all variables/functions were not used

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2019-01-31 12:23:23 +01:00
parent fbd8912237
commit bcd9908a88
4 changed files with 12 additions and 369 deletions

View File

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ subroutine homogenization_init
mesh_maxNips, &
mesh_NcpElems, &
mesh_element, &
FE_Nips, &
use constitutive, only: &
constitutive_plasticity_maxSizePostResults, &
@ -346,7 +345,6 @@ subroutine materialpoint_stressAndItsTangent(updateJaco,dt)
crystallite_Lp, &
crystallite_Li0, &
crystallite_Li, &
crystallite_dPdF, &
crystallite_Tstar0_v, &
crystallite_Tstar_v, &
crystallite_partionedF0, &

View File

@ -363,9 +363,6 @@ integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
mesh_build_ipVolumes, &
mesh_build_ipCoordinates, &
mesh_cellCenterCoordinates, &
mesh_get_Ncellnodes, &
mesh_get_unitlength, &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP, &
private :: &
@ -3033,51 +3030,4 @@ subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
end subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_Ncellnodes
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_Ncellnodes()
implicit none
mesh_get_Ncellnodes = mesh_Ncellnodes
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_unitlength
real(pReal) function mesh_get_unitlength()
implicit none
mesh_get_unitlength = mesh_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
!> @brief returns node that is located at an ip
!> @details return zero if requested ip does not exist or not available (more ips than nodes)
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_nodeAtIP(elemtypeFE,ip)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: elemtypeFE
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip
integer(pInt) :: elemtype
integer(pInt) :: geomtype
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = 0_pInt
elemtype = FE_mapElemtype(elemtypeFE)
geomtype = FE_geomtype(elemtype)
if (FE_Nips(geomtype) >= ip .and. FE_Nips(geomtype) <= FE_Nnodes(elemtype)) &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = FE_nodesAtIP(1,ip,geomtype)
end function mesh_get_nodeAtIP
end module mesh

