This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
type Taylor
Ngrains 1
(constituent) phase 1 texture 1 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 2 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 3 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 4 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 5 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 6 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 7 fraction 1.0
constitution j2
(output) flowstress
c11 110.9e9
c12 58.34e9
taylorfactor 3
s0 31e6
gdot0 0.001
n 20
h0 75e6
s_sat 63e6
w0 2.25
constitution phenomenological
(output) slipResistance
(output) rateofshear
lattice_structure fcc
Nslip 12
c11 106.75e9
c12 60.41e9
c44 28.34e9
s0_slip 31e6
gdot0_slip 0.001
n_slip 20
h0 75e6
s_sat 63e6
w0 2.25
# Self and latent hardening coefficients
hardening_coefficients 1.0 1.4
[grain 2]
(gauss) phi1 0.687549 Phi 44.518821 phi2 33.288848 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
[grain 5]
(gauss) phi1 268.946389 Phi 21.772396 phi2 71.390541 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
[grain 4]
(gauss) phi1 109.434939 Phi 41.654032 phi2 280.290953 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
[grain 1]
(gauss) phi1 51.566202 Phi 46.581469 phi2 288.713433 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
[grain 6]
(gauss) phi1 189.820918 Phi 37.356848 phi2 177.788804 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
[grain 3]
(gauss) phi1 233.365710 Phi 40.278933 phi2 170.913310 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,os,pwd,math,re
#import Image,ImageDraw
if os.path.exists('/msc/mentat2008r1/shlib'):
from py_mentat import *
from optparse import OptionParser
def outMentat(cmd,locals):
if cmd[0:3] == '(!)':
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
cmd = eval(cmd[3:])
def outStdout(cmd,locals):
if cmd[0:3] == '(!)':
elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)':
cmd = eval(cmd[3:])
print cmd
print cmd
def output(cmds,locals,dest):
for cmd in cmds:
if isinstance(cmd,list):
'Mentat': outMentat,\
'Stdout': outStdout,\
def rcbOrientationParser(content):
grains = []
myOrientation = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
for line in content:
if line[0] != '#': # skip comments
for grain in range(2):
myID = int(line.split()[12+grain]) # get grain id
myOrientation = map(float,line.split())[3*grain:3+3*grain] # get orientation
if len(grains) < myID:
for i in range(myID-len(grains)): # extend list to necessary length
grains[myID-1] = myOrientation # store Euler angles
return grains
def rcbParser(content,size,tolerance,imagename,imagesize,border): # parser for TSL-OIM reconstructed boundary files
# find bounding box
boxX = [1.*sys.maxint,-1.*sys.maxint]
boxY = [1.*sys.maxint,-1.*sys.maxint]
x = [0.,0.]
y = [0.,0.]
for line in content:
if line[0] != '#': # skip comments
(x[0],y[0],x[1],y[1]) = map(float,line.split())[8:12] # get start and end coordinates of each segment
boxX[0] = min(boxX[0],x[0],x[1])
boxX[1] = max(boxX[1],x[0],x[1])
boxY[0] = min(boxY[0],y[0],y[1])
boxY[1] = max(boxY[1],y[0],y[1])
scaleImg = imagesize/max(boxX[1]-boxX[0],boxY[1]-boxY[0])
scalePatch = size/(boxY[1]-boxY[0])
if scaleImg > 0: # create image
img ="RGB",map(lambda x:int(round(x))+border*2,(scaleImg*(boxX[1]-boxX[0]),scaleImg*(boxY[1]-boxY[0]))),(255,255,255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# read segments and draw them
segment = 0
connectivityXY = {"0": {"0":[],"%g"%(boxY[1]-boxY[0]):[],},\
"%g"%(boxX[1]-boxX[0]): {"0":[],"%g"%(boxY[1]-boxY[0]):[],},}
connectivityYX = {"0": {"0":[],"%g"%(boxX[1]-boxX[0]):[],},\
"%g"%(boxY[1]-boxY[0]): {"0":[],"%g"%(boxX[1]-boxX[0]):[],},}
grainNeighbors = []
for line in content:
if line[0] != '#': # skip comments
(x[0],y[0],x[1],y[1]) = map(float,line.split())[8:12] # get start and end coordinates of each segment
# make relative to origin of bounding box
grainNeighbors.append(map(int,line.split()[12:14])) # remember right and left grain per segment
for i in range(2): # store segment to both points
# check whether point is already known (within a small range)
match = False
for posX in connectivityXY.keys():
if (abs(float(posX)-x[i])<(boxX[1]-boxX[0])*tolerance):
for posY in connectivityXY[posX].keys():
if (abs(float(posY)-y[i])<(boxY[1]-boxY[0])*tolerance):
keyX = posX
keyY = posY
if (not match):
# force to boundary if inside tolerance to it
if (abs(x[i])<(boxX[1]-boxX[0])*options.tolerance):
x[i] = 0
if (abs(boxX[1]-boxX[0]-x[i])<(boxX[1]-boxX[0])*tolerance):
x[i] = boxX[1]-boxX[0]
if (abs(y[i])<(boxY[1]-boxY[0])*tolerance):
y[i] = 0
if (abs(boxY[1]-boxY[0]-y[i])<(boxY[1]-boxY[0])*tolerance):
y[i] = boxY[1]-boxY[0]
keyX = "%g"%x[i]
keyY = "%g"%y[i]
if keyX not in connectivityXY: # create new hash entry for so far unknown point
connectivityXY[keyX] = {}
if keyY not in connectivityXY[keyX]: # create new hash entry for so far unknown point
connectivityXY[keyX][keyY] = []
if keyY not in connectivityYX: # create new hash entry for so far unknown point
connectivityYX[keyY] = {}
if keyX not in connectivityYX[keyY]: # create new hash entry for so far unknown point
connectivityYX[keyY][keyX] = []
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.line(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[x[0],y[0],x[1],y[1]]),fill=(128,128,128))
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[(x[1]+x[0])/2.0,(y[1]+y[0])/2.0]),"%i"%segment,fill=(0,0,128))
segment += 1
# top border
keyId = "0"
boundary = connectivityYX[keyId].keys()
for indexBdy in range(len(boundary)-1):
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.line(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(boundary[indexBdy]),float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy+1]),float(keyId)]),width=3,fill=(128,128*(segment%2),0))
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[(float(boundary[indexBdy])+float(boundary[indexBdy+1]))/2.0,float(keyId)]),"%i"%segment,fill=(0,0,128))
segment += 1
# right border
keyId = "%g"%(boxX[1]-boxX[0])
boundary = connectivityXY[keyId].keys()
for indexBdy in range(len(boundary)-1):
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.line(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy]),float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy+1])]),width=3,fill=(128,128*(segment%2),0))
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(keyId),(float(boundary[indexBdy])+float(boundary[indexBdy+1]))/2.0]),"%i"%segment,fill=(0,0,128))
segment += 1
# bottom border
keyId = "%g"%(boxY[1]-boxY[0])
boundary = connectivityYX[keyId].keys()
for indexBdy in range(len(boundary)-1):
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.line(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(boundary[indexBdy]),float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy+1]),float(keyId)]),width=3,fill=(128,128*(segment%2),0))
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[(float(boundary[indexBdy])+float(boundary[indexBdy+1]))/2.0,float(keyId)]),"%i"%segment,fill=(0,0,128))
segment += 1
# left border
keyId = "0"
boundary = connectivityXY[keyId].keys()
for indexBdy in range(len(boundary)-1):
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.line(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy]),float(keyId),float(boundary[indexBdy+1])]),width=3,fill=(128,128*(segment%2),0))
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(keyId),(float(boundary[indexBdy])+float(boundary[indexBdy+1]))/2.0]),"%i"%segment,fill=(0,0,128))
segment += 1
allkeysX = connectivityXY.keys()
points = []
segments = [[] for i in range(segment)]
pointId = 0
for keyX in allkeysX:
allkeysY = connectivityXY[keyX].keys()
for keyY in allkeysY:
points.append({'coords': [float(keyX)*scalePatch,float(keyY)*scalePatch], 'segments': connectivityXY[keyX][keyY]})
for segment in connectivityXY[keyX][keyY]:
if (segments[segment] == None):
segments[segment] = pointId
if scaleImg > 0:
draw.text(map(lambda x:int(scaleImg*x)+border,[float(keyX),float(keyY)]),"%i"%pointId,fill=(0,0,0))
pointId += 1
if scaleImg > 0:
grains = {'draw': [], 'legs': []}
pointId = 0
for point in points:
while point['segments']:
myStart = pointId
grainDraw = [points[myStart]['coords']]
innerAngleSum = 0.0
myWalk = point['segments'].pop()
grainLegs = [myWalk]
if segments[myWalk][0] == myStart:
myEnd = segments[myWalk][1]
myEnd = segments[myWalk][0]
while (myEnd != pointId):
myV = [points[myEnd]['coords'][0]-points[myStart]['coords'][0],\
myLen = math.sqrt(myV[0]**2+myV[1]**2)
best = {'product': -2.0, 'peek': -1, 'len': -1, 'point': -1}
for peek in points[myEnd]['segments']:
if peek == myWalk:
if segments[peek][0] == myEnd:
peekEnd = segments[peek][1]
peekEnd = segments[peek][0]
peekV = [points[myEnd]['coords'][0]-points[peekEnd]['coords'][0],\
peekLen = math.sqrt(peekV[0]**2+peekV[1]**2)
crossproduct = (myV[0]*peekV[1]-myV[1]*peekV[0])/myLen/peekLen
dotproduct = (myV[0]*peekV[0]+myV[1]*peekV[1])/myLen/peekLen
if crossproduct*(dotproduct+1.0) >= best['product']:
best['product'] = crossproduct*(dotproduct+1.0)
best['peek'] = peek
best['point'] = peekEnd
innerAngleSum += best['product']
myWalk = best['peek']
myStart = myEnd
myEnd = best['point']
if innerAngleSum > 0.0:
grains['box'] = grainLegs
pointId += 1
# build overall data structure
rcData = {'dimension':[boxX[1]-boxX[0],boxY[1]-boxY[0]], 'point': [],'segment': [], 'grain': [], 'grainMapping': []}
for point in points:
print "found %i points"%(len(rcData['point']))
for segment in segments:
print "built %i segments"%(len(rcData['segment']))
for grain in grains['legs']:
myNeighbors = {}
for leg in grain:
if leg < len(grainNeighbors):
for side in range(2):
if grainNeighbors[leg][side] in myNeighbors:
myNeighbors[grainNeighbors[leg][side]] += 1
myNeighbors[grainNeighbors[leg][side]] = 1
if myNeighbors: # do I have any neighbors
rcData['grainMapping'].append(sorted(myNeighbors.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True)[0][0]) # most frequent grain is me
print "found %i grains"%(len(rcData['grain']))
rcData['box'] = grains['box']
if scaleImg > 0:
grainID = 0
for grain in grains['draw']:
coords = [0,0]
for point in grain:
coords[0] += int(scaleImg/scalePatch*point[0])
coords[1] += int(scaleImg/scalePatch*point[1])
coords[0] /= len(grain)
coords[1] /= len(grain)
draw.text(map(lambda x:x+border,coords),'%i -> %i'%(grainID,rcData['grainMapping'][grainID]),fill=(128,32,32))
grainID += 1
return rcData
def init():
return ["*new_model yes",
"*set_nodes off",
"*show_view 4",
def sample(a,n,margin):
cmds = [\
# gauge
"*add_points %f %f %f"%(-(margin[0]+0.5)*a, (margin[1]+0.5)*a,0),
"*add_points %f %f %f"%( (margin[0]+0.5)*a, (margin[1]+0.5)*a,0),
"*add_points %f %f %f"%( (margin[0]+0.5)*a,-(margin[1]+0.5)*a,0),
"*add_points %f %f %f"%(-(margin[0]+0.5)*a,-(margin[1]+0.5)*a,0),
"*set_curve_type line",
"*add_curves %i %i"%(1,2),
"*add_curves %i %i"%(3,4),
"*set_curve_div_num %i"%n,
"1 2 #",
"*add_curves %i %i"%(2,3), # right side
"*add_curves %i %i"%(4,1), # left side
"*set_curve_div_num %i"%n,
"3 4 #",
return cmds
def patch(a,n,mesh,rcData):
cmds = []
for l in range(len(rcData['point'])): # generate all points
# cmds.append("*add_points %f %f %f"%(rcData['point'][l][1]-a/2.0, rcData['point'][l][0]-a*rcData['dimension'][0]/rcData['dimension'][1]/2.0, 0))
cmds.append("*add_points %f %f %f"%(rcData['point'][l][0]-a*rcData['dimension'][0]/rcData['dimension'][1]/2.0, rcData['point'][l][1]-a/2.0, 0))
cmds.append(["*set_curve_type line",
for m in range(len(rcData['segment'])): # generate all curves and subdivide them for overall balanced piece length
start = rcData['segment'][m][0]
end = rcData['segment'][m][1]
"*add_curves %i %i" %(start+rcData['offsetPoints'],
end +rcData['offsetPoints']),
"*set_curve_div_num %i"%(max(1,round(math.sqrt((rcData['point'][start][0]-rcData['point'][end][0])**2+\
"%i #"%(m+rcData['offsetSegments']),
grain = 0
cmds.append('(!)locals["last"] = py_get_int("nelements()")')
"*set_mesh_transition 1.0",
for g in rcData['grain']:
'(!)locals["first"] = locals["last"]+1',
"*%s "%mesh+" ".join([str(rcData['offsetSegments']+x) for x in g])+" #",
'(!)locals["last"] = py_get_int("nelements()")',
'(?)"%i to %i #"%(locals["first"],locals["last"])',
"*store_elements grain_%i"%rcData['grainMapping'][grain],
grain += 1
return cmds
def gage(mesh,rcData):
"*set_mesh_transition 1.0",
"*%s "%mesh +
" ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,rcData['offsetSegments'])]) +
" " +
" ".join([str(rcData['offsetSegments']+x)for x in rcData['box']]) +
" #",
['grain_%i'%(i+1) for i in range(len(rcData['grain']))],
"*store_elements matrix",
"*store_elements grains",
def expand3D(thickness,steps):
"*set_expand_translation z %f"%(thickness/steps),
"*set_expand_repetitions %i"%steps,
def initial_conditions(grainNumber,grainMapping):
cmds = [\
"*icond_name taylor",
"*icond_type state_variable",
"*icond_param_value state_var_id 2",
"*icond_dof_value var 1",
"*icond_name j2",
"*icond_type state_variable",
"*icond_param_value state_var_id 3",
"*icond_dof_value var 1",
for grain in range(grainNumber):
"*icond_name grain%i_texture%i"%(grainMapping[grain],(grain+2)),
"*icond_type state_variable",
"*icond_param_value state_var_id 3",
"*icond_dof_value var %i"%(grain+2),
return cmds
def boundary_conditions(rate,thickness, a, margin):
inner = ((margin[0]+0.5) - 1.0e-4) * a
outer = ((margin[0]+0.5) + 1.0e-4) * a
upper = ((margin[1]+0.5) + 1.0e-4) * a
lower = ((margin[1]+0.5) - 1.0e-4) * a
return [\
"*new_md_table 1 1",
"*table_name linear",
"*set_md_table_type 1 time",
"0 0",
"1 1",
"*apply_name pull_bottom",
"*apply_type fixed_displacement",
"*apply_dof y",
"*apply_dof_value y %f"%(-rate*(inner+outer)/2.0),
"*apply_dof_table y linear",
"%f %f"%(-outer,outer),
"%f %f"%(-upper,-lower),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,(thickness+1.0e-4)*a),
"*apply_name pull_top",
"*apply_type fixed_displacement",
"*apply_dof y",
"*apply_dof_value y %f"%(rate*(inner+outer)/2.0),
"*apply_dof_table y linear",
"%f %f"%(-outer,outer),
"%f %f"%(lower,upper),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,(thickness+1.0e-4)*a),
"*apply_name fix_x",
"*apply_type fixed_displacement",
"*apply_dof x",
"*apply_dof_value x 0",
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(lower,upper),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(lower,upper),
"%f %f"%((thickness-1.0e-4)*a,(thickness+1.0e-4)*a),
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(-upper,-lower),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(-upper,-lower),
"%f %f"%((thickness-1.0e-4)*a,(thickness+1.0e-4)*a),
"*apply_name fix_z",
"*apply_type fixed_displacement",
"*apply_dof z",
"*apply_dof_value z 0",
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(lower,upper),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
"%f %f"%(-outer,-inner),
"%f %f"%(-upper,-lower),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
"%f %f"%(inner,outer),
"%f %f"%(lower,upper),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
"%f %f"%(inner,outer),
"%f %f"%(-upper,-lower),
"%f %f"%(-.0001*a,.0001*a),
def materialProperties():
return [\
"*material_name hypela2",
"*material_type mechanical:hypoelastic",
"*material_option hypoelastic:method:hypela2",
"*material_option hypoelastic:pass:def_rot",
def loadcase(time,incs,Ftol):
return [\
"*loadcase_name puller",
"*loadcase_type static",
"*loadcase_value time",
"*loadcase_value nsteps",
"*loadcase_value maxrec",
"*loadcase_value ntime_cuts",
"*loadcase_value force",
def job(grainNumber,grainMapping,subroutine,domains):
solver_nonsym = 'on'
if domains > 1:
solver_nonsym = 'off'
"*job_name pull",
"*job_class mechanical",
"*add_job_loadcases puller",
"*add_job_iconds taylor",
"*add_job_iconds j2",
["*add_job_iconds grain%i_texture%i"%(grainMapping[i],i+2) for i in range(grainNumber)],
"*job_option dimen:three | 3D analysis",
"*job_option strain:large | finite strains",
"*job_option large_strn_proc:upd_lagrange | updated Lagrange framework",
"*job_option plas_proc:multiplicative | multiplicative decomp of F",
"*job_option solver_nonsym:%s | nonsymmetrical solution"%solver_nonsym,
"*job_option solver:mfront_sparse | multi-frontal sparse",
"*job_param stef_boltz 5.670400e-8",
"*job_param univ_gas_const 8.314472",
"*job_param planck_radiation_2 1.4387752e-2",
"*job_param speed_light_vacuum 299792458",
"*job_usersub_file %s | subroutine definition" %subroutine,
"*job_option user_source:compile_save",
"*job_option parallel:on",
"*job_option parallel_setup:single",
"*job_option ddm_single_post:on",
def postprocess():
return [\
"*add_post_tensor stress",
"*add_post_tensor strain",
"*add_post_var von_mises",
"*add_post_var user1",
"*edit_post_var user1", "phase",
"*add_post_var user2",
"*edit_post_var user2", "volFrac",
"*add_post_var user3",
"*edit_post_var user3", "phi1",
"*add_post_var user4",
"*edit_post_var user4", "Phi",
"*add_post_var user5",
"*edit_post_var user5", "phi2",
"*add_post_var user6",
"*edit_post_var user6", "slipResistance",
"*add_post_var user7",
"*edit_post_var user7", "rateofshear",
def cleanUp(a):
return [\
"*set_sweep_tolerance %f"%(1e-3*a),
def geometricProperties():
return [\
'*geometry_name constantDilatation',
'*geometry_type mech_three_solid',
'*geometry_option cdilatation:on',
# ----------------------- MAIN -------------------------------
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",\
help="Mentat connection port")
parser.add_option("-a", "--patchsize", type="float",\
help="size of patch (x,y,z)")
parser.add_option("-n", "--resolution", type="int",\
help="number of elements along patch perimeter")
parser.add_option("-g", "--margin", type="float", nargs=2,\
help="relative size of margin around patch")
parser.add_option("-m", "--mesh", nargs=2, choices=['dt_planar_trimesh','af_planar_trimesh','af_planar_quadmesh'],\
help="algorithm and element type for automeshing: patch and matrix")
parser.add_option("-e", "--strain", type="float",\
help="final strain to reach in simulation")
parser.add_option("-r", "--rate", type="float",\
help="(engineering) strain rate to simulate")
parser.add_option("-i", "--increments", type="int",\
help="number of increments to take")
parser.add_option("-s", "--imagesize", type="int",\
help="size of image")
parser.add_option("-b", "--border", type="int",\
help="border of image")
parser.add_option("-t", "--tolerance", type="float",\
help="relative tolerance of pixel positions to be swept")
parser.add_option("-f", "--subroutine", type="string",\
help="user subroutine file")
parser.add_option("-o", "--domains", type="int",\
help="number of domains for domain decomposition")
parser.set_defaults(size = 1.0)
parser.set_defaults(resolution = 30)
parser.set_defaults(margin = [4.0,4.0])
parser.set_defaults(mesh = ['dt_planar_trimesh','dt_planar_trimesh'])
parser.set_defaults(strain = 0.2)
parser.set_defaults(strainrate = 1.0e-3)
parser.set_defaults(increments = 200)
parser.set_defaults(imgsize = 0)
parser.set_defaults(border = 20)
parser.set_defaults(tolerance = 1.0e-3)
parser.set_defaults(subroutine = '/san/'+pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0].rpartition("\\")[2]+'/FEM/subroutine_svn/mpie_cpfem_marc2007r1.f90')
parser.set_defaults(domains = 1)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not len(args):
parser.error('no boundary file specified')
boundaryFile = open(args[0])
boundarySegments = boundaryFile.readlines()
print 'unable to read boundary file "%s"'%args[0]
myName = os.path.splitext(args[0])[0]
print "\n",myName
orientationData = rcbOrientationParser(boundarySegments)
rcData = rcbParser(boundarySegments,options.size,options.tolerance,myName,options.imgsize,options.border)
# ----- write texture data to file -----
matConfigFile = open(os.path.split(args[0])[0]+'material.config','w')
matConfigFile.write('(constituent)\tphase 1\ttexture 1\tfraction 1.0\n')
for grain in range(len(rcData['grainMapping'])):
matConfigFile.write('(constituent)\tphase 2\ttexture %i\tfraction 1.0\n' %(grain+2))
matConfigFile.write('# Self and latent hardening coefficients\n')
matConfigFile.write('hardening_coefficients\t\t1.0 1.4\n')
for grain in rcData['grainMapping']:
matConfigFile.write('[grain %i]\n'%grain)
matConfigFile.write('(gauss)\tphi1 %f\tPhi %f\tphi2 %f\tscatter 0.0\tfraction 1.0\n'\
rcData['offsetPoints'] = 1+4 # gage definition generates 4 points
rcData['offsetSegments'] = 1+4 # gage definition generates 4 segments
cmds = [\
["*identify_sets","*regen","*fill_view","*save_as_model %s yes"%(myName)],
outputLocals = {}
if (options.port != None):
print outputLocals
# "*job_option large:on | large displacement",
# "*job_option plasticity:l_strn_mn_add | large strain additive",
# "*job_option cdilatation:on | constant dilatation",
# "*job_option update:on | updated lagrange procedure",
# "*job_option finite:on | large strains",
# "*job_option restart_mode:write | enable restarting",
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Header: Project2::98168_Zugversuch_Mitte_02 cropped cleaned::All data::Grain Size 11/13/2007
# Column 1-3: right hand average orientation (phi1, PHI, phi2 in degrees)
# Column 4-6: left hand average orientation (phi1, PHI, phi2 in degrees)
# Column 7: length (in microns)
# Column 8: trace angle (in degrees)
# Column 9-12: x,y coordinates of endpoints (in microns)
# Column 13-14: IDs of right hand and left hand grains
4.073 0.703 2.983 0.900 0.813 5.039 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.80 0.23 0.63 3 1
1.910 0.727 4.892 0.900 0.813 5.039 0.0 0.0 0.23 0.63 0.55 0.73 4 1
0.012 0.777 0.581 0.900 0.813 5.039 0.0 0.0 0.55 0.73 0.60 1.00 2 1
3.313 0.652 3.103 4.073 0.703 2.983 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.22 0.30 6 3
1.910 0.727 4.892 4.073 0.703 2.983 0.0 0.0 0.22 0.30 0.23 0.63 4 3
3.313 0.652 3.103 1.910 0.727 4.892 0.0 0.0 0.22 0.30 0.55 0.17 6 4
1.910 0.727 4.892 4.694 0.380 1.246 0.0 0.0 0.78 0.45 0.55 0.17 4 5
4.694 0.380 1.246 0.012 0.777 0.581 0.0 0.0 0.78 0.45 1.00 0.45 5 2
0.012 0.777 0.581 1.910 0.727 4.892 0.0 0.0 0.78 0.45 0.55 0.73 2 4
4.694 0.380 1.246 3.313 0.652 3.103 0.0 0.0 0.57 0.00 0.55 0.17 5 6
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
! *** CPFEM engine ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
! ****************************************************************
! *** General variables for the material behaviour calculation ***
! ****************************************************************
real(pReal), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Temperature
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn_bar !average FFN per IP
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn !individual FFN per grain
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn1_bar !average FFN1 per IP
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn1 !individual FFN1 per grain
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_PK1_bar !average PK1 per IP
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_PK1 !individual PK1 per grain
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_dPdF_bar !average dPdF per IP
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_dPdF_bar_old !old average dPdF per IP
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:,:,:),allocatable :: CPFEM_dPdF !individual dPdF per grain
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_stress_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_jaco_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_jaco_knownGood
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_results
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Lp_old
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Lp_new
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Fp_old
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Fp_new
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Fe_new
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Tstar_v
logical, dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: crystallite_converged !individual convergence flag per grain
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_execution_IP
integer(pInt), dimension(2) :: CPFEM_execution_elem
integer(pInt) :: CPFEM_Nresults = 5_pInt ! phase, volfrac, three Euler angles
logical :: CPFEM_init_done = .false. ! remember whether init has been done already
logical :: CPFEM_calc_done = .false. ! remember whether first IP has already calced the results
real(pReal), parameter :: CPFEM_odd_stress = 1e15_pReal, CPFEM_odd_jacobian = 1e50_pReal
!*** allocate the arrays defined in module CPFEM ***
!*** and initialize them ***
SUBROUTINE CPFEM_init(Temperature)
use prec
use math, only: math_EulertoR, math_I3, math_identity2nd
use FEsolving, only: parallelExecution
use mesh
use material
use constitutive
implicit none
real(pReal) Temperature
integer(pInt) e,i,g
! *** mpie.marc parameters ***
allocate(CPFEM_Temperature(mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Temperature = Temperature
forall(e=1:mesh_NcpElems,i=1:mesh_maxNips) CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,i,e) = math_I3
forall(g=1:homogenization_maxNgrains,e=1:mesh_NcpElems,i=1:mesh_maxNips) CPFEM_ffn(:,:,g,i,e) = math_I3
allocate(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_ffn1_bar = CPFEM_ffn_bar
allocate(CPFEM_ffn1(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_ffn1 = CPFEM_ffn
allocate(CPFEM_PK1_bar(3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_PK1_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_PK1(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_PK1 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_dPdF_bar(3,3,3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_dPdF_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_dPdF_bar_old(3,3,3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_dPdF_bar_old = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_dPdF(3,3,3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_dPdF = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_stress_bar(6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_stress_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_jaco_bar(6,6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_jaco_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_jaco_knownGood(6,6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_jaco_knownGood = 0.0_pReal
! *** User defined results ***
CPFEM_results = 0.0_pReal
! *** Plastic velocity gradient ***
allocate(CPFEM_Lp_old(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Lp_old = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_Lp_new(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Lp_new = 0.0_pReal
! *** Plastic deformation gradient at (t=t0) and (t=t1) ***
allocate(CPFEM_Fp_new(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Fp_new = 0.0_pReal
forall (e=1:mesh_NcpElems,i=1:mesh_maxNips,g=1:homogenization_maxNgrains) &
CPFEM_Fp_old(:,:,g,i,e) = math_EulerToR(material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e)) ! plastic def gradient reflects init orientation
! *** Elastic deformation gradient at (t=t1) ***
allocate(CPFEM_Fe_new(3,3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Fe_new = 0.0_pReal
! *** Stress vector at (t=t1) ***
allocate(CPFEM_Tstar_v(6,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Tstar_v = 0.0_pReal
allocate(crystallite_converged(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)); crystallite_converged = .false.
allocate(CPFEM_execution_IP(2,mesh_NcpElems)); CPFEM_execution_IP = 1_pInt
forall (e = 1:mesh_NcpElems) CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) = FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))
CPFEM_execution_elem = (/1,mesh_NcpElems/)
! *** Output to MARC output file ***
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM Initialization'
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Temperature: ', shape(CPFEM_Temperature)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn1_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn1_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn1: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn1)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_PK1_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_PK1_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_PK1: ', shape(CPFEM_PK1)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_dPdF_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_dPdF_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_dPdF_bar_old: ', shape(CPFEM_dPdF_bar_old)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_dPdF: ', shape(CPFEM_dPdF)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_stress_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_stress_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_jaco_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_jaco_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_jaco_knownGood: ', shape(CPFEM_jaco_knownGood)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_results: ', shape(CPFEM_results)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Lp_old: ', shape(CPFEM_Lp_old)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Lp_new: ', shape(CPFEM_Lp_new)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Fp_old: ', shape(CPFEM_Fp_old)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Fp_new: ', shape(CPFEM_Fp_new)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Fe_new: ', shape(CPFEM_Fe_new)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Tstar_v: ', shape(CPFEM_Tstar_v)
write(6,*) 'crystallite_converged:', shape(crystallite_converged)
write(6,*) 'parallelExecution: ', parallelExecution
call flush(6)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** perform initialization at first call, update variables and ***
!*** call the actual material model ***
! CPFEM_mode computation mode (regular, collection, recycle)
! ffn deformation gradient for t=t0
! ffn1 deformation gradient for t=t1
! Temperature temperature
! CPFEM_dt time increment
! CPFEM_en element number
! CPFEM_in intergration point number
! CPFEM_stress stress vector in Mandel notation
! CPFEM_updateJaco flag to initiate computation of Jacobian
! CPFEM_jaco jacobian in Mandel notation
! CPFEM_ngens size of stress strain law
SUBROUTINE CPFEM_general(CPFEM_mode, ffn, ffn1, Temperature, CPFEM_dt,&
CPFEM_en, CPFEM_in, CPFEM_stress, CPFEM_updateJaco, CPFEM_jaco, CPFEM_ngens)
! note: CPFEM_stress = Cauchy stress cs(6) and CPFEM_jaco = Consistent tangent dcs/de
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use FEsolving
use debug
use math
use mesh, only: mesh_init,mesh_FEasCP, mesh_NcpElems, mesh_maxNips, mesh_element
use lattice, only: lattice_init
use material
use constitutive, only: constitutive_init,constitutive_state_old,constitutive_state_new
implicit none
integer(pInt) CPFEM_en, CPFEM_in, cp_en, CPFEM_ngens, i,j,k,l,m,n
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: ffn,ffn1,Kirchhoff_bar
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,3,3) :: H_bar, H_bar_sym
real(pReal), dimension(CPFEM_ngens) :: CPFEM_stress
real(pReal), dimension(CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_ngens) :: CPFEM_jaco
real(pReal) Temperature,CPFEM_dt,J_inverse
integer(pInt) CPFEM_mode ! 1: regular computation with aged results&
! 2: regular computation&
! 3: collection of FEM data&
! 4: recycling of former results (MARC speciality)&
! 5: record tangent from former converged inc&
! 6: restore tangent from former converged inc
logical CPFEM_updateJaco
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) then ! initialization step (three dimensional stress state check missing?)
call math_init()
call FE_init()
call mesh_init()
call lattice_init()
call material_init()
call constitutive_init()
write (6,*) 'call CPFEM init'
call CPFEM_init(Temperature)
CPFEM_init_done = .true.
if ((.not. parallelExecution) .and. (CPFEM_mode == 3)) CPFEM_mode = 2
cp_en = mesh_FEasCP('elem',CPFEM_en)
if (cp_en == 1 .and. CPFEM_in == 1) then
write(6,'(a10,1x,f8.4,1x,a10,1x,i4,1x,a10,1x,i3,1x,a10,1x,i2,x,a10,1x,i2)') &
select case (CPFEM_mode)
case (1,2) ! regular computation (with aging of results if mode == 1)
if (CPFEM_mode == 1) then ! age results at start of new increment
CPFEM_Lp_old = CPFEM_Lp_new
CPFEM_Fp_old = CPFEM_Fp_new
forall (i = 1:homogenization_maxNgrains,&
j = 1:mesh_maxNips, &
k = 1:mesh_NcpElems) &
constitutive_state_old(i,j,k)%p = constitutive_state_new(i,j,k)%p
write (6,*) 'results aged.'
if (outdatedFFN1 .or. any(abs(ffn1 - CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en)) > relevantStrain)&
.and. parallelExecution) then
if (.not. outdatedFFN1) write(6,'(i5,x,i2,x,a10,/,3(3(f10.3,x),/))') cp_en,CPFEM_in,'FFN1 now:',ffn1(:,1),ffn1(:,2),ffn1(:,3)
outdatedFFN1 = .true.
CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_stress
CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_jacobian*math_identity2nd(CPFEM_ngens)
if (.not. parallelExecution) then
CPFEM_execution_elem(1) = cp_en
CPFEM_execution_elem(2) = cp_en
CPFEM_execution_IP(1,cp_en) = CPFEM_in
CPFEM_execution_IP(2,cp_en) = CPFEM_in
CPFEM_Temperature(CPFEM_in,cp_en) = Temperature
CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn
CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn1
call CPFEM_MaterialPoint(CPFEM_updateJaco, CPFEM_dt)
elseif (.not. CPFEM_calc_done) then
call CPFEM_MaterialPoint(CPFEM_updateJaco, CPFEM_dt) ! parallel execution inside
CPFEM_calc_done = .true.
! translate from P and dP/dF to CS and dCS/dE
Kirchhoff_bar = math_mul33x33(CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en),transpose(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en)))
J_inverse = 1.0_pReal/math_det3x3(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en))
CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = math_Mandel33to6(J_inverse*Kirchhoff_bar)
H_bar = 0.0_pReal
forall(i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
H_bar(i,j,k,l) = H_bar(i,j,k,l) + &
CPFEM_ffn1_bar(j,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en) * &
CPFEM_ffn1_bar(l,n,CPFEM_in,cp_en) * &
CPFEM_dPdF_bar(i,m,k,n,CPFEM_in,cp_en) - &
math_I3(j,l)*CPFEM_ffn1_bar(i,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*CPFEM_PK1_bar(k,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en) + &
0.5_pReal*(math_I3(i,k)*Kirchhoff_bar(j,l) + math_I3(j,l)*Kirchhoff_bar(i,k) + &
math_I3(i,l)*Kirchhoff_bar(j,k) + math_I3(j,k)*Kirchhoff_bar(i,l))
forall(i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) &
H_bar_sym(i,j,k,l)= 0.25_pReal*(H_bar(i,j,k,l) +H_bar(j,i,k,l) +H_bar(i,j,l,k) +H_bar(j,i,l,k))
CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = math_Mandel3333to66(J_inverse*H_bar)
case (3) ! collect and return odd result
CPFEM_Temperature(CPFEM_in,cp_en) = Temperature
CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn
CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn1
CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_stress
CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_jacobian*math_identity2nd(CPFEM_ngens)
CPFEM_calc_done = .false.
case (4) ! do nothing since we can recycle the former results (MARC specialty)
case (5) ! record consistent tangent at beginning of new increment (while recycling)
CPFEM_jaco_knownGood = CPFEM_jaco_bar
case (6) ! restore consistent tangent after cutback
CPFEM_jaco_bar = CPFEM_jaco_knownGood
end select
! return the local stress and the jacobian from storage
CPFEM_stress(1:CPFEM_ngens) = CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
CPFEM_jaco(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens) = CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
!*** calculate the material point behaviour ***
updateJaco,& ! flag to initiate Jacobian updating
CPFEM_dt) ! Time increment (dt)
use prec
use debug
use math, only: math_pDecomposition,math_RtoEuler,inDeg
use IO, only: IO_error
use mesh, only: mesh_element, mesh_NcpElems, FE_Nips
use material, only: homogenization_Ngrains,material_phase,material_volfrac
use constitutive
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: updateJaco
real(pReal), intent(in) :: CPFEM_dt
integer(pInt) g,i,e
logical error
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: U,R
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
forall (g = 1:homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e))) ! number of grains of this homogenization
CPFEM_ffn(:,:,g,i,e) = CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,i,e) ! Taylor homogenization (why not using former ffn1??)
CPFEM_ffn1(:,:,g,i,e) = CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,i,e) ! Taylor homogenization
end forall
call SingleCrystallite(updateJaco,CPFEM_dt)
! check convergence of homogenization if needed
! calculate average quantities per ip and post results
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,i,e) = sum(CPFEM_PK1(:,:,:,i,e),3)/homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e))
if (updateJaco) &
CPFEM_dPdF_bar(:,:,:,:,i,e) = &
sum(CPFEM_dPdF(:,:,:,:,:,i,e),5)/homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e)) ! add up crystallite stiffnesses (may have "holes" corresponding to former avg tangent)
do g = 1,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e))
call math_pDecomposition(CPFEM_Fe_new(:,:,g,i,e),U,R,error) ! polar decomposition
if (error) call IO_error(650,e,i,g)
CPFEM_results(1,g,i,e) = material_phase(g,i,e)
CPFEM_results(2,g,i,e) = material_volFrac(g,i,e)
CPFEM_results(3:5,g,i,e) = math_RtoEuler(transpose(R))*inDeg ! orientation
! Calculates the stress and jacobi (if wanted) for all or a single component
subroutine SingleCrystallite(&
updateJaco,& ! update of Jacobian required
dt) ! time increment
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,pert_Fg,subStepMin, nCutback
use debug
use math
use IO, only: IO_error
use mesh, only: mesh_element, FE_Nips
use material, only: homogenization_Ngrains
use constitutive
implicit none
character (len=128) msg
logical updateJaco, allConverged
real(preal) dt
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Fg_pert,Lp_pert, P_pert, Fp_pert, Fe_pert
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_maxSizeState) :: state
integer(pInt) g,i,e,k,l,iOuter,mySizeState
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
forall (g = 1:homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e))) ! number of grains of this homogenization
crystallite_converged(g,i,e) = .false.
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_state_old(g,i,e)%p
CPFEM_Lp_new(:,:,g,i,e) = CPFEM_Lp_old(:,:,g,i,e)
end forall
end do
end do
iOuter = 0_pInt
allConverged = .false.
do while (.not. allConverged)
iOuter = iOuter + 1_pInt ! count state integation loops
if (iOuter > nOuter) call IO_error(600) ! too many loops required --> croak
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
do g = 1,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e)) ! number of grains of this homogenization
if (.not. crystallite_converged(g,i,e)) then
call integrateStress(msg,CPFEM_Tstar_v(:,g,i,e),CPFEM_PK1(:,:,g,i,e), &
CPFEM_Fp_new(:,:,g,i,e),CPFEM_Fe_new(:,:,g,i,e),CPFEM_Lp_new(:,:,g,i,e), &
if (msg /= 'ok') call IO_error(610,e,i,g,msg)
end do
end do
end do
allConverged = .true. ! assume best case
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
do g = 1,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e)) ! number of grains of this homogenization
if (crystallite_converged(g,i,e)) cycle ! this one is already fine
if (integrateState(CPFEM_Tstar_v(:,g,i,e),dt,g,i,e)) then ! state integration now converged?
crystallite_converged(g,i,e) = .true.
debug_OuterLoopDistribution(iOuter) = debug_OuterLoopDistribution(iOuter)+1
allConverged = .false. ! this one requires additional round...
end do
end do
end do
end do ! all crystallites converged
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
forall (g = 1:homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e))) & ! number of grains of this homogenization
CPFEM_results(CPFEM_Nresults+1:CPFEM_Nresults+constitutive_sizePostResults(g,i,e),g,i,e) = &
end do
end do
if(updateJaco) then ! Jacobian required
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
if (debugger) write (6,*) 'Jacobian calc'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
do e = CPFEM_execution_elem(1),CPFEM_execution_elem(2) ! iterate over elements to be processed
do i = CPFEM_execution_IP(1,e),CPFEM_execution_IP(2,e) ! iterate over IPs of this element to be processed
do g = 1,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e)) ! number of grains of this homogenization
mySizeState = constitutive_sizeState(g,i,e) ! number of state variables for this grain
state(1:mySizeState) = constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p ! remember unperturbed, converged state
do k = 1,3 ! perturbation...
do l = 1,3 ! ...components
Fg_pert = CPFEM_ffn1(:,:,g,i,e) ! initialize perturbed Fg
Fg_pert(k,l) = Fg_pert(k,l) + pert_Fg ! perturb single component
Lp_pert = CPFEM_Lp_new(:,:,g,i,e) ! initialize Lp
Fp_pert = CPFEM_Fp_new(:,:,g,i,e) ! initialize Fp
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = state(1:mySizeState) ! initial guess from end of time step
crystallite_converged(g,i,e) = .false.
iOuter = 0_pInt
do while(.not. crystallite_converged(g,i,e) .and. iOuter < nOuter)
iOuter = iOuter + 1_pInt
call integrateStress(msg,Tstar_v,P_pert,Fp_pert,Fe_pert,Lp_pert, Fg_pert,dt,g,i,e)
if (msg /= 'ok') exit
crystallite_converged(g,i,e) = integrateState(Tstar_v,dt,g,i,e)
end do
if (crystallite_converged(g,i,e)) &
CPFEM_dPdF(:,:,k,l,g,i,e) = (P_pert-CPFEM_PK1(:,:,g,i,e))/pert_Fg ! constructing tangent dP_ij/dFg_kl only if valid forward difference
debug_OuterLoopDistribution(iOuter) = debug_OuterLoopDistribution(iOuter)+1
end do
end do
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = state(1:mySizeState) ! restore solution
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine
! Update the state for a single component
function integrateState(&
Tstar_v,& ! stress
dt,& ! time increment
g,& ! grain number
i,& ! integration point number
e& ! element number
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,pLongInt,reltol_Outer
use constitutive, only: constitutive_dotState,constitutive_sizeDotState,&
use debug
logical integrateState
integer(pLongInt) tick,tock,tickrate,maxticks
integer(pInt) g,i,e,mySize
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal) dt
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_sizeDotState(g,i,e)) :: residuum
mySize = constitutive_sizeDotState(g,i,e)
call system_clock(count=tick,count_rate=tickrate,count_max=maxticks)
residuum = constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize) - constitutive_state_old(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize) - &
dt*constitutive_dotState(Tstar_v,CPFEM_Temperature(i,e),g,i,e) ! residuum from evolution of microstructure
call system_clock(count=tock,count_rate=tickrate,count_max=maxticks)
debug_cumDotStateCalls = debug_cumDotStateCalls + 1_pInt
debug_cumDotStateTicks = debug_cumDotStateTicks + tock-tick
if (tock < tick) debug_cumDotStateTicks = debug_cumDotStateTicks + maxticks
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize) = constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize) - residuum ! update of microstructure
integrateState = maxval(abs(residuum/constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize)),&
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p(1:mySize) /= 0.0_pReal) < reltol_Outer
end function
! Calculates the stress for a single component
!*** calculation of stress (P), stiffness (dPdF), ***
!*** and announcement of any ***
!*** acceleration of the Newton-Raphson correction ***
subroutine integrateStress(&
msg,& ! return message
Tstar_v,& ! Stress vector
P,& ! first PK stress
Fp_new,& ! new plastic deformation gradient
Fe_new,& ! new "elastic" deformation gradient
Lp,& ! plastic velocity gradient
Fg_new,& ! new global deformation gradient
dt,& ! time increment
g,& ! grain number
i,& ! integration point number
e) ! element number
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,pert_Fg,subStepMin, nCutback
use debug
use constitutive, only: constitutive_state_new
use math
! use CPFEM
implicit none
character(len=*) msg
logical error,success
integer(pInt) e,i,g, nCutbacks, maxCutbacks
real(pReal) Temperature
real(pReal) dt,dt_aim,subFrac,subStep,det
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp,Lp_interpolated,inv
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Fg_current,Fg_new,Fg_aim,deltaFg
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Fp_current,Fp_new
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Fe_current,Fe_new
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: P
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
deltaFg = Fg_new - CPFEM_ffn(:,:,g,i,e)
subFrac = 0.0_pReal
subStep = 1.0_pReal
nCutbacks = 0_pInt
maxCutbacks = 0_pInt
Fg_current = CPFEM_ffn(:,:,g,i,e) ! initialize to start of inc
Fp_current = CPFEM_Fp_old(:,:,g,i,e)
call math_invert3x3(Fp_current,inv,det,error)
Fe_current = math_mul33x33(Fg_current,inv)
success = .false. ! pretend cutback
dt_aim = 0.0_pReal ! prevent initial Lp interpolation
Temperature = CPFEM_Temperature(i,e)
! begin the cutback loop
do while (subStep > subStepMin) ! continue until finished or too much cut backing
if (success) then ! wind forward
Fg_current = Fg_aim
Fe_current = Fe_new
Fp_current = Fp_new
elseif (dt_aim > 0.0_pReal) then
call math_invert3x3(Fg_aim,inv,det,error) ! inv of Fg_aim
Lp_interpolated = 0.5_pReal*Lp + &
0.5_pReal*(math_I3 - math_mul33x33(Fp_current,&
math_mul33x33(inv,Fe_current)))/dt_aim ! interpolate Lp and L
if (debugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write (6,*) 'Lp interpolation'
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'from',Lp(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'to',Lp_interpolated(1:3,:)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Lp = Lp_interpolated
Fg_aim = Fg_current + subStep*deltaFg ! aim for Fg
dt_aim = subStep*dt ! aim for dt
if (debugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write (6,*) 'using these values'
write (6,'(a,/,3(4(f9.3,x)/))') 'state new / MPa',constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p/1e6_pReal
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Fe current',Fe_current(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Fp current',Fp_current(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Lp (old=new guess)',Lp(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a20,f,x,a2,x,f)') 'integrating from ',subFrac,'to',(subFrac+subStep)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
call TimeIntegration(msg,Lp,Fp_new,Fe_new,Tstar_v,P, Fg_aim,Fp_current,Temperature,dt_aim,g,i,e)
if (msg == 'ok') then
subFrac = subFrac + subStep
subStep = min(1.0_pReal-subFrac, subStep*2.0_pReal) ! accelerate
nCutbacks = 0_pInt ! reset cutback counter
success = .true. ! keep current Lp
nCutbacks = nCutbacks + 1 ! record additional cutback
maxCutbacks = max(nCutbacks,maxCutbacks) ! remember maximum number of cutbacks
subStep = subStep / 2.0_pReal ! cut time step in half
success = .false. ! force Lp interpolation
enddo ! potential substepping
!$OMP CRITICAL (cutback)
debug_cutbackDistribution(min(nCutback,maxCutbacks)+1) = debug_cutbackDistribution(min(nCutback,maxCutbacks)+1)+1
!$OMP END CRITICAL (cutback)
end subroutine
!*** fully-implicit two-level time integration ***
!*** based on a residuum in Lp and intermediate ***
!*** acceleration of the Newton-Raphson correction ***
SUBROUTINE TimeIntegration(&
msg,& ! return message
Lpguess,& ! guess of plastic velocity gradient
Fp_new,& ! new plastic deformation gradient
Fe_new,& ! new "elastic" deformation gradient
Tstar_v,& ! Stress vector
P,& ! 1st PK stress (taken as initial guess if /= 0)
Fg_new,& ! new total def gradient
Fp_old,& ! former plastic def gradient
Temperature,& ! temperature
dt,& ! time increment
grain,& ! grain number
ip,& ! integration point number
cp_en & ! element number
use prec
use debug
use mesh, only: mesh_element
use constitutive, only: constitutive_microstructure,constitutive_homogenizedC,constitutive_LpAndItsTangent,&
use math
use IO
implicit none
character(len=*) msg
logical failed
integer(pInt) cp_en, ip, grain
integer(pInt) iInner,dummy, i,j,k,l,m,n
integer(pLongInt) tick,tock,tickrate,maxticks
real(pReal) dt, Temperature, det, p_hydro, leapfrog,maxleap
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: dLp,dTdLp,dRdLp,invdRdLp,eye2
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: C_66
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Fg_new,Fp_new,invFp_new,Fp_old,invFp_old,Fe_new
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: P
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp,Lpguess,Lpguess_old,Rinner,Rinner_old,A,B,BT,AB,BTA
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: C
msg = 'ok' ! error-free so far
eye2 = math_identity2nd(9)
call math_invert3x3(Fp_old,invFp_old,det,failed) ! inversion of Fp_old
if (failed) then
msg = 'inversion Fp_old'
A = math_mul33x33(transpose(invFp_old), math_mul33x33(transpose(Fg_new),math_mul33x33(Fg_new,invFp_old)))
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
if (debugger) write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Fg to be calculated',Fg_new
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
call constitutive_microstructure(Temperature,grain,ip,cp_en)
C_66 = constitutive_homogenizedC(grain,ip,cp_en)
C = math_Mandel66to3333(C_66) ! 4th rank elasticity tensor
iInner = 0_pInt
leapfrog = 1.0_pReal ! correction as suggested by invdRdLp-step
maxleap = 1024.0_pReal ! preassign maximum acceleration level
Lpguess_old = Lpguess ! consider present Lpguess good
Inner: do ! inner iteration: Lp
iInner = iInner+1
if (iInner > nInner) then ! too many loops required
Lpguess = Lpguess_old ! do not trust the last update but resort to former one
msg = 'limit Inner iteration'
B = math_i3 - dt*Lpguess
BT = transpose(B)
AB = math_mul33x33(A,B)
BTA = math_mul33x33(BT,A)
Tstar_v = 0.5_pReal*math_mul66x6(C_66,math_mandel33to6(math_mul33x33(BT,AB)-math_I3))
forall(i=1:3) Tstar_v(i) = Tstar_v(i)-p_hydro ! subtract hydrostatic pressure
call system_clock(count=tick,count_rate=tickrate,count_max=maxticks)
call constitutive_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp, Tstar_v,Temperature,grain,ip,cp_en)
call system_clock(count=tock,count_rate=tickrate,count_max=maxticks)
debug_cumLpCalls = debug_cumLpCalls + 1_pInt
debug_cumLpTicks = debug_cumLpTicks + tock-tick
if (tock < tick) debug_cumLpTicks = debug_cumLpTicks + maxticks
Rinner = Lpguess - Lp ! update current residuum
if (.not.(any(Rinner/=Rinner)) .and. & ! exclude any NaN in residuum
( ( maxval(abs(Rinner)) < abstol_Inner) .or. & ! below abs tol .or.
( any(abs(dt*Lpguess) > relevantStrain) .and. & ! worth checking? .and.
maxval(abs(Rinner/Lpguess),abs(dt*Lpguess) > relevantStrain) < reltol_Inner & ! below rel tol
) &
) &
) &
exit Inner ! convergence
! check for acceleration/deceleration in Newton--Raphson correction
if (any(Rinner/=Rinner) .and. & ! NaN occured at regular speed
leapfrog == 1.0) then
Lpguess = Lpguess_old ! restore known good guess
msg = 'NaN present' ! croak for cutback
elseif (leapfrog > 1.0_pReal .and. & ! at fast pace ?
(sum(Rinner*Rinner) > sum(Rinner_old*Rinner_old) .or. & ! worse residuum
sum(Rinner*Rinner_old) < 0.0_pReal) .or. & ! residuum changed sign (overshoot)
any(Rinner/=Rinner) ) then ! NaN
maxleap = 0.5_pReal * leapfrog ! limit next acceleration
leapfrog = 1.0_pReal ! grinding halt
else ! better residuum
dTdLp = 0.0_pReal ! calc dT/dLp
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dTdLp(3*(i-1)+j,3*(k-1)+l) = dTdLp(3*(i-1)+j,3*(k-1)+l) + &
dTdLp = -0.5_pReal*dt*dTdLp
dRdLp = eye2 - math_mul99x99(dLp,dTdLp) ! calc dR/dLp
invdRdLp = 0.0_pReal
call math_invert(9,dRdLp,invdRdLp,dummy,failed) ! invert dR/dLp --> dLp/dR
if (failed) then
msg = 'inversion dR/dLp'
if (debugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write (6,*) msg
write (6,'(a,/,9(9(e9.3,x)/))') 'dRdLp', dRdLp(1:9,:)
write (6,'(a,/,3(4(f9.3,x)/))') 'state_new / MPa',constitutive_state_new(grain,ip,cp_en)%p/1e6_pReal
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(f12.7,x)/))') 'Lpguess',Lpguess(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a,/,3(3(e12.7,x)/))') 'Lp',Lp(1:3,:)
write (6,'(a,/,6(f9.3,x))') 'Tstar / MPa',Tstar_v/1e6_pReal
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
Rinner_old = Rinner ! remember current residuum
Lpguess_old = Lpguess ! remember current Lp guess
if (iInner > 1 .and. leapfrog < maxleap) leapfrog = 2.0_pReal * leapfrog ! accelerate if ok
Lpguess = Lpguess_old ! start from current guess
Rinner = Rinner_old ! use current residuum
forall (i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) & ! leapfrog to updated Lpguess
Lpguess(i,j) = Lpguess(i,j) - leapfrog*invdRdLp(3*(i-1)+j,3*(k-1)+l)*Rinner(k,l)
enddo Inner
debug_InnerLoopDistribution(iInner) = debug_InnerLoopDistribution(iInner)+1
invFp_new = math_mul33x33(invFp_old,B)
call math_invert3x3(invFp_new,Fp_new,det,failed)
if (failed) then
msg = 'inversion Fp_new^-1'
Fp_new = Fp_new*det**(1.0_pReal/3.0_pReal) ! regularize Fp by det = det(InvFp_new) !!
forall (i=1:3) Tstar_v(i) = Tstar_v(i) + p_hydro ! add hydrostatic component back
Fe_new = math_mul33x33(Fg_new,invFp_new) ! calc resulting Fe
P = math_mul33x33(Fe_new,math_mul33x33(math_Mandel6to33(Tstar_v),transpose(invFp_new))) ! first PK stress
@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
! *** CPFEM engine ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
! ****************************************************************
! *** General variables for the material behaviour calculation ***
! ****************************************************************
real(pReal), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Temperature
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_ffn1_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_PK1_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:,:),allocatable :: CPFEM_dPdF_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_stress_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_jaco_bar
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_jaco_knownGood
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_results
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Fp_old
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: CPFEM_Fp_new
real(pReal), parameter :: CPFEM_odd_stress = 1e15_pReal, CPFEM_odd_jacobian = 1e50_pReal
integer(pInt) :: CPFEM_Nresults = 4_pInt ! three Euler angles plus volume fraction
logical :: CPFEM_init_done = .false. ! remember if init has been done already
logical :: CPFEM_calc_done = .false. ! remember if first IP has already calced the results
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: GIA_rVect_new ! boundary relaxation vectors
real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: GIA_rVect_old ! boundary relaxation vectors
real(pReal), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: GIA_bNorm ! grain boundary normals
!*** allocate the arrays defined in module CPFEM ***
!*** and initialize them ***
SUBROUTINE CPFEM_init(Temperature)
use prec
use math, only: math_EulertoR, math_I3, math_identity2nd
use mesh
use constitutive
implicit none
real(pReal) Temperature
integer(pInt) e,i,g,b
! *** mpie.marc parameters ***
allocate(CPFEM_Temperature (mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Temperature = Temperature
allocate(CPFEM_ffn_bar (3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems))
forall(e=1:mesh_NcpElems,i=1:mesh_maxNips) CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,i,e) = math_I3
allocate(CPFEM_ffn1_bar (3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_ffn1_bar = CPFEM_ffn_bar
allocate(CPFEM_PK1_bar (3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_PK1_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_dPdF_bar(3,3,3,3,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_dPdF_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_stress_bar(6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_stress_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_jaco_bar(6,6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_jaco_bar = 0.0_pReal
allocate(CPFEM_jaco_knownGood(6,6,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_jaco_knownGood = 0.0_pReal
! *** User defined results !!! MISSING incorporate consti_Nresults ***
CPFEM_results = 0.0_pReal
! *** Plastic deformation gradient at (t=t0) and (t=t1) ***
allocate(CPFEM_Fp_new(3,3,constitutive_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; CPFEM_Fp_new = 0.0_pReal
forall (e=1:mesh_NcpElems,i=1:mesh_maxNips,g=1:constitutive_maxNgrains) &
CPFEM_Fp_old(:,:,g,i,e) = math_EulerToR(constitutive_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e)) ! plastic def gradient reflects init orientation
allocate(GIA_rVect_new(3,12,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; GIA_rVect_new = 0.0_pReal
allocate(GIA_rVect_old(3,12,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; GIA_rVect_old = 0.0_pReal
allocate(GIA_bNorm(3,12)) ; GIA_bNorm = 0.0_pReal
do b = 1,4
GIA_bNorm(1,b) = 1.0_pReal
GIA_bNorm(2,b+4) = 1.0_pReal
GIA_bNorm(3,b+8) = 1.0_pReal
! *** Output to MARC output file ***
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM Initialization'
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Temperature: ', shape(CPFEM_Temperature)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_ffn1_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_ffn1_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_PK1_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_PK1_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_dPdF_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_dPdF_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_stress_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_stress_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_jaco_bar: ', shape(CPFEM_jaco_bar)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_jaco_knownGood: ', shape(CPFEM_jaco_knownGood)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_results: ', shape(CPFEM_results)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Fp_old: ', shape(CPFEM_Fp_old)
write(6,*) 'CPFEM_Fp_new: ', shape(CPFEM_Fp_new)
write(6,*) 'GIA_rVect_new: ', shape(GIA_rVect_new)
write(6,*) 'GIA_rVect_old: ', shape(GIA_rVect_old)
write(6,*) 'GIA_bNorm: ', shape(GIA_bNorm)
call flush(6)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
!*** perform initialization at first call, update variables and ***
!*** call the actual material model ***
! CPFEM_mode computation mode (regular, collection, recycle)
! ffn deformation gradient for t=t0
! ffn1 deformation gradient for t=t1
! Temperature temperature
! CPFEM_dt time increment
! CPFEM_en element number
! CPFEM_in intergration point number
! CPFEM_stress stress vector in Mandel notation
! CPFEM_updateJaco flag to initiate computation of Jacobian
! CPFEM_jaco jacobian in Mandel notation
! CPFEM_ngens size of stress strain law
SUBROUTINE CPFEM_general(CPFEM_mode, ffn, ffn1, Temperature, CPFEM_dt,&
CPFEM_en, CPFEM_in, CPFEM_stress, CPFEM_updateJaco, CPFEM_jaco, CPFEM_ngens)
! note: CPFEM_stress = Cauchy stress cs(6) and CPFEM_jaco = Consistent tangent dcs/de
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use FEsolving
use debug
use math
use mesh, only: mesh_init,mesh_FEasCP, mesh_NcpElems, FE_Nips, FE_mapElemtype, mesh_element
use lattice, only: lattice_init
use constitutive, only: constitutive_init,constitutive_state_old,constitutive_state_new,material_Cslip_66
implicit none
integer(pInt) CPFEM_en, CPFEM_in, cp_en, CPFEM_ngens, i,j,k,l,m,n, e
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: ffn,ffn1,Kirchhoff_bar
real(pReal), dimension (3,3,3,3) :: H_bar, H_bar_sym
real(pReal), dimension(CPFEM_ngens) :: CPFEM_stress
real(pReal), dimension(CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_ngens) :: CPFEM_jaco
real(pReal) Temperature,CPFEM_dt,J_inverse
integer(pInt) CPFEM_mode ! 1: regular computation with aged results&
! 2: regular computation&
! 3: collection of FEM data&
! 4: recycling of former results (MARC speciality)&
! 5: record tangent from former converged inc&
! 6: restore tangent from former converged inc
logical CPFEM_updateJaco
if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) then ! initialization step (three dimensional stress state check missing?)
call math_init()
call mesh_init()
call lattice_init()
call constitutive_init()
call CPFEM_init(Temperature)
CPFEM_init_done = .true.
cp_en = mesh_FEasCP('elem',CPFEM_en)
if (cp_en == 1 .and. CPFEM_in == 1) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(a6,x,i4,x,a4,x,i4,x,a10,x,f8.4,x,a10,x,i2,x,a10,x,i2,x,a10,x,i2,x,a10,x,i2)') &
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
select case (CPFEM_mode)
case (2,1) ! regular computation (with aging of results)
if (.not. CPFEM_calc_done) then ! puuh, me needs doing all the work...
