Merge branch 'vtr-as-input-prerequisites' into 'development'
prerequisites for using VTR as input format for spectral solver See merge request damask/DAMASK!214
This commit is contained in:
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "DEBUG")
endif ()
message ("Fortran Compiler Flags:\n${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}\n")
message ("C Compiler Flags:\n${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}}\n")
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module CPFEM2
use material
use lattice
use IO
use base64
use DAMASK_interface
use results
use discretization
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ subroutine CPFEM_initAll
call DAMASK_interface_init ! Spectral and FEM interface to commandline
call prec_init
call IO_init
call base64_init
#ifdef Mesh
call FEM_quadrature_init
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "zlib.h"
/* */
@ -57,3 +58,17 @@ void signalusr1_c(void (*handler)(int)){
void signalusr2_c(void (*handler)(int)){
signal(SIGUSR2, handler);
void inflate_c(const uLong *s_deflated, const uLong *s_inflated, const Byte deflated[], Byte inflated[]){
/* make writable copy, uncompress will write to it */
uLong s_inflated_;
s_inflated_ = *s_inflated;
if(uncompress((Bytef *)inflated, &s_inflated_, (Bytef *)deflated, *s_deflated) == Z_OK)
for(uLong i=0;i<*s_inflated;i++){
inflated[i] = 0;
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module IO
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter, public :: &
IO_WHITESPACE = achar(44)//achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) !< whitespace characters
character, parameter, public :: &
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ contains
!> @brief does nothing.
!> @brief do self test
subroutine IO_init
@ -447,6 +448,9 @@ subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,instance,ext_msg)
msg = 'invalid character for float:'
case (113)
msg = 'invalid character for logical:'
case (114)
msg = 'cannot decode base64 string:'
! lattice error messages
case (130)
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Decode Base64 strings.
!> @details See
module base64
use prec
use IO
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: &
public :: &
base64_init, &
base64_to_bytes, &
base64_nBase64, &
!> @brief Do self test.
subroutine base64_init
write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- base64 init -+>>>'; flush(6)
call selfTest
end subroutine base64_init
!> @brief Calculate number of Base64 characters required for storage of N bytes.
pure function base64_nBase64(nByte)
integer(pLongInt), intent(in) :: nByte
integer(pLongInt) :: base64_nBase64
base64_nBase64 = 4_pLongInt * (nByte/3_pLongInt + merge(1_pLongInt,0_pLongInt,mod(nByte,3_pLongInt) /= 0_pLongInt))
end function base64_nBase64
!> @brief Calculate number of bytes required for storage of N Base64 characters.
pure function base64_nByte(nBase64)
integer(pLongInt), intent(in) :: nBase64
integer(pLongInt) :: base64_nByte
base64_nByte = 3_pLongInt * (nBase64/4_pLongInt)
end function base64_nByte
!> @brief Decode Base64 ASCII string into byte-wise binary representation.
function base64_to_bytes(base64_str,s,e) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str !< Base64 string representation
integer(pLongInt), intent(in), optional :: &
s, & !< start (in bytes)
e !< end (in bytes)
integer(pLongInt) :: s_bytes, e_bytes, s_str, e_str
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
if(.not. valid_base64(base64_str)) call IO_error(114,ext_msg='invalid character')
if(present(s)) then
if(s<1_pLongInt) call IO_error(114, ext_msg='s out of range')
s_str = ((s-1_pLongInt)/3_pLongInt)*4_pLongInt + 1_pLongInt
s_bytes = mod(s-1_pLongInt,3_pLongInt) + 1_pLongInt
s_str = 1_pLongInt
s_bytes = 1_pLongInt
if(present(e)) then
if(e>base64_nByte(len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt))) call IO_error(114, ext_msg='e out of range')
e_str = ((e-1_pLongInt)/3_pLongInt)*4_pLongInt + 4_pLongInt
e_bytes = e - base64_nByte(s_str)
e_str = len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)
e_bytes = base64_nByte(len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)) - base64_nByte(s_str)
if(base64_str(e_str-0_pLongInt:e_str-0_pLongInt) == '=') e_bytes = e_bytes - 1_pLongInt
if(base64_str(e_str-1_pLongInt:e_str-1_pLongInt) == '=') e_bytes = e_bytes - 1_pLongInt
bytes = decode_base64(base64_str(s_str:e_str))
bytes = bytes(s_bytes:e_bytes)
end function base64_to_bytes
!> @brief Convert a Base64 ASCII string into its byte-wise binary representation.
pure function decode_base64(base64_str) result(bytes)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str !< Base64 string representation
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(base64_nByte(len(base64_str,pLongInt))) :: bytes
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(0:3) :: charPos
integer(pLongInt) :: c, b, p
c = 1_pLongInt
b = 1_pLongInt
do while(c < len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt))
do p=0_pLongInt,3_pLongInt
if(c+p<=len(base64_str,kind=pLongInt)) then
charPos(p) = int(index(base64_encoding,base64_str(c+p:c+p))-1,C_SIGNED_CHAR)
charPos(p) = 0_C_SIGNED_CHAR
call mvbits(charPos(0),0,6,bytes(b+0),2)
call mvbits(charPos(1),4,2,bytes(b+0),0)
call mvbits(charPos(1),0,4,bytes(b+1),4)
call mvbits(charPos(2),2,4,bytes(b+1),0)
call mvbits(charPos(2),0,2,bytes(b+2),6)
call mvbits(charPos(3),0,6,bytes(b+2),0)
b = b+3_pLongInt
c = c+4_pLongInt
end function decode_base64
!> @brief Test for valid Base64 encoded string.