View File

@ -61,10 +61,7 @@ module mesh
real(pReal),dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public, protected :: &
mesh_ipAreaNormal !< area normal of interface to neighboring IP (initially!)
logical, dimension(3), public, protected :: mesh_periodicSurface !< flag indicating periodic outer surfaces (used for fluxes)
integer(pInt), dimension(2), private :: &
mesh_maxValStateVar = 0_pInt
logical, dimension(3), public, parameter :: mesh_periodicSurface = .true. !< flag indicating periodic outer surfaces (used for fluxes)
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
mesh_cellnodeParent !< cellnode's parent element ID, cellnode's intra-element ID
@ -81,9 +78,6 @@ integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, private :: &
FE_cellnodeParentnodeWeights !< list of node weights for the generation of cell nodes
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, private :: &
! These definitions should actually reside in the FE-solver specific part (different for MARC/ABAQUS)
! Hence, I suggest to prefix with "FE_"
@ -192,86 +186,6 @@ integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
8 & ! element 21 (3D 20node 27ip)
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNfaces,FE_Ngeomtypes), parameter, private :: &
FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace = & !< number of matching nodes per face in a specific type of element geometry
reshape(int([ &
2,2,2,0,0,0, & ! element 6 (2D 3node 1ip)
2,2,2,0,0,0, & ! element 125 (2D 6node 3ip)
2,2,2,2,0,0, & ! element 11 (2D 4node 4ip)
2,2,2,2,0,0, & ! element 27 (2D 8node 9ip)
3,3,3,3,0,0, & ! element 134 (3D 4node 1ip)
3,3,3,3,0,0, & ! element 127 (3D 10node 4ip)
3,4,4,4,3,0, & ! element 136 (3D 6node 6ip)
4,4,4,4,4,4, & ! element 117 (3D 8node 1ip)
4,4,4,4,4,4, & ! element 7 (3D 8node 8ip)
4,4,4,4,4,4 & ! element 21 (3D 20node 27ip)
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_maxNmatchingNodesPerFace,FE_maxNfaces,FE_Ngeomtypes), &
parameter, private :: FE_face = & !< List of node indices on each face of a specific type of element geometry
1,2,0,0 , & ! element 6 (2D 3node 1ip)
2,3,0,0 , &
3,1,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,0,0 , & ! element 125 (2D 6node 3ip)
2,3,0,0 , &
3,1,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,0,0 , & ! element 11 (2D 4node 4ip)
2,3,0,0 , &
3,4,0,0 , &
4,1,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,0,0 , & ! element 27 (2D 8node 9ip)
2,3,0,0 , &
3,4,0,0 , &
4,1,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,3,0 , & ! element 134 (3D 4node 1ip)
1,4,2,0 , &
2,3,4,0 , &
1,3,4,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,3,0 , & ! element 127 (3D 10node 4ip)
1,4,2,0 , &
2,4,3,0 , &
1,3,4,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,3,0 , & ! element 136 (3D 6node 6ip)
1,4,5,2 , &
2,5,6,3 , &
1,3,6,4 , &
4,6,5,0 , &
0,0,0,0 , &
1,2,3,4 , & ! element 117 (3D 8node 1ip)
2,1,5,6 , &
3,2,6,7 , &
4,3,7,8 , &
4,1,5,8 , &
8,7,6,5 , &
1,2,3,4 , & ! element 7 (3D 8node 8ip)
2,1,5,6 , &
3,2,6,7 , &
4,3,7,8 , &
4,1,5,8 , &
8,7,6,5 , &
1,2,3,4 , & ! element 21 (3D 20node 27ip)
2,1,5,6 , &
3,2,6,7 , &
4,3,7,8 , &
4,1,5,8 , &
8,7,6,5 &
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_Ngeomtypes), parameter, private :: FE_Ncellnodes = & !< number of cell nodes in a specific geometry type
int([ &
3, & ! element 6 (2D 3node 1ip)
@ -354,29 +268,24 @@ integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
public :: &
mesh_init, &
mesh_build_cellnodes, &
mesh_build_ipVolumes, &
mesh_build_ipCoordinates, &
mesh_cellCenterCoordinates, &
mesh_get_Ncellnodes, &
mesh_get_unitlength, &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP, &
mesh_spectral_getGrid, &
private :: &
mesh_get_damaskOptions, &
mesh_build_cellconnectivity, &
mesh_build_ipAreas, &
mesh_faceMatch, &
mesh_build_FEdata, &
mesh_spectral_getHomogenization, &
mesh_spectral_count, &
mesh_spectral_count_cpSizes, &
mesh_spectral_build_nodes, &
mesh_spectral_build_elements, &
mesh_spectral_build_ipNeighborhood, &
mesh_spectral_getGrid, &
mesh_spectral_getSize, &
mesh_build_cellnodes, &
mesh_build_ipVolumes, &
type, public, extends(tMesh) :: tMesh_grid
@ -437,9 +346,7 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
debug_mesh, &
use numerics, only: &
usePingPong, &
numerics_unitlength, &
use FEsolving, only: &
FEsolving_execElem, &
@ -491,8 +398,6 @@ subroutine mesh_init(ip,el)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built nodes'; flush(6)
call mesh_spectral_build_elements(FILEUNIT)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built elements'; flush(6)
call mesh_get_damaskOptions(FILEUNIT)
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Got DAMASK options'; flush(6)
call mesh_build_cellconnectivity
if (myDebug) write(6,'(a)') ' Built cell connectivity'; flush(6)
mesh_cellnode = mesh_build_cellnodes(mesh_node,mesh_Ncellnodes)
@ -1160,8 +1065,6 @@ subroutine mesh_spectral_build_elements(fileUnit)
mesh_element(10,e) = mesh_element(9,e) + 1_pInt
mesh_element(11,e) = mesh_element(9,e) + grid(1) + 2_pInt
mesh_element(12,e) = mesh_element(9,e) + grid(1) + 1_pInt
mesh_maxValStateVar(1) = max(mesh_maxValStateVar(1),mesh_element(3,e)) ! needed for statistics
mesh_maxValStateVar(2) = max(mesh_maxValStateVar(2),mesh_element(4,e))
if (e /= mesh_NcpElems) call IO_error(880_pInt,e)
