Merge branch 'clean-damage' into 'development'

Clean damage

See merge request damask/DAMASK!336
This commit is contained in:
Franz Roters 2021-02-16 15:13:11 +00:00
commit cf3084a5cf
45 changed files with 829 additions and 1095 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e74cf00628285a587ced1e551cc9837c1011ca1c
Subproject commit 2ed5cd4ba97b44ad9c8b61ced94060aee57a2dd8

View File

@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
#include "phase_damage_isoductile.f90"
#include "phase_damage_anisobrittle.f90"
#include "phase_damage_anisoductile.f90"
#include "damage_none.f90"
#include "damage_nonlocal.f90"
#include "homogenization.f90"
#include "homogenization_mechanical.f90"
#include "homogenization_mechanical_pass.f90"

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@ -5,16 +5,10 @@
!! precedence over material.yaml.
module config
use prec
use DAMASK_interface
use IO
use YAML_parse
use YAML_types
#ifdef PETSc
#include <petsc/finclude/petscsys.h>
use petscsys
implicit none
@ -50,17 +44,12 @@ end subroutine config_init
subroutine parse_material
logical :: fileExists
character(len=:), allocatable :: fname
fname = getSolverJobName()//'.yaml'
if(.not. fileExists) then
fname = 'material.yaml'
if(.not. fileExists) call IO_error(100,ext_msg=fname)
print*, 'reading '//fname; flush(IO_STDOUT)
config_material => YAML_parse_file(fname)
if(.not. fileExists) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='material.yaml')
print*, 'reading material.yaml'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
config_material => YAML_parse_file('material.yaml')
end subroutine parse_material
@ -72,6 +61,7 @@ subroutine parse_numerics
logical :: fexist
config_numerics => emptyDict
inquire(file='numerics.yaml', exist=fexist)
if (fexist) then
@ -89,6 +79,7 @@ subroutine parse_debug
logical :: fexist
config_debug => emptyDict
inquire(file='debug.yaml', exist=fexist)
fileExists: if (fexist) then

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
!> @author Pratheek Shanthraj, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief material subroutine for constant damage field
module damage_none
use prec
use config
use material
implicit none
!> @brief allocates all neccessary fields, reads information from material configuration file
subroutine damage_none_init
integer :: h,Nmaterialpoints
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- damage_none init -+>>>'; flush(6)
do h = 1, size(material_name_homogenization)
if (damage_type(h) /= DAMAGE_NONE_ID) cycle
Nmaterialpoints = count(material_homogenizationAt == h)
damageState_h(h)%sizeState = 0
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state0 (0,Nmaterialpoints))
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state (0,Nmaterialpoints))
allocate (damage(h)%p(Nmaterialpoints), source=1.0_pReal)
end subroutine damage_none_init
end module damage_none

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
!> @author Pratheek Shanthraj, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief material subroutine for non-locally evolving damage field
module damage_nonlocal
use prec
use material
use config
use YAML_types
use lattice
use phase
use results
implicit none
type, private :: tNumerics
real(pReal) :: &
charLength !< characteristic length scale for gradient problems
end type tNumerics
type(tNumerics), private :: &
public :: &
damage_nonlocal_init, &
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
subroutine damage_nonlocal_init
integer :: Ninstances,Nmaterialpoints,h
class(tNode), pointer :: &
num_generic, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- damage_nonlocal init -+>>>'; flush(6)
! read numerics parameter
num_generic => config_numerics%get('generic',defaultVal= emptyDict)
num%charLength = num_generic%get_asFloat('charLength',defaultVal=1.0_pReal)
Ninstances = count(damage_type == DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID)
material_homogenization => config_material%get('homogenization')
do h = 1, material_homogenization%length
if (damage_type(h) /= DAMAGE_NONLOCAL_ID) cycle
Nmaterialpoints = count(material_homogenizationAt == h)
damageState_h(h)%sizeState = 1
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state0 (1,Nmaterialpoints), source=1.0_pReal)
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state (1,Nmaterialpoints), source=1.0_pReal)
damage(h)%p => damageState_h(h)%state(1,:)
end subroutine damage_nonlocal_init
!> @brief returns homogenized non local damage diffusion tensor in reference configuration
function damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion(ip,el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
integer :: &
homog, &
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = 0.0_pReal
do grain = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(homog)
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion + &
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = &
end function damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion
end module damage_nonlocal

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@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ module grid_damage_spectral
use IO
use spectral_utilities
use discretization_grid
use damage_nonlocal
use YAML_types
use homogenization
use config

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@ -12,14 +12,53 @@ module homogenization
use material
use phase
use discretization
use damage_none
use damage_nonlocal
use HDF5_utilities
use results
use lattice
implicit none
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
end enum
type(tState), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
homogState, &
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
homogenization_typeInstance, & !< instance of particular type of each homogenization
thermal_typeInstance, & !< instance of particular type of each thermal transport
damage_typeInstance !< instance of particular type of each nonlocal damage
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
integer(kind(THERMAL_isothermal_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
thermal_type !< thermal transport model
integer(kind(DAMAGE_none_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
damage_type !< nonlocal damage model
integer(kind(HOMOGENIZATION_undefined_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
homogenization_type !< type of each homogenization
type, private :: tNumerics_damage
real(pReal) :: &
charLength !< characteristic length scale for gradient problems
end type tNumerics_damage
type(tNumerics_damage), private :: &
logical, public :: &
terminallyIll = .false. !< at least one material point is terminally ill
@ -193,7 +232,13 @@ module homogenization
homogenization_forward, &
homogenization_results, &
homogenization_restartRead, &
homogenization_restartWrite, &
public :: &
damage_nonlocal_init, &
@ -209,6 +254,12 @@ subroutine homogenization_init()
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
allocate(homogState (size(material_name_homogenization)))
allocate(damageState_h (size(material_name_homogenization)))
call material_parseHomogenization
num_homog => config_numerics%get('homogenization',defaultVal=emptyDict)
num_homogGeneric => num_homog%get('generic',defaultVal=emptyDict)
@ -220,8 +271,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_init()
call thermal_init()
call damage_init()
if (any(damage_type == DAMAGE_none_ID)) call damage_none_init
if (any(damage_type == DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID)) call damage_nonlocal_init
call damage_nonlocal_init
end subroutine homogenization_init
@ -257,6 +307,7 @@ subroutine materialpoint_stressAndItsTangent(dt,FEsolving_execIP,FEsolving_execE
if(homogState(ho)%sizeState > 0) homogState(ho)%State(:,me) = homogState(ho)%State0(:,me)
if(damageState_h(ho)%sizeState > 0) damageState_h(ho)%State(:,me) = damageState_h(ho)%State0(:,me)
call damage_partition(ce)
doneAndHappy = [.false.,.true.]
@ -311,26 +362,6 @@ subroutine materialpoint_stressAndItsTangent(dt,FEsolving_execIP,FEsolving_execE
! !$OMP DO PRIVATE(ho,ph,ce)
! do el = FEsolving_execElem(1),FEsolving_execElem(2)
! if (terminallyIll) continue
! ho = material_homogenizationAt(el)
! do ip = FEsolving_execIP(1),FEsolving_execIP(2)
! ce = (el-1)*discretization_nIPs + ip
! call damage_partition(ce)
! do co = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(ho)
! ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
! if (.not. thermal_stress(dt,ph,material_phaseMemberAt(co,ip,el))) then
! if (.not. terminallyIll) & ! so first signals terminally ill...
! print*, ' Integration point ', ip,' at element ', el, ' terminally ill'
! terminallyIll = .true. ! ...and kills all others
! endif
! call thermal_homogenize(ip,el)
! enddo
! enddo
! enddo
elementLooping3: do el = FEsolving_execElem(1),FEsolving_execElem(2)
ho = material_homogenizationAt(el)
@ -397,7 +428,8 @@ subroutine homogenization_forward
do ho = 1, size(material_name_homogenization)
homogState (ho)%state0 = homogState (ho)%state
damageState_h(ho)%state0 = damageState_h(ho)%state
if(damageState_h(ho)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState_h(ho)%state0 = damageState_h(ho)%state
end subroutine homogenization_forward
@ -457,4 +489,143 @@ subroutine homogenization_restartRead(fileHandle)
end subroutine homogenization_restartRead
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
subroutine damage_nonlocal_init
integer :: Ninstances,Nmaterialpoints,h
class(tNode), pointer :: &
num_generic, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- damage_nonlocal init -+>>>'; flush(6)
! read numerics parameter
num_generic => config_numerics%get('generic',defaultVal= emptyDict)
num_damage%charLength = num_generic%get_asFloat('charLength',defaultVal=1.0_pReal)
Ninstances = count(damage_type == DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID)
material_homogenization => config_material%get('homogenization')
do h = 1, material_homogenization%length
if (damage_type(h) /= DAMAGE_NONLOCAL_ID) cycle
Nmaterialpoints = count(material_homogenizationAt == h)
damageState_h(h)%sizeState = 1
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state0 (1,Nmaterialpoints), source=1.0_pReal)
allocate(damageState_h(h)%state (1,Nmaterialpoints), source=1.0_pReal)
end subroutine damage_nonlocal_init
!> @brief returns homogenized non local damage diffusion tensor in reference configuration
function damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion(ip,el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
integer :: &
homog, &
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = 0.0_pReal
do grain = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(homog)
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion + &
damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion = &
end function damage_nonlocal_getDiffusion
!> @brief parses the homogenization part from the material configuration
! ToDo: This should be done in homogenization
subroutine material_parseHomogenization
class(tNode), pointer :: &
material_homogenization, &
homog, &
homogMech, &
homogThermal, &
integer :: h
material_homogenization => config_material%get('homogenization')
allocate(homogenization_type(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=HOMOGENIZATION_undefined_ID)
allocate(thermal_type(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=THERMAL_isothermal_ID)
allocate(damage_type (size(material_name_homogenization)), source=DAMAGE_none_ID)
allocate(homogenization_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(thermal_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(damage_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(thermal_initialT(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=300.0_pReal)
do h=1, size(material_name_homogenization)
homog => material_homogenization%get(h)
homogMech => homog%get('mechanics')
select case (homogMech%get_asString('type'))
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_ID
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_ISOSTRAIN_ID
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogMech%get_asString('type'))
end select
homogenization_typeInstance(h) = count(homogenization_type==homogenization_type(h))
if(homog%contains('thermal')) then
homogThermal => homog%get('thermal')
thermal_initialT(h) = homogThermal%get_asFloat('T_0',defaultVal=300.0_pReal)
select case (homogThermal%get_asString('type'))
thermal_type(h) = THERMAL_isothermal_ID
thermal_type(h) = THERMAL_conduction_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogThermal%get_asString('type'))
end select
if(homog%contains('damage')) then
homogDamage => homog%get('damage')
select case (homogDamage%get_asString('type'))
damage_type(h) = DAMAGE_none_ID
damage_type(h) = DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogDamage%get_asString('type'))
end select
do h=1, size(material_name_homogenization)
homogenization_typeInstance(h) = count(homogenization_type(1:h) == homogenization_type(h))
thermal_typeInstance(h) = count(thermal_type (1:h) == thermal_type (h))
damage_typeInstance(h) = count(damage_type (1:h) == damage_type (h))
end subroutine material_parseHomogenization
end module homogenization