!> @details Input string must be properly padded.
pure logical function valid_base64(base64_str)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: base64_str !< Base64 string representation
integer(pLongInt) :: l
l = len(base64_str,pLongInt)
valid_base64 = .true.
if(mod(l,4_pLongInt)/=0_pLongInt .or. l < 4_pInt) valid_base64 = .false.
if(verify(base64_str(:l-2_pLongInt),base64_encoding, kind=pLongInt) /= 0_pLongInt) valid_base64 = .false.
if(verify(base64_str(l-1_pLongInt:),base64_encoding//'=',kind=pLongInt) /= 0_pLongInt) valid_base64 = .false.
end function valid_base64
!> @brief Check correctness of base64 functions.
subroutine selfTest
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), allocatable :: bytes
character(len=*), parameter :: zero_to_three = 'AAECAw=='
if(base64_nBase64(20_pLongInt) /= 28_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nBase64/20/28')
if(base64_nBase64(19_pLongInt) /= 28_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nBase64/19/28')
if(base64_nBase64(18_pLongInt) /= 24_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nBase64/18/24')
if(base64_nBase64(17_pLongInt) /= 24_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nBase64/17/24')
if(base64_nBase64(16_pLongInt) /= 24_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nBase64/16/24')
if(base64_nByte(4_pLongInt) /= 3_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nByte/4/3')
if(base64_nByte(8_pLongInt) /= 6_pLongInt) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_nByte/8/6')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 4) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes//')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,e=1_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes//1')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,e=2_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes//2')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,e=3_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 3) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes//3')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,e=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 4) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes//4')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=1_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 4) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/1/')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=2_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 3) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/2/')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=3_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/3/')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/4/')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=1_pLongInt,e=1_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/1/1')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=2_pLongInt,e=2_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([1],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/2/2')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=3_pLongInt,e=3_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([2],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/3/3')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=4_pLongInt,e=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 1) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/4/4')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=1_pLongInt,e=2_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/1/2')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=2_pLongInt,e=3_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([1,2],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/2/3')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=3_pLongInt,e=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 2) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/3/4')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=1_pLongInt,e=3_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 3) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/1/3')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=2_pLongInt,e=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 3) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/2/4')
bytes = base64_to_bytes(zero_to_three,s=1_pLongInt,e=4_pLongInt)
if(any(bytes /= int([0,1,2,3],C_SIGNED_CHAR)) .or. size(bytes) /= 4) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='base64_to_bytes/1/4')
end subroutine selfTest
end module base64
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module prec
use, intrinsic :: IEEE_arithmetic
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding
implicit none
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ contains
!> @brief reporting precision
!> @brief report precision and do self test
subroutine prec_init
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ end subroutine prec_init
!> @brief equality comparison for float with double precision
!> @brief Test floating point numbers with double precision for equality.
! replaces "==" but for certain (relative) tolerance. Counterpart to dNeq
! AlmostEqualRelative
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ end function dEq
!> @brief inequality comparison for float with double precision
!> @brief Test floating point numbers with double precision for inequality.
! replaces "!=" but for certain (relative) tolerance. Counterpart to dEq
! AlmostEqualRelative NOT
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ end function dNeq
!> @brief equality to 0 comparison for float with double precision
!> @brief Test floating point number with double precision for equality to 0.
! replaces "==0" but everything not representable as a normal number is treated as 0. Counterpart to dNeq0
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ end function dEq0
!> @brief inequality to 0 comparison for float with double precision
!> @brief Test floating point number with double precision for inequality to 0.
! replaces "!=0" but everything not representable as a normal number is treated as 0. Counterpart to dEq0
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ end function dNeq0
!> @brief equality comparison for complex with double precision
!> @brief Test complex floating point numbers with double precision for equality.
! replaces "==" but for certain (relative) tolerance. Counterpart to cNeq
! probably a component wise comparison would be more accurate than the comparsion of the absolute
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ end function cEq
!> @brief inequality comparison for complex with double precision
!> @brief Test complex floating point numbers with double precision for inequality.
