added possibility to assign the transmissivity of grain boundaries a fixed value by use of the keyword "grainboundaryTransmissivity" in the material.config; grain boundaries are identified as interfaces between areas of different material_texture

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Kords 2012-08-03 14:32:49 +00:00
parent 4cfc302cdd
commit e8df3678aa
1 changed files with 55 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ constitutive_nonlocal_q, & ! parameter
constitutive_nonlocal_viscosity, & ! viscosity for dislocation glide in Pa s
constitutive_nonlocal_fattack, & ! attack frequency in Hz
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScatter, & ! standard deviation of scatter in initial dislocation density
constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity ! transmissivity at free surface
constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity, & ! transmissivity at free surface
constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity ! transmissivity at grain boundary (identified by different texture)
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, private :: &
constitutive_nonlocal_Cslip_66 ! elasticity matrix in Mandel notation for each instance
@ -328,6 +329,7 @@ allocate(constitutive_nonlocal_viscosity(maxNinstance))
constitutive_nonlocal_CoverA = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_C11 = 0.0_pReal
@ -354,6 +356,7 @@ constitutive_nonlocal_viscosity = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_fattack = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScatter = 0.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity = 1.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity = -1.0_pReal
constitutive_nonlocal_shortRangeStressCorrection = .true.
@ -494,6 +497,8 @@ do
constitutive_nonlocal_rhoSglScatter(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2_pInt)
constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2_pInt)
constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2_pInt)
constitutive_nonlocal_shortRangeStressCorrection(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2_pInt) > 0.0_pReal
case default
@ -585,6 +590,8 @@ enddo
if (constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity(i) < 0.0_pReal &
.or. constitutive_nonlocal_surfaceTransmissivity(i) > 1.0_pReal) call IO_error(211_pInt,ext_msg='surfaceTransmissivity (' &
if (constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity(i) > 1.0_pReal) call IO_error(211_pInt,&
ext_msg='grainboundaryTransmissivity ('//constitutive_nonlocal_label//')')
!*** determine total number of active slip systems
@ -2232,6 +2239,7 @@ use math, only: math_QuaternionDisorientation, &
math_mul3x3, &
use material, only: material_phase, &
material_texture, &
phase_localPlasticity, &
phase_plasticityInstance, &
@ -2260,6 +2268,8 @@ integer(pInt) Nneighbors, & !
neighboring_i, & ! integration point index of my neighbor
my_phase, &
neighboring_phase, &
my_texture, &
neighboring_texture, &
my_structure, & ! lattice structure
my_instance, & ! instance of plasticity
ns, & ! number of active slip systems
@ -2282,6 +2292,7 @@ logical, dimension(constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(phase_plasticityInstance(mat
Nneighbors = FE_NipNeighbors(mesh_element(2,e))
my_phase = material_phase(1,i,e)
my_texture = material_texture(1,i,e)
my_instance = phase_plasticityInstance(my_phase)
my_structure = constitutive_nonlocal_structure(my_instance)
ns = constitutive_nonlocal_totalNslip(my_instance)
@ -2329,7 +2340,21 @@ do n = 1_pInt,Nneighbors
!* fixed transmissivity for adjacent ips with different texture (only if explicitly given in material.config)
if (constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity(my_instance) >= 0.0_pReal) then
neighboring_texture = material_texture(1,neighboring_i,neighboring_e)
if (neighboring_texture /= my_texture) then
if (.not. phase_localPlasticity(neighboring_phase)) then
forall(s1 = 1_pInt:ns) &
compatibility(1:2,s1,s1,n) = sqrt(constitutive_nonlocal_grainboundaryTransmissivity(my_instance))
!* Compatibility defined by relative orientation of slip systems:
!* The compatibility value is defined as the product of the slip normal projection and the slip direction projection.
!* Its sign is always positive for screws, for edges it has the same sign as the slip normal projection.
