sight restructuring of algorithm -- same functionality

This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2011-01-20 19:22:22 +00:00
parent 52f06009be
commit e721f2b654
2 changed files with 96 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -18,18 +18,23 @@ program voronoi
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: seedmap
character(len=1024) filename
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedpoint, i
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: seedcoord
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: rndInit
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedpoint, i, randomSeed, rndSize
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: grainEuler, seeds
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) randomSeed
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Voronoi description file'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * description file "_GIVEN_NAME_.seeds":'
print*, ' * description file "_OUTPUT_.seeds":'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of output seed file: '
read(*, *), filename
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value random seed: '
read(*, *), randomSeed; randomSeed = max(0_pInt,randomSeed)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for first resolution: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter value for second resolution: '
@ -38,43 +43,50 @@ program voronoi
read(*, *), c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter No. of Grains: '
read(*, *), N_Seeds
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Please enter name of geometry file: '
read(*, *), filename
allocate (seedmap(a*b*c)); seedmap = .false. ! logical to store information which position is occupied by a voronoi seed
allocate (seeds(N_Seeds,3))
allocate (grainEuler(N_Seeds,3))
call random_seed(size=rndSize)
rndInit = randomSeed
call random_seed(put=rndInit)
call random_seed(get=rndInit)
do i=1, N_Seeds
call random_number(grainEuler(i,1))
call random_number(grainEuler(i,2))
call random_number(grainEuler(i,3))
grainEuler(i,1) = (grainEuler(i,1))*360
grainEuler(i,2) = acos(2.0_pReal*(grainEuler(i,2))-1.0_pReal)*180/pi
grainEuler(i,3) = grainEuler(i,3)*360
grainEuler(i,1) = (grainEuler(i,1))*360.0
grainEuler(i,2) = acos(2.0_pReal*(grainEuler(i,2))-1.0_pReal)*180.0/pi
grainEuler(i,3) = grainEuler(i,3)*360.0
!generate random position of seeds for voronoi tessellation
i = 0
do while (i /= N_Seeds)
call random_number(randomSeed)
seedpoint = int(randomSeed*(a*b*c))
i = 1
do while (i <= N_Seeds)
call random_number(seeds(i,1)); seedcoord(1) = min(a,int(seeds(i,1)*a)+1_pInt)-1_pInt
call random_number(seeds(i,2)); seedcoord(2) = min(b,int(seeds(i,2)*b)+1_pInt)-1_pInt
call random_number(seeds(i,3)); seedcoord(3) = min(c,int(seeds(i,3)*c)+1_pInt)-1_pInt
seedpoint = seedcoord(1) + seedcoord(2)*a + seedcoord(3)*a*b
if (.not. seedmap(seedpoint+1)) then
seedmap(seedpoint+1) = .true.
i = i + 1
seeds(i,1) = real(mod((seedpoint), a)+1)/real(a, pReal)
seeds(i,2) = real(mod(((seedpoint)/a), b)+1)/real(b,pReal)
seeds(i,3) = real(mod(((seedpoint)/(a*b)), c)+1)/real(c,pReal)
end if
end do
! write description file with orientation and position of each seed
open(21, file = trim(filename)//('.seeds'))
write(21, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(21,*), 'grains', N_Seeds
write(21, '(i1,a1,a6)') 4,achar(9),'header'
write(21, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)') 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(21,*) 'grains', N_Seeds
write(21,*) 'random seed ',rndInit(1)
write(21,'(6(a,a1))') 'x',achar(9),'y',achar(9),'z',achar(9),'phi1',achar(9),'Phi',achar(9),'phi2',achar(9)
do i = 1, n_Seeds
write(21, '(6(F10.6,tr2))'),seeds(i,1), seeds(i,2), seeds(i,3),&
grainEuler(i,1), grainEuler(i,2), grainEuler(i,3)
write(21, '(6(F10.6,a1))'),seeds(i,1), achar(9), seeds(i,2), achar(9), seeds(i,3), achar(9), &
grainEuler(i,1),achar(9), grainEuler(i,2),achar(9), grainEuler(i,3),achar(9)
end do
deallocate (rndInit)
end program voronoi