@ -1314,25 +1217,6 @@ function mesh_nodesAroundCentres(gDim,Favg,centres) result(nodes)
end function mesh_nodesAroundCentres
!> @brief get any additional damask options from input file, sets mesh_periodicSurface
subroutine mesh_get_damaskOptions(fileUnit)
use IO, only: &
IO_lc, &
IO_stringValue, &
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: fileUnit
mesh_periodicSurface = .true.
end subroutine mesh_get_damaskOptions
!> @brief calculation of IP interface areas, allocate globals '_ipArea', and '_ipAreaNormal'
@ -1407,93 +1291,6 @@ subroutine mesh_build_ipAreas
end subroutine mesh_build_ipAreas
!> @brief find face-matching element of same type
subroutine mesh_faceMatch(elem, face ,matchingElem, matchingFace)
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(out) :: matchingElem, & ! matching CP element ID
matchingFace ! matching face ID
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: face, & ! face ID
elem ! CP elem ID
integer(pInt), dimension(FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(face,FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2,elem)))) :: &
myFaceNodes ! global node ids on my face
integer(pInt) :: myType, &
candidateType, &
candidateElem, &
candidateFace, &
candidateFaceNode, &
minNsharedElems, &
NsharedElems, &
lonelyNode = 0_pInt, &
i, &
n, &
dir ! periodicity direction
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: element_seen
logical checkTwins
matchingElem = 0_pInt
matchingFace = 0_pInt
minNsharedElems = mesh_maxNsharedElems + 1_pInt ! init to worst case
myType = FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2_pInt,elem)) ! figure elemGeomType
do n = 1_pInt,FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(face,myType) ! loop over nodes on face
myFaceNodes(n) = mesh_element(4_pInt+FE_face(n,face,myType),elem) ! CP id of face node
NsharedElems = mesh_sharedElem(1_pInt,myFaceNodes(n)) ! figure # shared elements for this node
if (NsharedElems < minNsharedElems) then
minNsharedElems = NsharedElems ! remember min # shared elems
lonelyNode = n ! remember most lonely node
element_seen = 0_pInt
checkCandidate: do i = 1_pInt,minNsharedElems ! iterate over lonelyNode's shared elements
candidateElem = mesh_sharedElem(1_pInt+i,myFaceNodes(lonelyNode)) ! present candidate elem
if (all(element_seen /= candidateElem)) then ! element seen for the first time?
element_seen(i) = candidateElem
candidateType = FE_geomtype(mesh_element(2_pInt,candidateElem)) ! figure elemGeomType of candidate
checkCandidateFace: do candidateFace = 1_pInt,FE_maxNipNeighbors ! check each face of candidate
if (FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(candidateFace,candidateType) &
/= FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(face,myType) & ! incompatible face
.or. (candidateElem == elem .and. candidateFace == face)) then ! this is my face
cycle checkCandidateFace
checkTwins = .false.
do n = 1_pInt,FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(candidateFace,candidateType) ! loop through nodes on face
candidateFaceNode = mesh_element(4_pInt+FE_face(n,candidateFace,candidateType),candidateElem)
if (all(myFaceNodes /= candidateFaceNode)) then ! candidate node does not match any of my face nodes
checkTwins = .true. ! perhaps the twin nodes do match
if(checkTwins) then
checkCandidateFaceTwins: do dir = 1_pInt,3_pInt
do n = 1_pInt,FE_NmatchingNodesPerFace(candidateFace,candidateType) ! loop through nodes on face
candidateFaceNode = mesh_element(4+FE_face(n,candidateFace,candidateType),candidateElem)
if (all(myFaceNodes /= mesh_nodeTwins(dir,candidateFaceNode))) then ! node twin does not match either
if (dir == 3_pInt) then
cycle checkCandidateFace
cycle checkCandidateFaceTwins ! try twins in next dimension
exit checkCandidateFaceTwins
enddo checkCandidateFaceTwins
matchingFace = candidateFace
matchingElem = candidateElem
exit checkCandidate ! found my matching candidate
enddo checkCandidateFace
enddo checkCandidate
end subroutine mesh_faceMatch
!> @brief get properties of different types of finite elements
!> @details assign globals: FE_nodesAtIP, FE_ipNeighbor, FE_cellnodeParentnodeWeights, FE_subNodeOnIPFace
@ -2212,50 +2009,4 @@ subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
end subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_Ncellnodes
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_Ncellnodes()
implicit none
mesh_get_Ncellnodes = mesh_Ncellnodes
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_unitlength
real(pReal) function mesh_get_unitlength()
implicit none
mesh_get_unitlength = mesh_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
!> @brief returns node that is located at an ip
!> @details return zero if requested ip does not exist or not available (more ips than nodes)
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_nodeAtIP(elemtypeFE,ip)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: elemtypeFE
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip
integer(pInt) :: elemtype
integer(pInt) :: geomtype
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = 0_pInt
elemtype = 10_pInt
geomtype = FE_geomtype(elemtype)
if (FE_Nips(geomtype) >= ip .and. FE_Nips(geomtype) <= FE_Nnodes(elemtype)) &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = FE_nodesAtIP(1,ip,geomtype)
end function mesh_get_nodeAtIP
end module mesh

