more generic error codes
allow label without ID in IO_error
This commit is contained in:
@ -158,34 +158,34 @@ subroutine CLI_init()
print'(1x,a,/)',' Prints this message and exits'
print'(1x,a,/)',' Prints this message and exits'
call quit(0) ! normal Termination
call quit(0) ! normal Termination
case ('-g', '--geom', '--geometry')
case ('-g', '--geom', '--geometry')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--geom')
geomArg = getArg(i+1)
geomArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-l', '--load', '--loadcase')
case ('-l', '--load', '--loadcase')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(611)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--load')
loadArg = getArg(i+1)
loadArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-m', '--material', '--materialconfig')
case ('-m', '--material', '--materialconfig')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(612)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--material')
materialArg = getArg(i+1)
materialArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-n', '--numerics', '--numericsconfig')
case ('-n', '--numerics', '--numericsconfig')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(613)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--numerics')
numericsArg = getArg(i+1)
numericsArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-j', '--job', '--jobname')
case ('-j', '--job', '--jobname')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(614)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--jobname')
solverJobname = getArg(i+1)
solverJobname = getArg(i+1)
case ('-w', '--wd', '--workingdir', '--workingdirectory')
case ('-w', '--wd', '--workingdir', '--workingdirectory')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(615)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--workingdirectory')
workingDirArg = getArg(i+1)
workingDirArg = getArg(i+1)
case ('-r', '--rs', '--restart')
case ('-r', '--rs', '--restart')
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(616)
if (.not. hasArg) call IO_error(610,ext_msg='--jobname')
arg = getArg(i+1)
arg = getArg(i+1)
read(arg,*,iostat=stat) CLI_restartInc
read(arg,*,iostat=stat) CLI_restartInc
if (CLI_restartInc < 0 .or. stat /= 0) call IO_error(617,ext_msg=arg)
if (CLI_restartInc < 0 .or. stat /= 0) call IO_error(611,ext_msg=arg)
end select
end select
end do
end do
if (.not. allocated(geomArg)) call IO_error(620,ext_msg='-h for help')
if (.not. allocated(geomArg)) call IO_error(612,ext_msg='--help for instructions',label1='--geom')
if (.not. allocated(loadArg)) call IO_error(621,ext_msg='-h for help')
if (.not. allocated(loadArg)) call IO_error(612,ext_msg='--help for instructions',label1='--load')
if (.not. allocated(materialArg)) call IO_error(622,ext_msg='-h for help')
if (.not. allocated(materialArg)) call IO_error(612,ext_msg='--help for instructions',label1='--material')
call setWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg))
call setWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg))
CLI_geomFile = getPathRelCWD(geomArg,'geometry')
CLI_geomFile = getPathRelCWD(geomArg,'geometry')
@ -556,27 +556,11 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,ext_msg,label1,ID1,label2,ID2)
case (603)
case (603)
msg = 'invalid data for table'
msg = 'invalid data for table'
case (610)
case (610)
msg = 'missing argument for --geom'
msg = 'no argument value specified'
case (611)
case (611)
msg = 'missing argument for --load'
case (612)
msg = 'missing argument for --material'
case (613)
msg = 'missing argument for --numerics'
case (614)
msg = 'missing argument for --jobname'
case (615)
msg = 'missing argument for --workingdirectory'
case (616)
msg = 'missing argument for --restart'
case (617)
msg = 'could not parse restart increment'
msg = 'could not parse restart increment'
case (620)
case (612)
msg = 'no geometry specified'
msg = 'missing argument'
case (621)
msg = 'no load case specified'
case (622)
msg = 'no material configuration specified'
case (630)
case (630)
msg = 'JOBNAME must not contain any slashes'
msg = 'JOBNAME must not contain any slashes'
case (640)
case (640)
@ -732,18 +716,21 @@ subroutine panel(paneltype,ID,msg,ext_msg,label1,ID1,label2,ID2)
character(len=pSTRLEN) :: formatString
character(len=pSTRLEN) :: formatString
integer, parameter :: panelwidth = 69
integer, parameter :: panelwidth = 69
character(len=:), allocatable :: msg_,ID_
character(len=:), allocatable :: msg_,ID_,msg1,msg2
character(len=*), parameter :: DIVIDER = repeat('─',panelwidth)
character(len=*), parameter :: DIVIDER = repeat('─',panelwidth)
if (.not. present(label1) .and. present(ID1)) error stop 'missing label for value 1'
if (.not. present(label1) .and. present(ID1)) error stop 'missing label for value 1'
if (.not. present(label2) .and. present(ID2)) error stop 'missing label for value 2'
if (.not. present(label2) .and. present(ID2)) error stop 'missing label for value 2'
if ( present(label1) .and. .not. present(ID1)) error stop 'missing value for label 1'
if ( present(label2) .and. .not. present(ID2)) error stop 'missing value for label 2'
ID_ = IO_intAsStr(ID)
if (present(label1)) msg1 = label1
if (present(label2)) msg2 = label2
if (present(ID1)) msg1 = msg1//' '//IO_intAsStr(ID1)
if (present(ID2)) msg2 = msg2//' '//IO_intAsStr(ID2)
if (paneltype == 'error') msg_ = achar(27)//'[31m'//trim(msg)//achar(27)//'[0m'
if (paneltype == 'error') msg_ = achar(27)//'[31m'//trim(msg)//achar(27)//'[0m'
if (paneltype == 'warning') msg_ = achar(27)//'[33m'//trim(msg)//achar(27)//'[0m'
if (paneltype == 'warning') msg_ = achar(27)//'[33m'//trim(msg)//achar(27)//'[0m'
ID_ = IO_intAsStr(ID)
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(IO_STDERR,'(/,a)') ' ┌'//DIVIDER//'┐'
write(IO_STDERR,'(/,a)') ' ┌'//DIVIDER//'┐'
write(formatString,'(a,i2,a)') '(a,24x,a,1x,i0,',max(1,panelwidth-24-len_trim(paneltype)-1-len_trim(ID_)),'x,a)'
write(formatString,'(a,i2,a)') '(a,24x,a,1x,i0,',max(1,panelwidth-24-len_trim(paneltype)-1-len_trim(ID_)),'x,a)'
@ -758,14 +745,14 @@ subroutine panel(paneltype,ID,msg,ext_msg,label1,ID1,label2,ID2)
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ ',trim(ext_msg), '│'
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ ',trim(ext_msg), '│'
end if
end if
if (present(label1)) then
if (present(label1)) then
write(formatString,'(a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') '(1x,a7,a',max(1,len_trim(label1)),',i9,',&
write(formatString,'(a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') '(1x,a7,a',max(1,len_trim(msg1)),',',&
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ at ',trim(label1),ID1, '│'
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ at ',trim(msg1), '│'
end if
end if
if (present(label2)) then
if (present(label2)) then
write(formatString,'(a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') '(1x,a7,a',max(1,len_trim(label2)),',i9,',&
write(formatString,'(a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') '(1x,a7,a',max(1,len_trim(msg2)),',',&
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ at ',trim(label2),ID2, '│'
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) '│ at ',trim(msg2), '│'
end if
end if
write(formatString,'(a,i2.2,a)') '(a,',max(1,panelwidth),'x,a)'
write(formatString,'(a,i2.2,a)') '(a,',max(1,panelwidth),'x,a)'
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) ' │', '│'
write(IO_STDERR,formatString) ' │', '│'
Reference in New Issue