"unitlength" parameter, which determines the physical size of the mesh, now available as a global mesh variable "mesh_unitlength" and written to the .mesh file during init.
Hence, it is available to the marc_deformedGeometry.py script via "mesh_init_postprocessing()" and "mesh_get_unitlength()", so no need for setting the scaling of the displacement vectors explicitly through an option; now displacements and nodal positions are always consistent
This commit is contained in:
@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ python module core ! in
integer :: mesh_get_Ncellnodes
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
function mesh_get_unitlength() ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
real*8 :: mesh_get_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
function mesh_get_nodeAtIP(elemtypeFE,ip) ! in :mesh:mesh.f90
character(len=*), intent(in) :: elemtypeFE
integer, intent(in) :: ip
@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ module mesh
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
mesh_ipNeighborhood !< 6 or less neighboring IPs as [element_num, IP_index, neighbor_index that points to me]
real(pReal), public, protected :: &
mesh_unitlength !< physical length of one unit in mesh
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public :: &
mesh_node, & !< node x,y,z coordinates (after deformation! ONLY FOR MARC!!!)
mesh_cellnode !< cell node x,y,z coordinates (after deformation! ONLY FOR MARC!!!)
@ -421,6 +424,7 @@ module mesh
mesh_cellCenterCoordinates, &
mesh_init_postprocessing, &
mesh_get_Ncellnodes, &
mesh_get_unitlength, &
#ifdef Spectral
public :: &
@ -512,7 +516,8 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
use numerics, only: &
usePingPong, &
use FEsolving, only: &
FEsolving_execElem, &
FEsolving_execIP, &
@ -549,7 +554,10 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
if (allocated(FE_ipNeighbor)) deallocate(FE_ipNeighbor)
if (allocated(FE_cellnodeParentnodeWeights)) deallocate(FE_cellnodeParentnodeWeights)
if (allocated(FE_subNodeOnIPFace)) deallocate(FE_subNodeOnIPFace)
call mesh_build_FEdata ! get properties of the different types of elements
mesh_unitlength = numerics_unitlength ! set physical extent of a length unit in mesh
#ifdef Spectral
call IO_open_file(fileUnit,geometryFile) ! parse info from geometry file...
res = mesh_spectral_getGrid(fileUnit)
@ -1265,8 +1273,6 @@ end subroutine mesh_spectral_count_cpSizes
!! Allocates global arrays 'mesh_node0' and 'mesh_node'
subroutine mesh_spectral_build_nodes()
use numerics, &
only: numerics_unitlength
implicit none
integer(pInt) :: n
@ -1275,13 +1281,13 @@ subroutine mesh_spectral_build_nodes()
allocate ( mesh_node (3,mesh_Nnodes) ); mesh_node = 0.0_pReal
forall (n = 0_pInt:mesh_Nnodes-1_pInt)
mesh_node0(1,n+1_pInt) = numerics_unitlength * &
mesh_node0(1,n+1_pInt) = mesh_unitlength * &
geomdim(1) * real(mod(n,(res(1)+1_pInt) ),pReal) &
/ real(res(1),pReal)
mesh_node0(2,n+1_pInt) = numerics_unitlength * &
mesh_node0(2,n+1_pInt) = mesh_unitlength * &
geomdim(2) * real(mod(n/(res(1)+1_pInt),(res(2)+1_pInt)),pReal) &
/ real(res(2),pReal)
mesh_node0(3,n+1_pInt) = numerics_unitlength * &
mesh_node0(3,n+1_pInt) = mesh_unitlength * &
geomdim(3) * real(mod(n/(res(1)+1_pInt)/(res(2)+1_pInt),(res(3)+1_pInt)),pReal) &
/ real(res(3),pReal)
end forall
@ -2762,7 +2768,6 @@ subroutine mesh_marc_build_nodes(myUnit)
IO_stringPos, &
IO_fixedIntValue, &
use numerics, only: numerics_unitlength