! replaces "!=" but for certain (relative) tolerance. Counterpart to cEq
! probably a component wise comparison would be more accurate than the comparsion of the absolute
@ -231,23 +232,95 @@ end function cNeq
!> @brief check correctness of some prec functions
!> @brief Decode byte array (C_SIGNED_CHAR) as C_FLOAT array (4 byte float).
pure function bytes_to_C_FLOAT(bytes)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: bytes !< byte-wise representation of a C_FLOAT array
real(C_FLOAT), dimension(size(bytes,kind=pLongInt)/(storage_size(0._C_FLOAT,pLongInt)/8_pLongInt)) :: &
bytes_to_C_FLOAT = transfer(bytes,bytes_to_C_FLOAT,size(bytes_to_C_FLOAT))
end function bytes_to_C_FLOAT
!> @brief Decode byte array (C_SIGNED_CHAR) as C_DOUBLE array (8 byte float).
pure function bytes_to_C_DOUBLE(bytes)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: bytes !< byte-wise representation of a C_DOUBLE array
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(size(bytes,kind=pLongInt)/(storage_size(0._C_DOUBLE,pLongInt)/8_pLongInt)) :: &
bytes_to_C_DOUBLE = transfer(bytes,bytes_to_C_DOUBLE,size(bytes_to_C_DOUBLE))
end function bytes_to_C_DOUBLE
!> @brief Decode byte array (C_SIGNED_CHAR) as C_INT32_T array (4 byte signed integer).
pure function bytes_to_C_INT32_T(bytes)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: bytes !< byte-wise representation of a C_INT32_T array
integer(C_INT32_T), dimension(size(bytes,kind=pLongInt)/(storage_size(0_C_INT32_T,pLongInt)/8_pLongInt)) :: &
bytes_to_C_INT32_T = transfer(bytes,bytes_to_C_INT32_T,size(bytes_to_C_INT32_T))
end function bytes_to_C_INT32_T
!> @brief Decode byte array (C_SIGNED_CHAR) as C_INT64_T array (8 byte signed integer).
pure function bytes_to_C_INT64_T(bytes)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: bytes !< byte-wise representation of a C_INT64_T array
integer(C_INT64_T), dimension(size(bytes,kind=pLongInt)/(storage_size(0_C_INT64_T,pLongInt)/8_pLongInt)) :: &
bytes_to_C_INT64_T = transfer(bytes,bytes_to_C_INT64_T,size(bytes_to_C_INT64_T))
end function bytes_to_C_INT64_T
!> @brief Check correctness of some prec functions.
subroutine selfTest
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: realloc_lhs_test
real(pReal), dimension(2) :: r
real(pReal), dimension(1) :: f
integer(pInt), dimension(1) :: i
real(pReal), dimension(2) :: r
external :: &
realloc_lhs_test = [1,2]
if (any(realloc_lhs_test/=[1,2])) call quit(9000)
call random_number(r)
r = r/minval(r)
if(.not. all(dEq(r,r+PREAL_EPSILON))) call quit(9000)
if(dEq(r(1),r(2)) .and. dNeq(r(1),r(2))) call quit(9000)
if(.not. all(dEq0(r-(r+PREAL_MIN)))) call quit(9000)
realloc_lhs_test = [1,2]
if (any(realloc_lhs_test/=[1,2])) call quit(9000)
f = real(bytes_to_C_FLOAT(int([-65,+11,-102,+75],C_SIGNED_CHAR)),pReal)
if(dNeq(f(1),20191102.0_pReal,0.0_pReal)) call quit(9000)
f = real(bytes_to_C_DOUBLE(int([0,0,0,-32,+119,+65,+115,65],C_SIGNED_CHAR)),pReal)
if(dNeq(f(1),20191102.0_pReal,0.0_pReal)) call quit(9000)
i = int(bytes_to_C_INT32_T(int([+126,+23,+52,+1],C_SIGNED_CHAR)),pInt)
if(i(1) /= 20191102_pInt) call quit(9000)
i = int(bytes_to_C_INT64_T(int([+126,+23,+52,+1,0,0,0,0],C_SIGNED_CHAR)),pInt)
if(i(1) /= 20191102_pInt) call quit(9000)
end subroutine selfTest
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module rotations
!> @brief doing self test
!> @brief do self test
subroutine rotations_init
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Inflate zlib compressed data
module zlib
use prec
implicit none
public :: &
subroutine inflate_C(s_deflated,s_inflated,deflated,inflated) bind(C)
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: &
integer(C_INT64_T), intent(in) :: s_deflated,s_inflated
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(s_deflated), intent(in) :: deflated
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(s_inflated), intent(out) :: inflated
end subroutine inflate_C
end interface
!> @brief Inflate byte-wise representation
function zlib_inflate(deflated,size_inflated)
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(:), intent(in) :: deflated
integer(pLongInt), intent(in) :: size_inflated
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), dimension(size_inflated) :: zlib_inflate
call inflate_C(size(deflated,kind=C_INT64_T),int(size_inflated,C_INT64_T),deflated,zlib_inflate)
end function zlib_inflate
end module zlib
Reference in New Issue