fixed bug causing no fluctuation in case of using with 3Dvisualize

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Martin Diehl 2013-04-25 14:43:20 +00:00
parent d05ebff400
commit f18c6c5903
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -2170,21 +2170,21 @@ function mesh_deformedCoordsFFT(gDim,F,FavgIn,scalingIn) result(coords)
integer(pInt), dimension(2:3,2) :: Nyquist ! highest frequencies to be removed (1 if even, 2 if odd)
if (present(scalingIn)) then
where (scalingIn < 0.0_pReal) ! the f2py way to tell it is not present
where (scalingIn < 0.0_pReal) ! invalid values. in case of f2py -1 if not present
scaling = [1.0_pReal,1.0_pReal,1.0_pReal]
scaling = scalingIn
end where
scaling = 1.0_pReal
iRes = [size(F,3),size(F,4),size(F,5)]
integrator = gDim / 2.0_pReal / PI ! see notes where it is used
res1Red = iRes(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
res1Red = iRes(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
step = gDim/real(iRes, pReal)
Nyquist(2,1:2) = [res(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt, res(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt + mod(res(2),2_pInt)]
Nyquist(3,1:2) = [res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt, res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt + mod(res(3),2_pInt)]
Nyquist(2,1:2) = [iRes(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt, iRes(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt + mod(iRes(2),2_pInt)]
Nyquist(3,1:2) = [iRes(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt, iRes(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt + mod(iRes(3),2_pInt)]
! report
@ -2226,7 +2226,7 @@ function mesh_deformedCoordsFFT(gDim,F,FavgIn,scalingIn) result(coords)
1_pInt, iRes(3)*iRes(2)*(iRes(1)+2_pInt-mod(iRes(1),2_pInt)),&
F_real(1:iRes(1),1:iRes(2),1:iRes(3),1:3,1:3) = &
reshape(F,[res(1),res(2),res(3),3,3], order = [4,5,1,2,3]) ! F_real is overwritten during plan creatio, is larger (padding) and has different order
reshape(F,[iRes(1),iRes(2),iRes(3),3,3], order = [4,5,1,2,3]) ! F_real is overwritten during plan creatio, is larger (padding) and has different order
@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@ function mesh_deformedCoordsFFT(gDim,F,FavgIn,scalingIn) result(coords)
! if no average F is given, compute it in Fourier space
if (present(FavgIn)) then
if (all(FavgIn < 0.0_pReal)) then
Favg = real(F_fourier(1,1,1,1:3,1:3),pReal)/real(product(iRes),pReal) !the f2py way to tell it is not present
Favg = real(F_fourier(1,1,1,1:3,1:3),pReal)/real(product(iRes),pReal) !the f2py way to tell it is not present
Favg = FavgIn