added offsetDeltaState to type-definition and respect this when applying deltaState

This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2017-09-29 17:44:10 -04:00
parent 2f02239222
commit f5816a643d
2 changed files with 36 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -3092,27 +3092,41 @@ logical function crystallite_stateJump(ipc,ip,el)
c, &
p, &
mySource, &
myOffsetPlasticDeltaState, &
myOffsetSourceDeltaState, &
mySizePlasticDeltaState, &
c= phasememberAt(ipc,ip,el)
c = phasememberAt(ipc,ip,el)
p = phaseAt(ipc,ip,el)
call constitutive_collectDeltaState(crystallite_Tstar_v(1:6,ipc,ip,el), crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,ipc,ip,el), ipc,ip,el)
myOffsetPlasticDeltaState = plasticState(p)%offsetDeltaState
mySizePlasticDeltaState = plasticState(p)%sizeDeltaState
if( any(IEEE_is_NaN(plasticState(p)%deltaState(:,c)))) then ! NaN occured in deltaState
if( any(IEEE_is_NaN(plasticState(p)%deltaState(1:mySizePlasticDeltaState,c)))) then ! NaN occured in deltaState
crystallite_stateJump = .false.
plasticState(p)%state(1:mySizePlasticDeltaState,c) = plasticState(p)%state(1:mySizePlasticDeltaState,c) + &
plasticState(p)%state(myOffsetPlasticDeltaState + 1_pInt : &
myOffsetPlasticDeltaState + mySizePlasticDeltaState,c) = &
plasticState(p)%state(myOffsetPlasticDeltaState + 1_pInt : &
myOffsetPlasticDeltaState + mySizePlasticDeltaState,c) + &
do mySource = 1_pInt, phase_Nsources(p)
myOffsetSourceDeltaState = sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%offsetDeltaState
mySizeSourceDeltaState = sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%sizeDeltaState
if( any(IEEE_is_NaN(sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%deltaState(:,c)))) then ! NaN occured in deltaState
if (any(IEEE_is_NaN(sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%deltaState(1:mySizeSourceDeltaState,c)))) then ! NaN occured in deltaState
crystallite_stateJump = .false.
sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%state(1:mySizeSourceDeltaState,c) = &
sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%state(1:mySizeSourceDeltaState,c) + &
sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%state(myOffsetSourceDeltaState + 1_pInt : &
myOffsetSourceDeltaState + mySizeSourceDeltaState,c) = &
sourceState(p)%p(mySource)%state(myOffsetSourceDeltaState + 1_pInt : &
myOffsetSourceDeltaState + mySizeSourceDeltaState,c) + &
@ -3123,7 +3137,9 @@ logical function crystallite_stateJump(ipc,ip,el)
.or. .not. iand(debug_level(debug_crystallite), debug_levelSelective) /= 0_pInt)) then
write(6,'(a,i8,1x,i2,1x,i3, /)') '<< CRYST >> update state at el ip ipc ',el,ip,ipc
write(6,'(a,/,(12x,12(e12.5,1x)),/)') '<< CRYST >> deltaState', plasticState(p)%deltaState(1:mySizePlasticDeltaState,c)
write(6,'(a,/,(12x,12(e12.5,1x)),/)') '<< CRYST >> new state', plasticState(p)%state (1:mySizePlasticDeltaState,c)
write(6,'(a,/,(12x,12(e12.5,1x)),/)') '<< CRYST >> new state', &
plasticState(p)%state(myOffsetSourceDeltaState + 1_pInt : &
myOffsetSourceDeltaState + mySizeSourceDeltaState,c)

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@ -39,20 +39,21 @@ module prec
type, public :: tState
integer(pInt) :: &
sizeState = 0_pInt , & !< size of state
sizeDotState = 0_pInt, & !< size of dot state, i.e. parts of the state that are integrated
sizeDeltaState = 0_pInt, & !< size of delta state, i.e. parts of the state that have discontinuous rates
sizeState = 0_pInt, & !< size of state
sizeDotState = 0_pInt, & !< size of dot state, i.e. state(1:sizeDot) follows time evolution by dotState rates
offsetDeltaState = 0_pInt, & !< offset of delta state
sizeDeltaState = 0_pInt, & !< size of delta state, i.e. state(offset+1:offset+sizeDot) follows time evolution by deltaState increments
sizePostResults = 0_pInt !< size of output data
real(pReal), pointer, dimension(:), contiguous :: &
real(pReal), pointer, dimension(:,:), contiguous :: & ! a pointer is needed here because we might point to state/doState. However, they will never point to something, but are rather allocated and, hence, contiguous
state0, &
state, & !< state
dotState, & !< state rate
dotState, & !< rate of state change
deltaState !< increment of state change
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: &
partionedState0, &
subState0, &
deltaState, &
previousDotState, & !< state rate of previous xxxx
previousDotState2, & !< state rate two xxxx ago