View File

@ -170,28 +170,28 @@ program voronoi
implicit none
logical gotN_Seeds, gotResolution
character(len=1024) input_name, output_name, format1, format2, N_Digits, line
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedPoint, minDistance, myDistance, i, j, k, l, m
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: grainMap
integer(pInt) coordinates(3)
integer(pInt), dimension (15) :: posGeom
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: grainCheck
character(len=1024) input_name, output_name, format1, format2, N_Digits, line, key
integer(pInt) a, b, c, N_Seeds, seedPoint, theGrain, minDistance, myDistance, i, j, k, l, m
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: coordinates
integer(pInt), dimension (1+2*7) :: posGeom
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: grainEuler, seeds
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: dim
real(pReal), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
real(pReal) scaling
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ' Spectral Method Problem Set-up'
print*, '******************************************************************************'
print*, ''
print*, 'generates:'
print*, ' * geom file "_GIVEN_NAME_.geom": Geometrical information for solver'
print*, ' * geom file "_OUTPUT_.geom": Geometrical information for solver'
print*, ' * material file "material.config": Orientation information for solver'
print*, ' * "_GIVEN_NAME_.spectral": combined information for solver'
print*, ' * "_OUTPUT_.spectral": combined information for solver'
print*, ''
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter filename of input file (extension .seeds): '
read(*, *), input_name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter filename of output file: '
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter output filename: '
read(*, *), output_name
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter seed input file (extension .seeds): '
read(*, *), input_name
open(20, file = trim(input_name)//('.seeds'), status='old', action='read')
@ -221,19 +221,37 @@ program voronoi
100 allocate(grainEuler(N_Seeds,3))
grainCheck = .false.
print*, 'resolution: ' ,a,b,c
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Enter scaling factor: '
read(*, *), scaling
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New first resolution: '
read(*, *), a
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New second resolution: '
read(*, *), b
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'New third resolution: '
read(*, *), c
a = int(a*scaling)
b = int(b*scaling)
c = int(c*scaling)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'First dimension: '
read(*, *), dim(1)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Second dimension: '
read(*, *), dim(2)
write(*, '(A)', advance = 'NO') 'Third dimension: '
read(*, *), dim(3)
read(20,'(a1024)') line
posGeom = IO_stringPos(line,2)
key = IO_stringValue(line,posGeom,2)
if (IO_lc(key(1:4)) == 'head') then
do i=1,IO_intValue(line,posGeom,1); read(20,'(a1024)') line; enddo
do i=1, N_seeds
read(20,'(a1024)') line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
posGeom = IO_stringPos(line,12)
posGeom = IO_stringPos(line,6)
@ -247,7 +265,6 @@ program voronoi
seeds(:,2) = seeds(:,2)*real(b, pReal)
seeds(:,3) = seeds(:,3)*real(c, pReal)
allocate (grainMap(a*b*c))
! calculate No. of digits needed for name of the grains
i = 1 + int( log10(real( N_Seeds )))
write(N_Digits, *) i
@ -274,49 +291,51 @@ program voronoi
end do
print*, ''
print*, 'material config file is written out'
print*, 'material.config done.'
!write header of geom file
open(20, file = ((trim(output_name))//'.geom'))
write(20, '(A, I2, A, I2, A, I2)'), 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(20, '(A, I4, A, I4, A, I4)'), 'dimension x ', a, ' y ', b, ' z ', c
open(21, file = ((trim(output_name))//'.spectral'))
write(20, '(A)'), '3 header'
write(20, '(A, I8, A, I8, A, I8)'), 'resolution a ', a, ' b ', b, ' c ', c
write(20, '(A, g15.10, A, g15.10, A, g15.10)'), 'dimension x ', dim(1), ' y ', dim(2), ' z ', dim(3)
write(20, '(A)'), 'homogenization 1'
!initialize varibles, change values of some numbers for faster execution
format1 = '(I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//')'
format1 = '(I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)//')' ! geom format
format2 = '(3(tr2, f6.2), 3(I10), I10, a)' ! spectral (Lebensohn) format
! perform voronoi tessellation and write result to file and to grainMap
do i = 1, a*b*c
! perform voronoi tessellation and write result to files
do i = 0, a*b*c-1
minDistance = a*a+b*b+c*c
do j = 1, N_Seeds
do k = -1, 1
do l = -1, 1
do m = -1, 1
myDistance = ((mod((i-1), a) +1-seeds(j,1)+m*a)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/a), b) +1-seeds(j,2)+l*b)**2+&
(mod(((i-1)/(a*b)), c) +1-seeds(j,3)+k*c)**2)
do k = -1, 1 ! left, me, right image
do l = -1, 1 ! front, me, back image
do m = -1, 1 ! lower, me, upper image
myDistance = (( mod(i, a)+1 -seeds(j,1)-m*a)**2 + &
(mod((i/a), b)+1 -seeds(j,2)-l*b)**2 + &
(mod((i/(a*b)), c)+1 -seeds(j,3)-k*c)**2)
if (myDistance < minDistance) then
minDistance = myDistance
grainMap(i) = j
theGrain = j
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
write(20, format1), grainMap(i)
grainCheck(theGrain) = .true.
write(20, trim(format1)), theGrain
write(21, trim(format2)), grainEuler(theGrain,1), grainEuler(theGrain,2), grainEuler(theGrain,3), &
mod(i, a)+1, mod((i/a), b)+1, mod((i/(a*b)), c)+1, &
theGrain, ' 1'
end do
print*, 'voronoi tesselation finished'
open(20, file = ((trim(output_name))//'.spectral'))
format1 = '(3(tr2, f6.2), 3(I10), I10, a)'
do i = 1, a*b*c
j = grainMap(i)
write(20, trim(format1)), grainEuler(j,1), grainEuler(j,2), grainEuler(j,3), &
&mod((i-1), a)+1, mod(((i-1)/a), b)+1, mod(((i-1)/(a*b)), c)+1, &
&j, ' 1'
end do
print*, 'geometry files are written out'
print*, 'voronoi tesselation done.'
if (all(grainCheck)) then
print*, 'all grains mapped!'
print*, 'only',count(grainCheck),'grains mapped!'
end program voronoi