get flattened array from scalar or potentially ragged nested list
rather special case, but handy for flexible definition of values per slip system
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
module YAML_types
module YAML_types
use IO
use IO
use prec
use prec
use misc
implicit none(type,external)
implicit none(type,external)
@ -93,7 +94,8 @@ module YAML_types
tDict_get_list, &
tDict_get_list, &
tDict_get_dict, &
tDict_get_dict, &
tDict_get_asReal, &
tDict_get_asReal, &
tDict_get_as1dReal, &
tDict_get_as1dReal_shape, &
tDict_get_as1dReal_size, &
tDict_get_as2dReal, &
tDict_get_as2dReal, &
tDict_get_asInt, &
tDict_get_asInt, &
tDict_get_as1dInt, &
tDict_get_as1dInt, &
@ -106,7 +108,8 @@ module YAML_types
generic :: get_list => tDict_get_list
generic :: get_list => tDict_get_list
generic :: get_dict => tDict_get_dict
generic :: get_dict => tDict_get_dict
generic :: get_asReal => tDict_get_asReal
generic :: get_asReal => tDict_get_asReal
generic :: get_as1dReal => tDict_get_as1dReal
generic :: get_as1dReal => tDict_get_as1dReal_size
generic :: get_as1dReal => tDict_get_as1dReal_shape
generic :: get_as2dReal => tDict_get_as2dReal
generic :: get_as2dReal => tDict_get_as2dReal
generic :: get_asInt => tDict_get_asInt
generic :: get_asInt => tDict_get_asInt
generic :: get_as1dInt => tDict_get_as1dInt
generic :: get_as1dInt => tDict_get_as1dInt
@ -265,8 +268,47 @@ subroutine YAML_types_selfTest()
.or. .not. d%contains('four') &
.or. .not. d%contains('four') &
) error stop 'tDict_contains'
) error stop 'tDict_contains'
end block dict
end block dict
dict_get_as1dReal_shape: block
type(tDict), pointer :: d
type(tList), pointer :: l_outer, l_inner
type(tScalar), pointer :: s1,s2,s3
real(pREAL), dimension(5) :: a
s1 = '1.'
s2 = '2'
s3 = '3.0'
call l_inner%append(s1)
call l_inner%append(s2)
call l_outer%append(l_inner)
call l_outer%append(s3)
call d%set('list',l_outer)
call d%set('scalar',s1)
a = d%get_as1dReal('list',requiredShape=[2,3])
if (any(dNeq(a,real([1.0,2.0,3.0,3.0,3.0],pReal)))) &
error stop 'dict_get_as1dReal_shape list'
if (any(dNeq(d%get_as1dReal('non-existing',a,[2,3]),a))) &
error stop 'dict_get_as1dReal_shape default'
if (any(dNeq(d%get_as1dReal('scalar',requiredShape=[3,5,2]),misc_ones(10)))) &
error stop 'dict_get_as1dReal_shape scalar'
end block dict_get_as1dReal_shape
end subroutine YAML_types_selfTest
end subroutine YAML_types_selfTest
@ -1146,7 +1188,7 @@ end function tDict_get_asReal
!> @brief Get list by key and convert to real array (1D).
!> @brief Get list by key and convert to real array (1D).
function tDict_get_as1dReal(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dReal)
function tDict_get_as1dReal_size(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dReal)
class(tDict), intent(in) :: self
class(tDict), intent(in) :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
@ -1173,7 +1215,59 @@ function tDict_get_as1dReal(self,k,defaultVal,requiredSize) result(nodeAs1dReal)
end if
end if
end function tDict_get_as1dReal
end function tDict_get_as1dReal_size
!> @brief Get entry by key and convert to real array (1D).
!> @details Values will be broadcasted. A List content can be composed from mixture of scalar
!> or list entries. [2., [1., 3.]] with required shape [3, 2] gives [2., 2., 2., 1., 3.].
function tDict_get_as1dReal_shape(self,k,defaultVal,requiredShape) result(nodeAs1dReal)
class(tDict), intent(in) :: self
character(len=*), intent(in) :: k
real(pREAL), intent(in), dimension(:), optional :: defaultVal
integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: requiredShape
real(pREAL), dimension(sum(requiredShape)) :: nodeAs1dReal
type(tList), pointer :: list_outer, list_inner
class(tNode), pointer :: node_outer, node_inner
integer :: i
if (self%contains(k)) then
node_outer => self%get(k)
select type(node_outer)
class is(tScalar)
nodeAs1dReal = node_outer%asReal()
class is(tList)
list_outer => self%get_list(k)
do i = 1, size(requiredShape)
node_inner => list_outer%get(i)
select type(node_inner)
class is(tScalar)
nodeAs1dReal(sum(requiredShape(:i-1))+1:sum(requiredShape(:i))) = node_inner%asReal()
class is(tList)
list_inner => node_inner%asList()
if (size(list_inner%as1dReal()) /= requiredShape(i)) &
call IO_error(709,'entry "'//k//'" is not of length '//IO_intAsStr(requiredShape(i)),&
nodeAs1dReal(sum(requiredShape(:i-1))+1:sum(requiredShape(:i))) = list_inner%as1dReal()
class default
call IO_error(706,'entry "'//k//'" is neither scalar nor list','position',i)
end select
end do
end select
elseif (present(defaultVal)) then
if (size(defaultVal) /= size(nodeAs1dReal)) &
call IO_error(709,'default values not of required shape')
nodeAs1dReal = defaultVal
call IO_error(143,ext_msg=k)
end if
end function tDict_get_as1dReal_shape
Reference in New Issue