changed calculation of gamma_hat back to (working, but theoretically wrong) order

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Martin Diehl 2012-02-13 17:15:02 +00:00
parent 94100e8d8e
commit dd51e1da81
1 changed files with 20 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
stress = 0.0_pReal, & ! stress BC (if applicable)
rotation = math_I3 ! rotation of BC (if applicable)
real(pReal) :: time = 0.0_pReal, & ! length of increment
temperature = 300_pReal ! isothermal starting conditions
temperature = 300.0_pReal ! isothermal starting conditions
integer(pInt) :: incs = 0_pInt, & ! number of increments
outputfrequency = 1_pInt, & ! frequency of result writes
restartfrequency = 0_pInt, & ! frequency of restart writes
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
forall(l = 1_pInt:3_pInt, m = 1_pInt:3_pInt) &
xiDyad(l,m) = xi(l, i,j,k)*xi(m, i,j,k)
forall(l = 1_pInt:3_pInt, m = 1_pInt:3_pInt) &
temp33_Real(l,m) = sum(c0_reference(l,1:3,m,1:3)*xiDyad)
temp33_Real(l,m) = sum(c0_reference(l,m,1:3,1:3)*xiDyad)
temp33_Real = math_inv33(temp33_Real)
forall(l=1_pInt:3_pInt, m=1_pInt:3_pInt, n=1_pInt:3_pInt, p=1_pInt:3_pInt)&
gamma_hat(i,j,k, l,m,n,p) = temp33_Real(l,n)*xiDyad(m,p)
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
if (debugFFTW) then
call fftw_execute_dft(plan_scalarField_forth,scalarField_real,scalarField_fourier)
print '(a,i1,1x,i1)', 'checking FT results of compontent ', row, column
print '(a,2(es10.4,1x))', 'max FT relative error ',&
print '(a,2(es11.4,1x))', 'max FT relative error ',&
maxval( real((scalarField_fourier(1:res1_red,1:res(2),1:res(3))-&
scalarField_fourier(1:res1_red,1:res(2),1:res(3)))), &
@ -864,12 +864,12 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
err_stress_tol = maxval(abs(pstress_av)) * err_stress_tolrel ! don't use any tensor norm because the comparison should be coherent
print '(a)', ''
print '(a)', '... correcting deformation gradient to fulfill BCs ...............'
print '(a,f6.2,a,es10.4,a)', 'error stress = ', err_stress/err_stress_tol, &
print '(a,f6.2,a,es11.4,a)', 'error stress = ', err_stress/err_stress_tol, &
' (',err_stress,' Pa)'
defgradAim = defgradAim - math_mul3333xx33(s_prev, ((pstress_av - bc(loadcase)%stress))) ! residual on given stress components
if(debugGeneral) write (*,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,1x)/))',advance='no') 'new deformation aim:',&
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'determinant of new deformation: ', math_det33(defgradAim)
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'determinant of new deformation: ', math_det33(defgradAim)
err_stress_tol = +huge(1.0_pReal)
@ -938,15 +938,15 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
err_real_div_RMS = sqrt(wgt*err_real_div_RMS) ! RMS in real space
err_div_max = err_div_max*sqrt(wgt)
print '(a,es10.4)', 'error divergence FT RMS = ',err_div_RMS
print '(a,es10.4)', 'error divergence FT max = ',err_div_max
print '(a,es10.4)', 'error divergence Real RMS = ',err_real_div_RMS
print '(a,es10.4)', 'error divergence Real max = ',err_real_div_max
print '(a,es10.4)', 'divergence RMS FT/real = ',err_div_RMS/err_real_div_RMS
print '(a,es10.4)', 'divergence max FT/real = ',err_div_max/err_real_div_max
print '(a,es10.4)', 'max deviat. from postProc = ',max_div_error
print '(a,es11.4)', 'error divergence FT RMS = ',err_div_RMS
print '(a,es11.4)', 'error divergence FT max = ',err_div_max
print '(a,es11.4)', 'error divergence Real RMS = ',err_real_div_RMS
print '(a,es11.4)', 'error divergence Real max = ',err_real_div_max
print '(a,es11.4)', 'divergence RMS FT/real = ',err_div_RMS/err_real_div_RMS
print '(a,es11.4)', 'divergence max FT/real = ',err_div_max/err_real_div_max
print '(a,es11.4)', 'max deviat. from postProc = ',max_div_error
print '(a,f6.2,a,es10.4,a)', 'error divergence = ', err_div/err_div_tol, ' (',err_div,' 1/m)'
print '(a,f6.2,a,es11.4,a)', 'error divergence = ', err_div/err_div_tol, ' (',err_div,' 1/m)'
! divergence is calculated from FT(stress), depending on algorithm use field for spectral method
@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
forall(l = 1_pInt:3_pInt, m = 1_pInt:3_pInt) &
xiDyad(l,m) = xi(l, i,j,k)*xi(m, i,j,k)
forall(l = 1_pInt:3_pInt, m = 1_pInt:3_pInt) &
temp33_Real(l,m) = sum(c0_reference(l,1:3,m,1:3)*xiDyad)
temp33_Real(l,m) = sum(c0_reference(l,m,1:3,1:3)*xiDyad)
temp33_Real = math_inv33(temp33_Real)
forall(l=1_pInt:3_pInt, m=1_pInt:3_pInt, n=1_pInt:3_pInt, p=1_pInt:3_pInt)&
gamma_hat(1,1,1, l,m,n,p) = temp33_Real(l,n)*xiDyad(m,p)
@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
if (debugFFTW) then
print '(a,i1,1x,i1)', 'checking iFT results of compontent ', row, column
call fftw_execute_dft(plan_scalarField_back,scalarField_fourier,scalarField_real)
print '(a,es10.4)', 'max iFT relative error ',&
print '(a,es11.4)', 'max iFT relative error ',&
@ -1041,11 +1041,11 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
temp33_Real = temp33_Real + tensorField_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)
enddo; enddo; enddo
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'max symmetrix correction of deformation:',&
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'max symmetrix correction of deformation:',&
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'max skew correction of deformation:',&
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'max skew correction of deformation:',&
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'max sym/skew of avg correction: ',&
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'max sym/skew of avg correction: ',&
@ -1071,8 +1071,8 @@ program DAMASK_spectral
defgradDetMin = min(defgradDetMin,defgradDet)
enddo; enddo; enddo
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'max determinant of deformation:', defgradDetMax
print '(a,1x,es10.4)' , 'min determinant of deformation:', defgradDetMin
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'max determinant of deformation:', defgradDetMax
print '(a,1x,es11.4)' , 'min determinant of deformation:', defgradDetMin
enddo ! end looping when convergency is achieved