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@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ module subroutine damage_partition(ce)
integer :: co
phi = current(material_homogenizationAt2(ce))%phi(material_homogenizationMemberAt2(ce))
if(damageState_h(material_homogenizationAt2(ce))%sizeState < 1) return
phi = damagestate_h(material_homogenizationAt2(ce))%state(1,material_homogenizationMemberAt2(ce))
do co = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_homogenizationAt2(ce))
call phase_damage_set_phi(phi,co,ce)
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ module subroutine damage_nonlocal_putNonLocalDamage(phi,ip,el)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
offset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
damage(homog)%p(offset) = phi
damagestate_h(homog)%state(1,offset) = phi
end subroutine damage_nonlocal_putNonLocalDamage
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ module subroutine damage_nonlocal_results(homog,group)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(prm%output(o))
case ('phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,damage(homog)%p,prm%output(o),&
call results_writeDataset(group,damagestate_h(homog)%state(1,:),prm%output(o),&
'damage indicator','-')
end select
enddo outputsLoop

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
!> @author Martin Diehl, KU Leuven
!> @brief Partition F and homogenize P/dPdF
submodule(homogenization) mechanics
submodule(homogenization) mechanical
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_init(num_homog)
class(tNode), pointer :: &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanical init -+>>>'
allocate(homogenization_dPdF(3,3,3,3,discretization_nIPs*discretization_Nelems), source=0.0_pReal)
homogenization_F0 = spread(math_I3,3,discretization_nIPs*discretization_Nelems) ! initialize to identity
@ -225,8 +225,6 @@ end function mechanical_updateState
!> @brief Write results to file.
module subroutine mechanical_results(group_base,h)
use material, only: &
material_homogenization_type => homogenization_type
character(len=*), intent(in) :: group_base
integer, intent(in) :: h
@ -236,7 +234,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_results(group_base,h)
group = trim(group_base)//'/mech'
call results_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group))
select case(material_homogenization_type(h))
select case(homogenization_type(h))
call mechanical_RGC_results(homogenization_typeInstance(h),group)
@ -253,4 +251,4 @@ module subroutine mechanical_results(group_base,h)
end subroutine mechanical_results
end submodule mechanics
end submodule mechanical

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
!> @brief Relaxed grain cluster (RGC) homogenization scheme
!> N_constituents is defined as p x q x r (cluster)
submodule(homogenization:mechanics) RGC
submodule(homogenization:mechanical) RGC
use rotations
use lattice
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_RGC_init(num_homogMech)
homog, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:RGC init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanical:RGC init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief Isostrain (full constraint Taylor assuption) homogenization scheme
submodule(homogenization:mechanics) isostrain
submodule(homogenization:mechanical) isostrain
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
parallel_ID, &
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_isostrain_init
homog, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:isostrain init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanical:isostrain init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_ISOSTRAIN_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief dummy homogenization homogenization scheme for 1 constituent per material point
submodule(homogenization:mechanics) none
submodule(homogenization:mechanical) none
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_pass_init
h, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanics:pass init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- homogenization:mechanical:pass init -+>>>'
Ninstances = count(homogenization_type == HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_ID)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

View File

@ -459,7 +459,8 @@ subroutine lattice_init
phase, &
mech, &
elasticity, &
thermal, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- lattice init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
@ -535,13 +536,17 @@ subroutine lattice_init
lattice_D(1,1,ph) = phase%get_asFloat('D_11',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(2,2,ph) = phase%get_asFloat('D_22',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(3,3,ph) = phase%get_asFloat('D_33',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(1:3,1:3,ph) = lattice_applyLatticeSymmetry33(lattice_D(1:3,1:3,ph), &
if (phase%contains('damage')) then
damage => phase%get('damage')
damage => damage%get(1)
lattice_D(1,1,ph) = damage%get_asFloat('D_11',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(2,2,ph) = damage%get_asFloat('D_22',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(3,3,ph) = damage%get_asFloat('D_33',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_D(1:3,1:3,ph) = lattice_applyLatticeSymmetry33(lattice_D(1:3,1:3,ph), &
lattice_M(ph) = phase%get_asFloat('M',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
lattice_M(ph) = damage%get_asFloat('M',defaultVal=0.0_pReal)
call selfTest

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@ -6,50 +6,26 @@
module material
use prec
use math
use config
use results
use IO
use rotations
use discretization
use YAML_types
implicit none
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
end enum
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
homogenization_Nconstituents !< number of grains in each homogenization
character(len=:), public, protected, allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
material_name_phase, & !< name of each phase
material_name_homogenization !< name of each homogenization
integer(kind(THERMAL_isothermal_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
thermal_type !< thermal transport model
integer(kind(DAMAGE_none_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
damage_type !< nonlocal damage model
integer(kind(HOMOGENIZATION_undefined_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
homogenization_type !< type of each homogenization
integer, public, protected :: &
homogenization_maxNconstituents !< max number of grains in any USED homogenization
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
homogenization_Nconstituents, & !< number of grains in each homogenization
homogenization_typeInstance, & !< instance of particular type of each homogenization
thermal_typeInstance, & !< instance of particular type of each thermal transport
damage_typeInstance !< instance of particular type of each nonlocal damage
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
thermal_initialT !< initial temperature per each homogenization
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public, protected :: & ! (elem)
material_homogenizationAt, & !< homogenization ID of each element
material_homogenizationAt2, & !< per cell
@ -63,50 +39,28 @@ module material
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public, protected :: & ! (constituent,IP,elem)
material_phaseMemberAt !< position of the element within its phase instance
type(tState), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
homogState, &
type(Rotation), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
material_orientation0 !< initial orientation of each grain,IP,element
type(group_float), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
damage !< damage field
public :: &
material_init, &
!> @brief parses material configuration file
!> @brief Parse material configuration file (material.yaml).
subroutine material_init(restart)
logical, intent(in) :: restart
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- material init -+>>>'; flush(IO_STDOUT)
call material_parseMaterial
print*, 'Material parsed'
call material_parseHomogenization
print*, 'Homogenization parsed'
allocate(homogState (size(material_name_homogenization)))
allocate(damageState_h (size(material_name_homogenization)))
allocate(damage (size(material_name_homogenization)))
if (.not. restart) then
call results_openJobFile
@ -118,82 +72,6 @@ subroutine material_init(restart)
end subroutine material_init
!> @brief parses the homogenization part from the material configuration
! ToDo: This should be done in homogenization
subroutine material_parseHomogenization
class(tNode), pointer :: &
material_homogenization, &
homog, &
homogMech, &
homogThermal, &
integer :: h
material_homogenization => config_material%get('homogenization')
allocate(homogenization_type(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=HOMOGENIZATION_undefined_ID)
allocate(thermal_type(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=THERMAL_isothermal_ID)
allocate(damage_type (size(material_name_homogenization)), source=DAMAGE_none_ID)
allocate(homogenization_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(thermal_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(damage_typeInstance(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=0)
allocate(thermal_initialT(size(material_name_homogenization)), source=300.0_pReal)
do h=1, size(material_name_homogenization)
homog => material_homogenization%get(h)
homogMech => homog%get('mechanics')
select case (homogMech%get_asString('type'))
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_NONE_ID
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_ISOSTRAIN_ID
homogenization_type(h) = HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogMech%get_asString('type'))
end select
homogenization_typeInstance(h) = count(homogenization_type==homogenization_type(h))
if(homog%contains('thermal')) then
homogThermal => homog%get('thermal')
thermal_initialT(h) = homogThermal%get_asFloat('T_0',defaultVal=300.0_pReal)
select case (homogThermal%get_asString('type'))
thermal_type(h) = THERMAL_isothermal_ID
thermal_type(h) = THERMAL_conduction_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogThermal%get_asString('type'))
end select
if(homog%contains('damage')) then
homogDamage => homog%get('damage')
select case (homogDamage%get_asString('type'))
damage_type(h) = DAMAGE_none_ID
damage_type(h) = DAMAGE_nonlocal_ID
case default
call IO_error(500,ext_msg=homogDamage%get_asString('type'))
end select
do h=1, size(material_name_homogenization)
homogenization_typeInstance(h) = count(homogenization_type(1:h) == homogenization_type(h))
thermal_typeInstance(h) = count(thermal_type (1:h) == thermal_type (h))
damage_typeInstance(h) = count(damage_type (1:h) == damage_type (h))
end subroutine material_parseHomogenization
!> @brief parses the material part in the material configuration file