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write (6,*) 'puuh me needs doing all the work', cp_en
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
if (CPFEM_mode == 1) then ! age results at start of new increment
CPFEM_Fp_old = CPFEM_Fp_new
constitutive_state_old = constitutive_state_new
GIA_rVect_old = GIA_rVect_new
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write (6,*) '#### aged results'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
debug_cutbackDistribution = 0_pInt ! initialize debugging data
debug_InnerLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_OuterLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
do e=1,mesh_NcpElems ! ## this shall be done in a parallel loop in the future ##
do i=1,FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) ! iterate over all IPs of this element's type
debugger = (e==1 .and. i==1) ! switch on debugging for first IP in first element
call CPFEM_MaterialPoint(CPFEM_updateJaco, CPFEM_dt, i, e)
call debug_info() ! output of debugging/performance statistics
CPFEM_calc_done = .true. ! now calc is done
! translate from P and dP/dF to CS and dCS/dE
!!$OMP CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
Kirchhoff_bar = math_mul33x33(CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en),transpose(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en)))
!!$OMP END CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
J_inverse = 1.0_pReal/math_det3x3(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in, cp_en))
CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = math_Mandel33to6(J_inverse*Kirchhoff_bar)
H_bar = 0.0_pReal
forall(i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
H_bar(i,j,k,l) = H_bar(i,j,k,l) + &
(CPFEM_ffn1_bar(j,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*CPFEM_ffn1_bar(l,n,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*CPFEM_dPdF_bar(i,m,k,n,CPFEM_in,cp_en) - &
math_I3(j,l)*CPFEM_ffn1_bar(i,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*CPFEM_PK1_bar(k,m,CPFEM_in,cp_en)) + &
0.5_pReal*(math_I3(i,k)*Kirchhoff_bar(j,l) + math_I3(j,l)*Kirchhoff_bar(i,k) + &
math_I3(i,l)*Kirchhoff_bar(j,k) + math_I3(j,k)*Kirchhoff_bar(i,l))
forall(i=1:3,j=1:3,k=1:3,l=1:3) &
H_bar_sym(i,j,k,l)= 0.25_pReal*(H_bar(i,j,k,l) +H_bar(j,i,k,l) +H_bar(i,j,l,k) +H_bar(j,i,l,k))
CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = math_Mandel3333to66(J_inverse*H_bar)
case (3) ! collect and return odd result
CPFEM_Temperature(CPFEM_in,cp_en) = Temperature
CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn
CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = ffn1
CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_stress
CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_odd_jacobian*math_identity2nd(CPFEM_ngens)
CPFEM_calc_done = .false.
case (4) ! do nothing since we can recycle the former results (MARC specialty)
case (5) ! record consistent tangent at beginning of new increment
CPFEM_jaco_knownGood = CPFEM_jaco_bar
case (6) ! restore consistent tangent after cutback
CPFEM_jaco_bar = CPFEM_jaco_knownGood
end select
! return the local stress and the jacobian from storage
CPFEM_stress(1:CPFEM_ngens) = CPFEM_stress_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
CPFEM_jaco(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens) = CPFEM_jaco_bar(1:CPFEM_ngens,1:CPFEM_ngens,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
! if (cp_en == 1 .and. CPFEM_in == 1) write (6,*) 'stress',CPFEM_stress
! if (cp_en == 1 .and. CPFEM_in == 1 .and. CPFEM_updateJaco) write (6,*) 'stiffness',CPFEM_jaco
! if (cp_en == 1 .and. CPFEM_in == 1) write (6,*) 'vector',GIA_rVect_new(:,:,1,1)
!*** calculate the material point behaviour ***
updateJaco,& ! flag to initiate Jacobian updating
CPFEM_dt,& ! Time increment (dt)
CPFEM_in,& ! Integration point number
cp_en) ! Element number
use prec
use FEsolving, only: theCycle
use debug
use math, only: math_pDecomposition,math_RtoEuler,inDeg,math_I3,math_invert3x3,math_permut,math_invert,math_delta
use IO, only: IO_error
use mesh, only: mesh_element
use crystallite
use constitutive
implicit none
character(len=128) msg
integer(pInt) cp_en,CPFEM_in,grain,max_cutbacks,i,j,k,l,m,n,iBoun,NRiter,dummy,ii,jj,kk,ll,ip,jp
logical updateJaco,error,NRconvergent,failed
real(pReal) CPFEM_dt,volfrac,dTime,shMod,C_kb,resNorm,resMax,subStep,subFrac,temp1,temp2
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: F0_bar,F1_bar,dF_bar,PK1_per,F1_per
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: U,R
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,8) :: PK1,Fp0,Fp1,Fe1,F1,F0
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,12) :: GPK1,GF1,Nye,GRB1
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3,8) :: dPdF
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3,12) :: dRdX1
real(pReal), dimension(36) :: var,res
real(pReal), dimension(36,36) :: dresdvar,dvardres
real(pReal), dimension(3,12) :: rx,rVect
real(pReal), dimension(12) :: NyeNorm
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_maxNstatevars,8) :: state0,state1
if (texture_Ngrains(mesh_element(4,cp_en)) /= 8_pInt) then
call IO_error(800)
CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = 0.0_pReal ! zero out average first PK stress
if (updateJaco) CPFEM_dPdF_bar(:,:,:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = 0.0_pReal ! zero out average consistent tangent
! ------------- GIA loop --------------------
! collect information
shMod = 0.2_pReal*(material_C11(1) - material_C12(1)) + 0.3_pReal*material_C44(1) ! equivalent shear modulus
C_kb = material_bg(1)*shMod/material_GrainSize(1) ! equivalent boundary stiffness
F0_bar = CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) ! effective deformation gradient at t_n
state0 = constitutive_state_old(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) ! state variables at t_n
Fp0 = CPFEM_Fp_old(:,:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) ! grain plastic def. gradient at t_n
rVect = GIA_rVect_old(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) ! relaxation vectors from previous convergent step
dF_bar = CPFEM_ffn1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) - CPFEM_ffn_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) ! deformation gradient increment
subFrac = 0.0_pReal
subStep = 1.0_pReal
! Substepping procedure to improve N-R iteration
SubStepping: do
dTime = subStep*CPFEM_dt
call GIA_RelaxedDeformation(F0,F0_bar,rVect) ! def. gradient of indiv. grains at t_n
F1_bar = F0_bar + subStep*dF_bar ! effective def. gradient at t_n+1
forall (iBoun=1:12,i=1:3) var(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+i) = rVect(i,iBoun) ! primary variable: relaxation vector
! Newton-Raphson iteration block
NRiter = 1_pInt
NRIteration: do
forall (iBoun=1:12,i=1:3) rx(i,iBoun) = var(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+i) ! relaxation vectors (guess)
! deformation gradients of grains at t_n+1 (guess)
call GIA_RelaxedDeformation(F1,F1_bar,rx)
! -------------- grain loop -----------------
do grain = 1,texture_Ngrains(mesh_element(4,cp_en))
call SingleCrystallite(msg,PK1(:,:,grain),dPdF(:,:,:,:,grain),&
Fp1(:,:,grain),Fe1(:,:,grain),state1(:,grain),& ! output up to here
if (msg /= 'ok') then ! solution not reached --> exit NRIteration
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'GIA: grain loop failed to converge @ EL:',cp_en,' IP:',CPFEM_in
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRiteration
enddo ! grain loop
! calculate the deformation jump and stress jump across the boundaries
call GIA_BoundaryJump(GF1,F1)
call GIA_BoundaryJump(GPK1,PK1)
! compute the Nye tensor at the boundary
Nye = 0.0_pReal
NyeNorm = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
Nye(i,j,iBoun) = Nye(i,j,iBoun) - 0.5_pReal*math_permut(j,k,l)*GIA_bNorm(k,iBoun)*GF1(i,l,iBoun)
NyeNorm(iBoun) = NyeNorm(iBoun) + Nye(i,j,iBoun)*Nye(i,j,iBoun)
NyeNorm(iBoun) = sqrt(NyeNorm(iBoun))
if (NyeNorm(iBoun) > 1.0e-8_pReal) Nye(:,:,iBoun) = Nye(:,:,iBoun)/NyeNorm(iBoun)
! compute the stress-like penalty at the boundary
GRB1 = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
GRB1(i,j,iBoun) = GRB1(i,j,iBoun) + Nye(i,k,iBoun)*GIA_bNorm(l,iBoun)*math_permut(k,l,j)
GRB1(:,:,iBoun) = 0.5_pReal*(C_kb + C_kb)*GRB1(:,:,iBoun)
! compute the resiudal of stress at the boundary
res = 0.0_pReal
resNorm = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do j = 1,3
do i = 1,3
res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j) = res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j) - &
GIA_bNorm(i,iBoun)*(GPK1(i,j,iBoun) - GRB1(i,j,iBoun))
resNorm = resNorm + res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j)*res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j)
resNorm = sqrt(resNorm)
if (debugger) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(x,a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)')'EL:',cp_en,' IP:',CPFEM_in,' Iter:',NRiter,' RNorm:',resNorm
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
if (NRiter == 1_pInt) resMax = resNorm
if ((resNorm < resToler*resMax) .or. (resNorm < resAbsol)) then ! resNorm < tolerance ===> convergent
NRconvergent = .true.
exit NRiteration
elseif ((NRiter > NRiterMax) .or. (resNorm > resBound*resMax)) then ! resNorm > up. bound ===> substepping
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRiteration
else ! update the residual
dRdX1 = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
if (NyeNorm(iBoun) < 1.0e-8_pReal) NyeNorm(iBoun) = 1.0e-8_pReal
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
temp1 = 0.0_pReal
temp2 = 0.0_pReal
do ii = 1,3
do jj = 1,3
do kk = 1,3
temp1 = temp1 + GIA_bNorm(jj,iBoun)*math_permut(ii,jj,j)*math_delta(i,k)* &
do ll = 1,3
temp2 = temp2 + Nye(i,ii,iBoun)*GIA_bNorm(jj,iBoun)*math_permut(ii,jj,j)* &
dRdX1(i,j,k,l,iBoun) = 0.25_pReal*(C_kb + C_kb)*(temp1 - temp2)/NyeNorm(iBoun)
call GIA_JacobianMatrix(dresdvar,dPdF,dRdX1)
dvardres = 0.0_pReal
call math_invert(36,dresdvar,dvardres,dummy,failed)
if (failed) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'GIA: failed to invert the Jacobian @ EL:',cp_en,' IP:',CPFEM_in
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRiteration
forall (i=1:36,j=1:36) var(i) = var(i) - dvardres(i,j)*res(j)
NRiter = NRiter + 1_pInt
enddo NRIteration ! End of N-R iteration blok
if (.not. NRconvergent) then
subStep = 0.5_pReal*subStep
subFrac = subFrac + subStep
subStep = 1.0_pReal - subFrac
Fp0 = Fp1
F0_bar = F1_bar
state0 = state1
rVect = rx
if (subStep < subStepMin) exit SubStepping
enddo SubStepping ! End of substepping blok
! ------------- GIA loop (end) --------------
! return to the general subroutine when convergence is not reached
if (.not. NRconvergent) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,'(x,a)') 'GIA: convergence is not reached @ EL:',cp_en,' IP:',CPFEM_in
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
call IO_error(600)
! updates all variables, deformation gradients, and vectors
GIA_rVect_new(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = rVect
CPFEM_Fp_new(:,:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = Fp1
constitutive_state_new(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = state1
! compute the effective stress and consistent tangent
do grain = 1,texture_Ngrains(mesh_element(4,cp_en))
volfrac = constitutive_matVolFrac(grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*constitutive_texVolFrac(grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) + &
volfrac*PK1(:,:,grain) ! average Cauchy stress
! update results plotted in MENTAT
call math_pDecomposition(Fe1(:,:,grain),U,R,error) ! polar decomposition
if (error) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) Fe1(:,:,grain)
write(6,*) 'polar decomposition'
write(6,*) 'Grain: ',grain
write(6,*) 'Integration point: ',CPFEM_in
write(6,*) 'Element: ',mesh_element(1,cp_en)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
call IO_error(650)
CPFEM_results(1:3,grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = math_RtoEuler(transpose(R))*inDeg ! orientation
CPFEM_results(4 ,grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = volfrac ! volume fraction of orientation
if (theCycle >= 0_pInt) then
forall (grain=1:texture_Ngrains(mesh_element(4,cp_en))) &
CPFEM_dPdF_bar(:,:,:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = CPFEM_dPdF_bar(:,:,:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en) + volfrac*dPdF(:,:,:,:,grain)
do ip = 1,3
do jp = 1,3
F1_per = F1_bar
F1_per(ip,jp) = F1_per(ip,jp) + 1.0e-5_pReal
forall (iBoun=1:12,i=1:3) var(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+i) = rVect(i,iBoun)
NRiter = 1_pInt
NRPerturbation: do
forall (iBoun=1:12,i=1:3) rx(i,iBoun) = var(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+i) ! relaxation vectors (guess)
call GIA_RelaxedDeformation(F1,F1_bar,rx)
do grain = 1,8
call SingleCrystallite(msg,PK1(:,:,grain),dPdF(:,:,:,:,grain),&
Fp1(:,:,grain),Fe1(:,:,grain),state1(:,grain),& ! output up to here
if (msg /= 'ok') then ! solution not reached --> exit NRIteration
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'GIA: perturbation grain loop failed to converge within allowable step-size'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRPerturbation
call GIA_BoundaryJump(GF1,F1)
call GIA_BoundaryJump(GPK1,PK1)
Nye = 0.0_pReal
NyeNorm = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
Nye(i,j,iBoun) = Nye(i,j,iBoun) - 0.5_pReal*math_permut(j,k,l)*GIA_bNorm(k,iBoun)*GF1(i,l,iBoun)
NyeNorm(iBoun) = NyeNorm(iBoun) + Nye(i,j,iBoun)*Nye(i,j,iBoun)
NyeNorm(iBoun) = sqrt(NyeNorm(iBoun))
if (NyeNorm(iBoun) > 1.0e-8_pReal) Nye(:,:,iBoun) = Nye(:,:,iBoun)/NyeNorm(iBoun)
GRB1 = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
GRB1(i,j,iBoun) = GRB1(i,j,iBoun) + Nye(i,k,iBoun)*GIA_bNorm(l,iBoun)*math_permut(k,l,j)
GRB1(:,:,iBoun) = 0.5_pReal*(C_kb + C_kb)*GRB1(:,:,iBoun)
res = 0.0_pReal
resNorm = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
do j = 1,3
do i = 1,3
res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j) = res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j) - &
GIA_bNorm(i,iBoun)*(GPK1(i,j,iBoun) - GRB1(i,j,iBoun))
resNorm = resNorm + res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j)*res(3_pInt*(iBoun-1_pInt)+j)
resNorm = sqrt(resNorm)
! if (debugger) then
!!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
! write(6,'(x,a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)')'EL = ',cp_en,':IP = ',CPFEM_in,':pert = ',3*(ip-1)+jp,':Iter = ',NRiter,':RNorm = ',resNorm
!!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! endif
if (NRiter == 1_pInt) resMax = resNorm
if ((resNorm < resToler*resMax) .or. (resNorm < resAbsol)) then ! resNorm < tolerance ===> convergent
NRconvergent = .true.
exit NRPerturbation
elseif ((NRiter > NRiterMax) .or. (resNorm > resBound*resMax)) then ! resNorm > up. bound ===> substepping
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRPerturbation
else ! update the residual
dRdX1 = 0.0_pReal
do iBoun = 1,12
if (NyeNorm(iBoun) < 1.0e-8_pReal) NyeNorm(iBoun) = 1.0e-8_pReal
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
temp1 = 0.0_pReal
temp2 = 0.0_pReal
do ii = 1,3
do jj = 1,3
do kk = 1,3
temp1 = temp1 + GIA_bNorm(jj,iBoun)*math_permut(ii,jj,j)*math_delta(i,k)* &
do ll = 1,3
temp2 = temp2 + Nye(i,ii,iBoun)*GIA_bNorm(jj,iBoun)*math_permut(ii,jj,j)* &
dRdX1(i,j,k,l,iBoun) = 0.25_pReal*(C_kb + C_kb)*(temp1 - temp2)/NyeNorm(iBoun)
call GIA_JacobianMatrix(dresdvar,dPdF,dRdX1)
dvardres = 0.0_pReal
call math_invert(36,dresdvar,dvardres,dummy,failed)
if (failed) then
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) 'GIA: perturbation failed to invert the Jacobian'
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
NRconvergent = .false.
exit NRPerturbation
forall (i=1:36,j=1:36) var(i) = var(i) - dvardres(i,j)*res(j)
NRiter = NRiter + 1_pInt
enddo NRPerturbation ! End of N-R iteration blok
PK1_per = 0.0_pReal
do grain = 1,texture_Ngrains(mesh_element(4,cp_en))
volfrac = constitutive_matVolFrac(grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en)*constitutive_texVolFrac(grain,CPFEM_in,cp_en)
PK1_per = PK1_per + volfrac*PK1(:,:,grain)
CPFEM_dPdF_bar(:,:,ip,jp,CPFEM_in,cp_en) = (PK1_per - CPFEM_PK1_bar(:,:,CPFEM_in,cp_en))/1.0e-5_pReal
! Calculates the relaxed deformation gradients of grains
subroutine GIA_RelaxedDeformation(&
F,& ! relaxed deformation gradient of grains
F_bar,& ! effective deformation gradient
r) ! relaxation vectors at boundary
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: F_bar
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,8) :: F
real(pReal), dimension(3,12) :: r,n
integer(pInt) i,j,iBoun,grain
n = GIA_bNorm
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
F(i,j,1) = F_bar(i,j) + n(i, 1)*r(j, 1) + n(i, 5)*r(j, 5) + n(i, 9)*r(j, 9)
F(i,j,2) = F_bar(i,j) - n(i, 1)*r(j, 1) + n(i, 6)*r(j, 6) + n(i,10)*r(j,10)
F(i,j,3) = F_bar(i,j) + n(i, 2)*r(j, 2) - n(i, 5)*r(j, 5) + n(i,11)*r(j,11)
F(i,j,4) = F_bar(i,j) - n(i, 2)*r(j, 2) - n(i, 6)*r(j, 6) + n(i,12)*r(j,12)
F(i,j,5) = F_bar(i,j) + n(i, 3)*r(j, 3) + n(i, 7)*r(j, 7) - n(i, 9)*r(j, 9)
F(i,j,6) = F_bar(i,j) - n(i, 3)*r(j, 3) + n(i, 8)*r(j, 8) - n(i,10)*r(j,10)
F(i,j,7) = F_bar(i,j) + n(i, 4)*r(j, 4) - n(i, 7)*r(j, 7) - n(i,11)*r(j,11)
F(i,j,8) = F_bar(i,j) - n(i, 4)*r(j, 4) - n(i, 8)*r(j, 8) - n(i,12)*r(j,12)
! Calculates the jump of tensors across the grain boundary
subroutine GIA_BoundaryJump(&
F_boun,& ! tensor jump across the boundary
F_bulk) ! bulk tensor
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,12) :: F_boun
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,8) :: F_bulk
integer(pInt) i,j,iBoun,grain
F_boun(:,:, 1) = F_bulk(:,:,2) - F_bulk(:,:,1)
F_boun(:,:, 2) = F_bulk(:,:,4) - F_bulk(:,:,3)
F_boun(:,:, 3) = F_bulk(:,:,6) - F_bulk(:,:,5)
F_boun(:,:, 4) = F_bulk(:,:,8) - F_bulk(:,:,7)
F_boun(:,:, 5) = F_bulk(:,:,3) - F_bulk(:,:,1)
F_boun(:,:, 6) = F_bulk(:,:,4) - F_bulk(:,:,2)
F_boun(:,:, 7) = F_bulk(:,:,7) - F_bulk(:,:,5)
F_boun(:,:, 8) = F_bulk(:,:,8) - F_bulk(:,:,6)
F_boun(:,:, 9) = F_bulk(:,:,5) - F_bulk(:,:,1)
F_boun(:,:,10) = F_bulk(:,:,6) - F_bulk(:,:,2)
F_boun(:,:,11) = F_bulk(:,:,7) - F_bulk(:,:,3)
F_boun(:,:,12) = F_bulk(:,:,8) - F_bulk(:,:,4)
! Calculates the jump of tensors across the grain boundary
subroutine GIA_JacobianMatrix(&
dresdvar,& ! Jacobian matrix
dPdF,& ! stress consistent tangent of bulk
dRdX) ! stress-like penalty tangent at boundary
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3,8) :: dPdF
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3,12) :: dRdX
real(pReal), dimension(36,36) :: dresdvar
real(pReal), dimension(3,12) :: n
integer(pInt) i,j,k,l
n = GIA_bNorm
dresdvar = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,3
do k = 1,3
do l = 1,3
do j = 1,3
! at boundary 1, influenced by boundary +5, -6, +9, -10
dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2))*n(i, 1)*n(k, 1) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1))*n(i, 1)*n(k, 1)
dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 5) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 5)
dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 6) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 6)
dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 9) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k, 9)
dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 1-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 1)*n(k,10) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 1)*n(k,10)
! at boundary 2, influenced by boundary -5, +6, +11, -12
dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4))*n(i, 2)*n(k, 2) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2))*n(i, 2)*n(k, 2)
dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 2)*n(k, 5) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 2)*n(k, 5)
dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 2)*n(k, 6) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 2)*n(k, 6)
dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 2)*n(k,11) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 2)*n(k,11)
dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 2-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 2)*n(k,12) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 2)*n(k,12)
! at boundary 3, influenced by boundary +7, -8, -9, +10
dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6))*n(i, 3)*n(k, 3) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3))*n(i, 3)*n(k, 3)
dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 7) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 7)
dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 8) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 8)
dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 9) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 3)*n(k, 9)
dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 3-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 3)*n(k,10) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 3)*n(k,10)
! at boundary 4, influenced by boundary -7, +8, -11, +12
dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8))*n(i, 4)*n(k, 4) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4))*n(i, 4)*n(k, 4)
dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 4)*n(k, 7) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 4)*n(k, 7)
dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 4)*n(k, 8) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 4)*n(k, 8)
dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 4)*n(k,11) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 4)*n(k,11)
dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 4-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 4)*n(k,12) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 4)*n(k,12)
! at boundary 5, influenced by boundary +1, -2, +9, -11
dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3))*n(i, 5)*n(k, 5) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5))*n(i, 5)*n(k, 5)
dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 1) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 1)
dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 2) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 2)
dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 9) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 5)*n(k, 9)
dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 5-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i, 5)*n(k,11) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 5)*n(k,11)
! at boundary 6, influenced by boundary -1, +2, +10, -12
dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4))*n(i, 6)*n(k, 6) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6))*n(i, 6)*n(k, 6)
dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 6)*n(k, 1) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 6)*n(k, 1)
dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 6)*n(k, 2) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 6)*n(k, 2)
dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i, 6)*n(k,10) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 6)*n(k,10)
dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 6-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i, 6)*n(k,12) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 6)*n(k,12)
! at boundary 7, influenced by boundary +3, -4, -9, +11
dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7))*n(i, 7)*n(k, 7) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7))*n(i, 7)*n(k, 7)
dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 3) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 3)
dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 4) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 4)
dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 9) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k, 9)
dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 7-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k,11) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i, 7)*n(k,11)
! at boundary 8, influenced by boundary -3, +4, -10, +12
dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8))*n(i, 8)*n(k, 8) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8))*n(i, 8)*n(k, 8)
dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 8)*n(k, 3) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k, 3)
dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k, 4) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k, 4)
dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i, 8)*n(k,10) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k,10)
dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 8-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k,12) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i, 8)*n(k,12)
! at boundary 9, influenced by boundary +1, -3, +5, -7
dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 9-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5))*n(i, 9)*n(k, 9) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9) + dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9))*n(i, 9)*n(k, 9)
dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 1) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 1)
dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 3) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 3)
dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 1)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 5) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 5)
dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar(( 9-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 5)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 7) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l, 9)*n(i, 9)*n(k, 7)
! at boundary 10, influenced by boundary -1, +3, +6, -8
dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,(10-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6))*n(i,10)*n(k,10) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l,10) + dRdX(i,j,k,l,10))*n(i,10)*n(k,10)
dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 1-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i,10)*n(k, 1) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,10)*n(i,10)*n(k, 1)
dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 3-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i,10)*n(k, 3) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,10)*n(i,10)*n(k, 3)
dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 2)*n(i,10)*n(k, 6) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,10)*n(i,10)*n(k, 6)
dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((10-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 6)*n(i,10)*n(k, 8) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,10)*n(i,10)*n(k, 8)
! at boundary 11, influenced by boundary +2, -4, -5, +7
dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,(11-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7))*n(i,11)*n(k,11) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l,11) + dRdX(i,j,k,l,11))*n(i,11)*n(k,11)
dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i,11)*n(k, 2) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,11)*n(i,11)*n(k, 2)
dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i,11)*n(k, 4) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,11)*n(i,11)*n(k, 4)
dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 5-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 3)*n(i,11)*n(k, 5) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,11)*n(i,11)*n(k, 5)
dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((11-1)*3 + j,( 7-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 7)*n(i,11)*n(k, 7) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,11)*n(i,11)*n(k, 7)
! at boundary 12, influenced by boundary -2, +4, -6, +8
dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,(12-1)*3 + l) &
+ (dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8))*n(i,12)*n(k,12) &
+ (dRdX(i,j,k,l,12) + dRdX(i,j,k,l,12))*n(i,12)*n(k,12)
dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 2-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i,12)*n(k, 2) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,12)*n(i,12)*n(k, 2)
dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 4-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i,12)*n(k, 4) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,12)*n(i,12)*n(k, 4)
dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 6-1)*3 + l) - dPdF(i,j,k,l, 4)*n(i,12)*n(k, 6) &
- dRdX(i,j,k,l,12)*n(i,12)*n(k, 6)
dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) = dresdvar((12-1)*3 + j,( 8-1)*3 + l) + dPdF(i,j,k,l, 8)*n(i,12)*n(k, 8) &
+ dRdX(i,j,k,l,12)*n(i,12)*n(k, 8)
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
MODULE FEsolving
use prec, only: pInt,pReal
implicit none
integer(pInt) cycleCounter
integer(pInt) theInc,theCycle,theLovl
real(pReal) theTime
logical :: lastIncConverged = .false.,outdatedByNewInc = .false.,outdatedFFN1 = .false.
logical :: symmetricSolver = .false.
logical :: parallelExecution = .true.
