_Lp and _dotState now explicitely depends on given state

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Philip Eisenlohr 2007-04-10 12:29:11 +00:00
parent df3f327ece
commit e1f2daf753
1 changed files with 178 additions and 194 deletions

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@ -18,24 +18,82 @@ MODULE constitutive
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
! MISSING this should be outsourced to FEM-spec???????
! *** Transformation to get the MARC order ***
! *** 11,22,33,12,23,13 ***
! MISSING consistency check after reading 'mattex.mpie'
! MISSING Euler angles from texture parameters
! MISSING initialization of CPFEM_Fp_old
character(len=300), parameter :: mattexFile = 'mattex.mpie'
!* Definition of material properties *
!* Number of materials
integer(pInt) material_maxN
!* Crystal structure and number of selected slip systems per material
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_CrystalStructure
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_Nslip
!* Maximum number of selected slip systems over materials
integer(pInt) material_maxNslip
!* Elastic constants and matrices
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C11
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C12
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C13
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C33
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C44
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: material_Cslip_66
!* Visco-plastic material parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_s0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_gdot0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_n_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_h0
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_s_sat
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_w0
!* Definition of texture properties *
!* Number of textures, maximum number of Gauss and Fiber components
integer(pInt) texture_maxN
integer(pInt) texture_maxNGauss
integer(pInt) texture_maxNFiber
!* Textures definition
character(len=80), dimension(:), allocatable :: texture_ODFfile
character(len=80), dimension(:), allocatable :: texture_symmetry
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_Ngrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NGauss
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NFiber
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NRandom
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_totalNgrains
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: texture_Gauss
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: texture_Fiber
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_EulerAngles
!* Grains *
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxNgrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_Ngrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_matID
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_matVolFrac
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_texID
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_texVolFrac
!* State variables *
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxNstatevars
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_Nstatevars
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_state_old
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_state_new
!* Results *
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxNresults
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_Nresults
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_results
!* MISSING : allocation
!* Definition of crystal structures properties *
!* Crystal structures *
!* Number of crystal structures (1-FCC,2-BCC,3-HCP)
integer(pInt), parameter :: constitutive_MaxCrystalStructure = 3
@ -159,83 +217,15 @@ data constitutive_sd(:,10,3)/-1, 0, 0/ ; data constitutive_sn(:,10,3)/ 1, 0, 1/
data constitutive_sd(:,11,3)/ 0,-1, 0/ ; data constitutive_sn(:,11,3)/-1, 1, 1/
data constitutive_sd(:,12,3)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data constitutive_sn(:,12,3)/ 1,-1, 1/
!* Slip-slip interactions matrices
!* slip-slip interaction *
!* (defined for the moment as crystal structure property and not as material property)
!* (may be changed in the future)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_MaxMaxNslipOfStructure,constitutive_MaxMaxNslipOfStructure,&
constitutive_MaxCrystalStructure) :: constitutive_HardeningMatrix
real(pReal), parameter :: constitutive_LatentHardening=1.4_pReal
!* Definition of material properties *
!* Number of materials
integer(pInt) material_maxN
!* Crystal structure and number of selected slip systems per material
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_CrystalStructure
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_Nslip
!* Maximum number of selected slip systems over materials
integer(pInt) material_MaxNslip
!* Elastic constants and matrices
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C11
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C12
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C13
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C33
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_C44
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: material_Cslip_66
!* Visco-plastic material parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_s0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_gdot0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_n_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_h0
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_s_sat
real(pReal), dimension(:) , allocatable :: material_w0
!* Definition of texture properties *
!* Number of textures, maximum number of Gauss and Fiber components
integer(pInt) texture_maxN
integer(pInt) texture_maxNGauss
integer(pInt) texture_maxNFiber
!* Textures definition
character(len=80), dimension(:), allocatable :: texture_ODFfile
character(len=80), dimension(:), allocatable :: texture_symmetry
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_Ngrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NGauss
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NFiber
