fixed bug in, added test for correct number of microstructures (should be equal to header info)

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2013-11-14 17:37:42 +00:00
parent 9c34c1b871
commit e1e76cb257
2 changed files with 17 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ addPoints = -1
#--- setup file handles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
files = []
if filenames == []:
if filenames == []:
for name in filenames:
if os.path.exists(name):

View File

@ -106,8 +106,9 @@ for file in files:
words = line.split()
if words[0] == '#': # process initial comments block
if len(words) > 2:
if words[1] == 'HexGrid':
file['croak'].write('The file has HexGrid format. Please first convert to SquareGrid...\n'); break
if words[2].lower() == 'hexgrid':
file['croak'].write('The file has HexGrid format. Please first convert to SquareGrid...\n')
if words[1] == 'XSTEP:': step[0] = float(words[2])
if words[1] == 'YSTEP:': step[1] = float(words[2])
if words[1] == 'NCOLS_ODD:':
@ -115,19 +116,16 @@ for file in files:
if words[1] == 'NROWS:':
info['grid'][1] = int(words[2]); formatwidth = 1+int(math.log10(info['grid'][0]*info['grid'][1]))
else: # finished with comments block
if options.config: # write configuration (line by line)
point += 1
me = str(point).zfill(formatwidth)
microstructure += ['[Grain%s]\n'%me + \
'crystallite\t%i\n'%options.crystallite + \
'(constituent)\tphase %i\ttexture %s\tfraction 1.0\n'%(options.phase[{True:0,False:1}[float(words[options.column-1])<options.threshold]],me)
texture += ['[Grain%s]\n'%me + \
'axes %s %s %s\n'%(options.axes[0],options.axes[1],options.axes[2]) +\
'(gauss)\tphi1 %4.2f\tPhi %4.2f\tphi2 %4.2f\tscatter 0.0\tfraction 1.0\n'%tuple(map(lambda x: float(x)*180.0/math.pi, words[:3]))
else: # only info from header needed
point += 1
me = str(point).zfill(formatwidth)
microstructure += ['[Grain%s]\n'%me + \
'crystallite\t%i\n'%options.crystallite + \
'(constituent)\tphase %i\ttexture %s\tfraction 1.0\n'%(options.phase[{True:0,False:1}[float(words[options.column-1])<options.threshold]],me)
texture += ['[Grain%s]\n'%me + \
'axes %s %s %s\n'%(options.axes[0],options.axes[1],options.axes[2]) +\
'(gauss)\tphi1 %4.2f\tPhi %4.2f\tphi2 %4.2f\tscatter 0.0\tfraction 1.0\n'%tuple(map(lambda x: float(x)*180.0/math.pi, words[:3]))
info['microstructures'] = info['grid'][0]*info['grid'][1]
info['size'] = step[0]*info['grid'][0],step[1]*info['grid'][1],min(step)
@ -145,6 +143,9 @@ for file in files:
if numpy.any(info['size'] <= 0.0):
file['croak'].write('invalid size x y z.\n')
if info['grid'].prod() != len(microstructure) -1:
file['croak'].write('found %s microstructures. Header info in ang file might be wrong.\n'%point)
#--- write data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if options.config: