using new values for initialization

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Martin Diehl 2018-08-29 13:52:26 +02:00
parent 0b2dd86bbf
commit bcff95ddf8
1 changed files with 20 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_init(fileUnit)
o, h, &
instance, &
integer(pInt) :: section=0_pInt, maxNinstance, i,j,e, mySize, myInstance
integer(pInt) :: section=0_pInt, maxNinstance, i,j,e, mySize
character(len=65536) :: &
tag = '', &
line = ''
@ -198,6 +198,16 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_init(fileUnit)
enddo elementLooping
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
write(6,'(a15,1x,i4,/)') 'instance: ', instance
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,i8))') 'cluster size: ',(prm%Nconstituents(j),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
write(6,'(a25,1x,e10.3)') 'scaling parameter: ', prm%xiAlpha
write(6,'(a25,1x,e10.3)') 'over-proportionality: ', prm%ciAlpha
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,e10.3))') 'grain size: ',(prm%dAlpha(j),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,e10.3))') 'cluster orientation: ',(prm%angles(j),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(:,instance) = prm%nConstituents
end associate
@ -269,39 +279,6 @@ subroutine homogenization_RGC_init(fileUnit)
enddo parsingFile
! * assigning cluster orientations
elementLooping: do e = 1_pInt,mesh_NcpElems
if (homogenization_type(mesh_element(3,e)) == HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID) then
myInstance = homogenization_typeInstance(mesh_element(3,e))
if (all (homogenization_RGC_angles(1:3,myInstance) >= 399.9_pReal)) then
homogenization_RGC_orientation(1:3,1:3,1,e) = math_EulerToR(math_sampleRandomOri())
do i = 1_pInt,FE_Nips(FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2,e)))
if (microstructure_elemhomo(mesh_element(4,e))) then
homogenization_RGC_orientation(1:3,1:3,i,e) = homogenization_RGC_orientation(1:3,1:3,1,e)
homogenization_RGC_orientation(1:3,1:3,i,e) = math_EulerToR(math_sampleRandomOri())
do i = 1_pInt,FE_Nips(FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2,e)))
homogenization_RGC_orientation(1:3,1:3,i,e) = &
enddo elementLooping
if (iand(debug_level(debug_homogenization),debug_levelExtensive) /= 0_pInt) then
do i = 1_pInt,maxNinstance
write(6,'(a15,1x,i4,/)') 'instance: ', i
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,i8))') 'cluster size: ',(homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(j,i),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
write(6,'(a25,1x,e10.3)') 'scaling parameter: ', homogenization_RGC_xiAlpha(i)
write(6,'(a25,1x,e10.3)') 'over-proportionality: ', homogenization_RGC_ciAlpha(i)
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,e10.3))') 'grain size: ',(homogenization_RGC_dAlpha(j,i),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
write(6,'(a25,3(1x,e10.3))') 'cluster orientation: ',(homogenization_RGC_angles(j,i),j=1_pInt,3_pInt)
initializeInstances: do homog = 1_pInt, material_Nhomogenization
myHomog: if (homogenization_type(homog) == HOMOGENIZATION_RGC_ID) then
@ -1425,17 +1402,15 @@ end function homogenization_RGC_grain1to3
!> @brief map grain ID from in 3D (local position) to in 1D (global array)
pure function homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(grain3,homID)
pure function homogenization_RGC_grain3to1(grain3,instance)
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension (3), intent(in) :: grain3 !< grain ID in 3D array (pos.x,pos.y,pos.z)
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: instance ! homogenization ID
integer(pInt) :: homogenization_RGC_grain3to1
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: homID ! homogenization ID
! get the grain ID
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
homogenization_RGC_grain3to1 = grain3(1) + nGDim(1)*(grain3(2)-1_pInt) + nGDim(1)*nGDim(2)*(grain3(3)-1_pInt)
end function homogenization_RGC_grain3to1
@ -1444,14 +1419,14 @@ end function homogenization_RGC_grain3to1
!> @brief maps interface ID from 4D (normal and local position) into 1D (global array)
integer(pInt) pure function homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(iFace4D, homID)
integer(pInt) pure function homogenization_RGC_interface4to1(iFace4D, instance)
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension (4), intent(in) :: iFace4D !< interface ID in 4D array (n.dir,pos.x,pos.y,pos.z)
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim,nIntFace
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: homID !< homogenization ID
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: instance
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(1:3,homID)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
! compute the total number of interfaces, which ...
@ -1483,15 +1458,15 @@ end function homogenization_RGC_interface4to1
!> @brief maps interface ID from 1D (global array) into 4D (normal and local position)
function homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iFace1D, homID)
pure function homogenization_RGC_interface1to4(iFace1D, instance)
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension (4) :: homogenization_RGC_interface1to4
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: iFace1D !< interface ID in 1D array
integer(pInt), dimension (3) :: nGDim,nIntFace
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: homID !< homogenization ID
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: instance
nGDim = homogenization_RGC_Ngrains(:,homID)
nGDim = param(instance)%Nconstituents
! compute the total number of interfaces, which ...