View File

@ -58,20 +58,17 @@ module phase
type(tDebugOptions) :: debugCrystallite
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public :: & !< ToDo: should be protected (bug in Intel compiler)
thermal_Nsources, &
phase_Nsources, & !< number of source mechanisms active in each phase
phase_Nkinematics, & !< number of kinematic mechanisms active in each phase
phase_elasticityInstance, &
phase_NstiffnessDegradations, & !< number of stiffness degradation mechanisms active in each phase
phase_plasticInstance, & !< instance of particular plasticity of each phase
phase_elasticityInstance !< instance of particular elasticity of each phase
logical, dimension(:), allocatable, public :: & ! ToDo: should be protected (bug in Intel Compiler)
phase_localPlasticity !< flags phases with local constitutive law
type(tPlasticState), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
type(tSourceState), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
damageState, thermalState
type(tState), allocatable, dimension(:), public :: &
integer, public, protected :: &
@ -181,6 +178,11 @@ module phase
real(pReal) :: dot_T
end function thermal_dot_T
module function damage_phi(ph,me) result(phi)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal) :: phi
end function damage_phi
module subroutine phase_mechanical_setF(F,co,ip,el)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: F
@ -261,6 +263,27 @@ module phase
el !< element
end subroutine plastic_dependentState
module subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph, me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
end subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent
module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph, me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
end subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent
end interface
@ -345,14 +368,12 @@ subroutine phase_init
PhaseLoop2:do ph = 1,phases%length
! partition and initialize state
plasticState(ph)%state = plasticState(ph)%state0
forall(so = 1:phase_Nsources(ph))
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state0
end forall
phase_source_maxSizeDotState = max(phase_source_maxSizeDotState, &
plasticState(ph)%state = plasticState(ph)%state0
if(damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(ph)%state = damageState(ph)%state0
enddo PhaseLoop2
phase_source_maxSizeDotState = maxval(damageState%sizeDotState)
phase_plasticity_maxSizeDotState = maxval(plasticState%sizeDotState)
end subroutine phase_init
@ -362,7 +383,7 @@ end subroutine phase_init
!> @brief Allocate the components of the state structure for a given phase
subroutine phase_allocateState(state, &
class(tState), intent(out) :: &
@ -399,15 +420,13 @@ subroutine phase_restore(ce,includeL)
integer, intent(in) :: ce
integer :: &
co, & !< constituent number
do co = 1,homogenization_Nconstituents(material_homogenizationAt2(ce))
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(material_phaseAt2(co,ce))
damageState(material_phaseAt2(co,ce))%p(so)%state( :,material_phasememberAt2(co,ce)) = &
if (damageState(material_phaseAt2(co,ce))%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(material_phaseAt2(co,ce))%state( :,material_phasememberAt2(co,ce)) = &
call mechanical_restore(ce,includeL)
@ -421,16 +440,16 @@ end subroutine phase_restore
subroutine phase_forward()
integer :: ph, so
integer :: ph
call mechanical_forward()
call thermal_forward()
do ph = 1, size(damageState)
do so = 1,phase_Nsources(ph)
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state0 = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state
enddo; enddo
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(ph)%state0 = damageState(ph)%state
end subroutine phase_forward
@ -526,9 +545,8 @@ subroutine crystallite_init()
phases => config_material%get('phase')
do ph = 1, phases%length
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
allocate(damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0,source=damageState(ph)%p(so)%state0) ! ToDo: hack
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
allocate(damageState(ph)%subState0,source=damageState(ph)%state0) ! ToDo: hack
print'(a42,1x,i10)', ' # of elements: ', eMax
@ -574,9 +592,8 @@ subroutine phase_windForward(ip,el)
call mechanical_windForward(ph,me)
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(material_phaseAt(co,el))
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(:,me)
if(damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) damageState(ph)%state0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%state(:,me)