! determine wether a symmetric solver is used
subroutine FE_init()
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
integer(pInt), parameter :: fileunit = 222
integer(pInt), dimension (1+2*2) :: pos
character(len=1024) line
if (IO_open_inputFile(fileunit)) then
read (fileunit,'(a1024)',END=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,1)
if( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1)) == 'solver' ) then
read (fileunit,'(a1024)',END=100) line ! Garbage line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,2)
symmetricSolver = (IO_intValue(line,pos,2) /= 1_pInt)
call IO_error(100) ! cannot open input file
100 close(fileunit)
end subroutine
@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
! function IO_open_file(unit,relPath)
! function IO_open_inputFile(unit)
! function IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName)
! private function hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
! function IO_stringPos(line,maxN)
! function IO_stringValue(line,positions,pos)
! function IO_floatValue(line,positions,pos)
! function IO_intValue(line,positions,pos)
! function IO_fixedStringValue(line,ends,pos)
! function IO_fixedFloatValue(line,ends,pos)
! function IO_fixedFloatNoEValue(line,ends,pos)
! function IO_fixedIntValue(line,ends,pos)
! function IO_continousIntValues(unit,maxN)
! function IO_lc(line)
! subroutine IO_lcInplace(line)
! subroutine IO_error(ID)
! subroutine IO_warning(ID)
! open existing file to given unit
! path to file is relative to working directory
logical FUNCTION IO_open_file(unit,relPath)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! /, \
character(len=*) relPath
integer(pInt) unit
character(256) path
inquire(6, name=path) ! determine outputfile
IO_open_file = .true.
100 IO_open_file = .false.
! open FEM inputfile to given unit
logical FUNCTION IO_open_inputFile(unit)
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
implicit none
character(256) outName
integer(pInt) unit, extPos
character(3) ext
inquire(6, name=outName) ! determine outputfileName
extPos = len_trim(outName)-2
if(outName(extPos:extPos+2)=='out') then
ext='dat' ! MARC
ext='inp' ! ABAQUS
end if
IO_open_inputFile = .true.
100 IO_open_inputFile = .false.
! hybrid IA repetition counter
FUNCTION hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(3) :: steps
integer(pInt) hybridIA_reps, phi1,Phi,phi2
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(steps(3),steps(2),steps(1)) :: dV_V
real(pReal), intent(in) :: C
hybridIA_reps = 0_pInt
do phi1=1,steps(1)
do Phi =1,steps(2)
do phi2=1,steps(3)
hybridIA_reps = hybridIA_reps+nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt)
end do
end do
end do
! hybrid IA sampling of ODFfile
FUNCTION IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName)
use prec, only: pReal, pInt
use math, only: inRad
implicit none
character(len=*) ODFfileName
character(len=80) line
character(len=*), parameter :: fileFormat = '(A80)'
integer(pInt) i,j,bin,Nast,NnonZero,Nset,Nreps,reps,phi1,Phi,phi2
integer(pInt), dimension(7) :: pos
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: steps
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: binSet
real(pReal) center,sum_dV_V,prob,dg_0,C,lowerC,upperC,rnd
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: limits,deltas
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dV_V
real(pReal), dimension(3,Nast) :: IO_hybridIA
if (.not. IO_open_file(999,ODFfileName)) goto 100
!--- parse header of ODF file ---
!--- limits in phi1, Phi, phi2 ---
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,3)
if (pos(1).ne.3) goto 100
do i=1,3
limits(i) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i)*inRad
end do
!--- deltas in phi1, Phi, phi2 ---
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,3)
if (pos(1).ne.3) goto 100
do i=1,3
deltas(i) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i)*inRad
end do
steps = nint(limits/deltas,pInt)
!--- box boundary/center at origin? ---
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
if (index(IO_lc(line),'bound')>0) then
center = 0.5_pReal
center = 0.0_pReal
end if
!--- skip blank line ---
read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
sum_dV_V = 0.0_pReal
dV_V = 0.0_pReal
dg_0 = deltas(1)*deltas(3)*2.0_pReal*sin(deltas(2)/2.0_pReal)
NnonZero = 0_pInt
do phi1=1,steps(1)
do Phi=1,steps(2)
do phi2=1,steps(3)
read(999,fmt=*,end=100) prob
if (prob > 0.0_pReal) then
NnonZero = NnonZero+1
sum_dV_V = sum_dV_V+prob
prob = 0.0_pReal
end if
dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1) = prob*dg_0*sin((Phi-1.0_pReal+center)*deltas(2))
end do
end do
end do
dV_V = dV_V/sum_dV_V ! normalize to 1
!--- now fix bounds ---
Nset = max(Nast,NnonZero)
lowerC = 0.0_pReal
upperC = real(Nset, pReal)
do while (hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,upperC) < Nset)
lowerC = upperC
upperC = upperC*2.0_pReal
end do
!--- binary search for best C ---
C = (upperC+lowerC)/2.0_pReal
Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
if (abs(upperC-lowerC) < upperC*1.0e-14_pReal) then
C = upperC
Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
elseif (Nreps < Nset) then
lowerC = C
elseif (Nreps > Nset) then
upperC = C
end if
end do
bin = 0 ! bin counter
i = 1 ! set counter
do phi1=1,steps(1)
do Phi=1,steps(2)
do phi2=1,steps(3)
reps = nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt)
binSet(i:i+reps-1) = bin
bin = bin+1 ! advance bin
i = i+reps ! advance set
end do
end do
end do
do i=1,Nast
if (i < Nast) then
call random_number(rnd)
j = nint(rnd*(Nast-i)+i+0.5_pReal,pInt)
j = i
end if
bin = binSet(j)
IO_hybridIA(1,i) = deltas(1)*(mod(bin/(steps(3)*steps(2)),steps(1))+center) ! phi1
IO_hybridIA(2,i) = deltas(2)*(mod(bin/ steps(3) ,steps(2))+center) ! Phi
IO_hybridIA(3,i) = deltas(3)*(mod(bin ,steps(3))+center) ! phi2
binSet(j) = binSet(i)
end do
! on error
100 IO_hybridIA = -1
! identifies lines without content
PURE FUNCTION IO_isBlank (line)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), parameter :: blank = achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
character(len=*), parameter :: comment = achar(35) ! comment id '#'
integer(pInt) posNonBlank, posComment
logical IO_isBlank
posNonBlank = verify(line,blank)
posComment = scan(line,comment)
IO_isBlank = posNonBlank == 0 .or. posNonBlank == posComment
! get tagged content of line
PURE FUNCTION IO_getTag (line,openChar,closechar)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line,openChar,closeChar
character(len=*), parameter :: sep=achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
character(len=len_trim(line)) IO_getTag
integer(pInt) left,right
IO_getTag = ''
left = scan(line,openChar)
right = scan(line,closeChar)
if (left == verify(line,sep) .and. right > left) & ! openChar is first and closeChar occurs
IO_getTag = line(left+1:right-1)
FUNCTION IO_countSections(file,part)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: part
integer(pInt) IO_countSections
character(len=1024) line
IO_countSections = 0
line = ''
do while (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part) ! search for part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') & ! found [section] identifier
IO_countSections = IO_countSections + 1
100 return
! return array of myTag counts within <part> for at most N[sections]
FUNCTION IO_countTagInPart(file,part,myTag,Nsections)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file, Nsections
character(len=*), intent(in) :: part, myTag
integer(pInt), dimension(Nsections) :: IO_countTagInPart, counter
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 1
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section
character(len=1024) line,tag
counter = 0_pInt
section = 0_pInt
line = ''
do while (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part) ! search for part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') & ! found [section] identifier
section = section + 1
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
if (tag == myTag) & ! match
counter(section) = counter(section) + 1
100 IO_countTagInPart = counter
! return array of myTag presence within <part> for at most N[sections]
FUNCTION IO_spotTagInPart(file,part,myTag,Nsections)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file, Nsections
character(len=*), intent(in) :: part, myTag
logical, dimension(Nsections) :: IO_spotTagInPart
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 1
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section
character(len=1024) line,tag
IO_spotTagInPart = .false. ! assume to nowhere spot tag
section = 0_pInt
line = ''
do while (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part) ! search for part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') & ! found [section] identifier
section = section + 1
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
if (tag == myTag) & ! match
IO_spotTagInPart(section) = .true.
100 return
! locate at most N space-separated parts in line
! return array containing number of parts found and
! their left/right positions to be used by IO_xxxVal
PURE FUNCTION IO_stringPos (line,N)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), parameter :: sep=achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: N
integer(pInt) part
integer(pInt) IO_stringPos(1+N*2)
IO_stringPos = -1
IO_stringPos(1) = 0
part = 1
do while ((N<1 .or. part<=N) .and. verify(line(IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+1:),sep)>0)
IO_stringPos(part*2) = IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+verify(line(IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+1:),sep)
IO_stringPos(part*2+1) = IO_stringPos(part*2)+scan(line(IO_stringPos(part*2):),sep)-2
part = part+1
end do
IO_stringPos(1) = part-1
! read string value at pos from line
PURE FUNCTION IO_stringValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
character(len=1+positions(pos*2+1)-positions(pos*2)) IO_stringValue
if (positions(1) < pos) then
IO_stringValue = ''
IO_stringValue = line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1))
! read string value at pos from fixed format line
PURE FUNCTION IO_fixedStringValue (line,ends,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*),pos
character(len=ends(pos+1)-ends(pos)) IO_fixedStringValue
IO_fixedStringValue = line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1))
! read float value at pos from line
PURE FUNCTION IO_floatValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
real(pReal) IO_floatValue
if (positions(1) >= pos) then
read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_floatValue
100 IO_floatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
! read float value at pos from fixed format line
PURE FUNCTION IO_fixedFloatValue (line,ends,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*),pos
real(pReal) IO_fixedFloatValue
read(UNIT=line(ends(pos-1)+1:ends(pos)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedFloatValue
100 IO_fixedFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
! read float x.y+z value at pos from format line line
PURE FUNCTION IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (line,ends,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*),pos
integer(pInt) pos_exp,expon
real(pReal) IO_fixedNoEFloatValue,base
pos_exp = scan(line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),'+-',back=.true.)
if (pos_exp > 1) then
read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos)+pos_exp-1),ERR=100,FMT=*) base
read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+pos_exp:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) expon
read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) base
expon = 0_pInt
IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = base*10.0_pReal**expon
100 IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal)
! read int value at pos from line
PURE FUNCTION IO_intValue (line,positions,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: positions(*),pos
integer(pInt) IO_intValue
if (positions(1) >= pos) then
read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_intValue
100 IO_intValue = huge(1_pInt)
! read int value at pos from fixed format line
PURE FUNCTION IO_fixedIntValue (line,ends,pos)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ends(*),pos
integer(pInt) IO_fixedIntValue
read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedIntValue
100 IO_fixedIntValue = huge(1_pInt)
! change character in line to lower case
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character (len=*), intent(in) :: line
character (len=len(line)) IO_lc
integer(pInt) i
IO_lc = line
do i=1,len(line)
if(64<iachar(line(i:i)) .and. iachar(line(i:i))<91) IO_lc(i:i)=achar(iachar(line(i:i))+32)
! in place change of character in line to lower case
SUBROUTINE IO_lcInplace (line)
use prec, only: pInt
implicit none
character (len=*) line
character (len=len(line)) IO_lc
integer(pInt) i
IO_lc = line
do i=1,len(line)
if(64<iachar(line(i:i)) .and. iachar(line(i:i))<91) IO_lc(i:i)=achar(iachar(line(i:i))+32)
line = IO_lc
! read on in file to skip (at least) N chunks (may be over multiple lines)
SUBROUTINE IO_skipChunks (unit,N)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt) remainingChunks,unit,N
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 64
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: pos
character(len=300) line
remainingChunks = N
do while (remainingChunks > 0)
read(unit,'(A300)',end=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
remainingChunks = remainingChunks - pos(1)
end do
100 return
! count items in consecutive lines of ints concatenated by "c"
! as last char or range of values a "to" b
FUNCTION IO_countContinousIntValues (unit)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt) IO_countContinousIntValues,unit
integer(pInt), dimension(67) :: pos ! allow for 32 values excl "c"
character(len=300) line
IO_countContinousIntValues = 0
read(unit,'(A300)',end=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,33)
if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,2)) == 'to' ) then ! found range indicator
IO_countContinousIntValues = IO_countContinousIntValues+1+IO_intValue(line,pos,3)-IO_intValue(line,pos,1)
IO_countContinousIntValues = IO_countContinousIntValues+pos(1)-1
if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,pos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value
IO_countContinousIntValues = IO_countContinousIntValues+1
100 return
! read consecutive lines of ints concatenated by "c" as last char
! or range of values a "to" b
FUNCTION IO_continousIntValues (unit,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN)
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
integer(pInt) unit,maxN,i
integer(pInt), dimension(1+maxN) :: IO_continousIntValues
integer(pInt), dimension(67) :: pos ! allow for 32 values excl "c"
character(len=64), dimension(:) :: lookupName
integer(pInt) :: lookupMaxN
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:) :: lookupMap
character(len=300) line
IO_continousIntValues = 0_pInt
read(unit,'(A300)',end=100) line
pos = IO_stringPos(line,33)
if (verify(IO_stringValue(line,pos,1),"0123456789") > 0) then ! a non-int, i.e. set name
do i = 1,lookupMaxN ! loop over known set names
if (IO_stringValue(line,pos,1) == lookupName(i)) then ! found matching name
IO_continousIntValues = lookupMap(:,i) ! return resp. entity list
else if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,2)) == 'to' ) then ! found range indicator
do i = IO_intValue(line,pos,1),IO_intValue(line,pos,3)
IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1
IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = i
do i = 1,pos(1)-1 ! interpret up to second to last value
IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1
IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i)
if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,pos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value
IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1
IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,pos,pos(1))
100 return
! write error statements to standard out
! and terminate the Marc run with exit #9xxx
! in ABAQUS either time step is reduced or execution terminated
SUBROUTINE IO_error(ID,e,i,g,ext_msg)
use prec, only: pInt
use debug
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ID
integer(pInt), optional, intent(in) :: e,i,g
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
character(len=80) msg
select case (ID)
case (0)
msg = 'Unable to open input file'
case (100)
msg = 'Error reading from configuration file'
case (105)
msg = 'Error reading from ODF file'
case (110)
msg = 'No homogenization specified via State Variable 2'
case (120)
msg = 'No microstructure specified via State Variable 3'
case (130)
msg = 'Homogenization index out of bounds'
case (140)
msg = 'Microstructure index out of bounds'
case (150)
msg = 'Phase index out of bounds'
case (160)
msg = 'Texture index out of bounds'
case (170)
msg = 'Sum of phase fractions differs from 1'
case (200)
msg = 'Unknown constitution specified'
case (201)
msg = 'Unknown lattice type specified'
case (202)
msg = 'Number of slip systems too small'
case (203)
msg = 'Negative initial slip resistance'
case (204)
msg = 'Non-positive reference shear rate'
case (205)
msg = 'Non-positive stress exponent'
case (206)
msg = 'Non-positive initial hardening slope'
case (207)
msg = 'Non-positive saturation stress'
case (208)
msg = 'Non-positive w0'
case (209)
msg = 'Negative latent hardening ratio'
case (220)
msg = 'Negative initial dislocation density'
case (221)
msg = 'Negative Bugers vector'
case (222)
msg = 'Negative activation energy for edge dislocation glide'
case (223)
msg = 'Negative self diffusion energy'
case (224)
msg = 'Negative diffusion constant'
case (240)
msg = 'Non-positive Taylor factor'
case (300)
msg = 'This material can only be used with elements with three direct stress components'
case (500)
msg = 'Unknown lattice type specified'
case (600)
msg = 'Convergence not reached'
case (610)
msg = 'Stress loop not converged'
case (700)
msg = 'Singular matrix in stress iteration'
case (800)
msg = 'GIA requires 8 grains per IP (bonehead, you!)'
case default
msg = 'Unknown error number...'
end select
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) '+------------------------------+'
write(6,*) '+ ERROR +'
write(6,*) '+ +'
write(6,*) msg
if (present(ext_msg)) write(6,*) ext_msg
if (present(e)) then
if (present(i) .and. present(g)) then
write(6,'(a10,x,i6,x,a2,x,i2,x,a5,x,i4)') 'at element',e,'IP',i,'grain',g
write(6,'(a2,x,i6)') 'at',e
write(6,*) '+------------------------------+'
call debug_info()
call flush(6)
call quit(9000+ID)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
! ABAQUS returns in some cases
! write warning statements to standard out
SUBROUTINE IO_warning(ID,e,i,g,ext_msg)
use prec, only: pInt
use debug
implicit none
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ID
integer(pInt), optional, intent(in) :: e,i,g
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
character(len=80) msg
select case (ID)
case (650)
msg = 'Polar decomposition failed'
case default
msg = 'Unknown warning number...'
end select
!$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
write(6,*) '+------------------------------+'
write(6,*) '+ warning +'
write(6,*) '+ +'
write(6,*) msg
if (present(ext_msg)) write(6,*) ext_msg
if (present(e)) then
if (present(i) .and. present(g)) then
write(6,'(a10,x,i6,x,a2,x,i2,x,a5,x,i4)') 'at element',e,'IP',i,'grain',g
write(6,'(a2,x,i6)') 'at',e
write(6,*) '+------------------------------+'
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
! reformated to free format
! File: concom.cmn
! MSC.Marc include file
integer(pInt) &
iacous, iasmbl, iautth, ibear, icompl, iconj, icreep, ideva, idyn, idynt,&
ielas, ielcma, ielect, iform, ifour, iharm, ihcps, iheat, iheatt, ihresp,&
ijoule, ilem, ilnmom, iloren, inc, incext, incsub, ipass, iplres, ipois,&
ipoist, irpflo, ismall, ismalt, isoil, ispect, ispnow, istore, iswep, ithcrp,&
itherm, iupblg, iupdat, jacflg, jel, jparks, largst, lfond, loadup, loaduq,&
lodcor, lovl, lsub, magnet, ncycle, newtnt, newton, noshr, linear, ivscpl,&
icrpim, iradrt, ipshft, itshr, iangin, iupmdr, iconjf, jincfl, jpermg, jhour,&
isolvr, jritz, jtable, jshell, jdoubl, jform, jcentr, imini, kautth, iautof,&
ibukty, iassum, icnstd, icnstt, kmakmas, imethvp,iradrte,iradrtp, iupdate,iupdatp,&
ncycnt, marmen ,idynme, ihavca, ispf, kmini, imixed, largtt, kdoela, iautofg,&
ipshftp,idntrc, ipore, jtablm, jtablc, isnecma,itrnspo,imsdif, jtrnspo,mcnear,&
imech, imecht, ielcmat, ielectt,magnett, imsdift,noplas, jtabls, jactch, jtablth,&
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, ioffsetm,iharmt, inc_incdat,iautspc,ibrake, icbush ,istream_input,&
iacous, iasmbl, iautth, ibear, icompl, iconj, icreep, ideva(50), idyn, idynt,&
ielas, ielcma, ielect, iform, ifour, iharm, ihcps, iheat, iheatt, ihresp,&
ijoule, ilem, ilnmom, iloren, inc, incext, incsub, ipass, iplres, ipois,&
ipoist, irpflo, ismall, ismalt, isoil, ispect, ispnow, istore, iswep, ithcrp,&
itherm, iupblg, iupdat, jacflg, jel, jparks, largst, lfond, loadup, loaduq,&
lodcor, lovl, lsub, magnet, ncycle, newtnt, newton, noshr, linear, ivscpl,&
icrpim, iradrt, ipshft, itshr, iangin, iupmdr, iconjf, jincfl, jpermg, jhour,&
isolvr, jritz, jtable, jshell, jdoubl, jform, jcentr, imini, kautth, iautof,&
ibukty, iassum, icnstd, icnstt, kmakmas, imethvp,iradrte,iradrtp, iupdate,iupdatp,&
ncycnt, marmen ,idynme, ihavca, ispf, kmini, imixed, largtt, kdoela, iautofg,&
ipshftp,idntrc, ipore, jtablm, jtablc, isnecma,itrnspo,imsdif, jtrnspo,mcnear,&
imech, imecht, ielcmat, ielectt,magnett, imsdift,noplas, jtabls, jactch, jtablth,&
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, ioffsetm,iharmt, inc_incdat,iautspc,ibrake, icbush ,istream_input,&
! comments of variables:
! ideva(50) - debug print out flag
! 1 print element stiffness matrices, mass matrix
! 2 output matrices used in tying
! 3 force the solution of a nonpositive definite matrix
! 4 print info of connections to each node
! 5 info of gap convergence, internal heat generated, contact
! touching and separation
! 6 nodal value array during rezoning
! 7 tying info in CONRAD GAP option, fluid element numbers in
! CHANNEL option
! 8 output incremental displacements in local coord. system
! 9 latent heat output
! 10 stress-strain in local coord. system
! 11 additional info on interlaminar stress
! 12 output right hand side and solution vector
! 13 info of CPU resources used and memory available on NT
! 14 info of mesh adaption process, 2D outline information
! info of penetration checking for remeshing
! save .fem files after afmesh3d meshing
! 15 surface energy balance flag
! 16 print info regarding pyrolysis
! 17 print info of "streamline topology"
! 18 print mesh data changes after remeshing
! 19 print material flow stress data read in from *.mat file
! if unit flag is on, print out flow stress after conversion
! 20 print information on table input
! 21 print out information regarding kinematic boundary conditions
! 22 print out information regarding dist loads, point loads, film
! and foundations
! 23 print out information about automatic domain decomposition
! 24 print out iteration information in SuperForm status report file
! 25 print out information for ablation
! 26 print out information for films - Table input
! 27 print out the tying forces
! 28 print out for CASI solver, convection,
! 29 DDM single file debug printout
! 30 print out cavity debug info
! 31 print out welding related info
! 32 prints categorized DDM memory usage
! 33 print out the cutting info regarding machining feature
! 34 print out the list of quantities which can be defined via a table
! and for each quantity the supported independent variables
! 35 print out detailed coupling region info
! 36 print out solver debug info level 1 (Least Detailed)
! 37 print out solver debug info level 1 (Medium Detailed)
! 38 print out solver debug info level 1 (Very Detailed)
! 39 print detailed memory allocation info
! 40 print out marc-adams debug info
! 41 output rezone mapping post file for debugging
! 42 output post file after calling oprofos() for debugging
! 43 debug printout for vcct
! 44 debug printout for progressive failure
! 45 print out automatically generated midside node coordinates (arecrd)
! 46 print out message about routine and location, where the ibort is raised (ibort_inc)
! 47 print out summary message of element variables on a
! group-basis after all the automatic changes have been
! made (em_ellibp)
! 48 Automatically generate check results based on max and min vals.
! These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted
! into the *dat file by the generate_check_results script from /marc/tools
! 49 Automatically generate check results based on the real calculated values
! at the sppecified check result locations.
! These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted
! into the *dat file by the update_check_results script from /marc/tools
! jactch = 1 or 2 if elements are activated or deactivated
! = 3 if elements are adaptively remeshed or rezoned
! = 0 normally / reset to 0 when assembly is done
! ifricsh = 0 call to fricsh in otest not needed
! = 1 call to fricsh (nodal friction) in otest needed
! iremkin = 0 remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions
! immediately - only in new input format (this is default)
! = 1 remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions
! gradually - only in new input format
! iremfor = 0 remove force boundary conditions immediately -
! only in new input format (this is default)
! = 1 remove force boundary conditions gradually -
! only in new input format (this is default)
! ishearp set to 1 if shear panel elements are present in the model
! jspf = 0 not in spf loadcase
! > 0 in spf loadcase (jspf=1 during first increment)
! machining = 1 if the metal cutting feature is used, for memory allocation purpose
! = 0 (default) if no metal cutting feature required
! jlshell = 1 if there is a shell element in the mesh
! icompsol = 1 if there is a composite solid element in the mesh
! iupblgfo = 1 if follower force for point loads
! jcondir = 1 if contact priority option is used
! nstcrp = 0 (default) steady state creep flag (undocumented feature.
! if not 0, turns off special ncycle = 0 code in radial.f)
! nactive = number of active passes, if =1 then it's not a coupled analysis
! ipassref = reference ipass, if not in a multiphysics pass ipass=ipassref
! icheckmpc = value of mpc-check parameter option
! noline = set to 1 in osolty if no line seacrh should be done in ogetst
! icuring = set to 1 if the curing is included for the heat transfer analysis.
! ishrink = set to 1 if shrinkage strain is included for mechancial analysis.
