use central functionality

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Martin Diehl 2020-02-03 22:59:38 +01:00
parent 7bdfd05749
commit e9dad64f2b
1 changed files with 16 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -35,15 +35,16 @@ program DAMASK_FEM
integer, parameter :: &
subStepFactor = 2 !< for each substep, divide the last time increment by 2.0
real(pReal) :: &
time = 0.0_pReal, & !< elapsed time
time0 = 0.0_pReal, & !< begin of interval
timeinc = 0.0_pReal, & !< current time interval
timeIncOld = 0.0_pReal, & !< previous time interval
remainingLoadCaseTime = 0.0_pReal !< remaining time of current load case
time = 0.0_pReal, & !< elapsed time
time0 = 0.0_pReal, & !< begin of interval
timeinc = 0.0_pReal, & !< current time interval
timeIncOld = 0.0_pReal, & !< previous time interval
remainingLoadCaseTime = 0.0_pReal !< remaining time of current load case
logical :: &
guess, & !< guess along former trajectory
guess, & !< guess along former trajectory
integer :: &
l, &
i, &
errorID, &
cutBackLevel = 0, & !< cut back level \f$ t = \frac{t_{inc}}{2^l} \f$
@ -52,15 +53,14 @@ program DAMASK_FEM
currentFace = 0, &
inc, & !< current increment in current load case
totalIncsCounter = 0, & !< total # of increments
fileUnit = 0, & !< file unit for reading load case and writing results
myStat, &
statUnit = 0, & !< file unit for statistics output
stagIter, &
character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: fileContent
character(len=pStringLen) :: &
incInfo, &
type(tLoadCase), allocatable, dimension(:) :: loadCases !< array of all load cases
type(tLoadCase), allocatable, dimension(:) :: loadCases !< array of all load cases
type(tSolutionState), allocatable, dimension(:) :: solres
PetscInt :: faceSet, currentFaceSet, field, dimPlex
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
@ -80,11 +80,9 @@ program DAMASK_FEM
! reading basic information from load case file and allocate data structure containing load cases
if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100,el=myStat,ext_msg=trim(loadCaseFile))
read(fileUnit, '(A)', iostat=myStat) line
if ( myStat /= 0) exit
fileContent = IO_read_ASCII(trim(loadCaseFile))
do l = 1, size(fileContent)
line = fileContent(l)
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
@ -130,10 +128,8 @@ program DAMASK_FEM
! reading the load case and assign values to the allocated data structure
read(fileUnit, '(A)', iostat=myStat) line
if ( myStat /= 0) exit
do l = 1, size(fileContent)
line = fileContent(l)
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
@ -187,8 +183,8 @@ program DAMASK_FEM
end select
enddo; enddo
! consistency checks and output of load case