shortened CLI reporting; condensed repeated CLI functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module CLI
use prec
use parallelization
use system_routines
use IO
implicit none(type,external)
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ subroutine CLI_init
arg, & !< individual argument
loadCaseArg = '', & !< -l argument given to the executable
geometryArg = '', & !< -g argument given to the executable
materialFileArg = '', & !< -m argument given to the executable
materialArg = '', & !< -m argument given to the executable
workingDirArg = '' !< -w argument given to the executable
integer :: &
stat, &
@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ subroutine CLI_init
workingDirArg = getCWD()
print'(/,1x,a)', '<<<+- CLI init -+>>>'
@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ subroutine CLI_init
case ('-g', '--geom', '--geometry')
call get_command_argument(i+1,geometryArg,status=err)
case ('-m', '--material', '--materialConfig')
call get_command_argument(i+1,materialFileArg,status=err)
call get_command_argument(i+1,materialArg,status=err)
case ('-w', '--wd', '--workingdir', '--workingdirectory')
call get_command_argument(i+1,workingDirArg,status=err)
case ('-r', '--rs', '--restart')
@ -167,29 +170,25 @@ subroutine CLI_init
if (err /= 0) call quit(1)
end do
if (len_trim(loadcaseArg) == 0 .or. len_trim(geometryArg) == 0 .or. len_trim(materialFileArg) == 0) then
if (len_trim(loadcaseArg) == 0 .or. len_trim(geometryArg) == 0 .or. len_trim(materialArg) == 0) then
print'(/,a)', ' ERROR: Please specify geometry AND load case AND material configuration (-h for help)'
call quit(1)
end if
if (len_trim(workingDirArg) > 0) call setWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg))
CLI_geomFile = getGeometryFile(geometryArg)
CLI_loadFile = getLoadCaseFile(loadCaseArg)
CLI_materialFile = getMaterialFile(materialFileArg)
call setWorkingDirectory(trim(workingDirArg))
CLI_geomFile = getPathRelCWD(geometryArg,'geometry')
CLI_loadFile = getPathRelCWD(loadCaseArg,'load case')
CLI_materialFile = getPathRelCWD(materialArg,'material configuration')
call get_command(commandLine)
print'(/,a)', ' Host name: '//getHostName()
print'(a)', ' User name: '//getUserName()
print'(/a)', ' Command line call: '//trim(commandLine)
if (len_trim(workingDirArg) > 0) &
print'(a)', ' Working dir argument: '//trim(workingDirArg)
print'(a)', ' Geometry argument: '//trim(geometryArg)
print'(a)', ' Load case argument: '//trim(loadcaseArg)
print'(a)', ' Material file argument: '//trim(materialFileArg)
print'(/,a)', ' Working directory: '//getCWD()
print'(a)', ' Geometry file: '//CLI_geomFile
print'(a)', ' Load case file: '//CLI_loadFile
print'(/a/)', ' Command line call: '//trim(commandLine)
print'(a)', ' Working directory: '//IO_glueDiffering(getCWD(),workingDirArg)
print'(a)', ' Geometry: '//IO_glueDiffering(CLI_geomFile,geometryArg)
print'(a)', ' Load case: '//IO_glueDiffering(CLI_loadFile,loadCaseArg)
print'(a)', ' Material config: '//IO_glueDiffering(CLI_materialFile,materialArg)
print'(a)', ' Solver job name: '//getSolverJobName()
if (CLI_restartInc > 0) &
print'(a,i6.6)', ' Restart from increment: ', CLI_restartInc
@ -247,72 +246,27 @@ end function getSolverJobName
!> @brief basename of geometry file with extension from command line arguments
!> @brief translate path as relative to CWD and check for existence
function getGeometryFile(geometryParameter)
function getPathRelCWD(path,fileType)
character(len=:), allocatable :: getGeometryFile
character(len=*), intent(in) :: geometryParameter
character(len=:), allocatable :: getPathRelCWD
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fileType
logical :: file_exists
external :: quit
getGeometryFile = trim(geometryParameter)
if (scan(getGeometryFile,'/') /= 1) getGeometryFile = getCWD()//'/'//trim(getGeometryFile)
getGeometryFile = trim(makeRelativePath(getCWD(), getGeometryFile))
getPathRelCWD = trim(path)
if (scan(getPathRelCWD,'/') /= 1) getPathRelCWD = getCWD()//'/'//trim(getPathRelCWD)
getPathRelCWD = trim(makeRelativePath(getCWD(), getPathRelCWD))
inquire(file=getGeometryFile, exist=file_exists)
inquire(file=getPathRelCWD, exist=file_exists)
if (.not. file_exists) then
print*, 'ERROR: Geometry file does not exists: '//trim(getGeometryFile)
print*, 'ERROR: '//fileType//' file does not exist: '//trim(getPathRelCWD)
call quit(1)
end if
end function getGeometryFile
!> @brief relative path of load case from command line arguments
function getLoadCaseFile(loadCaseParameter)
character(len=:), allocatable :: getLoadCaseFile
character(len=*), intent(in) :: loadCaseParameter
logical :: file_exists
external :: quit
getLoadCaseFile = trim(loadCaseParameter)
if (scan(getLoadCaseFile,'/') /= 1) getLoadCaseFile = getCWD()//'/'//trim(getLoadCaseFile)
getLoadCaseFile = trim(makeRelativePath(getCWD(), getLoadCaseFile))
inquire(file=getLoadCaseFile, exist=file_exists)
if (.not. file_exists) then
print*, 'ERROR: Load case file does not exists: '//trim(getLoadCaseFile)
call quit(1)
end if
end function getLoadCaseFile
!> @brief relative path of material configuration file from command line arguments
function getMaterialFile(materialFileParameter)
character(len=:), allocatable :: getMaterialFile
character(len=*), intent(in) :: materialFileParameter
logical :: file_exists
external :: quit
getMaterialFile = trim(materialFileParameter)
if (scan(getMaterialFile,'/') /= 1) getMaterialFile = getCWD()//'/'//trim(getMaterialFile)
getMaterialFile = trim(makeRelativePath(getCWD(), getMaterialFile))
inquire(file=getMaterialFile, exist=file_exists)
if (.not. file_exists) then
print*, 'ERROR: Material Configuration file does not exists: '//trim(getMaterialFile)
call quit(1)
end if
end function getMaterialFile
end function getPathRelCWD
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module IO
IO_realValue, &
IO_lc, &
IO_rmComment, &
IO_glueDiffering, &
IO_intAsStr, &
IO_strAsInt, &
IO_strAsReal, &
@ -333,6 +334,29 @@ function IO_rmComment(line)
end function IO_rmComment
! @brief Return first (with glued on second if they differ)
function IO_glueDiffering(first,second,glue)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: first
character(len=*), intent(in) :: second
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: glue
character(len=:), allocatable :: IO_glueDiffering
character(len=pSTRLEN) :: glue_
if (present(glue)) then
glue_ = glue
glue_ = '<--'
end if
IO_glueDiffering = trim(first)
if (trim(first) /= trim(second)) IO_glueDiffering = IO_glueDiffering//' '//trim(glue_)//' '//trim(second)
end function IO_glueDiffering
!> @brief Return given int value as string.
Reference in New Issue