! ioffsflg = 1 for small displacement beam/shell offsets
! = 2 for large displacement beam/shell offsets
! isetoff = 0 - do not apply beam/shell offsets
! = 1 - apply beam/shell offsets
! ioffsetm = min. value of offset flag
! inc_incdat = flag to record increment number of a new loadcase in incdat.f
! iautspc = flag for AutoSPC option
! ibrake = brake squeal in this increment
! icbush = set to 1 if cbush elements present in model
! istream_input = set to 1 for streaming input calling Marc as library
! iprsinp = set to 1 if pressure input, introduced so other variables
! such as h could be a function of pressure
! ivlsinp = set to 1 if velocity input, introduced so other variables
! such as h could be a function of velocity
! ipin_m = # of beam element with PIN flag
! jgnstr_glb = global control over pre or fast integrated composite shells
! imarc_return = Marc return flag for streaming input control
! iqvcimp = if non-zero, then the number of QVECT boundary conditions
! nqvceid = number of QVECT boundary conditions, where emisivity/absorbtion id entered
! istpnx = 1 if to stop at end of increment
! imicro1 = 1 if micro1 interface is used
! iaxisymm = set to 1 if axisymmetric analysis
! jbreakglue = set to 1 if breaking glued option is used
! iglstif = 1 if ddm and global stiffness matrix formed (sgi solver 6 or solver9)
! jfastasm = 1 do fast assembly using SuperForm code
! iwear = set to 1 if wear model, set to 2 if wear model and coordinates updated
! iwearcf = set to 1 to store nodal coefficient of friction for wear calculation
! imixmeth = set=1 then use nonlinear mixture material - allocate memory
! ielcmadyn = flag for magnetodynamics
! 0 - electromagnetics using newmark beta
! 1 - transient magnetics using backward euler
! idinout = flag to control if inside out elements should be deactivated
! igena_meth = 0 - generalized alpha parameters depend on whether or not contact
! is flagged (dynamic,7)
! 10 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for a contact
! analysis (dynamic,8)
! 11 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for an analysis
! without contact (dynamic,8)
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
! reformated to free format
! File: concom.cmn
! MSC.Marc include file
integer(pInt) &
iacous, iasmbl, iautth, ibear, icompl, iconj, icreep, ideva, idyn, idynt,&
ielas, ielcma, ielect, iform, ifour, iharm, ihcps, iheat, iheatt, ihresp,&
ijoule, ilem, ilnmom, iloren, inc, incext, incsub, ipass, iplres, ipois,&
ipoist, irpflo, ismall, ismalt, isoil, ispect, ispnow, istore, iswep, ithcrp,&
itherm, iupblg, iupdat, jacflg, jel, jparks, largst, lfond, loadup, loaduq,&
lodcor, lovl, lsub, magnet, ncycle, newtnt, newton, noshr, linear, ivscpl,&
icrpim, iradrt, ipshft, itshr, iangin, iupmdr, iconjf, jincfl, jpermg, jhour,&
isolvr, jritz, jtable, jshell, jdoubl, jform, jcentr, imini, kautth, iautof,&
ibukty, iassum, icnstd, icnstt, kmakmas, imethvp,iradrte,iradrtp, iupdate,iupdatp,&
ncycnt, marmen ,idynme, ihavca, ispf, kmini, imixed, largtt, kdoela, iautofg,&
ipshftp,idntrc, ipore, jtablm, jtablc, isnecma,itrnspo,imsdif, jtrnspo,mcnear,&
imech, imecht, ielcmat, ielectt,magnett, imsdift,noplas, jtabls, jactch, jtablth,&
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, ioffsetm,iharmt, inc_incdat,iautspc,ibrake, icbush ,istream_input,&
iaxisymm,jbreakglue,iglstif,jfastasm,iwear, iwearcf, imixmeth,ielcmadyn,idinout,igena_meth
integer(pInt) num_concom
iacous, iasmbl, iautth, ibear, icompl, iconj, icreep, ideva(50), idyn, idynt,&
ielas, ielcma, ielect, iform, ifour, iharm, ihcps, iheat, iheatt, ihresp,&
ijoule, ilem, ilnmom, iloren, inc, incext, incsub, ipass, iplres, ipois,&
ipoist, irpflo, ismall, ismalt, isoil, ispect, ispnow, istore, iswep, ithcrp,&
itherm, iupblg, iupdat, jacflg, jel, jparks, largst, lfond, loadup, loaduq,&
lodcor, lovl, lsub, magnet, ncycle, newtnt, newton, noshr, linear, ivscpl,&
icrpim, iradrt, ipshft, itshr, iangin, iupmdr, iconjf, jincfl, jpermg, jhour,&
isolvr, jritz, jtable, jshell, jdoubl, jform, jcentr, imini, kautth, iautof,&
ibukty, iassum, icnstd, icnstt, kmakmas, imethvp,iradrte,iradrtp, iupdate,iupdatp,&
ncycnt, marmen ,idynme, ihavca, ispf, kmini, imixed, largtt, kdoela, iautofg,&
ipshftp,idntrc, ipore, jtablm, jtablc, isnecma,itrnspo,imsdif, jtrnspo,mcnear,&
imech, imecht, ielcmat, ielectt,magnett, imsdift,noplas, jtabls, jactch, jtablth,&
kgmsto ,jpzo, ifricsh, iremkin,iremfor, ishearp,jspf, machining, jlshell,icompsol,&
iupblgfo,jcondir,nstcrp, nactive,ipassref, nstspnt,ibeart,icheckmpc, noline, icuring,&
ishrink,ioffsflg,isetoff, ioffsetm,iharmt, inc_incdat,iautspc,ibrake, icbush ,istream_input,&
iaxisymm,jbreakglue,iglstif,jfastasm,iwear, iwearcf, imixmeth, ielcmadyn,idinout,igena_meth
! comments of variables:
! ideva(50) - debug print out flag
! 1 print element stiffness matrices, mass matrix
! 2 output matrices used in tying
! 3 force the solution of a nonpositive definite matrix
! 4 print info of connections to each node
! 5 info of gap convergence, internal heat generated, contact
! touching and separation
! 6 nodal value array during rezoning
! 7 tying info in CONRAD GAP option, fluid element numbers in
! CHANNEL option
! 8 output incremental displacements in local coord. system
! 9 latent heat output
! 10 stress-strain in local coord. system
! 11 additional info on interlaminar stress
! 12 output right hand side and solution vector
! 13 info of CPU resources used and memory available on NT
! 14 info of mesh adaption process, 2D outline information
! info of penetration checking for remeshing
! save .fem files after afmesh3d meshing
! 15 surface energy balance flag
! 16 print info regarding pyrolysis
! 17 print info of "streamline topology"
! 18 print mesh data changes after remeshing
! 19 print material flow stress data read in from *.mat file
! if unit flag is on, print out flow stress after conversion
! 20 print information on table input
! 21 print out information regarding kinematic boundary conditions
! 22 print out information regarding dist loads, point loads, film
! and foundations
! 23 print out information about automatic domain decomposition
! 24 print out iteration information in SuperForm status report file
! 25 print out information for ablation
! 26 print out information for films - Table input
! 27 print out the tying forces
! 28 print out for CASI solver, convection,
! 29 DDM single file debug printout
! 30 print out cavity debug info
! 31 print out welding related info
! 32 prints categorized DDM memory usage
! 33 print out the cutting info regarding machining feature
! 34 print out the list of quantities which can be defined via a table
! and for each quantity the supported independent variables
! 35 print out detailed coupling region info
! 36 print out solver debug info level 1 (Least Detailed)
! 37 print out solver debug info level 1 (Medium Detailed)
! 38 print out solver debug info level 1 (Very Detailed)
! 39 print detailed memory allocation info
! 40 print out marc-adams debug info
! 41 output rezone mapping post file for debugging
! 42 output post file after calling oprofos() for debugging
! 43 debug printout for vcct
! 44 debug printout for progressive failure
! 45 print out automatically generated midside node coordinates (arecrd)
! 46 print out message about routine and location, where the ibort is raised (ibort_inc)
! 47 print out summary message of element variables on a
! group-basis after all the automatic changes have been
! made (em_ellibp)
! 48 Automatically generate check results based on max and min vals.
! These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted
! into the *dat file by the generate_check_results script from /marc/tools
! 49 Automatically generate check results based on the real calculated values
! at the sppecified check result locations.
! These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted
! into the *dat file by the update_check_results script from /marc/tools
! jactch = 1 or 2 if elements are activated or deactivated
! = 3 if elements are adaptively remeshed or rezoned
! = 0 normally / reset to 0 when assembly is done
! ifricsh = 0 call to fricsh in otest not needed
! = 1 call to fricsh (nodal friction) in otest needed
! iremkin = 0 remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions
! immediately - only in new input format (this is default)
! = 1 remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions
! gradually - only in new input format
! iremfor = 0 remove force boundary conditions immediately -
! only in new input format (this is default)
! = 1 remove force boundary conditions gradually -
! only in new input format (this is default)
! ishearp set to 1 if shear panel elements are present in the model
! jspf = 0 not in spf loadcase
! > 0 in spf loadcase (jspf=1 during first increment)
! machining = 1 if the metal cutting feature is used, for memory allocation purpose
! = 0 (default) if no metal cutting feature required
! jlshell = 1 if there is a shell element in the mesh
! icompsol = 1 if there is a composite solid element in the mesh
! iupblgfo = 1 if follower force for point loads
! jcondir = 1 if contact priority option is used
! nstcrp = 0 (default) steady state creep flag (undocumented feature.
! if not 0, turns off special ncycle = 0 code in radial.f)
! nactive = number of active passes, if =1 then it's not a coupled analysis
! ipassref = reference ipass, if not in a multiphysics pass ipass=ipassref
! icheckmpc = value of mpc-check parameter option
! noline = set to 1 in osolty if no line seacrh should be done in ogetst
! icuring = set to 1 if the curing is included for the heat transfer analysis.
! ishrink = set to 1 if shrinkage strain is included for mechancial analysis.
! ioffsflg = 1 for small displacement beam/shell offsets
! = 2 for large displacement beam/shell offsets
! isetoff = 0 - do not apply beam/shell offsets
! = 1 - apply beam/shell offsets
! ioffsetm = min. value of offset flag
! inc_incdat = flag to record increment number of a new loadcase in incdat.f
! iautspc = flag for AutoSPC option
! ibrake = brake squeal in this increment
! icbush = set to 1 if cbush elements present in model
! istream_input = set to 1 for streaming input calling Marc as library
! iprsinp = set to 1 if pressure input, introduced so other variables
! such as h could be a function of pressure
! ivlsinp = set to 1 if velocity input, introduced so other variables
! such as h could be a function of velocity
! ipin_m = # of beam element with PIN flag
! jgnstr_glb = global control over pre or fast integrated composite shells
! imarc_return = Marc return flag for streaming input control
! iqvcimp = if non-zero, then the number of QVECT boundary conditions
! nqvceid = number of QVECT boundary conditions, where emisivity/absorbtion id entered
! istpnx = 1 if to stop at end of increment
! imicro1 = 1 if micro1 interface is used
! iaxisymm = set to 1 if axisymmetric analysis
! jbreakglue = set to 1 if breaking glued option is used
! iglstif = 1 if ddm and global stiffness matrix formed (sgi solver 6 or solver9)
! jfastasm = 1 do fast assembly using SuperForm code
! iwear = set to 1 if wear model, set to 2 if wear model and coordinates updated
! iwearcf = set to 1 to store nodal coefficient of friction for wear calculation
! imixmeth = set=1 then use nonlinear mixture material - allocate memory
! ielcmadyn = flag for magnetodynamics
! 0 - electromagnetics using newmark beta
! 1 - transient magnetics using backward euler
! idinout = flag to control if inside out elements should be deactivated
! igena_meth = 0 - generalized alpha parameters depend on whether or not contact
! is flagged (dynamic,7)
! 10 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for a contact
! analysis (dynamic,8)
! 11 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for an analysis
! without contact (dynamic,8)
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - parameters definition *
MODULE constitutive
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec
implicit none
type(p_vec), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_state_old, & ! pointer array to old state variables of each grain
constitutive_state_new ! pointer array to new state variables of each grain
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_sizeDotState, & ! size of dotState array
constitutive_sizeState, & ! size of state array per grain
constitutive_sizePostResults ! size of postResults array per grain
integer(pInt) constitutive_maxSizeDotState,constitutive_maxSizeState,constitutive_maxSizePostResults
!* - constitutive_init
!* - constitutive_homogenizedC
!* - constitutive_microstructure
!* - constitutive_LpAndItsTangent
!* - constitutive_dotState
!* - constitutive_postResults
subroutine constitutive_init()
!* Module initialization *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use IO, only: IO_error, IO_open_file
use mesh, only: mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems,mesh_element,FE_Nips
use material
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
integer(pInt), parameter :: fileunit = 200
integer(pInt) e,i,g,myInstance
if(.not. IO_open_file(fileunit,material_configFile)) call IO_error (100) ! corrupt config file
call constitutive_phenomenological_init(fileunit) ! parse all phases of this constitution
call constitutive_j2_init(fileunit)
call constitutive_dislobased_init(fileunit)
allocate(constitutive_sizeDotState(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; constitutive_sizeDotState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_sizeState(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; constitutive_sizeState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_sizePostResults(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; constitutive_sizePostResults = 0_pInt
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems ! loop over elements
do i = 1,FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) ! loop over IPs
do g = 1,homogenization_Ngrains(mesh_element(3,e)) ! loop over grains
myInstance = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(g,i,e))
select case(phase_constitution(material_phase(g,i,e)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_phenomenological_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_state_old(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_phenomenological_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeDotState(g,i,e) = constitutive_phenomenological_sizeDotState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeState(g,i,e) = constitutive_phenomenological_sizeState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizePostResults(g,i,e) = constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(myInstance)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_j2_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_state_old(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_j2_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeDotState(g,i,e) = constitutive_j2_sizeDotState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeState(g,i,e) = constitutive_j2_sizeState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizePostResults(g,i,e) = constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(myInstance)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
constitutive_state_new(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_dislobased_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_state_old(g,i,e)%p = constitutive_dislobased_stateInit(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeDotState(g,i,e) = constitutive_dislobased_sizeDotState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizeState(g,i,e) = constitutive_dislobased_sizeState(myInstance)
constitutive_sizePostResults(g,i,e) = constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(myInstance)
case default
call IO_error(200,material_phase(g,i,e)) ! unknown constitution
end select
constitutive_maxSizeDotState = maxval(constitutive_sizeDotState)
constitutive_maxSizeState = maxval(constitutive_sizeState)
constitutive_maxSizePostResults = maxval(constitutive_sizePostResults)
end subroutine
function constitutive_homogenizedC(ipc,ip,el)
!* This function returns the homogenized elacticity matrix *
!* INPUT: *
!* - state : state variables *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use material, only: phase_constitution,material_phase
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: constitutive_homogenizedC
select case (phase_constitution(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
constitutive_homogenizedC = constitutive_phenomenological_homogenizedC(constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
constitutive_homogenizedC = constitutive_j2_homogenizedC(constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
constitutive_homogenizedC = constitutive_dislobased_homogenizedC(constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
end select
end function
subroutine constitutive_microstructure(Temperature,ipc,ip,el)
!* This function calculates from state needed variables *
!* INPUT: *
!* - state : state variables *
!* - Tp : temperature *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use material, only: phase_constitution,material_phase
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
real(pReal) Temperature
select case (phase_constitution(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
call constitutive_phenomenological_microstructure(Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
call constitutive_j2_microstructure(Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
call constitutive_dislobased_microstructure(Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar, Tstar_v,Temperature,ipc,ip,el)
!* This subroutine contains the constitutive equation for *
!* calculating the velocity gradient *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - Lp : plastic velocity gradient *
!* - dLp_dTstar : derivative of Lp (4th-order tensor) *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use material, only: phase_constitution,material_phase
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
real(pReal) Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: dLp_dTstar
select case (phase_constitution(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
call constitutive_phenomenological_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
call constitutive_j2_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
call constitutive_dislobased_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
end select
end subroutine
function constitutive_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,ipc,ip,el)
!* This subroutine contains the constitutive equation for *
!* calculating the rate of change of microstructure *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - state : current microstructure *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - constitutive_dotState : evolution of state variable *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use material, only: phase_constitution,material_phase
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
real(pReal) Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_sizeDotState(ipc,ip,el)) :: constitutive_dotState
select case (phase_constitution(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
constitutive_dotState = constitutive_phenomenological_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
constitutive_dotState = constitutive_j2_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
constitutive_dotState = constitutive_dislobased_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
end select
end function
pure function constitutive_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,ipc,ip,el)
!* return array of constitutive results *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - dt : current time increment *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use material, only: phase_constitution,material_phase
use constitutive_phenomenological
use constitutive_j2
use constitutive_dislobased
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
real(pReal), intent(in) :: dt,Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_sizePostResults(ipc,ip,el)) :: constitutive_postResults
constitutive_postResults = 0.0_pReal
select case (phase_constitution(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))
case (constitutive_phenomenological_label)
constitutive_postResults = constitutive_phenomenological_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_j2_label)
constitutive_postResults = constitutive_j2_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
case (constitutive_dislobased_label)
constitutive_postResults = constitutive_dislobased_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,constitutive_state_new,ipc,ip,el)
end select
end function
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - parameters definition *
!* - orientations *
! [Alu]
! constitution dislobased
! (output) dislodensity
! (output) rateofshear
! lattice_structure 1
! Nslip 12
! c11 106.75e9
! c12 60.41e9
! c44 28.34e9
! burgers 2.86e-10 # Burgers vector [m]
! Qedge 3e-19 # Activation energy for dislocation glide [J/K] (0.5*G*b^3)
! Qsd 2.4e-19 # Activation energy for self diffusion [J/K] (gamma-iron)
! diff0 1e-3 # prefactor vacancy diffusion coeffficent (gamma-iron)
! interaction_coefficients 1.0 2.2 3.0 1.6 3.8 4.5 # Dislocation interaction coefficients
! rho0 6.0e12 # Initial dislocation density [m/m^3]
! c1 0.1 # Passing stress adjustment
! c2 2.0 # Jump width adjustment
! c3 1.0 # Activation volume adjustment
! c4 50.0 # Average slip distance adjustment for lock formation
! c7 8.0 # Athermal recovery adjustment
! c8 1.0e10 # Thermal recovery adjustment (plays no role for me)
MODULE constitutive_dislobased
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character (len=*), parameter :: constitutive_dislobased_label = 'dislobased'
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_sizeDotState, &
constitutive_dislobased_sizeState, &
character(len=64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_output
character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_structureName
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_structure
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Nslip
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_C11
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_C12
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_C13
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_C33
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_C44
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Gmod
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66
!* Visco-plastic constitutive_phenomenological parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_rho0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_bg
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Qedge
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Qsd
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_D0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c1
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c2
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c3
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c4
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c5
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c6
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c7
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_c8
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_CoverA
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_SlipIntCoeff
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Iparallel
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_dislobased_Iforest
!* Definition of material properties *
!* Physical parameter, attack_frequency != Debye frequency
real(pReal), parameter :: attack_frequency = 1.0e10_pReal
!* Physical parameter, Boltzmann constant in J/Kelvin
real(pReal), parameter :: kB = 1.38e-23_pReal
!* Physical parameter, Avogadro number in 1/mol
real(pReal), parameter :: avogadro = 6.022e23_pReal
!* Physical parameter, Gas constant in J.mol/Kelvin
real(pReal), parameter :: Rgaz = 8.314_pReal
!* - constitutive_init
!* - constitutive_homogenizedC
!* - constitutive_microstructure
!* - constitutive_LpAndItsTangent
!* - consistutive_dotState
!* - consistutive_postResults
subroutine constitutive_dislobased_init(file)
!* Module initialization *
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_Mandel3333to66, math_Voigt66to3333, math_mul3x3
use IO
use material
use lattice, only: lattice_sn, lattice_st, lattice_interactionSlipSlip, lattice_initializeStructure
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 7
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section, maxNinstance, i,j,k,l, output
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
real(pReal) x,y
maxNinstance = count(phase_constitution == constitutive_dislobased_label)
if (maxNinstance == 0) return
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_sizeDotState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_sizeDotState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_sizeState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_sizeState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(maxNinstance)); constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), &
maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_output = ''
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_structureName(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_structureName = ''
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_structure(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_structure = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_Nslip = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_C11(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_C11 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_C12(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_C12 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_C13(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_C13 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_C33(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_C33 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_C44(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_C44 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_Gmod(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_Gmod = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(6,6,maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_rho0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_rho0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_bg(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_bg = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_Qedge(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_Qedge = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_Qsd(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_Qsd = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_D0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_D0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c1(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c1 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c2(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c2 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c3(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c3 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c4(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c4 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c5(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c5 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c6(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c6 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c7(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c7 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_c8(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_c8 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_CoverA(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_CoverA = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_dislobased_SlipIntCoeff(6,maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_dislobased_SlipIntCoeff = 0.0_pReal
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= 'phase') ! wind forward to <phase>
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
do ! read thru sections of phase part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
output = 0 ! reset output counter
if (section > 0 .and. phase_constitution(section) == constitutive_dislobased_label) then ! one of my sections
i = phase_constitutionInstance(section) ! which instance of my constitution is present phase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('(output)')
output = output + 1
constitutive_dislobased_output(output,i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('lattice_structure')
constitutive_dislobased_structureName(i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('covera_ratio')
constitutive_dislobased_CoverA(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('nslip')
constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i) = IO_intValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c11')
constitutive_dislobased_C11(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c12')
constitutive_dislobased_C12(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c13')
constitutive_dislobased_C13(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c33')
constitutive_dislobased_C33(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c44')
constitutive_dislobased_C44(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('rho0')
constitutive_dislobased_rho0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('burgers')
constitutive_dislobased_bg(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('qedge')
constitutive_dislobased_Qedge(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('qsd')
constitutive_dislobased_Qsd(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('diff0')
constitutive_dislobased_D0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c1')
constitutive_dislobased_c1(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c2')
constitutive_dislobased_c2(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c3')
constitutive_dislobased_c3(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c4')
constitutive_dislobased_c4(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c5')
constitutive_dislobased_c5(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c6')
constitutive_dislobased_c6(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c7')
constitutive_dislobased_c7(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c8')
constitutive_dislobased_c8(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('interaction_coefficients')
forall (j=2:min(7,positions(1))) &
constitutive_dislobased_SlipIntCoeff(j-1,i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,j)
end select
100 do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_dislobased_structure(i) = lattice_initializeStructure(constitutive_dislobased_structureName(i), &
! sanity checks
if (constitutive_dislobased_structure(i) < 1) call IO_error(201)
if (constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i) < 1) call IO_error(202)
if (constitutive_dislobased_rho0(i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(220)
if (constitutive_dislobased_bg(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(221)
if (constitutive_dislobased_Qedge(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(222)
if (constitutive_dislobased_Qsd(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(223)
if (constitutive_dislobased_D0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(224)
do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_dislobased_sizeDotState(i) = constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
constitutive_dislobased_sizeState(i) = 8*constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
do j = 1,maxval(phase_Noutput)
select case(constitutive_dislobased_output(j,i))
constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(i) + constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(i) + constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
end select
constitutive_dislobased_Gmod(i) = constitutive_dislobased_C44(i)
select case (constitutive_dislobased_structure(i))
case(1:2) ! cubic(s)
forall(j=1:3) &
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(k,j,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C12(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(k,k,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C11(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(k+3,k+3,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C44(i)
end forall
case(3:) ! all hex
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(1,1,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C11(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(2,2,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C11(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(3,3,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C33(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(1,2,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C12(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(2,1,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C12(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(1,3,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C13(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(3,1,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C13(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(2,3,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C13(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(3,2,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C13(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(4,4,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C44(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(5,5,i) = constitutive_dislobased_C44(i)
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(6,6,i) = 0.5_pReal*(constitutive_dislobased_C11(i)- &
end select
constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(:,:,i) = &
!* Construction of the hardening matrices
!* Iteration over the systems
do j = 1,constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
do k = 1,constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(i)
!* Projection of the dislocation *
x = math_mul3x3(lattice_sn(:,j,i),lattice_st(:,k,i))
y = 1.0_pReal-x**(2.0_pReal)
!* Interaction matrix *
constitutive_dislobased_Iforest(j,k,i) = abs(x)*&
if (y>0.0_pReal) &
constitutive_dislobased_Iparallel(j,k,i) = sqrt(y)*&
end subroutine
function constitutive_dislobased_stateInit(myInstance)
!* initial microstructural state *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myInstance
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(myInstance)) :: constitutive_dislobased_stateInit
constitutive_dislobased_stateInit = constitutive_dislobased_rho0(myInstance)
end function
function constitutive_dislobased_homogenizedC(state,ipc,ip,el)
!* homogenized elacticity matrix *
!* INPUT: *
!* - state : state variables *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: constitutive_dislobased_homogenizedC
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
constitutive_dislobased_homogenizedC = constitutive_dislobased_Cslip_66(:,:,matID)
end function
subroutine constitutive_dislobased_microstructure(Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* calculate derived quantities from state (not used here) *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tp : temperature *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el,matID,n,i
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
!* Quantities derived from state - slip
!* State: 1 : n rho
!* n+1 : 2n rho_f
!* 2n+1 : 3n rho_p
!* 3n+1 : 4n passing stress
!* 4n+1 : 5n jump width
!* 5n+1 : 6n activation volume
!* 6n+1 : 7n rho_m
!* 7n+1 : 8n g0_slip
!$OMP CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
state(ipc,ip,el)%p((n+1):(2*n)) = matmul(constitutive_dislobased_Iforest (1:n,1:n,matID),state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1:n))
state(ipc,ip,el)%p((2*n+1):(3*n)) = matmul(constitutive_dislobased_Iparallel(1:n,1:n,matID),state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1:n))
!$OMP END CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
do i=1,n
state(ipc,ip,el)%p(3*n+i) = &
state(ipc,ip,el)%p(4*n+i) = &
state(ipc,ip,el)%p(5*n+i) = &
state(ipc,ip,el)%p(6*n+i) = &
state(ipc,ip,el)%p(7*n+i) = &
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_dislobased_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* plastic velocity gradient and its tangent *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - Lp : plastic velocity gradient *
!* - dLp_dTstar : derivative of Lp (4th-rank tensor) *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_Plain3333to99, math_mul6x6
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip,lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i,k,l,m,n
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: dLp_dTstar3333
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: dLp_dTstar
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
!* Calculation of Lp
Lp = 0.0_pReal
gdot_slip = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
tau_slip(i) = math_mul6x6(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_dislobased_structure(matID)))
if ((abs(tau_slip(i))-state(ipc,ip,el)%p(3*n+i))>0) &
gdot_slip(i) = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(7*n+i)*sign(1.0_pReal,tau_slip(i))*&
Lp = Lp + gdot_slip(i)*lattice_Sslip(:,:,i,constitutive_dislobased_structure(matID))
!* Calculation of the tangent of Lp
dLp_dTstar3333 = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
dgdot_dtauslip = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
if ((abs(tau_slip(i))-state(ipc,ip,el)%p(3*n+i))>0) &
dgdot_dtauslip(i) = (state(ipc,ip,el)%p(7*n+i)*state(ipc,ip,el)%p(5*n+i))/(kB*Temperature)*&
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,m,n) = dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,m,n) + &
dgdot_dtauslip(i)*lattice_Sslip(k,l,i,constitutive_dislobased_structure(matID))* &
dLp_dTstar = math_Plain3333to99(dLp_dTstar3333)
end subroutine
function constitutive_dislobased_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* rate of change of microstructure *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - constitutive_dotState : evolution of state variable *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i,n
real(pReal) Temperature,tau_slip,gdot_slip,locks,athermal_recovery,thermal_recovery
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
!* Dislocation density evolution
constitutive_dislobased_dotState = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,n
tau_slip = dot_product(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_dislobased_structure(matID)))
if (abs(tau_slip) > state(ipc,ip,el)%p(3*n+i)) then
gdot_slip = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(7*n+i)*sign(1.0_pReal,tau_slip)*&
locks = (sqrt(state(ipc,ip,el)%p(n+i))*abs(gdot_slip))/&
athermal_recovery = constitutive_dislobased_c7(matID)*state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i)*abs(gdot_slip)
!thermal_recovery = constitutive_dislobased_c8(matID)*abs(tau_slip)*state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i)**(2.0_pReal)*&
! ((constitutive_dislobased_D0(matID)*constitutive_dislobased_bg(matID)**(3.0_pReal))/&
! (kB*Temperature))*exp(-constitutive_dislobased_Qsd(matID)/(kB*Temperature))
constitutive_dislobased_dotState(i) = locks - athermal_recovery
end function
pure function constitutive_dislobased_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* return array of constitutive results *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - dt : current time increment *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_mul6x6
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase,phase_constitutionInstance,phase_Noutput
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
real(pReal), intent(in) :: dt,Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: state
integer(pInt) matID,o,i,c,n
real(pReal) tau_slip, active_rate
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_dislobased_sizePostResults(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_dislobased_Nslip(matID)
c = 0_pInt
constitutive_dislobased_postResults = 0.0_pReal
do o = 1,phase_Noutput(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
select case(constitutive_dislobased_output(o,matID))
case ('dislodensity')
constitutive_dislobased_postResults(c+1:c+n) = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1:n)
c = c + n
case ('rateofshear')
do i = 1,n
tau_slip = math_mul6x6(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_dislobased_structure(matID)))
if ((abs(tau_slip)-state(ipc,ip,el)%p(3*n+i))>0) then
constitutive_dislobased_postResults(c+i) = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(7*n+i)*sign(1.0_pReal,tau_slip)*&
constitutive_dislobased_postResults(c+i) = 0.0_pReal
c = c + n
end select
end function
@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
!* Module: CONSTITUTIVE_J2 *
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - parameters definition *
! [Alu]
! constitution j2
! (output) flowstress
! (output) strainrate
! c11 110.9e9 # (3 C11 + 2 C12 + 2 C44) / 5 ... with C44 = C11-C12 !!