!* Since the sum for each slip system can easily exceed one (which would result in a transmissivity larger than one),
@ -2337,34 +2362,35 @@ do n = 1_pInt,Nneighbors
!* the number of compatible slip systems is minimized with the sum of the original compatibility values exceeding one.
!* Finally the smallest compatibility value is decreased until the sum is exactly equal to one.
!* All values below the threshold are set to zero.
absoluteMisorientation = math_QuaternionDisorientation(orientation(1:4,1,i,e), &
orientation(1:4,1,neighboring_i,neighboring_e), &
0_pInt) ! no symmetry
do s1 = 1_pInt,ns ! my slip systems
do s2 = 1_pInt,ns ! my neighbor's slip systems
compatibility(1,s2,s1,n) = math_mul3x3(slipNormal(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipNormal(1:3,s2))) &
* abs(math_mul3x3(slipDirection(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipDirection(1:3,s2))))
compatibility(2,s2,s1,n) = abs(math_mul3x3(slipNormal(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipNormal(1:3,s2)))) &
* abs(math_mul3x3(slipDirection(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipDirection(1:3,s2))))
compatibilitySum = 0.0_pReal
belowThreshold = .true.
do while (compatibilitySum < 1.0_pReal .and. any(belowThreshold(1:ns)))
thresholdValue = maxval(compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n), belowThreshold(1:ns)) ! screws always positive
nThresholdValues = real(count(compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) == thresholdValue),pReal)
where (compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) >= thresholdValue) &
belowThreshold(1:ns) = .false.
if (compatibilitySum + thresholdValue * nThresholdValues > 1.0_pReal) &
where (abs(compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n)) == thresholdValue) &
compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n) = sign((1.0_pReal - compatibilitySum) / nThresholdValues, compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n))
compatibilitySum = compatibilitySum + nThresholdValues * thresholdValue
where (belowThreshold(1:ns)) compatibility(1,1:ns,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
where (belowThreshold(1:ns)) compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
enddo ! my slip systems cycle
absoluteMisorientation = math_QuaternionDisorientation(orientation(1:4,1,i,e), &
orientation(1:4,1,neighboring_i,neighboring_e), &
0_pInt) ! no symmetry
do s1 = 1_pInt,ns ! my slip systems
do s2 = 1_pInt,ns ! my neighbor's slip systems
compatibility(1,s2,s1,n) = math_mul3x3(slipNormal(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipNormal(1:3,s2))) &
* abs(math_mul3x3(slipDirection(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipDirection(1:3,s2))))
compatibility(2,s2,s1,n) = abs(math_mul3x3(slipNormal(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipNormal(1:3,s2)))) &
* abs(math_mul3x3(slipDirection(1:3,s1), math_qRot(absoluteMisorientation, slipDirection(1:3,s2))))
compatibilitySum = 0.0_pReal
belowThreshold = .true.
do while (compatibilitySum < 1.0_pReal .and. any(belowThreshold(1:ns)))
thresholdValue = maxval(compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n), belowThreshold(1:ns)) ! screws always positive
nThresholdValues = real(count(compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) == thresholdValue),pReal)
where (compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) >= thresholdValue) &
belowThreshold(1:ns) = .false.
if (compatibilitySum + thresholdValue * nThresholdValues > 1.0_pReal) &
where (abs(compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n)) == thresholdValue) &
compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n) = sign((1.0_pReal - compatibilitySum) / nThresholdValues, compatibility(1:2,1:ns,s1,n))
compatibilitySum = compatibilitySum + nThresholdValues * thresholdValue
where (belowThreshold(1:ns)) compatibility(1,1:ns,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
where (belowThreshold(1:ns)) compatibility(2,1:ns,s1,n) = 0.0_pReal
enddo ! my slip systems cycle
enddo ! neighbor cycle
constitutive_nonlocal_compatibility(1:2,1:ns,1:ns,1:Nneighbors,i,e) = compatibility