View File

@ -15,110 +15,92 @@ submodule(phase) damagee
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: phi, d_phi_d_dot_phi
end type tDataContainer
integer(kind(DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
integer(kind(DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
phase_source !< active sources mechanisms of each phase
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
type(tDataContainer), dimension(:), allocatable :: current
module function anisobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
module function anisobrittle_init() result(mySources)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
end function anisobrittle_init
module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
module function anisoductile_init() result(mySources)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
end function anisoductile_init
module function isobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
module function isobrittle_init() result(mySources)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
end function isobrittle_init
module function isoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
module function isoductile_init() result(mySources)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
end function isoductile_init
module subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState(C, Fe, ph, me)
module subroutine isobrittle_deltaState(C, Fe, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(6,6) :: &
end subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState
end subroutine isobrittle_deltaState
module subroutine anisobrittle_dotState(S, co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
module subroutine anisobrittle_dotState(S, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
end subroutine anisobrittle_dotState
module subroutine anisoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
module subroutine anisoductile_dotState(ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
end subroutine anisoductile_dotState
module subroutine isoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
module subroutine isoductile_dotState(ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
end subroutine isoductile_dotState
module subroutine source_damage_anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, & !< phase ID of element
constituent !< position of element within its phase instance
module subroutine anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
phi !< damage parameter
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
end subroutine source_damage_anisoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
module subroutine source_damage_anisoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, & !< phase ID of element
constituent !< position of element within its phase instance
module subroutine anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
phi !< damage parameter
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
end subroutine source_damage_anisoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent
module subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, & !< phase ID of element
constituent !< position of element within its phase instance
module subroutine isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
phi !< damage parameter
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
end subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
module subroutine source_damage_isoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, & !< phase ID of element
constituent !< position of element within its phase instance
module subroutine isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
phi !< damage parameter
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
end subroutine source_damage_isoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent
module subroutine anisobrittle_results(phase,group)
integer, intent(in) :: phase
@ -175,19 +157,20 @@ module subroutine damage_init
phase => phases%get(ph)
sources => phase%get('source',defaultVal=emptyList)
sources => phase%get('damage',defaultVal=emptyList)
if (sources%length > 1) error stop
phase_Nsources(ph) = sources%length
allocate(phase_source(maxval(phase_Nsources),phases%length), source = DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID)
allocate(phase_source(phases%length), source = DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID)
! initialize source mechanisms
if(maxval(phase_Nsources) /= 0) then
where(isobrittle_init (maxval(phase_Nsources))) phase_source = DAMAGE_ISOBRITTLE_ID
where(isoductile_init (maxval(phase_Nsources))) phase_source = DAMAGE_ISODUCTILE_ID
where(anisobrittle_init (maxval(phase_Nsources))) phase_source = DAMAGE_ANISOBRITTLE_ID
where(anisoductile_init (maxval(phase_Nsources))) phase_source = DAMAGE_ANISODUCTILE_ID
where(isobrittle_init() ) phase_source = DAMAGE_ISOBRITTLE_ID
where(isoductile_init() ) phase_source = DAMAGE_ISODUCTILE_ID
where(anisobrittle_init()) phase_source = DAMAGE_ANISOBRITTLE_ID
where(anisoductile_init()) phase_source = DAMAGE_ANISODUCTILE_ID
end subroutine damage_init
@ -213,7 +196,6 @@ module subroutine phase_damage_getRateAndItsTangents(phiDot, dPhiDot_dPhi, phi,
integer :: &
ph, &
co, &
so, &
phiDot = 0.0_pReal
@ -222,19 +204,19 @@ module subroutine phase_damage_getRateAndItsTangents(phiDot, dPhiDot_dPhi, phi,
do co = 1, homogenization_Nconstituents(material_homogenizationAt(el))
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
me = material_phasememberAt(co,ip,el)
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
select case(phase_source(so,ph))
select case(phase_source(ph))
call source_damage_isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent (localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent (localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call source_damage_isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent (localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent (localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call source_damage_anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call source_damage_anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
call anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
case default
localphiDot = 0.0_pReal
@ -243,7 +225,6 @@ module subroutine phase_damage_getRateAndItsTangents(phiDot, dPhiDot_dPhi, phi,
end select
phiDot = phiDot + localphiDot
dPhiDot_dPhi = dPhiDot_dPhi + dLocalphiDot_dPhi
end subroutine phase_damage_getRateAndItsTangents
@ -267,57 +248,52 @@ module function integrateDamageState(dt,co,ip,el) result(broken)
NiterationState, & !< number of iterations in state loop
ph, &
me, &
integer, dimension(maxval(phase_Nsources)) :: &
real(pReal) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(phase_source_maxSizeDotState) :: &
r ! state residuum
real(pReal), dimension(phase_source_maxSizeDotState,2,maxval(phase_Nsources)) :: source_dotState
real(pReal), dimension(phase_source_maxSizeDotState,2) :: source_dotState
logical :: &
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
me = material_phaseMemberAt(co,ip,el)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState == 0) then
broken = .false.
converged_ = .true.
broken = phase_damage_collectDotState(co,ip,el,ph,me)
broken = phase_damage_collectDotState(ph,me)
if(broken) return
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
size_so(so) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%sizeDotState
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(1:size_so(so),me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0(1:size_so(so),me) &
+ damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState (1:size_so(so),me) * dt
source_dotState(1:size_so(so),2,so) = 0.0_pReal
size_so = damageState(ph)%sizeDotState
damageState(ph)%state(1:size_so,me) = damageState(ph)%subState0(1:size_so,me) &
+ damageState(ph)%dotState (1:size_so,me) * dt
source_dotState(1:size_so,2) = 0.0_pReal
iteration: do NiterationState = 1, num%nState
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
if(nIterationState > 1) source_dotState(1:size_so(so),2,so) = source_dotState(1:size_so(so),1,so)
source_dotState(1:size_so(so),1,so) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,me)
if(nIterationState > 1) source_dotState(1:size_so,2) = source_dotState(1:size_so,1)
source_dotState(1:size_so,1) = damageState(ph)%dotState(:,me)
broken = phase_damage_collectDotState(co,ip,el,ph,me)
broken = phase_damage_collectDotState(ph,me)
if(broken) exit iteration
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
zeta = damper(damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,me), &
damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,me) * zeta &
+ source_dotState(1:size_so(so),1,so)* (1.0_pReal - zeta)
r(1:size_so(so)) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state (1:size_so(so),me) &
- damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0(1:size_so(so),me) &
- damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState (1:size_so(so),me) * dt
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(1:size_so(so),me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(1:size_so(so),me) &
- r(1:size_so(so))
converged_ = converged_ .and. converged(r(1:size_so(so)), &
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(1:size_so(so),me), &
zeta = damper(damageState(ph)%dotState(:,me),source_dotState(1:size_so,1),source_dotState(1:size_so,2))
damageState(ph)%dotState(:,me) = damageState(ph)%dotState(:,me) * zeta &
+ source_dotState(1:size_so,1)* (1.0_pReal - zeta)
r(1:size_so) = damageState(ph)%state (1:size_so,me) &
- damageState(ph)%subState0(1:size_so,me) &
- damageState(ph)%dotState (1:size_so,me) * dt
damageState(ph)%state(1:size_so,me) = damageState(ph)%state(1:size_so,me) - r(1:size_so)
converged_ = converged_ .and. converged(r(1:size_so), &
damageState(ph)%state(1:size_so,me), &
if(converged_) then
broken = phase_damage_deltaState(mechanical_F_e(ph,me),ph,me)
@ -366,10 +342,10 @@ module subroutine damage_results(group,ph)
sourceLoop: do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
if (phase_source(so,ph) /= DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID) &
if (phase_source(ph) /= DAMAGE_UNDEFINED_ID) &
call results_closeGroup(results_addGroup(group//'sources/')) ! should be 'damage'
sourceType: select case (phase_source(so,ph))
sourceType: select case (phase_source(ph))
case (DAMAGE_ISOBRITTLE_ID) sourceType
call isobrittle_results(ph,group//'sources/')
@ -393,39 +369,34 @@ end subroutine damage_results
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the rate of change of microstructure
function phase_damage_collectDotState(co,ip,el,ph,me) result(broken)
function phase_damage_collectDotState(ph,me) result(broken)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID me integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el, & !< element
ph, &
integer :: &
so !< counter in source loop
me !< counter in source loop
logical :: broken
broken = .false.
SourceLoop: do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) then
sourceType: select case (phase_source(so,ph))
sourceType: select case (phase_source(ph))
case (DAMAGE_ISODUCTILE_ID) sourceType
call isoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
call isoductile_dotState(ph,me)
call anisoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
call anisoductile_dotState(ph,me)
call anisobrittle_dotState(mechanical_S(ph,me),co, ip, el) ! correct stress?
call anisobrittle_dotState(mechanical_S(ph,me), ph,me) ! correct stress?
end select sourceType
broken = broken .or. any(IEEE_is_NaN(damageState(ph)%p(so)%dotState(:,me)))
broken = broken .or. any(IEEE_is_NaN(damageState(ph)%dotState(:,me)))
enddo SourceLoop
end function phase_damage_collectDotState
@ -443,7 +414,6 @@ function phase_damage_deltaState(Fe, ph, me) result(broken)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
Fe !< elastic deformation gradient
integer :: &
so, &
myOffset, &
logical :: &
@ -452,23 +422,22 @@ function phase_damage_deltaState(Fe, ph, me) result(broken)
broken = .false.
sourceLoop: do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState == 0) return
sourceType: select case (phase_source(so,ph))
sourceType: select case (phase_source(ph))
case (DAMAGE_ISOBRITTLE_ID) sourceType
call source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState(phase_homogenizedC(ph,me), Fe, ph,me)
broken = any(IEEE_is_NaN(damageState(ph)%p(so)%deltaState(:,me)))
call isobrittle_deltaState(phase_homogenizedC(ph,me), Fe, ph,me)
broken = any(IEEE_is_NaN(damageState(ph)%deltaState(:,me)))
if(.not. broken) then
myOffset = damageState(ph)%p(so)%offsetDeltaState
mySize = damageState(ph)%p(so)%sizeDeltaState
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(myOffset + 1: myOffset + mySize,me) = &
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(myOffset + 1: myOffset + mySize,me) + damageState(ph)%p(so)%deltaState(1:mySize,me)
myOffset = damageState(ph)%offsetDeltaState
mySize = damageState(ph)%sizeDeltaState
damageState(ph)%state(myOffset + 1: myOffset + mySize,me) = &
damageState(ph)%state(myOffset + 1: myOffset + mySize,me) + damageState(ph)%deltaState(1:mySize,me)
end select sourceType
enddo SourceLoop
end function phase_damage_deltaState
@ -476,28 +445,25 @@ end function phase_damage_deltaState
!> @brief checks if a source mechanism is active or not
function source_active(source_label,src_length) result(active_source)
function source_active(source_label) result(active_source)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: source_label !< name of source mechanism
integer, intent(in) :: src_length !< max. number of sources in system
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: active_source
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: active_source
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
sources, &
integer :: p,s
integer :: ph
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(active_source(src_length,phases%length), source = .false. )
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
sources => phase%get('source',defaultVal=emptyList)
do s = 1, sources%length
src => sources%get(s)
if(src%get_asString('type') == source_label) active_source(s,p) = .true.
do ph = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(ph)
sources => phase%get('damage',defaultVal=emptyList)
src => sources%get(1)
active_source(ph) = src%get_asString('type',defaultVal = 'x') == source_label
@ -528,4 +494,15 @@ module function phase_damage_get_phi(co,ip,el) result(phi)
end function phase_damage_get_phi
module function damage_phi(ph,me) result(phi)
integer, intent(in) :: ph, me
real(pReal) :: phi
phi = current(ph)%phi(me)
end function damage_phi
end submodule damagee

View File

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
submodule (phase:damagee) anisobrittle
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset, & !< which source is my current source mechanism?
source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance !< instance of source mechanism
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
real(pReal) :: &
dot_o, & !< opening rate of cleavage planes
@ -35,42 +31,38 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function anisobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
module function anisobrittle_init() result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
sources, &
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
integer :: Nconstituents,p
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_cl
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisobrittle init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_anisoBrittle',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
mySources = source_active('anisobrittle')
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisobrittle init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset (phases%length), source=0)
allocate(source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
if(mySources(p)) then
phase => phases%get(p)
if(any(mySources(:,p))) source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance(p) = count(mySources(:,1:p))
if(count(mySources(:,p)) == 0) cycle
sources => phase%get('source')
do sourceOffset = 1, sources%length
if(mySources(sourceOffset,p)) then
source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset(p) = sourceOffset
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance(p)))
src => sources%get(sourceOffset)
sources => phase%get('damage')
associate(prm => param(p))
src => sources%get(1)
N_cl = src%get_asInts('N_cl',defaultVal=emptyIntArray)
prm%sum_N_cl = sum(abs(N_cl))
@ -101,9 +93,9 @@ module function anisobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
if (any(prm%s_crit < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' s_crit'
Nconstituents = count(material_phaseAt==p) * discretization_nIPs
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol = src%get_asFloat('anisobrittle_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' anisobrittle_atol'
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%atol = src%get_asFloat('anisobrittle_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' anisobrittle_atol'
end associate
@ -111,7 +103,7 @@ module function anisobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(damage_anisoBrittle)')
end function anisobrittle_init
@ -120,18 +112,14 @@ end function anisobrittle_init
!> @brief calculates derived quantities from state
module subroutine anisobrittle_dotState(S, co, ip, el)
module subroutine anisobrittle_dotState(S, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
integer :: &
ph, &
me, &
sourceOffset, &
damageOffset, &
homog, &
@ -139,28 +127,22 @@ module subroutine anisobrittle_dotState(S, co, ip, el)
real(pReal) :: &
traction_d, traction_t, traction_n, traction_crit
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
me = material_phasememberAt(co,ip,el)
sourceOffset = source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset(ph)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance(ph)))
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%dotState(1,me) = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1, prm%sum_N_cl
traction_d = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i))
traction_t = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i))
traction_n = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i))
associate(prm => param(ph))
damageState(ph)%dotState(1,me) = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1, prm%sum_N_cl
traction_d = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i))
traction_t = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i))
traction_n = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i))
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)*damage(homog)%p(damageOffset)**2.0_pReal
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)*damage_phi(ph,me)**2.0_pReal
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%dotState(1,me) &
= damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%dotState(1,me) &
+ prm%dot_o / prm%s_crit(i) &
* ((max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q + &
(max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q + &
(max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q)
damageState(ph)%dotState(1,me) = damageState(ph)%dotState(1,me) &
+ prm%dot_o / prm%s_crit(i) &
* ((max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q + &
(max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q + &
(max(0.0_pReal, abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q)
end associate
end subroutine anisobrittle_dotState
@ -169,28 +151,24 @@ end subroutine anisobrittle_dotState
!> @brief returns local part of nonlocal damage driving force
module subroutine source_damage_anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
module subroutine anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, &
ph, &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
integer :: &
sourceOffset = source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset(phase)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(phase)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,constituent)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(ph)%state(1,me)
localphiDot = 1.0_pReal &
+ dLocalphiDot_dPhi*phi
end subroutine source_damage_anisoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine anisobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
@ -203,16 +181,78 @@ module subroutine anisobrittle_results(phase,group)
integer :: o
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoBrittle_instance(phase)), &
stt => damageState(phase)%p(source_damage_anisoBrittle_offset(phase))%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
associate(prm => param(phase), stt => damageState(phase)%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end subroutine anisobrittle_results
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
module subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
integer :: &
i, k, l, m, n
real(pReal) :: &
traction_d, traction_t, traction_n, traction_crit, &
udotd, dudotd_dt, udott, dudott_dt, udotn, dudotn_dt
Ld = 0.0_pReal
dLd_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
associate(prm => param(ph))
do i = 1,prm%sum_N_cl
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)*damage_phi(ph,me)**2.0_pReal
traction_d = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i))
if (abs(traction_d) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udotd = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udotd*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i)
dudotd_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)*udotd*prm%q / (abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudotd_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,1,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,1,i)
traction_t = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i))
if (abs(traction_t) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udott = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_t)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udott*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i)
dudott_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_t)*udott*prm%q / (abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudott_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,2,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,2,i)
traction_n = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i))
if (abs(traction_n) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udotn = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_n)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udotn*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i)
dudotn_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_n)*udotn*prm%q / (abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudotn_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,3,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,3,i)
end associate
end subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent
end submodule anisobrittle

View File

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
submodule(phase:damagee) anisoductile
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset, & !< which source is my current damage mechanism?
source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance !< instance of damage source mechanism
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
real(pReal) :: &
q !< damage rate sensitivity
@ -19,7 +15,7 @@ submodule(phase:damagee) anisoductile
end type tParameters
type(tParameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: param !< containers of constitutive parameters (len Ninstances)
type(tParameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: param !< containers of constitutive parameters
@ -28,10 +24,9 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
module function anisoductile_init() result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
@ -40,34 +35,31 @@ module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
pl, &
sources, &
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
integer :: Ninstances,Nconstituents,p
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_sl
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisoductile init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_anisoDuctile',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
mySources = source_active('anisoductile')
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:anisoductile init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset (phases%length), source=0)
allocate(source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
if(any(mySources(:,p))) source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance(p) = count(mySources(:,1:p))
if(count(mySources(:,p)) == 0) cycle
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get('plasticity')
sources => phase%get('source')
do sourceOffset = 1, sources%length
if(mySources(sourceOffset,p)) then
source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset(p) = sourceOffset
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance(p)))
src => sources%get(sourceOffset)
if(mySources(p)) then
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get('plasticity')
sources => phase%get('damage')
associate(prm => param(p))
src => sources%get(1)
N_sl = pl%get_asInts('N_sl',defaultVal=emptyIntArray)
prm%q = src%get_asFloat('q')
@ -86,10 +78,10 @@ module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
if (prm%q <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' q'
if (any(prm%gamma_crit < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' gamma_crit'
Nconstituents=count(material_phaseAt==p) * discretization_nIPs
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol = src%get_asFloat('anisoDuctile_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' anisoductile_atol'
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%atol = src%get_asFloat('anisoDuctile_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' anisoductile_atol'
end associate
@ -97,7 +89,7 @@ module function anisoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(damage_anisoDuctile)')
@ -107,29 +99,15 @@ end function anisoductile_init
!> @brief calculates derived quantities from state
module subroutine anisoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
module subroutine anisoductile_dotState(ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
integer :: &
ph, &
me, &
sourceOffset, &
damageOffset, &
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
me = material_phasememberAt(co,ip,el)
sourceOffset = source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset(ph)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance(ph)))
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%dotState(1,me) &
= sum(plasticState(ph)%slipRate(:,me)/(damage(homog)%p(damageOffset)**prm%q)/prm%gamma_crit)
associate(prm => param(ph))
damageState(ph)%dotState(1,me) = sum(plasticState(ph)%slipRate(:,me)/(damage_phi(ph,me)**prm%q)/prm%gamma_crit)
end associate
end subroutine anisoductile_dotState
@ -138,28 +116,24 @@ end subroutine anisoductile_dotState
!> @brief returns local part of nonlocal damage driving force
module subroutine source_damage_anisoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
module subroutine anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, &
ph, &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
integer :: &
sourceOffset = source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset(phase)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(phase)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,constituent)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(ph)%state(1,me)
localphiDot = 1.0_pReal &
+ dLocalphiDot_dPhi*phi
end subroutine source_damage_anisoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine anisoductile_getRateAndItsTangent
@ -172,14 +146,14 @@ module subroutine anisoductile_results(phase,group)
integer :: o
associate(prm => param(source_damage_anisoDuctile_instance(phase)), &
stt => damageState(phase)%p(source_damage_anisoDuctile_offset(phase))%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
associate(prm => param(phase), stt => damageState(phase)%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end subroutine anisoductile_results

View File

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
submodule(phase:damagee) isobrittle
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
source_damage_isoBrittle_offset, &
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
real(pReal) :: &
W_crit !< critical elastic strain energy
@ -26,41 +22,36 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function isobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
module function isobrittle_init() result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
sources, &
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
integer :: Nconstituents,p
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isobrittle init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_isoBrittle',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
mySources = source_active('isobrittle')
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isobrittle init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(source_damage_isoBrittle_offset (phases%length), source=0)
allocate(source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
if(mySources(p)) then
phase => phases%get(p)
if(any(mySources(:,p))) source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(p) = count(mySources(:,1:p))
if(count(mySources(:,p)) == 0) cycle
sources => phase%get('source')
do sourceOffset = 1, sources%length
if(mySources(sourceOffset,p)) then
source_damage_isoBrittle_offset(p) = sourceOffset
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(p)))
src => sources%get(sourceOffset)
sources => phase%get('damage')
associate(prm => param(p))
src => sources%get(1)
prm%W_crit = src%get_asFloat('W_crit')
@ -73,10 +64,10 @@ module function isobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
! sanity checks
if (prm%W_crit <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' W_crit'
Nconstituents = count(material_phaseAt==p) * discretization_nIPs
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset),Nconstituents,1,1,1)
damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol = src%get_asFloat('isoBrittle_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' isobrittle_atol'
Nconstituents = count(material_phaseAt2==p)
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p),Nconstituents,1,1,1)
damageState(p)%atol = src%get_asFloat('isoBrittle_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' isobrittle_atol'
end associate
@ -84,7 +75,7 @@ module function isobrittle_init(source_length) result(mySources)
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(damage_isoBrittle)')
@ -94,7 +85,7 @@ end function isobrittle_init
!> @brief calculates derived quantities from state
module subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState(C, Fe, ph,me)
module subroutine isobrittle_deltaState(C, Fe, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph,me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
@ -102,60 +93,47 @@ module subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState(C, Fe, ph,me)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(6,6) :: &
integer :: &
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: &
real(pReal) :: &
sourceOffset = source_damage_isoBrittle_offset(ph)
strain = 0.5_pReal*math_sym33to6(matmul(transpose(Fe),Fe)-math_I3)
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(ph)))
strainenergy = 2.0_pReal*sum(strain*matmul(C,strain))/prm%W_crit
! ToDo: check strainenergy = 2.0_pReal*dot_product(strain,matmul(C,strain))/prm%W_crit
associate(prm => param(ph))
strainenergy = 2.0_pReal*sum(strain*matmul(C,strain))/prm%W_crit
! ToDo: check strainenergy = 2.0_pReal*dot_product(strain,matmul(C,strain))/prm%W_crit
if (strainenergy > damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%subState0(1,me)) then
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%deltaState(1,me) = &
strainenergy - damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,me)
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%deltaState(1,me) = &
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%subState0(1,me) - &
damageState(ph)%deltaState(1,me) = merge(strainenergy - damageState(ph)%state(1,me), &
damageState(ph)%subState0(1,me) - damageState(ph)%state(1,me), &
strainenergy > damageState(ph)%subState0(1,me))
end associate
end subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_deltaState
end subroutine isobrittle_deltaState
!> @brief returns local part of nonlocal damage driving force
module subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
module subroutine isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, &
ph, me
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
integer :: &
sourceOffset = source_damage_isoBrittle_offset(phase)
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(phase)))
localphiDot = 1.0_pReal &
- phi*damageState(phase)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,constituent)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = - damageState(phase)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,constituent)
associate(prm => param(ph))
localphiDot = 1.0_pReal &
- phi*damageState(ph)%state(1,me)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = - damageState(ph)%state(1,me)
end associate
end subroutine source_damage_isoBrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine isobrittle_getRateAndItsTangent
@ -168,14 +146,15 @@ module subroutine isobrittle_results(phase,group)
integer :: o
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoBrittle_instance(phase)), &
stt => damageState(phase)%p(source_damage_isoBrittle_offset(phase))%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
associate(prm => param(phase), &
stt => damageState(phase)%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end subroutine isobrittle_results