! c12 58.34e9 # (1 C11 + 4 C12 - 1 C44) / 5
! taylorfactor 3
! s0 31e6
! gdot0 0.001
! n 20
! h0 75e6
! s_sat 63e6
! w0 2.25
MODULE constitutive_j2
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character (len=*), parameter :: constitutive_j2_label = 'j2'
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_sizeDotState, &
constitutive_j2_sizeState, &
character(len=64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_output
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_C11
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_C12
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_Cslip_66
!* Visco-plastic constitutive_j2 parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_fTaylor
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_s0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_gdot0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_n
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_h0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_s_sat
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_j2_w0
!* - constitutive_j2_init
!* - constitutive_j2_stateInit
!* - constitutive_j2_homogenizedC
!* - constitutive_j2_microstructure
!* - constitutive_j2_LpAndItsTangent
!* - consistutive_j2_dotState
!* - consistutive_j2_postResults
subroutine constitutive_j2_init(file)
!* Module initialization *
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_Mandel3333to66, math_Voigt66to3333
use IO
use material
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 7
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section, maxNinstance, i,j,k,l, output
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
maxNinstance = count(phase_constitution == constitutive_j2_label)
if (maxNinstance == 0) return
allocate(constitutive_j2_sizeDotState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_sizeDotState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_j2_sizeState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_sizeState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(maxNinstance)); constitutive_j2_sizePostResults = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_j2_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), &
maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_output = ''
allocate(constitutive_j2_C11(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_C11 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_C12(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_C12 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(6,6,maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_Cslip_66 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_fTaylor(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_fTaylor = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_s0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_s0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_gdot0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_gdot0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_n(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_n = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_h0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_h0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_s_sat(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_s_sat = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_j2_w0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_j2_w0 = 0.0_pReal
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= 'phase') ! wind forward to <phase>
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
do ! read thru sections of phase part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
output = 0 ! reset output counter
if (section > 0 .and. phase_constitution(section) == constitutive_j2_label) then ! one of my sections
i = phase_constitutionInstance(section) ! which instance of my constitution is present phase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('(output)')
output = output + 1
constitutive_j2_output(output,i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('c11')
constitutive_j2_C11(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c12')
constitutive_j2_C12(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('s0')
constitutive_j2_s0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('gdot0')
constitutive_j2_gdot0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('n')
constitutive_j2_n(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('h0')
constitutive_j2_h0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('s_sat')
constitutive_j2_s_sat(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('w0')
constitutive_j2_w0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('taylorfactor')
constitutive_j2_fTaylor(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
end select
100 do i = 1,maxNinstance ! sanity checks
if (constitutive_j2_s0(i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(203)
if (constitutive_j2_gdot0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(204)
if (constitutive_j2_n(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(205)
if (constitutive_j2_h0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(206)
if (constitutive_j2_s_sat(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(207)
if (constitutive_j2_w0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(208)
if (constitutive_j2_fTaylor(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(240)
do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_j2_sizeDotState(i) = 1
constitutive_j2_sizeState(i) = 1
do j = 1,maxval(phase_Noutput)
select case(constitutive_j2_output(j,i))
constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(i) + 1
constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(i) + 1
end select
forall(j=1:3) &
constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(k,j,i) = constitutive_j2_C12(i)
constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(k,k,i) = constitutive_j2_C11(i)
constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(k+3,k+3,i) = 0.5_pReal*(constitutive_j2_C11(i)-constitutive_j2_C12(i))
end forall
constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(:,:,i) = &
end subroutine
function constitutive_j2_stateInit(myInstance)
!* initial microstructural state *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myInstance
real(pReal), dimension(1) :: constitutive_j2_stateInit
constitutive_j2_stateInit = constitutive_j2_s0(myInstance)
end function
function constitutive_j2_homogenizedC(state,ipc,ip,el)
!* homogenized elacticity matrix *
!* INPUT: *
!* - state : state variables *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: constitutive_j2_homogenizedC
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
constitutive_j2_homogenizedC = constitutive_j2_Cslip_66(:,:,matID)
end function
subroutine constitutive_j2_microstructure(Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* calculate derived quantities from state (not used here) *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tp : temperature *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el, matID
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_j2_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* plastic velocity gradient and its tangent *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - Lp : plastic velocity gradient *
!* - dLp_dTstar : derivative of Lp (4th-rank tensor) *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_mul6x6,math_Mandel6to33,math_Plain3333to99
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip,lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i,k,l,m,n
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Tstar33
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: dLp_dTstar3333
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: dLp_dTstar
real(pReal) norm_Tstar, squarenorm_Tstar, factor
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
Tstar33 = math_Mandel6to33(Tstar_v)
squarenorm_Tstar = math_mul6x6(Tstar_v,Tstar_v)
norm_Tstar = dsqrt(squarenorm_Tstar)
!* Initialization of Lp and dLp_dTstar
Lp = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
!* for Tstar==0 both Lp and dLp_dTstar are zero (if not n==1)
if (norm_Tstar > 0) then
!* Calculation of Lp
Lp = Tstar33/norm_Tstar*constitutive_j2_gdot0(matID)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)* &
!* Calculation of the tangent of Lp
factor = constitutive_j2_gdot0(matID)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)* &
(dsqrt(1.5_pReal)/ constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1))**constitutive_j2_n(matID) * &
dLp_dTstar3333 = 0.0_pReal
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,m,n) = Tstar33(k,l)*Tstar33(m,n) * (constitutive_j2_n(matID)-1.0_pReal)/squarenorm_Tstar
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3) &
dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,k,l) = dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,k,l) + 1.0_pReal
dLp_dTstar = math_Plain3333to99(factor * dLp_dTstar3333)
end if
end subroutine
function constitutive_j2_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* rate of change of microstructure *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - constitutive_dotState : evolution of state variable *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_mul6x6
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(1) :: constitutive_j2_dotState
real(pReal) norm_Tstar
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
norm_Tstar = dsqrt(math_mul6x6(Tstar_v,Tstar_v))
constitutive_j2_dotState = constitutive_j2_gdot0(matID)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)* &
(dsqrt(1.5_pReal)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)*norm_Tstar/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1))** &
constitutive_j2_n(matID) * &
constitutive_j2_h0(matID)*(1.0_pReal-state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1)/constitutive_j2_s_sat(matID))** &
end function
pure function constitutive_j2_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* return array of constitutive results *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - dt : current time increment *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_mul6x6
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase,phase_constitutionInstance,phase_Noutput
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
real(pReal), intent(in) :: dt,Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: state
integer(pInt) matID,o,i,c,n
real(pReal) norm_Tstar
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_j2_sizePostResults(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
norm_Tstar = dsqrt(math_mul6x6(Tstar_v,Tstar_v))
c = 0_pInt
constitutive_j2_postResults = 0.0_pReal
do o = 1,phase_Noutput(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
select case(constitutive_j2_output(o,matID))
case ('flowstress')
constitutive_j2_postResults(c+1) = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1)
c = c + 1
case ('strainrate')
constitutive_j2_postResults(c+1) = constitutive_j2_gdot0(matID)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)* &
(dsqrt(1.5_pReal)/constitutive_j2_fTaylor(matID)*norm_Tstar/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1))** &
c = c + 1
end select
end function
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
!* contains: *
!* - constitutive equations *
!* - parameters definition *
! [Alu]
! constitution phenomenological
! (output) slipresistance
! (output) rateofshear
! lattice_structure 1
! Nslip 12
! c11 106.75e9
! c12 60.41e9
! c44 28.34e9
! s0_slip 31e6
! gdot0_slip 0.001
! n_slip 20
! h0 75e6
! s_sat 63e6
! w0 2.25
! latent_ratio 1.4
MODULE constitutive_phenomenological
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character (len=*), parameter :: constitutive_phenomenological_label = 'phenomenological'
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_sizeDotState, &
constitutive_phenomenological_sizeState, &
character(len=64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_output
character(len=32), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_structureName
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_structure
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_CoverA
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_C11
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_C12
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_C13
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_C33
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_C44
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66
!* Visco-plastic constitutive_phenomenological parameters
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_n_slip
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_h0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_s_sat
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_w0
real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_latent
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: constitutive_phenomenological_HardeningMatrix
!* - constitutive_init
!* - constitutive_stateInit
!* - constitutive_homogenizedC
!* - constitutive_microstructure
!* - constitutive_LpAndItsTangent
!* - consistutive_dotState
!* - consistutive_postResults
subroutine constitutive_phenomenological_init(file)
!* Module initialization *
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_Mandel3333to66, math_Voigt66to3333
use IO
use material
use lattice, only: lattice_initializeStructure
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 7
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) section, maxNinstance, i,j,k, output
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
maxNinstance = count(phase_constitution == constitutive_phenomenological_label)
if (maxNinstance == 0) return
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_sizeDotState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_sizeDotState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_sizeState(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_sizeState = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(maxNinstance)); constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_output(maxval(phase_Noutput), &
maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_output = ''
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_structureName(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_structureName = ''
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_structure(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_structure = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip = 0_pInt
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_CoverA(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_CoverA = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_C11(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_C11 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_C12(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_C12 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_C13(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_C13 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_C33(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_C33 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_C44(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_C44 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(6,6,maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_n_slip(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_n_slip = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_h0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_h0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_s_sat(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_s_sat = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_w0(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_w0 = 0.0_pReal
allocate(constitutive_phenomenological_latent(maxNinstance)) ; constitutive_phenomenological_latent = 1.0_pReal
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= 'phase') ! wind forward to <phase>
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
do ! read thru sections of phase part
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
output = 0 ! reset output counter
if (section > 0 .and. phase_constitution(section) == constitutive_phenomenological_label) then ! one of my sections
i = phase_constitutionInstance(section) ! which instance of my constitution is present phase
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('(output)')
output = output + 1
constitutive_phenomenological_output(output,i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('lattice_structure')
constitutive_phenomenological_structureName(i) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
case ('nslip')
constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i) = IO_intValue(line,positions,2)
case ('covera_ratio')
constitutive_phenomenological_CoverA(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c11')
constitutive_phenomenological_C11(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c12')
constitutive_phenomenological_C12(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c13')
constitutive_phenomenological_C13(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c33')
constitutive_phenomenological_C33(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('c44')
constitutive_phenomenological_C44(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('s0_slip')
constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('gdot0_slip')
constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('n_slip')
constitutive_phenomenological_n_slip(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('h0')
constitutive_phenomenological_h0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('s_sat')
constitutive_phenomenological_s_sat(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('w0')
constitutive_phenomenological_w0(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
case ('latent_ratio')
constitutive_phenomenological_latent(i) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2)
end select
100 do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_phenomenological_structure(i) = lattice_initializeStructure(constitutive_phenomenological_structureName(i), &
constitutive_phenomenological_CoverA(i)) ! sanity checks
if (constitutive_phenomenological_structure(i) < 1 .or. &
constitutive_phenomenological_structure(i) > 3) call IO_error(201)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i) < 1) call IO_error(202)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip(i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(203)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(204)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_n_slip(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(205)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_h0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(206)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_s_sat(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(207)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_w0(i) <= 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(208)
if (constitutive_phenomenological_latent(i) < 0.0_pReal) call IO_error(209)
do i = 1,maxNinstance
constitutive_phenomenological_sizeDotState(i) = constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_sizeState(i) = constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i)
do j = 1,maxval(phase_Noutput)
select case(constitutive_phenomenological_output(j,i))
constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(i) + constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(i) = &
constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(i) + constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i)
end select
select case (constitutive_phenomenological_structure(i))
case(1:2) ! cubic(s)
forall(j=1:3) &
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(k,j,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C12(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(k,k,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C11(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(k+3,k+3,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C44(i)
end forall
case(3) ! hcp
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(1,1,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C11(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(2,2,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C11(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(3,3,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C33(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(1,2,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C12(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(2,1,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C12(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(1,3,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C13(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(3,1,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C13(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(2,3,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C13(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(3,2,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C13(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(4,4,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C44(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(5,5,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_C44(i)
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(6,6,i) = 0.5_pReal*(constitutive_phenomenological_C11(i)- &
end select
constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(:,:,i) = &
constitutive_phenomenological_hardeningMatrix(:,:,i) = constitutive_phenomenological_latent(i)
forall (j = 1:constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(i)) &
constitutive_phenomenological_hardeningMatrix(j,j,i) = 1.0_pReal
end subroutine
function constitutive_phenomenological_stateInit(myInstance)
!* initial microstructural state *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myInstance
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(myInstance)) :: constitutive_phenomenological_stateInit
constitutive_phenomenological_stateInit = constitutive_phenomenological_s0_slip(myInstance)
end function
function constitutive_phenomenological_homogenizedC(state,ipc,ip,el)
!* homogenized elacticity matrix *
!* INPUT: *
!* - state : state variables *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: constitutive_phenomenological_homogenizedC
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
constitutive_phenomenological_homogenizedC = constitutive_phenomenological_Cslip_66(:,:,matID)
end function
subroutine constitutive_phenomenological_microstructure(Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* calculate derived quantities from state (not used here) *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tp : temperature *
!* - ipc : component-ID of current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el, matID
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
end subroutine
subroutine constitutive_phenomenological_LpAndItsTangent(Lp,dLp_dTstar,Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* plastic velocity gradient and its tangent *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - Lp : plastic velocity gradient *
!* - dLp_dTstar : derivative of Lp (4th-rank tensor) *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use math, only: math_Plain3333to99
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip,lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i,k,l,m,n
real(pReal) Temperature
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: Lp
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: dLp_dTstar3333
real(pReal), dimension(9,9) :: dLp_dTstar
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
!* Calculation of Lp
Lp = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(matID)
tau_slip(i) = dot_product(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_phenomenological_structure(matID)))
gdot_slip(i) = constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(matID)*(abs(tau_slip(i))/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i))**&
Lp = Lp + gdot_slip(i)*lattice_Sslip(:,:,i,constitutive_phenomenological_structure(matID))
!* Calculation of the tangent of Lp
dLp_dTstar3333 = 0.0_pReal
dLp_dTstar = 0.0_pReal
do i = 1,constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(matID)
dgdot_dtauslip(i) = constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(matID)*(abs(tau_slip(i))/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i))**&
forall (k=1:3,l=1:3,m=1:3,n=1:3) &
dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,m,n) = dLp_dTstar3333(k,l,m,n) + &
dgdot_dtauslip(i)*lattice_Sslip(k,l,i,constitutive_phenomenological_structure(matID))* &
dLp_dTstar = math_Plain3333to99(dLp_dTstar3333)
end subroutine
function constitutive_phenomenological_dotState(Tstar_v,Temperature,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* rate of change of microstructure *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
!* OUTPUT: *
!* - constitutive_dotState : evolution of state variable *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase, phase_constitutionInstance
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt) ipc,ip,el
integer(pInt) matID,i,n
real(pReal) Temperature,tau_slip,gdot_slip
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems) :: state
real(pReal), dimension(6) :: Tstar_v
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(matID)
!* Self-Hardening of each system
do i = 1,n
tau_slip = dot_product(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_phenomenological_structure(matID)))
gdot_slip = constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(matID)*(abs(tau_slip)/state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i))**&
self_hardening(i) = constitutive_phenomenological_h0(matID)*(1.0_pReal-state(ipc,ip,el)%p(i)/&
!$OMP CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
constitutive_phenomenological_dotState = matmul(constitutive_phenomenological_hardeningMatrix(1:n,1:n,matID),self_hardening)
!$OMP END CRITICAL (evilmatmul)
end function
pure function constitutive_phenomenological_postResults(Tstar_v,Temperature,dt,state,ipc,ip,el)
!* return array of constitutive results *
!* INPUT: *
!* - Tstar_v : 2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress tensor (Mandel) *
!* - dt : current time increment *
!* - ipc : component-ID at current integration point *
!* - ip : current integration point *
!* - el : current element *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt,p_vec
use lattice, only: lattice_Sslip_v
use mesh, only: mesh_NcpElems,mesh_maxNips
use material, only: homogenization_maxNgrains,material_phase,phase_constitutionInstance,phase_Noutput
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: ipc,ip,el
real(pReal), intent(in) :: dt,Temperature
real(pReal), dimension(6), intent(in) :: Tstar_v
type(p_vec), dimension(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems), intent(in) :: state
integer(pInt) matID,o,i,c,n
real(pReal) tau_slip
real(pReal), dimension(constitutive_phenomenological_sizePostResults(phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el)))) :: &
matID = phase_constitutionInstance(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
n = constitutive_phenomenological_Nslip(matID)
c = 0_pInt
constitutive_phenomenological_postResults = 0.0_pReal
do o = 1,phase_Noutput(material_phase(ipc,ip,el))
select case(constitutive_phenomenological_output(o,matID))
case ('slipresistance')
constitutive_phenomenological_postResults(c+1:c+n) = state(ipc,ip,el)%p(1:n)
c = c + n
case ('rateofshear')
do i = 1,n
tau_slip = dot_product(Tstar_v,lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,constitutive_phenomenological_structure(matID)))
constitutive_phenomenological_postResults(c+i) = sign(1.0_pReal,tau_slip)*constitutive_phenomenological_gdot0_slip(matID)*&
c = c + n
end select
end function
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! reformated to free format
! File: creeps.cmn
! MSC.Marc include file
real(pReal) cptim,timinc,timinc_p,timinc_s,timincm,timinc_a,timinc_b,creept
integer(pInt) icptim,icfte,icfst,icfeq,icftm,icetem,mcreep,jcreep,icpa,icftmp,icfstr,&
real(pReal) time_beg_lcase,time_beg_inc,fractol,time_beg_pst
! time_beg_lcase time at the beginning of the current load case
! time_beg_inc time at the beginning of the current increment
! fractol fraction of loadcase or increment time when we
! consider it to be finished
! time_beg_pst time corresponding to first increment to be
! read in from thermal post file for auto step
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
! reformated to free format
! File: creeps.cmn
! MSC.Marc include file
real(pReal) cptim,timinc,timinc_p,timinc_s,timincm,timinc_a,timinc_b,creept
integer(pInt) icptim,icfte,icfst,icfeq,icftm,icetem,mcreep,jcreep,icpa,icftmp,icfstr,&
real(pReal) time_beg_lcase,time_beg_inc,fractol,time_beg_pst
integer num_creepsr,num_creepsi,num_creeps2r
! time_beg_lcase time at the beginning of the current load case
! time_beg_inc time at the beginning of the current increment
! fractol fraction of loadcase or increment time when we
! consider it to be finished
! time_beg_pst time corresponding to first increment to be
! read in from thermal post file for auto step
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
MODULE debug
use prec
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension(nCutback+1) :: debug_cutbackDistribution = 0_pInt
integer(pInt), dimension(nInner) :: debug_InnerLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
integer(pInt), dimension(nOuter) :: debug_OuterLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
integer(pLongInt) :: debug_cumLpTicks = 0_pInt
integer(pLongInt) :: debug_cumDotStateTicks = 0_pInt
integer(pInt) :: debug_cumLpCalls = 0_pInt
integer(pInt) :: debug_cumDotStateCalls = 0_pInt
logical :: debugger = .false.
logical :: distribution_init = .false.
! write debug statements to standard out
SUBROUTINE debug_info()
use prec
implicit none
integer(pInt) i,integral
integer(pLongInt) tickrate
write(6,*) 'DEBUG Info'
write(6,'(a33,x,i12)') 'total calls to LpAndItsTangent :',debug_cumLpCalls
if (debug_cumLpCalls > 0_pInt) then
call system_clock(count_rate=tickrate)
write(6,'(a33,x,f12.6)') 'avg CPU time/microsecs per call :',dble(debug_cumLpTicks)/tickrate/1.0e-6_pReal/debug_cumLpCalls
write(6,'(a33,x,i12)') 'total CPU ticks :',debug_cumLpTicks
write(6,'(a33,x,i12)') 'total calls to dotState :',debug_cumDotStateCalls
if (debug_cumdotStateCalls > 0_pInt) then
call system_clock(count_rate=tickrate)
write(6,'(a33,x,f12.6)') 'avg CPU time/microsecs per call :',&
write(6,'(a33,x,i12)') 'total CPU ticks :',debug_cumDotStateTicks
write(6,*) 'distribution_cutback :'
do i=0,nCutback
if (debug_cutbackDistribution(i+1) /= 0) write(6,*) i,debug_cutbackDistribution(i+1)
write(6,*) 'total',sum(debug_cutbackDistribution)
integral = 0_pInt
write(6,*) 'distribution_InnerLoop :'
do i=1,nInner
if (debug_InnerLoopDistribution(i) /= 0) then
integral = integral + i*debug_InnerLoopDistribution(i)
write(6,*) i,debug_InnerLoopDistribution(i)
write(6,*) 'total',sum(debug_InnerLoopDistribution),integral
integral = 0_pInt
write(6,*) 'distribution_OuterLoop :'
do i=1,nOuter
if (debug_OuterLoopDistribution(i) /= 0) then
integral = integral + i*debug_OuterLoopDistribution(i)
write(6,*) i,debug_OuterLoopDistribution(i)
write(6,*) 'total',sum(debug_OuterLoopDistribution),integral
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
!* Module: LATTICE *
!* contains: *
!* - Lattice structure definition *
!* - Slip system definition *
!* - Schmid matrices calculation *
MODULE lattice
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
!* Lattice structures *
integer(pInt) lattice_Nhexagonal, & ! # of hexagonal lattice structure (from tag CoverA_ratio)
lattice_Nstructure ! # of lattice structures (1: fcc,2: bcc,3+: hexagonal)
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_maxNslip = 48 ! max # of slip systems over lattice structures
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_maxNtwin = 24 ! max # of twin systems over lattice structures
integer(pInt), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: interactionSlipSlip, &
interactionSlipTwin, &
! Schmid matrices, normal, shear direction and nxd of slip systems
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: lattice_Sslip
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_Sslip_v
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_sn
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_sd
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_st
! Rotation and Schmid matrices, normal, shear direction and nxd of twin systems
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: lattice_Qtwin
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: lattice_Stwin
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_Stwin_v
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_tn
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_td
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_tt
real(pReal), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: lattice_shearTwin
integer(pInt), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_interactionSlipSlip
integer(pInt), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_interactionSlipTwin
integer(pInt), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lattice_interactionTwinTwin
!============================== fcc (1) =================================
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_fcc_Nslip = 12_pInt
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_fcc_Ntwin = 12_pInt
integer(pInt) :: lattice_fcc_Nstructure = 0_pInt
real(pReal), dimension(3+3,lattice_fcc_Nslip), parameter :: lattice_fcc_systemSlip = &
! Slip system <110>{111} Sorted according to Eisenlohr & Hantcherli
0, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, &
-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, &
1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, &
0,-1,-1, -1,-1, 1, &
1, 0, 1, -1,-1, 1, &
-1, 1, 0, -1,-1, 1, &
0,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, &
-1, 0,-1, 1,-1,-1, &
1, 1, 0, 1,-1,-1, &
0, 1, 1, -1, 1,-1, &
1, 0,-1, -1, 1,-1, &
-1,-1, 0, -1, 1,-1 &
real(pReal), dimension(3+3,lattice_fcc_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_fcc_systemTwin = &
! Twin system <112>{111} Sorted according to Eisenlohr & Hantcherli
-2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, &
1,-2, 1, 1, 1, 1, &
1, 1,-2, 1, 1, 1, &
2,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, &
-1, 2, 1, -1,-1, 1, &
-1,-1,-2, -1,-1, 1, &
-2,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1, &
1, 2,-1, 1,-1,-1, &
1,-1, 2, 1,-1,-1, &
2, 1,-1, -1, 1,-1, &
-1,-2,-1, -1, 1,-1, &
-1, 1, 2, -1, 1,-1 &
real(pReal), dimension(lattice_fcc_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_fcc_shearTwin = &
! Twin system <112>{111} Sorted according to Eisenlohr & Hantcherli
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812, &
0.7071067812 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_fcc_Nslip,lattice_fcc_Nslip) :: lattice_fcc_interactionSlipSlip = &
1,2,2,4,6,5,3,5,5,4,5,6, &
2,1,2,6,4,5,5,4,6,5,3,5, &
2,2,1,5,5,3,5,6,4,6,5,4, &
4,6,5,1,2,2,4,5,6,3,5,5, &
6,4,5,2,1,2,5,3,5,5,4,6, &
5,5,3,2,2,1,6,5,4,5,6,4, &
3,5,5,4,5,6,1,2,2,4,6,5, &
5,4,6,5,3,5,2,1,2,6,4,5, &
5,6,4,6,5,4,2,2,1,5,5,3, &
4,5,6,3,5,5,4,6,5,1,2,2, &
5,3,5,5,4,6,6,4,5,2,1,2, &
6,5,4,5,6,4,5,5,3,2,2,1 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_fcc_Nslip,lattice_fcc_Ntwin) :: lattice_fcc_interactionSlipTwin = &
0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1, &
0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1, &
0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1, &
1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1, &
1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1, &
1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1, &
0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0, &
0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0, &
0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0, &
1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0, &
1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0, &
1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_fcc_Ntwin,lattice_fcc_Ntwin) :: lattice_fcc_interactionTwinTwin = &
0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0, &
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0 &
!============================== bcc (2) =================================
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_bcc_Nslip = 48_pInt
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_bcc_Ntwin = 12_pInt
integer(pInt) :: lattice_bcc_Nstructure = 0_pInt
real(pReal), dimension(3+3,lattice_bcc_Nslip), parameter :: lattice_bcc_systemSlip = &
! Slip system <111>{110} meaningful sorting?
1,-1, 1, 0, 1, 1, &
-1,-1, 1, 0, 1, 1, &
1, 1, 1, 0,-1, 1, &
-1, 1, 1, 0,-1, 1, &
-1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, &
-1,-1, 1, 1, 0, 1, &
1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, &
1,-1, 1, -1, 0, 1, &
-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, &
-1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 0, &
1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, &
1, 1,-1, -1, 1, 0, &
! Slip system <111>{112} meaningful sorting ?
-1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, &
1, 1, 1, -2, 1, 1, &
1, 1,-1, 2,-1, 1, &
1,-1, 1, 2, 1,-1, &
1,-1, 1, 1, 2, 1, &
1, 1,-1, -1, 2, 1, &
1, 1, 1, 1,-2, 1, &
-1, 1, 1, 1, 2,-1, &
1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 2, &
1,-1, 1, -1, 1, 2, &
-1, 1, 1, 1,-1, 2, &
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-2, &
! Slip system <111>{123} meaningful sorting ?
