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Martin Diehl 2019-10-08 23:53:16 +02:00
parent 90c03d94d1
commit df3bb7c559
1 changed files with 4 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -65,14 +65,7 @@ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
mesh_cell !< cell connectivity for each element,ip/cell
integer, parameter :: &
FE_Ngeomtypes = 10, &
FE_Ncelltypes = 4, &
FE_maxNcellnodesPerCell = 8, &
FE_maxNcellnodesPerCellface = 4
integer, dimension(FE_Ncelltypes), parameter :: FE_NipNeighbors = & !< number of ip neighbors / cell faces in a specific cell type
integer, dimension(4), parameter :: FE_NipNeighbors = & !< number of ip neighbors / cell faces in a specific cell type
3, & ! (2D 3node)
4, & ! (2D 4node)
@ -901,7 +894,7 @@ subroutine mesh_build_cellconnectivity
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer, dimension(FE_Ngeomtypes), parameter :: FE_NmatchingNodes = & !< number of nodes that are needed for face matching in a specific type of element geometry
integer, dimension(10), parameter :: FE_NmatchingNodes = & !< number of nodes that are needed for face matching in a specific type of element geometry
int([ &
3, & ! element 6 (2D 3node 1ip)
3, & ! element 125 (2D 6node 3ip)
@ -924,7 +917,7 @@ subroutine mesh_build_cellconnectivity
matchingNodeID, &
allocate(mesh_cell(FE_maxNcellnodesPerCell,theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%nElems), source=0)
allocate(mesh_cell(theMesh%elem%NcellNodesPerCell,theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%nElems), source=0)
allocate(matchingNode2cellnode(theMesh%nNodes), source=0)
allocate(cellnodeParent(2,theMesh%elem%Ncellnodes*theMesh%nElems), source=0)
@ -1172,7 +1165,7 @@ subroutine mesh_build_ipAreas(ipArea,ipAreaNormal)
integer :: e,c,i,f,n,m
real(pReal), dimension(theMesh%elem%nIPneighbors,theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%nElems), intent(out) :: ipArea
real(pReal), dimension(3,theMesh%elem%nIPneighbors,theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%nElems), intent(out) :: ipAreaNormal
real(pReal), dimension (3,FE_maxNcellnodesPerCellface) :: nodePos, normals
real(pReal), dimension (3,size(theMesh%elem%cellFace,2)) :: nodePos, normals
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: normal
c = theMesh%elem%cellType