View File

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
submodule(phase:damagee) isoductile
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
source_damage_isoDuctile_offset, & !< which source is my current damage mechanism?
source_damage_isoDuctile_instance !< instance of damage source mechanism
type:: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
real(pReal) :: &
gamma_crit, & !< critical plastic strain
@ -28,41 +24,36 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function isoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
module function isoductile_init() result(mySources)
integer, intent(in) :: source_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mySources
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mySources
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
sources, &
integer :: Ninstances,sourceOffset,Nconstituents,p
integer :: Ninstances,Nconstituents,p
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isoductile init -+>>>'
mySources = source_active('damage_isoDuctile',source_length)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
mySources = source_active('isoductile')
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:damage:isoductile init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(source_damage_isoDuctile_offset (phases%length), source=0)
allocate(source_damage_isoDuctile_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
if(count(mySources(:,p)) == 0) cycle
if(any(mySources(:,p))) source_damage_isoDuctile_instance(p) = count(mySources(:,1:p))
sources => phase%get('source')
do sourceOffset = 1, sources%length
if(mySources(sourceOffset,p)) then
source_damage_isoDuctile_offset(p) = sourceOffset
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoDuctile_instance(p)))
src => sources%get(sourceOffset)
if(mySources(p)) then
phase => phases%get(p)
sources => phase%get('damage')
associate(prm => param(p))
src => sources%get(1)
prm%q = src%get_asFloat('q')
prm%gamma_crit = src%get_asFloat('gamma_crit')
@ -77,10 +68,10 @@ module function isoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
if (prm%q <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' q'
if (prm%gamma_crit <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' gamma_crit'
Nconstituents=count(material_phaseAt==p) * discretization_nIPs
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol = src%get_asFloat('isoDuctile_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%p(sourceOffset)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' isoductile_atol'
call phase_allocateState(damageState(p),Nconstituents,1,1,0)
damageState(p)%atol = src%get_asFloat('isoDuctile_atol',defaultVal=1.0e-3_pReal)
if(any(damageState(p)%atol < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' isoductile_atol'
end associate
@ -88,7 +79,6 @@ module function isoductile_init(source_length) result(mySources)
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(damage_isoDuctile)')
@ -98,29 +88,16 @@ end function isoductile_init
!> @brief calculates derived quantities from state
module subroutine isoductile_dotState(co, ip, el)
module subroutine isoductile_dotState(ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
integer :: &
ph, &
me, &
sourceOffset, &
damageOffset, &
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
me = material_phasememberAt(co,ip,el)
sourceOffset = source_damage_isoDuctile_offset(ph)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoDuctile_instance(ph)))
damageState(ph)%p(sourceOffset)%dotState(1,me) = &
associate(prm => param(ph))
damageState(ph)%dotState(1,me) = sum(plasticState(ph)%slipRate(:,me)) &
/ (prm%gamma_crit*damage_phi(ph,me)**prm%q)
end associate
end subroutine isoductile_dotState
@ -129,28 +106,24 @@ end subroutine isoductile_dotState
!> @brief returns local part of nonlocal damage driving force
module subroutine source_damage_isoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, phase, constituent)
module subroutine isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent(localphiDot, dLocalphiDot_dPhi, phi, ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
phase, &
ph, &
real(pReal), intent(in) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out) :: &
localphiDot, &
integer :: &
sourceOffset = source_damage_isoDuctile_offset(phase)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(phase)%p(sourceOffset)%state(1,constituent)
dLocalphiDot_dPhi = -damageState(ph)%state(1,me)
localphiDot = 1.0_pReal &
+ dLocalphiDot_dPhi*phi
end subroutine source_damage_isoDuctile_getRateAndItsTangent
end subroutine isoductile_getRateAndItsTangent
@ -163,14 +136,13 @@ module subroutine isoductile_results(phase,group)
integer :: o
associate(prm => param(source_damage_isoDuctile_instance(phase)), &
stt => damageState(phase)%p(source_damage_isoDuctile_offset(phase))%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
associate(prm => param(phase), stt => damageState(phase)%state)
outputsLoop: do o = 1,size(prm%output)
select case(trim(prm%output(o)))
case ('f_phi')
call results_writeDataset(group,stt,trim(prm%output(o)),'driving force','J/m³')
end select
enddo outputsLoop
end associate
end subroutine isoductile_results

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
!> @brief internal microstructure state for all plasticity constitutive models
submodule(phase) mechanics
submodule(phase) mechanical
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
@ -22,8 +23,6 @@ submodule(phase) mechanics
end enum
integer(kind(KINEMATICS_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
integer(kind(ELASTICITY_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
phase_elasticity !< elasticity of each phase
integer(kind(STIFFNESS_DEGRADATION_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
@ -98,12 +97,9 @@ submodule(phase) mechanics
end function plastic_deltaState
module subroutine phase_LiAndItsTangents(Li, dLi_dS, dLi_dFi, &
S, Fi, co, ip, el)
S, Fi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
S !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ module subroutine mechanical_init(phases)
elastic, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical init -+>>>'
! initialize elasticity (hooke) !ToDO: Maybe move to elastic submodule along with function homogenizedC?
@ -381,7 +377,7 @@ subroutine phase_hooke_SandItsTangents(S, dS_dFe, dS_dFi, &
DegradationLoop: do d = 1, phase_NstiffnessDegradations(material_phaseAt(co,el))
degradationType: select case(phase_stiffnessDegradation(d,material_phaseAt(co,el)))
case (STIFFNESS_DEGRADATION_damage_ID) degradationType
C = C * damage(ho)%p(material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el))**2
C = C * phase_damage_get_phi(co,ip,el)**2
end select degradationType
enddo DegradationLoop
@ -583,7 +579,7 @@ function integrateStress(F,subFp0,subFi0,Delta_t,co,ip,el) result(broken)
enddo LpLoop
call phase_LiAndItsTangents(Li_constitutive, dLi_dS, dLi_dFi, &
S, Fi_new, co, ip, el)
S, Fi_new, ph,me)
!* update current residuum and check for convergence of loop
atol_Li = max(num%rtol_crystalliteStress * max(norm2(Liguess),norm2(Li_constitutive)), & ! absolute tolerance from largest acceptable relative error
@ -1141,7 +1137,7 @@ module function crystallite_stress(dt,co,ip,el) result(converged_)
real(pReal) :: &
integer :: &
so, ph, me, sizeDotState
ph, me, sizeDotState
logical :: todo
real(pReal) :: subFrac,subStep
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
@ -1162,10 +1158,9 @@ module function crystallite_stress(dt,co,ip,el) result(converged_)
subLp0 = phase_mechanical_Lp0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
subState0 = plasticState(ph)%State0(:,me)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(ph)%subState0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%state0(:,me)
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state0(:,me)
subFp0 = phase_mechanical_Fp0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
subFi0 = phase_mechanical_Fi0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
subF0 = phase_mechanical_F0(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
@ -1191,9 +1186,9 @@ module function crystallite_stress(dt,co,ip,el) result(converged_)
subFp0 = phase_mechanical_Fp(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
subFi0 = phase_mechanical_Fi(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me)
subState0 = plasticState(ph)%state(:,me)
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(:,me)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(ph)%subState0(:,me) = damageState(ph)%state(:,me)
! cut back (reduced time and restore)
@ -1207,9 +1202,8 @@ module function crystallite_stress(dt,co,ip,el) result(converged_)
phase_mechanical_Li(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me) = subLi0
plasticState(ph)%state(:,me) = subState0
do so = 1, phase_Nsources(ph)
damageState(ph)%p(so)%state(:,me) = damageState(ph)%p(so)%subState0(:,me)
if (damageState(ph)%sizeState > 0) &
damageState(ph)%state(:,me) = damageState(ph)%subState0(:,me)
todo = subStep > num%subStepMinCryst ! still on track or already done (beyond repair)
@ -1303,7 +1297,7 @@ module function phase_mechanical_dPdF(dt,co,ip,el) result(dPdF)
call phase_LiAndItsTangents(devNull,dLidS,dLidFi, &
phase_mechanical_S(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me), &
phase_mechanical_Fi(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me), &
invFp = math_inv33(phase_mechanical_Fp(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me))
invFi = math_inv33(phase_mechanical_Fi(ph)%data(1:3,1:3,me))
@ -1505,4 +1499,4 @@ module subroutine phase_mechanical_setF(F,co,ip,el)
end subroutine phase_mechanical_setF
end submodule mechanics
end submodule mechanical

