further removal of deprecated stuff

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-10-13 19:55:25 +02:00
parent 4999aa4e14
commit c2a8701940
1 changed files with 1 additions and 146 deletions

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@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ module mesh
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public :: &
mesh_ipCoordinates !< IP x,y,z coordinates (after deformation!)
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public :: &
mesh_cellnode !< cell node x,y,z coordinates (after deformation! ONLY FOR MARC!!!)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
@ -55,29 +52,13 @@ module mesh
integer:: &
mesh_Ncellnodes, & !< total number of cell nodes in mesh (including duplicates)
mesh_elemType, & !< Element type of the mesh (only support homogeneous meshes)
mesh_Nnodes, & !< total number of nodes in mesh
mesh_Ncells, & !< total number of cells in mesh
mesh_maxNsharedElems !< max number of CP elements sharing a node
mesh_Nnodes !< total number of nodes in mesh
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
mesh_cellnodeParent !< cellnode's parent element ID, cellnode's intra-element ID
integer,dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
mesh_cell2, & !< cell connectivity for each element,ip/cell
mesh_cell !< cell connectivity for each element,ip/cell
integer, dimension(4), parameter :: FE_NipNeighbors = & !< number of ip neighbors / cell faces in a specific cell type
3, & ! (2D 3node)
4, & ! (2D 4node)
4, & ! (3D 4node)
6 & ! (3D 8node)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
microstructureAt, &
@ -99,7 +80,6 @@ integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
public :: &
mesh_init, &
mesh_build_cellnodes, &
@ -123,7 +103,6 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
marc_matNumber !< array of material numbers for hypoelastic material (Marc only)
logical :: myDebug
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
@ -132,7 +111,6 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
mesh_unitlength = numerics_unitlength ! set physical extent of a length unit in mesh
inputFile = IO_read_ASCII(trim(modelName)//trim(InputFileExtension))
myDebug = (iand(debug_level(debug_mesh),debug_levelBasic) /= 0)
! parsing Marc input file
fileFormatVersion = mesh_marc_get_fileFormat(inputFile)
@ -156,7 +134,6 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
mesh_node = mesh_node0
elemType = mesh_marc_getElemType(mesh_nElems,FILEUNIT)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Counted CP sizes'; flush(6)
call theMesh%init('mesh',elemType,mesh_node0)
call theMesh%setNelems(mesh_nElems)
@ -167,7 +144,6 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
connectivity_elem = mesh_marc_buildElements(theMesh%nElems,theMesh%elem%nNodes,FILEUNIT)
call mesh_marc_buildElements2(microstructureAt,homogenizationAt, &
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built elements'; flush(6)
close (FILEUNIT)
@ -181,18 +157,9 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
call buildCells(theMesh,theMesh%elem,connectivity_elem)
call mesh_build_cellconnectivity
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built cell connectivity'; flush(6)
mesh_cellnode = mesh_build_cellnodes()
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built cell nodes'; flush(6)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built IP coordinates'; flush(6)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built IP areas'; flush(6)
call IP_neighborhood2
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built IP neighborhood'; flush(6)
if (usePingPong .and. (mesh_Nelems /= theMesh%nElems)) &
call IO_error(600) ! ping-pong must be disabled when having non-DAMASK elements
@ -894,118 +861,6 @@ subroutine buildCells(thisMesh,elem,connectivity_elem)
end subroutine buildCells
!> @brief Split CP elements into cells.
!> @details Build a mapping between cells and the corresponding cell nodes ('mesh_cell').
