switched conjugation to apply to symmetric equivalents instead of incoming quaternion.

passing-down of degree option handled directly.
This commit is contained in:
Philip Eisenlohr 2015-09-09 22:43:56 +00:00
parent 31bb27268c
commit c69e7ec149
1 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ if options.axes != None and not set(options.axes).issubset(set(['x','+x','-x','y
][np.where(input)[0][0]] # select input label that was requested
toRadians = math.pi/180.0 if options.degrees else 1.0 # rescale degrees to radians
options.tolerance *= toRadians # ensure angular tolerance in radians
# --- loop over input files -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -218,14 +217,13 @@ for name in filenames:
o = damask.Orientation(quaternion = myData[colOri:colOri+4],
symmetry = mySym).reduced()
oInv = o.quaternion.conjugated()
neighbors = KDTree.query_ball_point([x,y,z], 3) # search points within radius
breaker = False
for n in neighbors: # check each neighbor
if myRank <= rank[n] or table.data[n,colPhase] != myData[colPhase]: continue # skip myself, anyone further ahead (cannot yet have a grain ID), and other phases
for q in symQuats[microstructure[rank[n]]-1]:
if abs((q*oInv).asAngleAxis()[0]) <= options.tolerance: # found existing orientation resembling me
for symQ in symQuats[microstructure[rank[n]]-1]:
if (symQ*o.quaternion).asAngleAxis(degrees = options.degrees)[0] <= options.tolerance: # found existing orientation resembling me
microstructure[myRank] = microstructure[rank[n]]
breaker = True; break
if breaker: break
@ -233,7 +231,7 @@ for name in filenames:
if microstructure[myRank] == 0: # no other orientation resembled me
nGrains += 1 # make new grain ...
microstructure[myRank] = nGrains # ... and assign to me
symQuats.append(o.equivalentQuaternions()) # store all symmetrically equivalent orientations for future comparison
symQuats.append(o.symmetry.equivalentQuaternions(o.quaternion.conjugated())) # store all symmetrically equivalent orientations for future comparison
phases.append(myData[colPhase]) # store phase info for future reporting
myRank += 1