View File

@ -1,50 +1,29 @@
submodule(phase:mechanics) eigendeformation
submodule(phase:mechanical) eigen
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer(kind(KINEMATICS_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
integer(kind(KINEMATICS_UNDEFINED_ID)), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
module function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
module function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init() result(myKinematics)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: myKinematics
end function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init
module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init() result(myKinematics)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: myKinematics
end function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init
module function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
module function thermalexpansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
end function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init
module subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< grain number
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
end subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent
module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< grain number
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
end subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent
end function thermalexpansion_init
module subroutine thermalexpansion_LiAndItsTangent(Li, dLi_dTstar, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: ph, me
!< element number
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Li !< thermal velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
@ -66,29 +45,36 @@ module subroutine eigendeformation_init(phases)
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phase, &
kinematics, &
damage, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:eigen init -+>>>'
! initialize kinematic mechanisms
allocate(phase_Nkinematics(phases%length),source = 0)
! explicit eigen mechanisms
allocate(Nmodels(phases%length),source = 0)
do ph = 1,phases%length
phase => phases%get(ph)
kinematics => phase%get('kinematics',defaultVal=emptyList)
phase_Nkinematics(ph) = kinematics%length
mechanics => phase%get('mechanics')
kinematics => mechanics%get('eigen',defaultVal=emptyList)
Nmodels(ph) = kinematics%length
allocate(phase_kinematics(maxval(phase_Nkinematics),phases%length), source = KINEMATICS_undefined_ID)
allocate(model(maxval(Nmodels),phases%length), source = KINEMATICS_undefined_ID)
if(maxval(phase_Nkinematics) /= 0) then
where(kinematics_cleavage_opening_init(maxval(phase_Nkinematics))) phase_kinematics = KINEMATICS_cleavage_opening_ID
where(kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(maxval(phase_Nkinematics))) phase_kinematics = KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID
where(kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(maxval(phase_Nkinematics))) phase_kinematics = KINEMATICS_thermal_expansion_ID
if(maxval(Nmodels) /= 0) then
where(thermalexpansion_init(maxval(Nmodels))) model = KINEMATICS_thermal_expansion_ID
end subroutine eigendeformation_init
allocate(model_damage(phases%length), source = KINEMATICS_UNDEFINED_ID)
where(kinematics_cleavage_opening_init()) model_damage = KINEMATICS_cleavage_opening_ID
where(kinematics_slipplane_opening_init()) model_damage = KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID
end subroutine eigendeformation_init
@ -104,17 +90,19 @@ function kinematics_active(kinematics_label,kinematics_length) result(active_ki
phases, &
phase, &
kinematics, &
kinematics_type, &
integer :: p,k
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(active_kinematics(kinematics_length,phases%length), source = .false. )
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
kinematics => phase%get('kinematics',defaultVal=emptyList)
mechanics => phase%get('mechanics')
kinematics => mechanics%get('eigen',defaultVal=emptyList)
do k = 1, kinematics%length
kinematics_type => kinematics%get(k)
if(kinematics_type%get_asString('type') == kinematics_label) active_kinematics(k,p) = .true.
active_kinematics(k,p) = kinematics_type%get_asString('type') == kinematics_label
@ -122,17 +110,46 @@ function kinematics_active(kinematics_label,kinematics_length) result(active_ki
end function kinematics_active
!> @brief checks if a kinematic mechanism is active or not
function kinematics_active2(kinematics_label) result(active_kinematics)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: kinematics_label !< name of kinematic mechanism
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: active_kinematics
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
kinematics, &
integer :: p
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(active_kinematics(phases%length), source = .false. )
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
kinematics => phase%get('damage',defaultVal=emptyList)
if(kinematics%length < 1) return
kinematics_type => kinematics%get(1)
if (.not. kinematics_type%contains('type')) continue
active_kinematics(p) = kinematics_type%get_asString('type',defaultVal='n/a') == kinematics_label
end function kinematics_active2
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
! ToDo: MD: S is Mi?
module subroutine phase_LiAndItsTangents(Li, dLi_dS, dLi_dFi, &
S, Fi, co, ip, el)
S, Fi, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< component-ID of integration point
ip, & !< integration point
el !< element
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
S !< 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
@ -152,44 +169,49 @@ module subroutine phase_LiAndItsTangents(Li, dLi_dS, dLi_dFi, &
real(pReal) :: &
integer :: &
k, i, j, &
instance, of, me, ph
k, i, j
logical :: active
active = .false.
Li = 0.0_pReal
dLi_dS = 0.0_pReal
dLi_dFi = 0.0_pReal
plasticType: select case (phase_plasticity(material_phaseAt(co,el)))
plasticType: select case (phase_plasticity(ph))
case (PLASTICITY_isotropic_ID) plasticType
of = material_phasememberAt(co,ip,el)
instance = phase_plasticInstance(material_phaseAt(co,el))
call plastic_isotropic_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S ,instance,of)
case default plasticType
my_Li = 0.0_pReal
my_dLi_dS = 0.0_pReal
call plastic_isotropic_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S ,phase_plasticInstance(ph),me)
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
active = .true.
end select plasticType
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
KinematicsLoop: do k = 1, phase_Nkinematics(material_phaseAt(co,el))
kinematicsType: select case (phase_kinematics(k,material_phaseAt(co,el)))
case (KINEMATICS_cleavage_opening_ID) kinematicsType
call kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S, co, ip, el)
case (KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID) kinematicsType
call kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S, co, ip, el)
KinematicsLoop: do k = 1, Nmodels(ph)
kinematicsType: select case (model(k,ph))
case (KINEMATICS_thermal_expansion_ID) kinematicsType
me = material_phaseMemberAt(co,ip,el)
ph = material_phaseAt(co,el)
call thermalexpansion_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, ph,me)
case default kinematicsType
my_Li = 0.0_pReal
my_dLi_dS = 0.0_pReal
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
active = .true.
end select kinematicsType
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
enddo KinematicsLoop
select case (model_damage(ph))
case (KINEMATICS_cleavage_opening_ID)
call kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S, ph, me)
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
active = .true.
case (KINEMATICS_slipplane_opening_ID)
call kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(my_Li, my_dLi_dS, S, ph, me)
Li = Li + my_Li
dLi_dS = dLi_dS + my_dLi_dS
active = .true.
end select
if(.not. active) return
FiInv = math_inv33(Fi)
detFi = math_det33(Fi)
Li = matmul(matmul(Fi,Li),FiInv)*detFi !< push forward to intermediate configuration
@ -204,4 +226,4 @@ module subroutine phase_LiAndItsTangents(Li, dLi_dS, dLi_dFi, &
end subroutine phase_LiAndItsTangents
end submodule eigendeformation
end submodule eigen

View File

@ -4,24 +4,7 @@
!> @brief material subroutine incorporating kinematics resulting from opening of cleavage planes
!> @details to be done
submodule(phase:eigendeformation) cleavageopening
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kinematics_cleavage_opening_instance
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
integer :: &
sum_N_cl !< total number of cleavage planes
real(pReal) :: &
dot_o, & !< opening rate of cleavage planes
q !< damage rate sensitivity
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
end type tParameters
type(tParameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: param !< containers of constitutive parameters (len Ninstances)
submodule(phase:eigen) cleavageopening
@ -30,136 +13,20 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
module function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init() result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: myKinematics
integer :: Ninstances,p,k
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_cl !< active number of cleavage systems per family
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:cleavageopening init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('cleavage_opening',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(kinematics_cleavage_opening_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
if(any(myKinematics(:,p))) kinematics_cleavage_opening_instance(p) = count(myKinematics(:,1:p))
phase => phases%get(p)
if(count(myKinematics(:,p)) == 0) cycle
kinematics => phase%get('kinematics')
do k = 1, kinematics%length
if(myKinematics(k,p)) then
associate(prm => param(kinematics_cleavage_opening_instance(p)))
kinematic_type => kinematics%get(k)
N_cl = kinematic_type%get_asInts('N_cl')
prm%sum_N_cl = sum(abs(N_cl))
prm%q = kinematic_type%get_asFloat('q')
prm%dot_o = kinematic_type%get_asFloat('dot_o')
prm%g_crit = kinematic_type%get_asFloats('g_crit',requiredSize=size(N_cl))
prm%cleavage_systems = lattice_SchmidMatrix_cleavage(N_cl,phase%get_asString('lattice'),&
! expand: family => system
prm%g_crit = math_expand(prm%g_crit,N_cl)
! sanity checks
if (prm%q <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' q'
if (prm%dot_o <= 0.0_pReal) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' dot_o'
if (any(prm%g_crit < 0.0_pReal)) extmsg = trim(extmsg)//' g_crit'
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(cleavage_opening)')
end associate
myKinematics = kinematics_active2('anisobrittle')
if(count(myKinematics) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:eigen:cleavageopening init -+>>>'
print'(a,i2)', ' # phases: ',count(myKinematics); flush(IO_STDOUT)
end function kinematics_cleavage_opening_init
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
module subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, co, ip, el)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< grain number
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
Ld !< damage velocity gradient
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: &
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
integer :: &
homog, damageOffset, &
i, k, l, m, n
real(pReal) :: &
traction_d, traction_t, traction_n, traction_crit, &
udotd, dudotd_dt, udott, dudott_dt, udotn, dudotn_dt
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
Ld = 0.0_pReal
dLd_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
associate(prm => param(kinematics_cleavage_opening_instance(material_phaseAt(co,el))))
do i = 1,prm%sum_N_cl
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)* damage(homog)%p(damageOffset)**2.0_pReal
traction_d = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i))
if (abs(traction_d) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udotd = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udotd*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,1,i)
dudotd_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)*udotd*prm%q / (abs(traction_d) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudotd_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,1,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,1,i)
traction_t = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i))
if (abs(traction_t) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udott = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_t)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udott*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,2,i)
dudott_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_t)*udott*prm%q / (abs(traction_t) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudott_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,2,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,2,i)
traction_n = math_tensordot(S,prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i))
if (abs(traction_n) > traction_crit + tol_math_check) then
udotn = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_n)* prm%dot_o * ((abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)/traction_crit)**prm%q
Ld = Ld + udotn*prm%cleavage_systems(1:3,1:3,3,i)
dudotn_dt = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_n)*udotn*prm%q / (abs(traction_n) - traction_crit)
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) = dLd_dTstar(k,l,m,n) &
+ dudotn_dt*prm%cleavage_systems(k,l,3,i) * prm%cleavage_systems(m,n,3,i)
end associate
end subroutine kinematics_cleavage_opening_LiAndItsTangent
end submodule cleavageopening

