allow " " in YAML, follow yamllint.

This commit is contained in:
Sharan Roongta 2021-07-23 16:21:56 +02:00
parent bd9cae11a5
commit ca8775e0d4
2 changed files with 22 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ homogenization:
lattice: cF
lattice: "cF"
output: [F, P, F_e, F_p, L_p, O]
elastic: {type: Hooke, C_11: 106.75e+9, C_12: 60.41e+9, C_44: 28.34e+9}
elastic: {type: "Hooke", C_11: 106.75e+9, C_12: 60.41e+9, C_44: 28.34e+9}
type: phenopowerlaw
N_sl: [12]
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ phase:
h_0_sl-sl: 75.e+6
h_sl-sl: [1, 1, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1.4]
n_sl: 20
output: [xi_sl]
output: ["xi_sl"]
xi_0_sl: [31.e+6]
xi_inf_sl: [63.e+6]

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ recursive function parse_flow(YAML_flow) result(node)
character(len=:), allocatable :: &
flow_string, &
key, line
integer :: &
e, & ! end position of dictionary or list
s, & ! start position of dictionary or list
@ -97,7 +97,12 @@ recursive function parse_flow(YAML_flow) result(node)
select type (node)
class is (tScalar)
node = trim(adjustl(flow_string))
line = trim(adjustl(flow_string))
if(line(1:1) == '"') then
node = line(2:len(line)-1)
node = trim(adjustl(flow_string))
end select
@ -119,12 +124,15 @@ integer function find_end(str,e_char)
N_sq = 0
N_cu = 0
do i = 1, len_trim(str)
i = 1
do while(i<=len_trim(str))
if (str(i:i) == '"') i = i + scan(str(i+1:),'"')
if (N_sq==0 .and. N_cu==0 .and. scan(str(i:i),e_char//',') == 1) exit
N_sq = N_sq + merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '[')
N_cu = N_cu + merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '{')
N_sq = N_sq - merge(1,0,str(i:i) == ']')
N_cu = N_cu - merge(1,0,str(i:i) == '}')
i = i + 1
find_end = i
@ -353,7 +361,7 @@ subroutine list_item_inline(blck,s_blck,inline) !ToDo: SR: merge with remove_
indent_next = indentDepth(blck(s_blck:))
do while(indent_next > indent)
inline = inline//IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))
inline = inline//' '//trim(adjustl(IO_rmComment(blck(s_blck:s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL) - 2))))
s_blck = s_blck + index(blck(s_blck:),IO_EOL)
indent_next = indentDepth(blck(s_blck:))
@ -839,14 +847,14 @@ subroutine selfTest
multi_line_flow1: block
character(len=*), parameter :: flow_multi = &
"%YAML 1.1"//IO_EOL//&
"a: [b,"//IO_EOL//&
"c: "//IO_EOL//&
"d, e]"//IO_EOL
'%YAML 1.1'//IO_EOL//&
'a: ["b",'//IO_EOL//&
'c: '//IO_EOL//&
'"d", "e"]'//IO_EOL
character(len=*), parameter :: flow = &
"{a: [b, {c: d}, e]}"
'{a: ["b", {c: "d"}, "e"]}'
if( .not. to_flow(flow_multi) == flow) error stop 'to_flow'
end block multi_line_flow1
@ -886,7 +894,7 @@ subroutine selfTest
" {param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}"//IO_EOL//&
character(len=*), parameter :: mixed_flow = &
'{aa: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}, "c:d e.f,"], bb: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}]}'
'{aa: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}, "c:d e.f,"], bb: [{param_1: [{a: b}, c, {d: {e: [{f: g}, h]}}]}]}'
if(.not. to_flow(block_flow) == mixed_flow) error stop 'to_flow'
end block basic_mixed