View File

@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ module mesh
mesh_maxNelemInSet, &
integer(pInt), dimension(2), private :: &
mesh_maxValStateVar = 0_pInt
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
mesh_cellnodeParent !< cellnode's parent element ID, cellnode's intra-element ID
@ -371,9 +368,6 @@ integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable, private :: &
mesh_build_ipVolumes, &
mesh_build_ipCoordinates, &
mesh_cellCenterCoordinates, &
mesh_get_Ncellnodes, &
mesh_get_unitlength, &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP, &
@ -422,9 +416,7 @@ type, public, extends(tMesh) :: tMesh_marc
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
mesh_mapElemSet !< list of elements in elementSet
integer(pInt), dimension(2):: &
mesh_maxValStateVar = 0_pInt
procedure :: init => tMesh_marc_init
end type tMesh_marc
@ -1442,7 +1434,6 @@ subroutine mesh_marc_build_elements(fileUnit)
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
do while (scan(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1_pInt),'+-',back=.true.)>1) ! is noEfloat value?
myVal = nint(IO_fixedNoEFloatValue(line,[0_pInt,20_pInt],1_pInt),pInt) ! state var's value
mesh_maxValStateVar(sv-1_pInt) = max(myVal,mesh_maxValStateVar(sv-1_pInt)) ! remember max val of homogenization and microstructure index
if (initialcondTableStyle == 2_pInt) then
read (fileUnit,610,END=630) line ! read extra line
read (fileUnit,610,END=630) line ! read extra line
@ -1493,12 +1484,12 @@ use IO, only: &
read (fileUnit,610,END=620) line
chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line)
Nchunks = chunkPos(1)
if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1_pInt)) == keyword .and. Nchunks > 1_pInt) then ! found keyword for damask option and there is at least one more chunk to read
if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1_pInt)) == keyword .and. Nchunks > 1_pInt) then ! found keyword for damask option and there is at least one more chunk to read
damaskOption = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt))
select case(damaskOption)
case('periodic') ! damask Option that allows to specify periodic fluxes
do chunk = 3_pInt,Nchunks ! loop through chunks (skipping the keyword)
v = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,chunk)) ! chunk matches keyvalues x,y, or z?
v = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,chunk)) ! chunk matches keyvalues x,y, or z?
mesh_periodicSurface(1) = mesh_periodicSurface(1) .or. v == 'x'
mesh_periodicSurface(2) = mesh_periodicSurface(2) .or. v == 'y'
mesh_periodicSurface(3) = mesh_periodicSurface(3) .or. v == 'z'
@ -2739,51 +2730,4 @@ subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
end subroutine mesh_build_FEdata
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_Ncellnodes
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_Ncellnodes()
implicit none
mesh_get_Ncellnodes = mesh_Ncellnodes
end function mesh_get_Ncellnodes
!> @brief returns global variable mesh_unitlength
real(pReal) function mesh_get_unitlength()
implicit none
mesh_get_unitlength = mesh_unitlength
end function mesh_get_unitlength
!> @brief returns node that is located at an ip
!> @details return zero if requested ip does not exist or not available (more ips than nodes)
integer(pInt) function mesh_get_nodeAtIP(elemtypeFE,ip)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: elemtypeFE
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ip
integer(pInt) :: elemtype
integer(pInt) :: geomtype
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = 0_pInt
elemtype = FE_mapElemtype(elemtypeFE)
geomtype = FE_geomtype(elemtype)
if (FE_Nips(geomtype) >= ip .and. FE_Nips(geomtype) <= FE_Nnodes(elemtype)) &
mesh_get_nodeAtIP = FE_nodesAtIP(1,ip,geomtype)
end function mesh_get_nodeAtIP
end module mesh