!> Cell nodes that are also matching nodes are unique in the list of cell nodes,
!> all others (currently) might be stored more than once.
subroutine mesh_build_cellconnectivity
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
integer, dimension(10), parameter :: FE_NmatchingNodes = & !< number of nodes that are needed for face matching in a specific type of element geometry
int([ &
3, & ! element 6 (2D 3node 1ip)
3, & ! element 125 (2D 6node 3ip)
4, & ! element 11 (2D 4node 4ip)
4, & ! element 27 (2D 8node 9ip)
4, & ! element 134 (3D 4node 1ip)
4, & ! element 127 (3D 10node 4ip)
6, & ! element 136 (3D 6node 6ip)
8, & ! element 117 (3D 8node 1ip)
8, & ! element 7 (3D 8node 8ip)
8 & ! element 21 (3D 20node 27ip)
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
integer, dimension(theMesh%elem%Ncellnodes) :: &
integer :: &
e,n,i, &
matchingNodeID, &
allocate(mesh_cell(theMesh%elem%NcellNodesPerCell,theMesh%elem%nIPs,theMesh%nElems), source=0)
allocate(matchingNode2cellnode(theMesh%nNodes), source=0)
allocate(cellnodeParent(2,theMesh%elem%Ncellnodes*theMesh%nElems), source=0)
mesh_Ncells = theMesh%nElems*theMesh%elem%nIPs
! Count cell nodes (including duplicates) and generate cell connectivity list
mesh_Ncellnodes = 0
do e = 1,theMesh%nElems
localCellnode2globalCellnode = 0
do i = 1,theMesh%elem%nIPs
do n = 1,theMesh%elem%NcellnodesPerCell
localCellnodeID = theMesh%elem%cell(n,i)
if (localCellnodeID <= FE_NmatchingNodes(theMesh%elem%geomType)) then ! this cell node is a matching node
matchingNodeID = connectivity_elem(localCellnodeID,e)
if (matchingNode2cellnode(matchingNodeID) == 0) then ! if this matching node does not yet exist in the glbal cell node list ...
mesh_Ncellnodes = mesh_Ncellnodes + 1 ! ... count it as cell node ...
matchingNode2cellnode(matchingNodeID) = mesh_Ncellnodes ! ... and remember its global ID
cellnodeParent(1,mesh_Ncellnodes) = e ! ... and where it belongs to
cellnodeParent(2,mesh_Ncellnodes) = localCellnodeID
mesh_cell(n,i,e) = matchingNode2cellnode(matchingNodeID)
else ! this cell node is no matching node
if (localCellnode2globalCellnode(localCellnodeID) == 0) then ! if this local cell node does not yet exist in the global cell node list ...
mesh_Ncellnodes = mesh_Ncellnodes + 1 ! ... count it as cell node ...
localCellnode2globalCellnode(localCellnodeID) = mesh_Ncellnodes ! ... and remember its global ID ...
cellnodeParent(1,mesh_Ncellnodes) = e ! ... and it belongs to
cellnodeParent(2,mesh_Ncellnodes) = localCellnodeID
mesh_cell(n,i,e) = localCellnode2globalCellnode(localCellnodeID)
forall(n = 1:mesh_Ncellnodes)
mesh_cellnodeParent(1,n) = cellnodeParent(1,n)
mesh_cellnodeParent(2,n) = cellnodeParent(2,n)
end subroutine mesh_build_cellconnectivity
!> @brief Calculate position of cellnodes from the given position of nodes
!> Build list of cellnodes' coordinates.
!> Cellnode coordinates are calculated from a weighted sum of node coordinates.
function mesh_build_cellnodes()
real(pReal), dimension(3,mesh_Ncellnodes) :: mesh_build_cellnodes
integer :: &
e,n,m, &
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: &
mesh_build_cellnodes = 0.0_pReal
do n = 1,mesh_Ncellnodes ! loop over cell nodes
e = mesh_cellnodeParent(1,n)
localCellnodeID = mesh_cellnodeParent(2,n)
myCoords = 0.0_pReal
do m = 1,theMesh%elem%nNodes
myCoords = myCoords + mesh_node(1:3,connectivity_elem(m,e)) &
* theMesh%elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(m,localCellnodeID)
mesh_build_cellnodes(1:3,n) = myCoords / sum(theMesh%elem%cellNodeParentNodeWeights(:,localCellnodeID))
end function mesh_build_cellnodes
!> @brief cell neighborhood