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_NRandom
integer(pInt),dimension(:) , allocatable :: texture_totalNgrains
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: texture_Gauss
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: texture_Fiber
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_EulerAngles
!* State variables *
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxNstatevars
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_Nstatevars
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_state_old
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_state_new
!* Results *
integer(pInt) constitutive_MaxNresults
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_Nresults
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_results
!* IS MISSING : allocation
!* Other *
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxNgrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_Ngrains
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_matID
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_matVolFrac
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_texID
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: constitutive_texVolFrac
@ -260,7 +250,7 @@ subroutine constitutive_Init()
call constitutive_SchmidMatrices()
call constitutive_HardeningMatrices()
call constitutive_Parse_MatTexDat('mattex.mpie')
call constitutive_Parse_MatTexDat(mattexFile)
call constitutive_Assignment()
end subroutine
@ -289,7 +279,6 @@ do l=1,3
!* Vectorization of normalized Schmid matrix
!* according MARC component order 11,22,33,12,23,13
@ -320,29 +309,25 @@ do l=1,3
select case(l)
!* Hardening matrix for FCC structures
case (1)
do k=1,10,3
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3)
forall (k=1:10:3,i=0:2,j=0:2)
!* Hardening matrix for BCC structures
case (2)
do k=1,11,2
forall (i=1:2,j=1:2)
forall (k=1:11:2,i=0:1,j=0:1)
do k=13,48
forall (k=13:48)
!* Hardening matrix for HCP structures
case (3)
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3)
do k=4,12
forall (k=4:12)
end select
@ -825,14 +810,14 @@ allocate(constitutive_state_new(constitutive_maxNstatevars,constitutive_maxNgrai
allocate(constitutive_Nresults(constitutive_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; constitutive_Nresults=0_pInt
!* Assignment
!* Assignment of all grains in all IPs of all cp-elements
do e=1,mesh_NcpElems
do i=1,FE_Nips(FE_mapElemtype(mesh_element(2,e)))
g = 0_pInt ! grain counter
do m = 1,multiplicity(texID)
o = 0_pInt
o = 0_pInt ! component counter
if (texture_ODFfile(texID)=='') then
do k = 1,texture_nGauss(texID) ! *** gauss ***
o = o+1
@ -849,8 +834,8 @@ do e=1,mesh_NcpElems
Euler(:,o) = math_sampleRandomOri()
texVolfrac(o) = 1.0_pReal-sumVolfrac(texID)
else ! hybrid IA
o = 1 ! only singular orientation
else ! *** hybrid IA ***
o = 1 ! only singular orientation, i.e. single "component"
Euler(:,o) = hybridIA_population(:,1+sampleCount(texID),ODFmap(texID))
texVolfrac(o) = 1.0_pReal
@ -868,12 +853,13 @@ do e=1,mesh_NcpElems
constitutive_texID(g,i,e) = texID ! copy texID of element
constitutive_MatVolFrac(g,i,e) = 1.0_pReal ! singular material (so far)
constitutive_TexVolFrac(g,i,e) = texVolfrac(s)/multiplicity(texID)/Nsym(texID)
constitutive_Nstatevars(g,i,e) = material_Nslip(matID) ! number of state variables (i.e. tau_c of each slip system)
CPFEM_Fp_old(:,:,g,i,e) = math_EulerToR(Euler(:,s)) ! set plastic deformation gradient at t_0
forall (l=1:constitutive_Nstatevars(g,i,e)) ! initialize state variables
constitutive_state_old(l,g,i,e) = material_s0_slip(matID)
constitutive_state_new(l,g,i,e) = material_s0_slip(matID)
end forall
enddo ! components
enddo ! multiplicity
enddo ! ip
enddo ! cp_element
@ -904,12 +890,13 @@ return
end function
subroutine constitutive_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,ipc,ip,el)
subroutine constitutive_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar, Tstar_v,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* This subroutine contains the constitutive equation for *
!* calculating the velocity gradient *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - state : current microstructure *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
@ -926,9 +913,7 @@ integer(pInt) matID,i,k,l,m,n
real(pReal) Tstar_v(6)
real(pReal) Lp(3,3)
real(pReal) dLp_dTstar(3,3,3,3)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: gdot_slip
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: dgdot_dtauslip
real(preal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: tau_slip
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_Nstatevars(ipc,ip,el)) :: state,gdot_slip,dgdot_dtauslip,tau_slip
!* Get the material-ID from the triplet(ipc,ip,el)
matID = constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)
@ -937,7 +922,7 @@ matID=constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)
Lp = 0.0_pReal
do i=1,material_Nslip(matID)
@ -945,7 +930,7 @@ enddo
!* Calculation of the tangent of Lp
do i=1,material_Nslip(matID)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3)
@ -957,12 +942,13 @@ return
end subroutine
function constitutive_DotState(Tstar_v,ipc,ip,el)
function constitutive_DotState(Tstar_v,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* This subroutine contains the constitutive equation for *
!* calculating the velocity gradient *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - state : current microstructure *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
@ -975,11 +961,9 @@ implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i
real(pReal) Tstar_v(6)
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: constitutive_DotState
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: gdot_slip
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: tau_slip
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)) :: self_hardening
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_Nstatevars(ipc,ip,el)) :: constitutive_DotState,&
!* Get the material-ID from the triplet(ipc,ip,el)
matID = constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)
@ -987,9 +971,9 @@ matID=constitutive_matID(ipc,ip,el)
!* Self-Hardening of each system
do i=1,constitutive_Nstatevars(ipc,ip,el)