some lines in crystallite.f90 exceeded limit of 132 characters

fixed bug in Lib_VTK_IO.f90 (informed author as well)
added zip file containing source of Lib_VTK_IO.f90
This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2013-05-08 17:48:00 +00:00
parent 755e0e2440
commit cfac73043d
3 changed files with 54 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -3493,16 +3493,18 @@ function crystallite_postResults(dt, gr, ip, el)
case ('volume')
mySize = 1_pInt
detF = math_det33(crystallite_partionedF(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)) ! V_current = det(F) * V_reference
crystallite_postResults(c+1) = detF * mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) / homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el)) ! grain volume (not fraction but absolute)
crystallite_postResults(c+1) = detF * mesh_ipVolume(ip,el) / &
homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,el)) ! grain volume (not fraction but absolute)
case ('orientation')
mySize = 4_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = crystallite_orientation(1:4,gr,ip,el) ! grain orientation as quaternion
case ('eulerangles')
mySize = 3_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = inDeg * math_qToEuler(crystallite_orientation(1:4,gr,ip,el)) ! grain orientation as Euler angles in degree
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = inDeg * &
math_qToEuler(crystallite_orientation(1:4,gr,ip,el)) ! grain orientation as Euler angles in degree
case ('grainrotation')
mySize = 4_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = math_qToAxisAngle(crystallite_rotation(1:4,gr,ip,el)) ! grain rotation away from initial orientation as axis-angle in crystal reference coordinates
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = math_qToAxisAngle(crystallite_rotation(1:4,gr,ip,el))! grain rotation away from initial orientation as axis-angle in crystal reference coordinates
crystallite_postResults(c+4) = inDeg * crystallite_postResults(c+4) ! angle in degree
case ('grainrotationx')
mySize = 1_pInt
@ -3531,7 +3533,8 @@ function crystallite_postResults(dt, gr, ip, el)
case ('defgrad','f')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_transpose33(crystallite_partionedF(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('e')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = 0.5_pReal * reshape((math_mul33x33( &
@ -3539,23 +3542,29 @@ function crystallite_postResults(dt, gr, ip, el)
crystallite_partionedF(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)) - math_I3),[mySize])
case ('fe')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_transpose33(crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('ee')
Ee = 0.5_pReal * (math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)), crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)) - math_I3)
Ee = 0.5_pReal *(math_mul33x33(math_transpose33(crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)), &
crystallite_Fe(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)) - math_I3)
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(Ee,[mySize])
case ('fp')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_transpose33(crystallite_Fp(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('lp')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_transpose33(crystallite_Lp(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('p','firstpiola','1stpiola')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_transpose33(crystallite_P(1:3,1:3,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('s','tstar','secondpiola','2ndpiola')
mySize = 9_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(math_Mandel6to33(crystallite_Tstar_v(1:6,gr,ip,el)),[mySize])
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = &
case ('elasmatrix')
mySize = 36_pInt
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+mySize) = reshape(constitutive_homogenizedC(gr,ip,el),[mySize])
@ -3576,10 +3585,9 @@ function crystallite_postResults(dt, gr, ip, el)
crystallite_postResults(c+1) = real(constitutive_sizePostResults(gr,ip,el),pReal) ! size of constitutive results
c = c + 1_pInt
if (constitutive_sizePostResults(gr,ip,el) > 0_pInt) &
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+constitutive_sizePostResults(gr,ip,el)) = constitutive_postResults(crystallite_Tstar_v(1:6,gr,ip,el), &
crystallite_Fe, &
crystallite_Temperature(gr,ip,el), &
dt, gr, ip, el)
crystallite_postResults(c+1:c+constitutive_sizePostResults(gr,ip,el)) = &
constitutive_postResults(crystallite_Tstar_v(1:6,gr,ip,el), crystallite_Fe, &
crystallite_Temperature(gr,ip,el), dt, gr, ip, el)
c = c + constitutive_sizePostResults(gr,ip,el)
end function crystallite_postResults

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@ -5121,9 +5121,9 @@ subroutine mesh_write_cellGeom
filename = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'_ipbased.vtk', &
mesh_topology = 'UNSTRUCTURED_GRID')
err = VTK_geo(NN = mesh_Ncellnodes, &
X = mesh_cellnode(1,:), &
Y = mesh_cellnode(2,:), &
Z = mesh_cellnode(3,:))
X = mesh_cellnode(1,1:mesh_Ncellnodes), &
Y = mesh_cellnode(2,1:mesh_Ncellnodes), &
Z = mesh_cellnode(3,1:mesh_Ncellnodes))
err = VTK_con(NC = mesh_Ncells, &
connect = cellconnection(1:j), &
cell_type = celltype)
@ -5161,18 +5161,18 @@ subroutine mesh_write_elemGeom
i = i + 1_pInt + FE_Nnodes(t)
err = VTK_ini(output_format = 'ASCII', &
err =VTK_ini(output_format = 'ASCII', &
title=trim(getSolverJobName())//' element mesh', &
filename = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName()//'_nodebased.vtk', &
filename = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'_nodebased.vtk', &
mesh_topology = 'UNSTRUCTURED_GRID')
err = VTK_geo(NN = mesh_Nnodes, &
err =VTK_geo(NN = mesh_Nnodes, &
X = mesh_node0(1,1:mesh_Nnodes), &
Y = mesh_node0(2,1:mesh_Nnodes), &
Z = mesh_node0(3,1:mesh_Nnodes))
err = VTK_con(NC = mesh_Nelems, &
err =VTK_con(NC = mesh_Nelems, &
connect = elementconnection(1:i), &
cell_type = elemtype)
err = VTK_end()
err =VTK_end()
end subroutine mesh_write_elemGeom

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@ -3435,6 +3435,7 @@ contains
rf = 1
if (present(cf)) rf = cf
call vtk_update(act='remove',cf=rf,Nvtk=Nvtk,vtk=vtk)