standard names
This commit is contained in:
@ -407,12 +407,13 @@ contains
subroutine constitutive_init
integer :: &
p, & !< counter in phase loop
s !< counter in source loop
ph, & !< counter in phase loop
so !< counter in source loop
class (tNode), pointer :: &
debug_constitutive, &
debug_constitutive => config_debug%get('constitutive', defaultVal=emptyList)
debugConstitutive%basic = debug_constitutive%contains('basic')
debugConstitutive%extensive = debug_constitutive%contains('extensive')
@ -423,26 +424,26 @@ subroutine constitutive_init
! initialize constitutive laws
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
call mech_init
call damage_init
call thermal_init
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- constitutive init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
constitutive_source_maxSizeDotState = 0
PhaseLoop2:do p = 1,phases%length
PhaseLoop2:do ph = 1,phases%length
! partition and initialize state
plasticState(p)%partitionedState0 = plasticState(p)%state0
plasticState(p)%state = plasticState(p)%partitionedState0
forall(s = 1:phase_Nsources(p))
sourceState(p)%p(s)%partitionedState0 = sourceState(p)%p(s)%state0
sourceState(p)%p(s)%state = sourceState(p)%p(s)%partitionedState0
plasticState(ph)%partitionedState0 = plasticState(ph)%state0
plasticState(ph)%state = plasticState(ph)%partitionedState0
forall(so = 1:phase_Nsources(ph))
sourceState(ph)%p(so)%partitionedState0 = sourceState(ph)%p(so)%state0
sourceState(ph)%p(so)%state = sourceState(ph)%p(so)%partitionedState0
end forall
constitutive_source_maxSizeDotState = max(constitutive_source_maxSizeDotState, &
enddo PhaseLoop2
constitutive_plasticity_maxSizeDotState = maxval(plasticState%sizeDotState)
@ -617,26 +618,26 @@ end subroutine constitutive_LiAndItsTangents
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the rate of change of microstructure
function constitutive_damage_collectDotState(S, co, ip, el,phase,of) result(broken)
function constitutive_damage_collectDotState(S, co, ip, el,ph,of) result(broken)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el, & !< element
phase, &
ph, &
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
S !< 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress (vector notation)
integer :: &
i !< counter in source loop
so !< counter in source loop
logical :: broken
broken = .false.
SourceLoop: do i = 1, phase_Nsources(phase)
SourceLoop: do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
sourceType: select case (phase_source(i,phase))
sourceType: select case (phase_source(so,ph))
case (SOURCE_damage_anisoBrittle_ID) sourceType
call source_damage_anisoBrittle_dotState(S, co, ip, el) ! correct stress?
@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ function constitutive_damage_collectDotState(S, co, ip, el,phase,of) result(brok
end select sourceType
broken = broken .or. any(IEEE_is_NaN(sourceState(phase)%p(i)%dotState(:,of)))
broken = broken .or. any(IEEE_is_NaN(sourceState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,of)))
enddo SourceLoop
Reference in New Issue