1, 1,-1, 1, 2, 3, &
1,-1, 1, -1, 2, 3, &
-1, 1, 1, 1,-2, 3, &
1, 1, 1, 1, 2,-3, &
1,-1, 1, 1, 3, 2, &
1, 1,-1, -1, 3, 2, &
1, 1, 1, 1,-3, 2, &
-1, 1, 1, 1, 3,-2, &
1, 1,-1, 2, 1, 3, &
1,-1, 1, -2, 1, 3, &
-1, 1, 1, 2,-1, 3, &
1, 1, 1, 2, 1,-3, &
1,-1, 1, 2, 3, 1, &
1, 1,-1, -2, 3, 1, &
1, 1, 1, 2,-3, 1, &
-1, 1, 1, 2, 3,-1, &
-1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, &
1, 1, 1, -3, 1, 2, &
1, 1,-1, 3,-1, 2, &
1,-1, 1, 3, 1,-2, &
-1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, &
1, 1, 1, -3, 2, 1, &
1, 1,-1, 3,-2, 1, &
1,-1, 1, 3, 2,-1 &
! twin system <111>{112}
! MISSING: not implemented yet -- now dummy copy from fcc !!
real(pReal), dimension(3+3,lattice_bcc_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_bcc_systemTwin = &
! Twin system <112>{111} Sorted according to Eisenlohr & Hantcherli
-2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, &
1,-2, 1, 1, 1, 1, &
1, 1,-2, 1, 1, 1, &
2,-1, 1, -1,-1, 1, &
-1, 2, 1, -1,-1, 1, &
-1,-1,-2, -1,-1, 1, &
-2,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1, &
1, 2,-1, 1,-1,-1, &
1,-1, 2, 1,-1,-1, &
2, 1,-1, -1, 1,-1, &
-1,-2,-1, -1, 1,-1, &
-1, 1, 2, -1, 1,-1 &
real(pReal), dimension(lattice_bcc_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_bcc_shearTwin = &
! Twin system {111}<112> just a dummy
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123, &
0.123 &
!*** Slip-Slip interactions for BCC structures (2) ***
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_bcc_Nslip,lattice_bcc_Nslip) :: lattice_bcc_interactionSlipSlip = &
1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 &
!*** Slip-twin interactions for BCC structures (2) ***
! MISSING: not implemented yet
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_bcc_Nslip,lattice_bcc_Ntwin) :: lattice_bcc_interactionSlipTwin = &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 &
!*** Twin-twin interactions for BCC structures (2) ***
! MISSING: not implemented yet
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_bcc_Ntwin,lattice_bcc_Ntwin) :: lattice_bcc_interactionTwinTwin = &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 &
!============================== hex (3+) =================================
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_hex_Nslip = 24_pInt
integer(pInt), parameter :: lattice_hex_Ntwin = 24_pInt
integer(pInt) :: lattice_hex_Nstructure = 0_pInt
real(pReal), dimension(4+4,lattice_hex_Nslip), parameter :: lattice_hex_systemSlip = &
! Basal systems <1120>{0001} (independent of c/a-ratio, Bravais notation (4 coordinate base))
2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, &
-1, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, &
! 1st type prismatic systems <1120>{1010} (independent of c/a-ratio)
2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, &
-1, 2, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, &
-1, -1, 2, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, &
! 1st type 1st order pyramidal systems <1120>{1011}
2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, &
-1, -1, 2, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, &
2, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, &
-1, -1, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, &
! pyramidal system: c+a slip <2113>{1011} -- plane normals depend on the c/a-ratio
2, -1, -1, -3, 1, 0, -1, 1, &
1, 1, -2, -3, 1, 0, -1, 1, &
1, 1, -2, -3, 0, 1, -1, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, -3, 0, 1, -1, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, -3, -1, 1, 0, 1, &
-2, 1, 1, -3, -1, 1, 0, 1, &
-2, 1, 1, -3, -1, 0, 1, 1, &
-1, -1, 2, -3, -1, 0, 1, 1, &
-1, -1, 2, -3, 0, -1, 1, 1, &
1, -2, 1, -3, 0, -1, 1, 1, &
1, -2, 1, -3, 1, -1, 0, 1, &
2, -1, -1, -3, 1, -1, 0, 1 &
real(pReal), dimension(4+4,lattice_hex_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_hex_systemTwin = &
-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 2, & ! <1011>{1012} Twin: shear 0.169 -1.26 compression
0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 2, &
1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 2, &
1, 0, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 2, &
0, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 2, &
-1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 2, &
2, -1, -1, -3, 2, -1, -1, 2, & ! <211-2>{2112} Twin: shear 0.224 1.19 tension
1, 1, -2, -3, 1, 1, -2, 2, &
-1, 2, -1, -3, -1, 2, -1, 2, &
-2, 1, 1, -3, -2, 1, 1, 2, &
-1, -1, 2, -3, -1, -1, 2, 2, &
1, -2, 1, -3, 1, -2, 1, 2, &
-2, 1, 1, 6, 2, -1, -1, 1, & ! <211-6>{2111} Twin: shear 0.628 -0.39 compression
-1, -1, 2, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, &
1, -2, 1, 6, -1, 2, -1, 1, &
2, -1, -1, 6, -2, 1, 1, 1, &
1, 1, -2, 6, -1, -1, 2, 1, &
-1, 2, -1, 6, 1, -2, 1, 1, &
1, 0, -1, -2, 1, 0, -1, 1, & ! <101-2>{1011} Twin: shear 0.103 1.09 tension
-1, 0, 1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 1, &
0, 1, -1, -2, 0, 1, -1, 1, &
0, -1, 1, -2, 0, -1, 1, 1, &
1, -1, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0, 1, &
-1, 1, 0, -2, -1, 1, 0, 1 &
/),(/4+4,lattice_hex_Ntwin/)) !* Sort? Numbering of twin system follows Prof. Tom Bieler's scheme (to be consistent with his work); but numbering in data was restarted from 1 &
real(pReal), dimension(lattice_hex_Ntwin), parameter :: lattice_hex_shearTwin = &
0.169, & ! <1011>{1012} Twin: shear 0.169 -1.26 compression
0.169, &
0.169, &
0.169, &
0.169, &
0.169, &
0.224, & ! <211-2>{2112} Twin: shear 0.224 1.19 tension
0.224, &
0.224, &
0.224, &
0.224, &
0.224, &
0.628, & ! <211-6>{2111} Twin: shear 0.628 -0.39 compression
0.628, &
0.628, &
0.628, &
0.628, &
0.628, &
0.103, & ! <101-2>{1011} Twin: shear 0.103 1.09 tension
0.103, &
0.103, &
0.103, &
0.103, &
0.103 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_hex_Nslip,lattice_hex_Nslip) :: lattice_hex_interactionSlipSlip = &
1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_hex_Nslip,lattice_hex_Ntwin) :: lattice_hex_interactionSlipTwin = &
1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 &
integer(pInt), target, dimension(lattice_hex_Ntwin,lattice_hex_Ntwin) :: lattice_hex_interactionTwinTwin = &
1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2, &
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1 &
!* - lattice_init
!* - lattice_initializeStructure
subroutine lattice_init()
!* Module initialization *
use IO, only: IO_open_file,IO_countSections,IO_countTagInPart,IO_error
use material, only: material_configfile,material_partPhase
implicit none
integer(pInt), parameter :: fileunit = 200
integer(pInt) i,Nsections
if(.not. IO_open_file(fileunit,material_configFile)) call IO_error (100) ! corrupt config file
Nsections = IO_countSections(fileunit,material_partPhase)
lattice_Nstructure = 2_pInt + sum(IO_countTagInPart(fileunit,material_partPhase,'covera_ratio',Nsections)) ! fcc + bcc + all hex
allocate(lattice_Sslip(3,3,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_Sslip = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_Sslip_v(6,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_Sslip_v = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_sd(3,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_sd = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_st(3,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_st = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_sn(3,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_sn = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_Qtwin(3,3,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_Qtwin = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_Stwin(3,3,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_Stwin = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_Stwin_v(6,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_Stwin_v = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_td(3,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_td = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_tt(3,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_tt = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_tn(3,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_tn = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_shearTwin(lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_shearTwin = 0.0_pReal
allocate(lattice_interactionSlipSlip(lattice_maxNslip,lattice_maxNslip,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_interactionSlipSlip = 0_pInt
allocate(lattice_interactionSlipTwin(lattice_maxNslip,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_interactionSlipTwin = 0_pInt
allocate(lattice_interactionTwinTwin(lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_maxNtwin,lattice_Nstructure)); lattice_interactionTwinTwin = 0_pInt
write(6,*) 'lattice Nstructure',lattice_Nstructure
end subroutine
function lattice_initializeStructure(struct,CoverA)
!* Calculation of Schmid *
!* matrices, etc. *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use math
implicit none
character(len=*) struct
real(pReal) CoverA
real(pReal), dimension(3,lattice_maxNslip) :: sd = 0.0_pReal, &
sn = 0.0_pReal, &
st = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal), dimension(3,lattice_maxNtwin) :: td = 0.0_pReal, &
tn = 0.0_pReal, &
tt = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal), dimension(lattice_maxNtwin) :: ts = 0.0_pReal
real(pReal), dimension(3) :: hex_d = 0.0_pReal, &
hex_n = 0.0_pReal
integer(pInt) :: i,myNslip,myNtwin,myStructure = 0_pInt
logical :: processMe = .false.
integer(pInt) lattice_initializeStructure
write(6,*) 'initialize structure', struct
select case(struct(1:3)) ! check first three chars of structure name
case ('fcc')
myStructure = 1_pInt
myNslip = lattice_fcc_Nslip
myNtwin = lattice_fcc_Ntwin
lattice_fcc_Nstructure = lattice_fcc_Nstructure + 1_pInt
if (lattice_fcc_Nstructure == 1_pInt) then
processMe = .true.
do i = 1,myNslip
sn(:,i) = lattice_fcc_systemSlip(1:3,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_fcc_systemSlip(1:3,i),lattice_fcc_systemSlip(1:3,i)))
sd(:,i) = lattice_fcc_systemSlip(4:6,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_fcc_systemSlip(4:6,i),lattice_fcc_systemSlip(4:6,i)))
st(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(sn(:,i),sd(:,i))
do i = 1,myNtwin
tn(:,i) = lattice_fcc_systemTwin(1:3,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_fcc_systemTwin(1:3,i),lattice_fcc_systemTwin(1:3,i)))
td(:,i) = lattice_fcc_systemTwin(4:6,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_fcc_systemTwin(4:6,i),lattice_fcc_systemTwin(4:6,i)))
tt(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(tn(:,i),td(:,i))
ts(i) = lattice_fcc_shearTwin(i)
interactionSlipSlip => lattice_fcc_interactionSlipSlip
interactionSlipTwin => lattice_fcc_interactionSlipTwin
interactionTwinTwin => lattice_fcc_interactionTwinTwin
case ('bcc')
myStructure = 2_pInt
myNslip = lattice_bcc_Nslip
myNtwin = lattice_bcc_Ntwin
lattice_bcc_Nstructure = lattice_bcc_Nstructure + 1_pInt
if (lattice_bcc_Nstructure == 1_pInt) then
processMe = .true.
do i = 1,myNslip
sn(:,i) = lattice_bcc_systemSlip(1:3,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_bcc_systemSlip(1:3,i),lattice_bcc_systemSlip(1:3,i)))
sd(:,i) = lattice_bcc_systemSlip(4:6,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_bcc_systemSlip(4:6,i),lattice_bcc_systemSlip(4:6,i)))
st(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(sn(:,i),sd(:,i))
do i = 1,myNtwin
tn(:,i) = lattice_bcc_systemTwin(1:3,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_bcc_systemTwin(1:3,i),lattice_bcc_systemTwin(1:3,i)))
td(:,i) = lattice_bcc_systemTwin(4:6,i)/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(lattice_bcc_systemTwin(4:6,i),lattice_bcc_systemTwin(4:6,i)))
tt(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(tn(:,i),td(:,i))
ts(i) = lattice_bcc_shearTwin(i)
interactionSlipSlip => lattice_bcc_interactionSlipSlip
interactionSlipTwin => lattice_bcc_interactionSlipTwin
interactionTwinTwin => lattice_bcc_interactionTwinTwin
case ('hex')
if (CoverA > 0.0_pReal) then
lattice_hex_Nstructure = lattice_hex_Nstructure + 1_pInt
myStructure = 2_pInt + lattice_hex_Nstructure
myNslip = lattice_hex_Nslip
myNtwin = lattice_hex_Ntwin
processMe = .true.
! converting from 4 axes coordinate system (a1=a2=a3=c) to ortho-hexgonal system (a, b, c)
do i = 1,myNslip
hex_n(1) = lattice_hex_systemSlip(1,i) ! plane (hkil)->(h (h+2k)/sqrt(3) l/(c/a))
hex_n(2) = (lattice_hex_systemSlip(1,i)+2.0_pReal*lattice_hex_systemSlip(2,i))/dsqrt(3.0_pReal)
hex_n(3) = lattice_hex_systemSlip(4,i)/CoverA
hex_d(1) = lattice_hex_systemSlip(5,i)*1.5_pReal ! direction [uvtw]->[3u/2 (u+2v)*sqrt(3)/2 w*(c/a)]
hex_d(2) = (lattice_hex_systemSlip(5,i)+2.0_pReal*lattice_hex_systemSlip(6,i))*(0.5_pReal*dsqrt(3.0_pReal))
hex_d(3) = lattice_hex_systemSlip(8,i)*CoverA
sn(:,i) = hex_n/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(hex_n,hex_n))
sd(:,i) = hex_d/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(hex_d,hex_d))
st(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(sn(:,i),sd(:,i))
do i = 1,myNtwin
hex_n(1) = lattice_hex_systemTwin(1,i)
hex_n(2) = (lattice_hex_systemTwin(1,i)+2.0_pReal*lattice_hex_systemTwin(2,i))/dsqrt(3.0_pReal)
hex_n(3) = lattice_hex_systemTwin(4,i)/CoverA
hex_d(1) = lattice_hex_systemTwin(5,i)*1.5_pReal
hex_d(2) = (lattice_hex_systemTwin(5,i)+2.0_pReal*lattice_hex_systemTwin(6,i))*(0.5_pReal*dsqrt(3.0_pReal))
hex_d(3) = lattice_hex_systemTwin(8,i)*CoverA
tn(:,i) = hex_n/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(hex_n,hex_n))
td(:,i) = hex_d/dsqrt(math_mul3x3(hex_d,hex_d))
tt(:,i) = math_vectorproduct(tn(:,i),td(:,i))
ts(i) = lattice_hex_shearTwin(i)
interactionSlipSlip => lattice_hex_interactionSlipSlip
interactionSlipTwin => lattice_hex_interactionSlipTwin
interactionTwinTwin => lattice_hex_interactionTwinTwin
end select
if (processMe) then
do i = 1,myNslip
lattice_sd(:,i,myStructure) = sd(:,i)
lattice_st(:,i,myStructure) = st(:,i)
lattice_sn(:,i,myStructure) = sn(:,i)
lattice_Sslip(:,:,i,myStructure) = math_tensorproduct(sd(:,i),sn(:,i))
lattice_Sslip_v(:,i,myStructure) = math_Mandel33to6(math_symmetric3x3(lattice_Sslip(:,:,i,myStructure)))
do i = 1,myNtwin
lattice_td(:,i,myStructure) = td(:,i)
lattice_tt(:,i,myStructure) = tt(:,i)
lattice_tn(:,i,myStructure) = tn(:,i)
lattice_Stwin(:,:,i,myStructure) = math_tensorproduct(td(:,i),tn(:,i))
lattice_Stwin_v(:,i,myStructure) = math_Mandel33to6(math_symmetric3x3(lattice_Stwin(:,:,i,myStructure)))
lattice_Qtwin(:,:,i,myStructure) = math_RodrigToR(tn(:,i),180.0_pReal*inRad)
lattice_shearTwin(i,myStructure) = ts(i)
lattice_interactionSlipSlip(1:myNslip,1:myNslip,myStructure) = interactionSlipSlip(1:myNslip,1:myNslip)
lattice_interactionSlipTwin(1:myNslip,1:myNtwin,myStructure) = interactionSlipTwin(1:myNslip,1:myNtwin)
lattice_interactionTwinTwin(1:myNtwin,1:myNtwin,myStructure) = interactionTwinTwin(1:myNtwin,1:myNtwin)
lattice_initializeStructure = myStructure
write(6,*) 'lattice_initializeStructure', myStructure
end function
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os,sys
architectures = {
'marc': {
'parent': 'mpie_cpfem_marc.f90',
'versions' : ['%%MARCVERSION%%','2007r1','2008r1'],
for arch in architectures:
parent = architectures[arch]['parent']
parentFile = open(parent)
parentContent = parentFile.readlines()
except IOError:
print 'unable to open',parent
for version in architectures[arch]['versions'][1:]:
childFile = open(os.path.splitext(parent)[0]+version+os.path.splitext(parent)[1],'w')
for line in parentContent:
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
type Taylor
Ngrains 1
type RGC
Ngrains 8
type Taylor
Ngrains 4
(constituent) phase 1 texture 2 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 2 texture 3 fraction 1.0
(constituent) phase 3 texture 1 fraction 0.8
(constituent) phase 4 texture 1 fraction 0.2
[Aluminum] # below given format will not work. need to select one constitution block from it.
constitution j2
c11 110.9e9
c12 58.34e9
(output) flowstress
(output) strainrate
taylorfactor 3
s0 31e6
gdot0 0.001
n 20
h0 75e6
s_sat 63e6
w0 2.25
constitution phenomenological
lattice_structure fcc
Nslip 12
c11 106.75e9
c12 60.41e9
c44 28.34e9
(output) slipresistance
(output) rateofshear
s0_slip 31e6
gdot0_slip 0.001
n_slip 20
h0 75e6
s_sat 63e6
w0 2.25
latent_ratio 1.4
constitution dislobased
(output) dislodensity
(output) rateofshear
burgers 2.86e-10 # Burgers vector [m]
Qedge 3e-19 # Activation energy for dislocation glide [J/K] (0.5*G*b^3)
Qsd 2.4e-19 # Activation energy for self diffusion [J/K] (gamma-iron)
diff0 1e-3 # prefactor vacancy diffusion coeffficent (gamma-iron)
interaction_coefficients 1.0 2.2 3.0 1.6 3.8 4.5 # Dislocation interaction coefficients
rho0 6.0e12 # Initial dislocation density [m/m^3]
c1 0.1 # Passing stress adjustment
c2 2.0 # Jump width adjustment
c3 1.0 # Activation volume adjustment
c4 50.0 # Average slip distance adjustment for lock formation
c7 8.0 # Athermal recovery adjustment
c8 1.0e10 # Thermal recovery adjustment (plays no role for me)
[TWIP steel FeMnC]
constitution phenomenological
lattice_structure fcc
Nslip 12
(output) slipResistance
(output) rateOfShear
C11 183.9e9 # elastic constants in Pa
C12 101.9e9
C44 115.4e9
### phenomenological constitutive parameters ###
s0_slip 85.0e6 # initial slip resistance
gdot0_slip 0.001 # reference shear rate
n_slip 100.0 # stress exponent
h0 355.0e6 # initial hardening slope
s_sat 265.0e6 # saturation stress
w0 1.0 # exponent
latent_ratio 1.4 # latent/self hardening ratio
### dislocation density-based constitutive parameters ###
burgers 2.56e-10 # Burgers vector [m]
Qedge 5.5e-19 # Activation energy for dislocation glide [J/K] (0.5*G*b^3)
Qsd 4.7e-19 # Activation energy for self diffusion [J/K] (gamma-iron)
diff0 4.0e-5 # prefactor vacancy diffusion coeffficent (gamma-iron)
grain_size 2.0e-5 # Average grain size [m]
interaction_coefficients 1.0 2.2 3.0 1.6 3.8 4.5 # Dislocation interaction coefficients
rho0 6.0e12 # Initial dislocation density [m/m^3]
c1 0.1 # Passing stress adjustment
c2 2.0 # Jump width adjustment
c3 1.0 # Activation volume adjustment
c4 50.0 # Average slip distance adjustment for lock formation
c5 1.0 # Average slip distance adjustment when grain boundaries
c7 8.0 # Athermal recovery adjustment
c8 1.0e10 # Thermal recovery adjustment (plays no role for me)
stack_size 5.0e-8 # Average twin thickness (stacks) [m]
f_sat 1.0 # Total twin volume fraction saturation
c6 # Average slip distance adjustment when twin boundaries [???]
site_scaling 1.0e-6 # Scaling potential nucleation sites
q1 1.0 # Scaling the P-K force on the twinning dislocation
q2 1.0 # Scaling the resolved shear stress
(gauss) phi1 0.0 Phi 0.0 phi2 0.0 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
(gauss) phi1 45.0 Phi 0.0 phi2 0.0 scatter 0.0 fraction 1.0
@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
!* Module: MATERIAL *
!* contains: *
!* - parsing of material.config *
MODULE material
!*** Include other modules ***
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
implicit none
character(len=64), parameter :: material_configFile = 'material.config'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partHomogenization = 'homogenization'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partMicrostructure = 'microstructure'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partPhase = 'phase'
character(len=32), parameter :: material_partTexture = 'texture'
!* Definition of material properties *
!* Number of materials
integer(pInt) material_Nhomogenization, & ! number of homogenizations
material_Nmicrostructure, & ! number of microstructures
material_Nphase, & ! number of phases
material_Ntexture, & ! number of textures
microstructure_maxNconstituents, & ! max number of constituents in any phase
homogenization_maxNgrains, & ! max number of grains in any homogenization
texture_maxNgauss, & ! max number of Gauss components in any texture
texture_maxNfiber ! max number of Fiber components in any texture
character(len=64), dimension(:), allocatable :: homogenization_name, & ! name of each homogenization
homogenization_type, & ! type of each homogenization
microstructure_name, & ! name of each microstructure
phase_name, & ! name of each phase
phase_constitution, & ! constitution of each phase
texture_name ! name of each texture
character(len=256),dimension(:), allocatable :: texture_ODFfile ! name of each ODF file
integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: homogenization_Ngrains, & ! number of grains in each homogenization
homogenization_typeInstance, & ! instance of particular type of each homogenization
homogenization_Noutput, & ! number of '(output)' items per homogenization
microstructure_Nconstituents, & ! number of constituents in each microstructure
phase_constitutionInstance, & ! instance of particular constitution of each phase
phase_Noutput, & ! number of '(output)' items per phase
phase_localConstitution, & ! flag phases with local constitutive law
texture_symmetry, & ! number of symmetric orientations per texture
texture_Ngauss, & ! number of Gauss components per texture
texture_Nfiber ! number of Fiber components per texture
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: microstructure_phase, & ! phase IDs of each microstructure
microstructure_texture ! texture IDs of each microstructure
real(pReal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: microstructure_fraction ! vol fraction of each constituent in microstructure
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: material_volFrac ! vol fraction of grain within phase (?)
integer(pInt), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: material_phase ! phase of each grain,IP,element
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: material_EulerAngles ! initial orientation of each grain,IP,element
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: texture_Gauss, & ! data of each Gauss component
texture_Fiber ! data of each Fiber component
subroutine material_init()
!* Module initialization *
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use IO, only: IO_error, IO_open_file
implicit none
!* Definition of variables
integer(pInt), parameter :: fileunit = 200
integer(pInt) i
if(.not. IO_open_file(fileunit,material_configFile)) call IO_error (100) ! corrupt config file
write(6,*) 'parsing homogenization...'
call material_parseHomogenization(fileunit,material_partHomogenization)
write(6,*) 'parsing microstrcuture...'
call material_parseMicrostructure(fileunit,material_partMicrostructure)
write(6,*) 'parsing texture...'
call material_parseTexture(fileunit,material_partTexture)
write(6,*) 'parsing phase...'
call material_parsePhase(fileunit,material_partPhase)
do i = 1,material_Nmicrostructure
if (minval(microstructure_phase(1:microstructure_Nconstituents(i),i)) < 1 .or. &
maxval(microstructure_phase(1:microstructure_Nconstituents(i),i)) > material_Nphase) call IO_error(150,i)
if (minval(microstructure_texture(1:microstructure_Nconstituents(i),i)) < 1 .or. &
maxval(microstructure_texture(1:microstructure_Nconstituents(i),i)) > material_Ntexture) call IO_error(160,i)
if (sum(microstructure_fraction(:,i)) /= 1.0_pReal) call IO_error(170,i)
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'MATERIAL configuration'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'Homogenization'
do i = 1,material_Nhomogenization
write (6,'(a32,x,a16,x,i4)') homogenization_name(i),homogenization_type(i),homogenization_Ngrains(i)
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'Microstructure'
do i = 1,material_Nmicrostructure
write (6,'(a32,x,i4)') microstructure_name(i),microstructure_Nconstituents(i)
write(6,*) 'populating grains...'
call material_populateGrains()
write(6,*) 'populating grains finished...'
end subroutine
subroutine material_parseHomogenization(file,myPart)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: myPart
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 2
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) Nsections, section, s
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
Nsections= IO_countSections(file,myPart)
material_Nhomogenization = Nsections
allocate(homogenization_name(Nsections)); homogenization_name = ''
allocate(homogenization_type(Nsections)); homogenization_type = ''
allocate(homogenization_typeInstance(Nsections)); homogenization_typeInstance = 0_pInt
allocate(homogenization_Ngrains(Nsections)); homogenization_Ngrains = 0_pInt
homogenization_Noutput = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(output)',Nsections)
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= myPart) ! wind forward to myPart
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
homogenization_name(section) = IO_getTag(line,'[',']')
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('type')
homogenization_type(section) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,2)
do s = 1,section
if (homogenization_type(s) == homogenization_type(section)) &
homogenization_typeInstance(section) = homogenization_typeInstance(section) + 1 ! count instances
case ('ngrains')
homogenization_Ngrains(section) = IO_intValue(line,positions,2)
end select
100 homogenization_maxNgrains = maxval(homogenization_Ngrains)
end subroutine
subroutine material_parseMicrostructure(file,myPart)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: myPart
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 7
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) Nsections, section, constituent, i
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
Nsections = IO_countSections(file,myPart)
material_Nmicrostructure = Nsections
allocate(microstructure_name(Nsections)); microstructure_name = ''
microstructure_Nconstituents = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(constituent)',Nsections)
microstructure_maxNconstituents = maxval(microstructure_Nconstituents)
allocate(microstructure_phase (microstructure_maxNconstituents,Nsections)); microstructure_phase = 0_pInt
allocate(microstructure_texture (microstructure_maxNconstituents,Nsections)); microstructure_texture = 0_pInt
allocate(microstructure_fraction(microstructure_maxNconstituents,Nsections)); microstructure_fraction = 0.0_pReal
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= myPart) ! wind forward to myPart
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
constituent = 0
microstructure_name(section) = IO_getTag(line,'[',']')
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('(constituent)')
constituent = constituent + 1
do i=2,6,2
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,i))
select case (tag)
microstructure_phase(constituent,section) = IO_intValue(line,positions,i+1)
microstructure_texture(constituent,section) = IO_intValue(line,positions,i+1)
microstructure_fraction(constituent,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)
end select
end select
100 return
end subroutine
subroutine material_parsePhase(file,myPart)
use prec, only: pInt
use IO
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: myPart
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 2
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) Nsections, section, s
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
Nsections = IO_countSections(file,myPart)
material_Nphase = Nsections
allocate(phase_name(Nsections)); phase_name = ''
allocate(phase_constitution(Nsections)); phase_constitution = ''
allocate(phase_constitutionInstance(Nsections)); phase_constitutionInstance = 0_pInt
phase_Noutput = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(output)',Nsections)
phase_localConstitution = .not. IO_spotTagInPart(file,myPart,'/nonlocal/',Nsections)
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= myPart) ! wind forward to myPart
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
phase_name(section) = IO_getTag(line,'[',']')
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('constitution')
phase_constitution(section) = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
do s = 1,section
if (phase_constitution(s) == phase_constitution(section)) &
phase_constitutionInstance(section) = phase_constitutionInstance(section) + 1 ! count instances
end select
100 return
end subroutine
subroutine material_parseTexture(file,myPart)
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use IO
use math, only: inRad
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: myPart
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: file
integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunks = 13
integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*maxNchunks) :: positions
integer(pInt) Nsections, section, gauss, fiber, i
character(len=64) tag
character(len=1024) line
Nsections = IO_countSections(file,myPart)
material_Ntexture = Nsections
allocate(texture_name(Nsections)); texture_name = ''
allocate(texture_ODFfile(Nsections)); texture_ODFfile = ''
allocate(texture_symmetry(Nsections)); texture_symmetry = 1_pInt
allocate(texture_Ngauss(Nsections)); texture_Ngauss = 0_pInt
allocate(texture_Nfiber(Nsections)); texture_Nfiber = 0_pInt
texture_Ngauss = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(gauss)',Nsections)
texture_Nfiber = IO_countTagInPart(file,myPart,'(fiber)',Nsections)
texture_maxNgauss = maxval(texture_Ngauss)
texture_maxNfiber = maxval(texture_Nfiber)
allocate(texture_Gauss (5,texture_maxNgauss,Nsections)); texture_Gauss = 0.0_pReal
allocate(texture_Fiber (6,texture_maxNfiber,Nsections)); texture_Fiber = 0.0_pReal
line = ''
section = 0
do while (IO_lc(IO_getTag(line,'<','>')) /= myPart) ! wind forward to myPart
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
read(file,'(a1024)',END=100) line
if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines
if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit ! stop at next part
if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') then ! next section
section = section + 1
gauss = 0
fiber = 0
texture_name(section) = IO_getTag(line,'[',']')
if (section > 0) then
positions = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunks)
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) ! extract key
select case(tag)
case ('hybridia')
texture_ODFfile(section) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,2)
case ('symmetry')
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,2))
select case (tag)
texture_symmetry(section) = 4
texture_symmetry(section) = 2
case default
texture_symmetry(section) = 1
end select
case ('(gauss)')
gauss = gauss + 1
do i = 2,10,2
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,i))
select case (tag)
texture_Gauss(1,gauss,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Gauss(2,gauss,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Gauss(3,gauss,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Gauss(4,gauss,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Gauss(5,gauss,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)
end select
case ('(fiber)')
fiber = fiber + 1
do i = 2,12,2
tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,i))
select case (tag)
texture_Fiber(1,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Fiber(2,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Fiber(3,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Fiber(4,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Fiber(5,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)*inRad
texture_Fiber(6,fiber,section) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,i+1)
end select
end select
100 return
end subroutine
subroutine material_populateGrains()
use prec, only: pInt, pReal
use math, only: math_sampleRandomOri, math_sampleGaussOri, math_sampleFiberOri, math_symmetricEulers
use mesh, only: mesh_element, mesh_maxNips, mesh_NcpElems, mesh_ipVolume, FE_Nips
use IO, only: IO_error, IO_hybridIA
implicit none
integer(pInt), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: Ngrains
integer(pInt), dimension (microstructure_maxNconstituents) :: NgrainsOfConstituent
real(pReal), dimension (:), allocatable :: volFracOfGrain, phaseOfGrain
real(pReal), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: orientationOfGrain
real(pReal), dimension (3) :: orientation
real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: symOrientation
integer(pInt) t,e,i,g,j,m,homog,micro,sgn
integer(pInt) phaseID,textureID,dGrains,myNgrains,myNorientations, &
real(pReal) extreme,rnd
allocate(material_volFrac(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; material_volFrac = 0.0_pReal
allocate(material_phase(homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; material_phase = 0_pInt
allocate(material_EulerAngles(3,homogenization_maxNgrains,mesh_maxNips,mesh_NcpElems)) ; material_EulerAngles = 0.0_pReal
allocate(Ngrains(material_Nhomogenization,material_Nmicrostructure)); Ngrains = 0_pInt
! count grains per homog/micro pair
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems
homog = mesh_element(3,e)
micro = mesh_element(4,e)
if (homog < 1 .or. homog > material_Nhomogenization) & ! out of bounds
call IO_error(130,e,0,0)
if (micro < 1 .or. micro > material_Nmicrostructure) & ! out of bounds
call IO_error(140,e,0,0)
Ngrains(homog,micro) = Ngrains(homog,micro) + homogenization_Ngrains(homog) * FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))
allocate(volFracOfGrain(maxval(Ngrains))) ! reserve memory for maximum case
allocate(phaseOfGrain(maxval(Ngrains))) ! reserve memory for maximum case
allocate(orientationOfGrain(3,maxval(Ngrains))) ! reserve memory for maximum case
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'MATERIAL grain population'
do homog = 1,material_Nhomogenization ! loop over homogenizations
dGrains = homogenization_Ngrains(homog) ! grain number per material point
do micro = 1,material_Nmicrostructure ! all pairs of homog and micro
if (Ngrains(homog,micro) > 0) then ! an active pair of homog and micro
myNgrains = Ngrains(homog,micro) ! assign short name
write (6,*)
write (6,'(a32,x,a32,x,i6)') homogenization_name(homog),microstructure_name(micro),myNgrains
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
volFracOfGrain = 0.0_pReal
grain = 0_pInt ! microstructure grain index
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems ! check each element
if (mesh_element(3,e) == homog .and. mesh_element(4,e) == micro) then ! my combination of homog and micro
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))) & ! loop over IPs
volFracOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+1:grain+i*dGrains) = mesh_ipVolume(i,e)/dGrains ! assign IPvolfrac/Ngrains to grains
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
write (6,*) 'now at grain count',grain
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NgrainsOfConstituent = 0_pInt
forall (i = 1:microstructure_Nconstituents(micro)) &
NgrainsOfConstituent(i) = nint(microstructure_fraction(i,micro) * myNgrains, pInt)
write (6,*) 'NgrainsOfConstituent',NgrainsOfConstituent
do while (sum(NgrainsOfConstituent) /= myNgrains) ! total grain count over constituents wrong?
sgn = sign(1_pInt, myNgrains - sum(NgrainsOfConstituent)) ! direction of required change
extreme = 0.0_pReal
t = 0_pInt
do i = 1,microstructure_Nconstituents(micro) ! find largest deviator
if (sgn*log(NgrainsOfConstituent(i)/myNgrains/microstructure_fraction(i,micro)) > extreme) then
extreme = sgn*log(NgrainsOfConstituent(i)/myNgrains/microstructure_fraction(i,micro))
t = i
NgrainsOfConstituent(t) = NgrainsOfConstituent(t) + sgn ! change that by one
end do
write (6,*) 'fixed NgrainsOfConstituent',NgrainsOfConstituent
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
phaseOfGrain = 0_pInt
orientationOfGrain = 0.0_pReal
grain = 0_pInt ! reset microstructure grain index
do i = 1,microstructure_Nconstituents(micro) ! loop over constituents
phaseID = microstructure_phase(i,micro)
textureID = microstructure_texture(i,micro)
phaseOfGrain(grain+1:grain+NgrainsOfConstituent(i)) = phaseID ! assign resp. phase
myNorientations = ceiling(float(NgrainsOfConstituent(i))/texture_symmetry(textureID)) ! max number of unique orientations (excl. symmetry)
write (6,'(a32,x,i6,x,f5.3,x,i6)') &
constituentGrain = 0_pInt ! constituent grain index
! ---------
if (texture_ODFfile(textureID) == '') then ! dealing with texture components
! ---------
do t = 1,texture_Ngauss(textureID) ! loop over Gauss components
write (6,*) 'gauss',t,int(myNorientations*texture_Gauss(5,t,textureID))
do g = 1,int(myNorientations*texture_Gauss(5,t,textureID)) ! loop over required grain count
orientationOfGrain(:,grain+constituentGrain+g) = &
texture_Gauss( 4,t,textureID))
constituentGrain = constituentGrain + int(myNorientations*texture_Gauss(5,t,textureID))
write (6,*) 'now at constituent grain',constituentGrain
do t = 1,texture_Nfiber(textureID) ! loop over fiber components
write (6,*) 'fiber',t,int(myNorientations*texture_Fiber(6,t,textureID))
do g = 1,int(myNorientations*texture_Fiber(6,t,textureID)) ! loop over required grain count
orientationOfGrain(:,grain+constituentGrain+g) = &
texture_Fiber( 5,t,textureID))
constituentGrain = constituentGrain + int(myNorientations*texture_fiber(6,t,textureID))
write (6,*) 'now at constituent grain',constituentGrain
write (6,*) 'looping',constituentGrain+1,myNorientations
do j = constituentGrain+1,myNorientations ! fill remainder with random
orientationOfGrain(:,grain+j) = math_sampleRandomOri()
write (6,*) 'done...'
