logical_and(\
np.ones_like([:,3],bool) \
if options.whitelist == None \
else np.in1d([:,3].ravel(), options.whitelist).reshape([:,3].shape),
np.ones_like([:,3],bool) \
if options.blacklist == None \
else np.invert(np.in1d([:,3].ravel(), options.blacklist).reshape([:,3].shape))
mask = np.logical_and(
np.ones_like([:,3],bool) if options.whitelist is None \
else np.in1d([:,3].ravel(), options.whitelist).reshape([:,3].shape),
np.ones_like([:,3],bool) if options.blacklist is None \
else np.invert(np.in1d([:,3].ravel(), options.blacklist).reshape([:,3].shape))
) =[mask]