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
!> @brief material subroutine incorporating kinematics resulting from opening of slip planes
!> @details to be done
submodule(phase:eigendeformation) slipplaneopening
submodule(phase:eigen) slipplaneopening
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance
@ -32,12 +32,11 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init() result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: myKinematics
integer :: Ninstances,p,i,k
integer :: p,i
character(len=pStringLen) :: extmsg = ''
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: N_sl
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: d,n,t
@ -49,28 +48,26 @@ module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:slipplaneopening init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('slipplane_opening',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
myKinematics = kinematics_active2('isoductile')
if(count(myKinematics) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:eigen:slipplaneopening init -+>>>'
print'(a,i2)', ' # phases: ',count(myKinematics); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(phases%length), source=0)
do p = 1, phases%length
if(any(myKinematics(:,p))) kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(p) = count(myKinematics(:,1:p))
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get('plasticity')
if(count(myKinematics(:,p)) == 0) cycle
kinematics => phase%get('kinematics')
do k = 1, kinematics%length
if(myKinematics(k,p)) then
associate(prm => param(kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(p)))
kinematic_type => kinematics%get(k)
if(myKinematics(p)) then
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get('plasticity')
kinematics => phase%get('damage')
associate(prm => param(p))
kinematic_type => kinematics%get(1)
prm%dot_o = kinematic_type%get_asFloat('dot_o')
prm%q = kinematic_type%get_asFloat('q')
@ -105,9 +102,8 @@ module function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
! exit if any parameter is out of range
if (extmsg /= '') call IO_error(211,ext_msg=trim(extmsg)//'(slipplane_opening)')
end associate
end associate
@ -117,12 +113,10 @@ end function kinematics_slipplane_opening_init
!> @brief contains the constitutive equation for calculating the velocity gradient
module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, co, ip, el)
module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S, ph,me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
co, & !< grain number
ip, & !< integration point number
el !< element number
ph, me
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: &
real(pReal), intent(out), dimension(3,3) :: &
@ -131,19 +125,13 @@ module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S
dLd_dTstar !< derivative of Ld with respect to Tstar (4th-order tensor)
integer :: &
instance, phase, &
homog, damageOffset, &
i, k, l, m, n
real(pReal) :: &
traction_d, traction_t, traction_n, traction_crit, &
udotd, dudotd_dt, udott, dudott_dt, udotn, dudotn_dt
phase = material_phaseAt(co,el)
instance = kinematics_slipplane_opening_instance(phase)
homog = material_homogenizationAt(el)
damageOffset = material_homogenizationMemberAt(ip,el)
associate(prm => param(instance))
associate(prm => param(ph))
Ld = 0.0_pReal
dLd_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1, prm%sum_N_sl
@ -152,7 +140,7 @@ module subroutine kinematics_slipplane_opening_LiAndItsTangent(Ld, dLd_dTstar, S
traction_t = math_tensordot(S,prm%P_t(1:3,1:3,i))
traction_n = math_tensordot(S,prm%P_n(1:3,1:3,i))
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)* damage(homog)%p(damageOffset) ! degrading critical load carrying capacity by damage
traction_crit = prm%g_crit(i)* damage_phi(ph,me)
udotd = sign(1.0_pReal,traction_d)* prm%dot_o* ( abs(traction_d)/traction_crit &
- abs(traction_d)/prm%g_crit(i))**prm%q

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
!> @brief material subroutine incorporating kinematics resulting from thermal expansion
!> @details to be done
submodule(phase:eigendeformation) thermalexpansion
submodule(phase:eigen) thermalexpansion
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: kinematics_thermal_expansion_instance
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ contains
!> @brief module initialization
!> @details reads in material parameters, allocates arrays, and does sanity checks
module function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
module function thermalexpansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKinematics)
integer, intent(in) :: kinematics_length
logical, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: myKinematics
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
kinematics, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:eigendeformation:thermalexpansion init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:eigen:thermalexpansion init -+>>>'
myKinematics = kinematics_active('thermal_expansion',kinematics_length)
Ninstances = count(myKinematics)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init(kinematics_length) result(myKi
end function kinematics_thermal_expansion_init
end function thermalexpansion_init

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
submodule(phase:mechanics) plastic
submodule(phase:mechanical) plastic
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ contains
module subroutine plastic_init
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic init -+>>>'
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic init -+>>>'
where(plastic_none_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_NONE_ID
where(plastic_isotropic_init()) phase_plasticity = PLASTICITY_ISOTROPIC_ID

View File

@ -97,13 +97,14 @@ module function plastic_dislotungsten_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:dislotungsten init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('dislotungsten')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:dislotungsten init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
print*, 'Cereceda et al., International Journal of Plasticity 78:242256, 2016'
print*, ''

View File

@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ module function plastic_dislotwin_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:dislotwin init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('dislotwin')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:dislotwin init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
print*, 'Ma and Roters, Acta Materialia 52(12):36033612, 2004'
print*, ''//IO_EOL

View File

@ -68,13 +68,14 @@ module function plastic_isotropic_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:isotropic init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('isotropic')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:isotropic init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phses: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
print*, 'Maiti and Eisenlohr, Scripta Materialia 145:3740, 2018'
print*, ''

View File

@ -80,13 +80,14 @@ module function plastic_kinehardening_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:kinehardening init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('kinehardening')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:kinehardening init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

View File

@ -16,32 +16,20 @@ module function plastic_none_init() result(myPlasticity)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: myPlasticity
integer :: &
Ninstances, &
p, &
class(tNode), pointer :: &
phases, &
phase, &
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:none init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('none')
if(count(myPlasticity) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:none init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',count(myPlasticity); flush(IO_STDOUT)
phases => config_material%get('phase')
allocate(myPlasticity(phases%length), source = .false.)
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
mech => phase%get('mechanics')
pl => mech%get ('plasticity')
if(pl%get_asString('type') == 'none') myPlasticity(p) = .true.
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
do p = 1, phases%length
phase => phases%get(p)
if(.not. myPlasticity(p)) cycle
Nconstituents = count(material_phaseAt2 == p)
call phase_allocateState(plasticState(p),Nconstituents,0,0,0)

View File

@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ module function plastic_nonlocal_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:nonlocal init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('nonlocal')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) then
call geometry_plastic_nonlocal_disable
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:nonlocal init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
print*, 'Reuber et al., Acta Materialia 71:333348, 2014'
print*, ''//IO_EOL

View File

@ -89,13 +89,15 @@ module function plastic_phenopowerlaw_init() result(myPlasticity)
mech, &
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanics:plastic:phenopowerlaw init -+>>>'
myPlasticity = plastic_active('phenopowerlaw')
Ninstances = count(myPlasticity)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:mechanical:plastic:phenopowerlaw init -+>>>'
print'(a,i0)', ' # phases: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)

View File

@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
submodule(phase) thermal
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
type(tSourceState), allocatable, dimension(:) :: &
enum, bind(c); enumerator :: &
@ -33,8 +39,6 @@ submodule(phase) thermal
end function externalheat_init
module subroutine externalheat_dotState(ph, me)
integer, intent(in) :: &
ph, &

View File

@ -31,15 +31,14 @@ module function dissipation_init(source_length) result(mySources)
phase, &
sources, thermal, &
integer :: Ninstances,so,Nconstituents,ph
integer :: so,Nconstituents,ph
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:dissipation init -+>>>'
mySources = thermal_active('dissipation',source_length)
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:dissipation init -+>>>'
print'(a,i2)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
phases => config_material%get('phase')

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ submodule(phase:thermal) externalheat
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
source_thermal_externalheat_offset !< which source is my current thermal dissipation mechanism?
source_thermal_externalheat_offset !< which source is my current thermal dissipation mechanism?
type :: tParameters !< container type for internal constitutive parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
@ -38,15 +38,14 @@ module function externalheat_init(source_length) result(mySources)
phase, &
sources, thermal, &
integer :: Ninstances,so,Nconstituents,ph
integer :: so,Nconstituents,ph
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:externalheat init -+>>>'
mySources = thermal_active('externalheat',source_length)
if(count(mySources) == 0) return
print'(/,a)', ' <<<+- phase:thermal:externalheat init -+>>>'
print'(a,i2)', ' # phases: ',count(mySources); flush(IO_STDOUT)
Ninstances = count(mySources)
print'(a,i2)', ' # instances: ',Ninstances; flush(IO_STDOUT)
if(Ninstances == 0) return
phases => config_material%get('phase')