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myUnit
@ -2788,7 +2793,7 @@ use numerics, only: numerics_unitlength
read (myUnit,610,END=670) line
m = mesh_FEasCP('node',IO_fixedIntValue(line,node_ends,1_pInt))
do j = 1_pInt,3_pInt
mesh_node0(j,m) = numerics_unitlength * IO_fixedNoEFloatValue(line,node_ends,j+1_pInt)
mesh_node0(j,m) = mesh_unitlength * IO_fixedNoEFloatValue(line,node_ends,j+1_pInt)
@ -3419,7 +3424,6 @@ subroutine mesh_abaqus_build_nodes(myUnit)
IO_error, &
IO_countDataLines, &
use numerics, only: numerics_unitlength
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myUnit
@ -3460,7 +3464,7 @@ use numerics, only: numerics_unitlength
myPos = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
m = mesh_FEasCP('node',IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt))
do j=1_pInt, 3_pInt
mesh_node0(j,m) = numerics_unitlength * IO_floatValue(line,myPos,j+1_pInt)
mesh_node0(j,m) = mesh_unitlength * IO_floatValue(line,myPos,j+1_pInt)
@ -5212,6 +5216,7 @@ subroutine mesh_write_meshfile
integer(pInt) :: e,i,t,g,c,n
call IO_write_jobFile(fileUnit,'mesh')
write(fileUnit,'(A16,E10)') 'unitlength', mesh_unitlength
write(fileUnit,'(A16,I10)') 'maxNcellnodes', mesh_maxNcellnodes
write(fileUnit,'(A16,I10)') 'maxNips', mesh_maxNips
write(fileUnit,'(A16,I10)') 'maxNnodes', mesh_maxNnodes
@ -5251,6 +5256,7 @@ integer function mesh_read_meshfile(filepath)
integer(pInt) :: e,i,t,g,n
read(fileUnit,'(TR16,E10)',err=100,iostat=mesh_read_meshfile) mesh_unitlength
read(fileUnit,'(TR16,I10)',err=100,iostat=mesh_read_meshfile) mesh_maxNcellnodes
read(fileUnit,'(TR16,I10)',err=100,iostat=mesh_read_meshfile) mesh_maxNips
read(fileUnit,'(TR16,I10)',err=100,iostat=mesh_read_meshfile) mesh_maxNnodes
@ -5310,6 +5316,18 @@ integer(pInt) function mesh_get_Ncellnodes()
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_unitlength
real(pReal) function mesh_get_unitlength()
implicit none
mesh_get_unitlength = mesh_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
!> @brief returns node that is located at an ip
!> @details return zero if requested ip does not exist or not available (more ips than nodes)
@ -42,13 +42,10 @@ parser.add_option('-r','--range', dest='range', type='int', nargs=3, \
help='range of positions (or increments) to output (start, end, step) [all]')
parser.add_option('--increments', action='store_true', dest='getIncrements', \
help='switch to increment range [%default]')
parser.add_option('--scale', dest='scale', type='float', \
help='scaling factor for the nodal displacements [%default]')
parser.set_defaults(dir = 'vtk')
parser.set_defaults(getIncrements= False)
parser.set_defaults(scale = 1)
(options, files) = parser.parse_args()
@ -84,6 +81,7 @@ if damask.core.mesh.mesh_init_postprocessing(filename+'.mesh') > 0:
print('error: init not successful')
Ncellnodes = damask.core.mesh.mesh_get_Ncellnodes()
unitlength = damask.core.mesh.mesh_get_unitlength()
# --------------------------- create output dir --------------------------------
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations
node_displacement = [[0,0,0] for i in range(Nnodes)]
for n in range(Nnodes):
if p.node_displacements():
node_displacement[n] = map(lambda x:x*options.scale,list(p.node_displacement(n)))
node_displacement[n] = map(lambda x:x*unitlength,list(p.node_displacement(n)))
c = damask.core.mesh.mesh_build_cellnodes(numpy.array(node_displacement).T,Ncellnodes)
cellnode_displacement = [[c[i][n] for i in range(3)] for n in range(Ncellnodes)]
Reference in New Issue