! ---------
else ! hybrid IA
! ---------
orientationOfGrain(:,grain+1:grain+myNorientations) = IO_hybridIA(myNorientations,texture_ODFfile(textureID))
if (all(orientationOfGrain(:,grain+1) == -1.0_pReal)) call IO_error(105)
constituentGrain = constituentGrain + myNorientations
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
symExtension = texture_symmetry(textureID) - 1_pInt
if (symExtension > 0_pInt) then ! sample symmetry
constituentGrain = NgrainsOfConstituent(i)-myNorientations ! calc remainder of array
do j = 1,myNorientations ! loop over each "real" orientation
symOrientation = math_symmetricEulers(texture_symmetry(textureID),orientationOfGrain(:,j)) ! get symmetric equivalents
e = min(symExtension,constituentGrain) ! are we at end of constituent grain array?
if (e > 0_pInt) then
grain+myNorientations+e+(j-1)*symExtension) = &
constituentGrain = constituentGrain - e ! remainder shrinks by e
grain = grain + NgrainsOfConstituent(i) ! advance microstructure grain index
end do ! constituent
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
do i=1,myNgrains-1 ! walk thru grains
call random_number(rnd)
t = nint(rnd*(myNgrains-i)+i+0.5_pReal,pInt) ! select a grain in remaining list
m = phaseOfGrain(t) ! exchange current with random
phaseOfGrain(t) = phaseOfGrain(i)
phaseOfGrain(i) = m
orientation = orientationOfGrain(:,t)
orientationOfGrain(:,t) = orientationOfGrain(:,i)
orientationOfGrain(:,i) = orientation
end do
!calc fraction after weighing with volumePerGrain
!exchange in MC steps to improve result...
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!write(6,*) ''
!write(6,'(7(a10,x),a10)') 'element','ip','Ngrains','volFrac','phase','phi1','Phi','phi2'
grain = 0_pInt ! microstructure grain index
do e = 1,mesh_NcpElems ! check each element
if (mesh_element(3,e) == homog .and. mesh_element(4,e) == micro) then ! my combination of homog and micro
forall (i = 1:FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)), g = 1:dGrains) ! loop over IPs and grains
material_volFrac(g,i,e) = volFracOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_phase(g,i,e) = phaseOfGrain(grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
material_EulerAngles(:,g,i,e) = orientationOfGrain(:,grain+(i-1)*dGrains+g)
end forall
!do i = 1,FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e))
! write(6,'(3(i10,x),e10.3,x,i10,x,3(f10.1,x))') e, i, dGrains, sum(material_volFrac(:,i,e)), &
! sum(material_phase(:,i,e)), &
! sum(material_EulerAngles(1,:,i,e)), &
! sum(material_EulerAngles(2,:,i,e)), &
! sum(material_EulerAngles(3,:,i,e))
!end do
grain = grain + FE_Nips(mesh_element(2,e)) * dGrains ! wind forward by Nips*NgrainsPerIP
endif ! active homog,micro pair
end subroutine
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
! Material subroutine for MSC.Marc
! written by P. Eisenlohr,
! F. Roters,
! L. Hantcherli,
! W.A. Counts
! D.D. Tjahjanto
! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf
! Usage:
! - choose material as hypela2
! - set statevariable 2 to index of homogenization
! - set statevariable 3 to index of microstructure
! - make sure the file "material.config" exists in the working
! directory
! - use nonsymmetric option for solver (e.g. direct
! profile or multifrontal sparse, the latter seems
! to be faster!)
! - in case of ddm (domain decomposition)a SYMMETRIC
! solver has to be used, i.e uncheck "non-symmetric"
! Marc subroutines used:
! - hypela2
! - plotv
! - quit
! Marc common blocks included:
! - concom: lovl, ncycle, inc, incsub
! - creeps: timinc
include "prec.f90" ! uses nothing else
include "debug.f90" ! uses prec
include "math.f90" ! uses prec
include "IO.f90" ! uses prec, debug, math
include "FEsolving.f90" ! uses prec, IO
include "mesh.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, FEsolving
include "material.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, mesh
include "lattice.f90" ! uses prec, math
include "constitutive_phenomenological.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_j2.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_dislobased.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, lattice, mesh, debug
include "CPFEM.f90" ! uses prec, math, mesh, constitutive, FEsolving, debug, lattice, IO, crystallite
SUBROUTINE hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,n,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,&
! This is the Marc material routine
! ************* user subroutine for defining material behavior **************
! CAUTION : Due to calculation of the Deformation gradients, Stretch Tensors and
! Rotation tensors at previous and current states, the analysis can be
! computationally expensive. Please use the user subroutine -> hypela
! if these kinematic quantities are not needed in the constitutive model
! (1) F,R,U are only available for continuum and membrane elements (not for
! shells and beams).
! (2) For total Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Elasticity,1' card(=
! total Lagrange with large disp) in the parameter section of input deck.
! For updated Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Plasticity,3' card(=
! update+finite+large disp+constant d) in the parameter section of
! input deck.
! d stress strain law to be formed
! g change in stress due to temperature effects
! e total elastic strain
! de increment of strain
! s stress - should be updated by user
! t state variables (comes in at t=n, must be updated
! to have state variables at t=n+1)
! dt increment of state variables
! ngens size of stress - strain law
! n element number
! nn integration point number
! kcus(1) layer number
! kcus(2) internal layer number
! matus(1) user material identification number
! matus(2) internal material identification number
! ndi number of direct components
! nshear number of shear components
! disp incremental displacements
! dispt displacements at t=n (at assembly, lovl=4) and
! displacements at t=n+1 (at stress recovery, lovl=6)
! coord coordinates
! ncrd number of coordinates
! ndeg number of degrees of freedom
! itel dimension of F and R, either 2 or 3
! nnode number of nodes per element
! jtype element type
! lclass element class
! ifr set to 1 if R has been calculated
! ifu set to 1 if strech has been calculated
! at t=n :
! ffn deformation gradient
! frotn rotation tensor
! strechn square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! at t=n+1 :
! ffn1 deformation gradient
! frotn1 rotation tensor
! strechn1 square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn1(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! The following operation obtains U (stretch tensor) at t=n+1 :
! call scla(un1,0.d0,itel,itel,1)
! do 3 k=1,3
! do 2 i=1,3
! do 1 j=1,3
! un1(i,j)=un1(i,j)+dsqrt(strechn1(k))*eigvn1(i,k)*eigvn1(j,k)
!1 continue
!2 continue
!3 continue
use prec, only: pReal,pInt, ijaco
use FEsolving
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general
use math, only: invnrmMandel
use debug
implicit none
! ** Start of generated type statements **
real(pReal) coord, d, de, disp, dispt, dt, e, eigvn, eigvn1, ffn, ffn1
real(pReal) frotn, frotn1, g
integer(pInt) ifr, ifu, itel, jtype, kcus, lclass, matus, n, ncrd, ndeg
integer(pInt) ndi, ndm, ngens, nn, nnode, nshear
real(pReal) s, strechn, strechn1, t
! ** End of generated type statements **
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,*),s(*), n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),matus(2),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! Marc common blocks are in fixed format so they have to be reformated to free format (f90)
! Beware of changes in newer Marc versions
include "concom%%MARCVERSION%%" ! concom is needed for inc, subinc, ncycle, lovl
include "creeps%%MARCVERSION%%" ! creeps is needed for timinc (time increment)
integer(pInt) computationMode,i
! write(6,'(3(3(f10.3,x),/))') ffn1(:,1),ffn1(:,2),ffn1(:,3)
if (inc == 0) then
cycleCounter = 4
if (theCycle > ncycle .or. theInc /= inc) cycleCounter = 0 ! reset counter for each cutback or new inc
if (theCycle /= ncycle .or. theLovl /= lovl) then
cycleCounter = cycleCounter+1 ! ping pong
outdatedFFN1 = .false.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'cycleCounter',cycleCounter
call debug_info() ! output of debugging/performance statistics of former
debug_cutbackDistribution = 0_pInt ! initialize debugging data
debug_InnerLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_OuterLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_cumLpTicks = 0
debug_cumDotStateTicks = 0
debug_cumLpCalls = 0_pInt
debug_cumDotStateCalls = 0_pInt
if (cptim > theTime .or. theInc /= inc) then ! reached convergence
lastIncConverged = .true.
outdatedByNewInc = .true.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'lastIncConverged + outdated'
if (mod(cycleCounter,2) /= 0) computationMode = 4 ! recycle in odd cycles
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 2) computationMode = 3 ! collect in 2,6,10,...
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 0) computationMode = 2 ! compute in 0,4,8,...
if (computationMode == 4 .and. ncycle == 0 .and. .not. lastIncConverged) &
computationMode = 6 ! recycle but restore known good consistent tangent
if (computationMode == 4 .and. lastIncConverged) then
computationMode = 5 ! recycle and record former consistent tangent
lastIncConverged = .false.
if (computationMode == 2 .and. outdatedByNewInc) then
computationMode = 1 ! compute and age former results
outdatedByNewInc = .false.
theTime = cptim ! record current starting time
theInc = inc ! record current increment number
theCycle = ncycle ! record current cycle count
theLovl = lovl ! record current lovl
call CPFEM_general(computationMode,ffn,ffn1,t(1),timinc,n(1),nn,s,mod(cycleCounter-4,4_pInt*ijaco)==0,d,ngens)
! Mandel: 11, 22, 33, SQRT(2)*12, SQRT(2)*23, SQRT(2)*13
! Marc: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13
forall(i=1:ngens) d(1:ngens,i) = invnrmMandel(i)*d(1:ngens,i)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
s(1:ngens) = s(1:ngens)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
if(symmetricSolver) d(1:ngens,1:ngens) = 0.5_pReal*(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)+transpose(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)))
SUBROUTINE plotv(v,s,sp,etot,eplas,ecreep,t,m,nn,layer,ndi,nshear,jpltcd)
! This routine sets user defined output variables for Marc
! select a variable contour plotting (user subroutine).
! v variable
! s (idss) stress array
! sp stresses in preferred direction
! etot total strain (generalized)
! eplas total plastic strain
! ecreep total creep strain
! t current temperature
! m element number
! nn integration point number
! layer layer number
! ndi (3) number of direct stress components
! nshear (3) number of shear stress components
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_results, CPFEM_Nresults
use constitutive, only: constitutive_maxSizePostResults
use mesh, only: mesh_FEasCP
implicit none
real(pReal) s(*),etot(*),eplas(*),ecreep(*),sp(*)
real(pReal) v, t(*)
integer(pInt) m, nn, layer, ndi, nshear, jpltcd
! assign result variable
v = CPFEM_results(mod(jpltcd-1_pInt, CPFEM_Nresults+constitutive_maxSizePostResults)+1_pInt,&
nn, mesh_FEasCP('elem', m))
! subroutine utimestep(timestep,timestepold,icall,time,timeloadcase)
! This routine modifies the addaptive time step of Marc
! use prec, only: pReal,pInt
! use CPFEM, only : CPFEM_timefactor_max
! implicit none
! real(pReal) timestep, timestepold, time,timeloadcase
! integer(pInt) icall
! user subroutine for modifying the time step in auto step
! timestep : the current time step as suggested by marc
! to be modified in this routine
! timestepold : the current time step before it was modified by marc
! icall : =1 for setting the initial time step
! =2 if this routine is called during an increment
! =3 if this routine is called at the beginning
! of the increment
! time : time at the start of the current increment
! timeloadcase: time period of the current load case
! it is in general not recommended to increase the time step
! during the increment.
! this routine is called right after the time step has (possibly)
! been updated by marc.
! user coding
! reduce timestep during increment in case mpie_timefactor is too large
! if(icall==2_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max>1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! return
! modify timestep at beginning of new increment
! else if(icall==3_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max<=0.8_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.25_pReal)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.0_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold/mpie_timefactor_max)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.01_pReal)
! else
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! end if
! return
! end
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
! Material subroutine for MSC.Marc
! written by P. Eisenlohr,
! F. Roters,
! L. Hantcherli,
! W.A. Counts
! D.D. Tjahjanto
! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf
! Usage:
! - choose material as hypela2
! - set statevariable 2 to index of homogenization
! - set statevariable 3 to index of microstructure
! - make sure the file "material.config" exists in the working
! directory
! - use nonsymmetric option for solver (e.g. direct
! profile or multifrontal sparse, the latter seems
! to be faster!)
! - in case of ddm (domain decomposition)a SYMMETRIC
! solver has to be used, i.e uncheck "non-symmetric"
! Marc subroutines used:
! - hypela2
! - plotv
! - quit
! Marc common blocks included:
! - concom: lovl, ncycle, inc, incsub
! - creeps: timinc
include "prec.f90" ! uses nothing else
include "debug.f90" ! uses prec
include "math.f90" ! uses prec
include "IO.f90" ! uses prec, debug, math
include "FEsolving.f90" ! uses prec, IO
include "mesh.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, FEsolving
include "material.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, mesh
include "lattice.f90" ! uses prec, math
include "constitutive_phenomenological.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_j2.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_dislobased.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, lattice, mesh, debug
include "CPFEM.f90" ! uses prec, math, mesh, constitutive, FEsolving, debug, lattice, IO, crystallite
SUBROUTINE hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,n,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,&
! This is the Marc material routine
! ************* user subroutine for defining material behavior **************
! CAUTION : Due to calculation of the Deformation gradients, Stretch Tensors and
! Rotation tensors at previous and current states, the analysis can be
! computationally expensive. Please use the user subroutine -> hypela
! if these kinematic quantities are not needed in the constitutive model
! (1) F,R,U are only available for continuum and membrane elements (not for
! shells and beams).
! (2) For total Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Elasticity,1' card(=
! total Lagrange with large disp) in the parameter section of input deck.
! For updated Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Plasticity,3' card(=
! update+finite+large disp+constant d) in the parameter section of
! input deck.
! d stress strain law to be formed
! g change in stress due to temperature effects
! e total elastic strain
! de increment of strain
! s stress - should be updated by user
! t state variables (comes in at t=n, must be updated
! to have state variables at t=n+1)
! dt increment of state variables
! ngens size of stress - strain law
! n element number
! nn integration point number
! kcus(1) layer number
! kcus(2) internal layer number
! matus(1) user material identification number
! matus(2) internal material identification number
! ndi number of direct components
! nshear number of shear components
! disp incremental displacements
! dispt displacements at t=n (at assembly, lovl=4) and
! displacements at t=n+1 (at stress recovery, lovl=6)
! coord coordinates
! ncrd number of coordinates
! ndeg number of degrees of freedom
! itel dimension of F and R, either 2 or 3
! nnode number of nodes per element
! jtype element type
! lclass element class
! ifr set to 1 if R has been calculated
! ifu set to 1 if strech has been calculated
! at t=n :
! ffn deformation gradient
! frotn rotation tensor
! strechn square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! at t=n+1 :
! ffn1 deformation gradient
! frotn1 rotation tensor
! strechn1 square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn1(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! The following operation obtains U (stretch tensor) at t=n+1 :
! call scla(un1,0.d0,itel,itel,1)
! do 3 k=1,3
! do 2 i=1,3
! do 1 j=1,3
! un1(i,j)=un1(i,j)+dsqrt(strechn1(k))*eigvn1(i,k)*eigvn1(j,k)
!1 continue
!2 continue
!3 continue
use prec, only: pReal,pInt, ijaco
use FEsolving
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general
use math, only: invnrmMandel
use debug
implicit none
! ** Start of generated type statements **
real(pReal) coord, d, de, disp, dispt, dt, e, eigvn, eigvn1, ffn, ffn1
real(pReal) frotn, frotn1, g
integer(pInt) ifr, ifu, itel, jtype, kcus, lclass, matus, n, ncrd, ndeg
integer(pInt) ndi, ndm, ngens, nn, nnode, nshear
real(pReal) s, strechn, strechn1, t
! ** End of generated type statements **
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,*),s(*), n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),matus(2),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! Marc common blocks are in fixed format so they have to be reformated to free format (f90)
! Beware of changes in newer Marc versions
include "concom2007r1" ! concom is needed for inc, subinc, ncycle, lovl
include "creeps2007r1" ! creeps is needed for timinc (time increment)
integer(pInt) computationMode,i
! write(6,'(3(3(f10.3,x),/))') ffn1(:,1),ffn1(:,2),ffn1(:,3)
if (inc == 0) then
cycleCounter = 4
if (theCycle > ncycle .or. theInc /= inc) cycleCounter = 0 ! reset counter for each cutback or new inc
if (theCycle /= ncycle .or. theLovl /= lovl) then
cycleCounter = cycleCounter+1 ! ping pong
outdatedFFN1 = .false.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'cycleCounter',cycleCounter
call debug_info() ! output of debugging/performance statistics of former
debug_cutbackDistribution = 0_pInt ! initialize debugging data
debug_InnerLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_OuterLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_cumLpTicks = 0
debug_cumDotStateTicks = 0
debug_cumLpCalls = 0_pInt
debug_cumDotStateCalls = 0_pInt
if (cptim > theTime .or. theInc /= inc) then ! reached convergence
lastIncConverged = .true.
outdatedByNewInc = .true.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'lastIncConverged + outdated'
if (mod(cycleCounter,2) /= 0) computationMode = 4 ! recycle in odd cycles
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 2) computationMode = 3 ! collect in 2,6,10,...
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 0) computationMode = 2 ! compute in 0,4,8,...
if (computationMode == 4 .and. ncycle == 0 .and. .not. lastIncConverged) &
computationMode = 6 ! recycle but restore known good consistent tangent
if (computationMode == 4 .and. lastIncConverged) then
computationMode = 5 ! recycle and record former consistent tangent
lastIncConverged = .false.
if (computationMode == 2 .and. outdatedByNewInc) then
computationMode = 1 ! compute and age former results
outdatedByNewInc = .false.
theTime = cptim ! record current starting time
theInc = inc ! record current increment number
theCycle = ncycle ! record current cycle count
theLovl = lovl ! record current lovl
call CPFEM_general(computationMode,ffn,ffn1,t(1),timinc,n(1),nn,s,mod(cycleCounter-4,4_pInt*ijaco)==0,d,ngens)
! Mandel: 11, 22, 33, SQRT(2)*12, SQRT(2)*23, SQRT(2)*13
! Marc: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13
forall(i=1:ngens) d(1:ngens,i) = invnrmMandel(i)*d(1:ngens,i)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
s(1:ngens) = s(1:ngens)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
if(symmetricSolver) d(1:ngens,1:ngens) = 0.5_pReal*(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)+transpose(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)))
SUBROUTINE plotv(v,s,sp,etot,eplas,ecreep,t,m,nn,layer,ndi,nshear,jpltcd)
! This routine sets user defined output variables for Marc
! select a variable contour plotting (user subroutine).
! v variable
! s (idss) stress array
! sp stresses in preferred direction
! etot total strain (generalized)
! eplas total plastic strain
! ecreep total creep strain
! t current temperature
! m element number
! nn integration point number
! layer layer number
! ndi (3) number of direct stress components
! nshear (3) number of shear stress components
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_results, CPFEM_Nresults
use constitutive, only: constitutive_maxSizePostResults
use mesh, only: mesh_FEasCP
implicit none
real(pReal) s(*),etot(*),eplas(*),ecreep(*),sp(*)
real(pReal) v, t(*)
integer(pInt) m, nn, layer, ndi, nshear, jpltcd
! assign result variable
v = CPFEM_results(mod(jpltcd-1_pInt, CPFEM_Nresults+constitutive_maxSizePostResults)+1_pInt,&
nn, mesh_FEasCP('elem', m))
! subroutine utimestep(timestep,timestepold,icall,time,timeloadcase)
! This routine modifies the addaptive time step of Marc
! use prec, only: pReal,pInt
! use CPFEM, only : CPFEM_timefactor_max
! implicit none
! real(pReal) timestep, timestepold, time,timeloadcase
! integer(pInt) icall
! user subroutine for modifying the time step in auto step
! timestep : the current time step as suggested by marc
! to be modified in this routine
! timestepold : the current time step before it was modified by marc
! icall : =1 for setting the initial time step
! =2 if this routine is called during an increment
! =3 if this routine is called at the beginning
! of the increment
! time : time at the start of the current increment
! timeloadcase: time period of the current load case
! it is in general not recommended to increase the time step
! during the increment.
! this routine is called right after the time step has (possibly)
! been updated by marc.
! user coding
! reduce timestep during increment in case mpie_timefactor is too large
! if(icall==2_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max>1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! return
! modify timestep at beginning of new increment
! else if(icall==3_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max<=0.8_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.25_pReal)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.0_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold/mpie_timefactor_max)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.01_pReal)
! else
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! end if
! return
! end
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
! Material subroutine for MSC.Marc
! written by P. Eisenlohr,
! F. Roters,
! L. Hantcherli,
! W.A. Counts
! D.D. Tjahjanto
! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf
! Usage:
! - choose material as hypela2
! - set statevariable 2 to index of homogenization
! - set statevariable 3 to index of microstructure
! - make sure the file "material.config" exists in the working
! directory
! - use nonsymmetric option for solver (e.g. direct
! profile or multifrontal sparse, the latter seems
! to be faster!)
! - in case of ddm (domain decomposition)a SYMMETRIC
! solver has to be used, i.e uncheck "non-symmetric"
! Marc subroutines used:
! - hypela2
! - plotv
! - quit
! Marc common blocks included:
! - concom: lovl, ncycle, inc, incsub
! - creeps: timinc
include "prec.f90" ! uses nothing else
include "debug.f90" ! uses prec
include "math.f90" ! uses prec
include "IO.f90" ! uses prec, debug, math
include "FEsolving.f90" ! uses prec, IO
include "mesh.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, FEsolving
include "material.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, mesh
include "lattice.f90" ! uses prec, math
include "constitutive_phenomenological.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_j2.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive_dislobased.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug
include "constitutive.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, lattice, mesh, debug
include "CPFEM.f90" ! uses prec, math, mesh, constitutive, FEsolving, debug, lattice, IO, crystallite
SUBROUTINE hypela2(d,g,e,de,s,t,dt,ngens,n,nn,kcus,matus,ndi,&
! This is the Marc material routine
! ************* user subroutine for defining material behavior **************
! CAUTION : Due to calculation of the Deformation gradients, Stretch Tensors and
! Rotation tensors at previous and current states, the analysis can be
! computationally expensive. Please use the user subroutine -> hypela
! if these kinematic quantities are not needed in the constitutive model
! (1) F,R,U are only available for continuum and membrane elements (not for
! shells and beams).
! (2) For total Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Elasticity,1' card(=
! total Lagrange with large disp) in the parameter section of input deck.
! For updated Lagrangian formulation use the -> 'Plasticity,3' card(=
! update+finite+large disp+constant d) in the parameter section of
! input deck.
! d stress strain law to be formed
! g change in stress due to temperature effects
! e total elastic strain
! de increment of strain
! s stress - should be updated by user
! t state variables (comes in at t=n, must be updated
! to have state variables at t=n+1)
! dt increment of state variables
! ngens size of stress - strain law
! n element number
! nn integration point number
! kcus(1) layer number
! kcus(2) internal layer number
! matus(1) user material identification number
! matus(2) internal material identification number
! ndi number of direct components
! nshear number of shear components
! disp incremental displacements
! dispt displacements at t=n (at assembly, lovl=4) and
! displacements at t=n+1 (at stress recovery, lovl=6)
! coord coordinates
! ncrd number of coordinates
! ndeg number of degrees of freedom
! itel dimension of F and R, either 2 or 3
! nnode number of nodes per element
! jtype element type
! lclass element class
! ifr set to 1 if R has been calculated
! ifu set to 1 if strech has been calculated
! at t=n :
! ffn deformation gradient
! frotn rotation tensor
! strechn square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! at t=n+1 :
! ffn1 deformation gradient
! frotn1 rotation tensor
! strechn1 square of principal stretch ratios, lambda(i)
! eigvn1(i,j) i principal direction components for j eigenvalues
! The following operation obtains U (stretch tensor) at t=n+1 :
! call scla(un1,0.d0,itel,itel,1)
! do 3 k=1,3
! do 2 i=1,3
! do 1 j=1,3
! un1(i,j)=un1(i,j)+dsqrt(strechn1(k))*eigvn1(i,k)*eigvn1(j,k)
!1 continue
!2 continue
!3 continue
use prec, only: pReal,pInt, ijaco
use FEsolving
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general
use math, only: invnrmMandel
use debug
implicit none
! ** Start of generated type statements **
real(pReal) coord, d, de, disp, dispt, dt, e, eigvn, eigvn1, ffn, ffn1
real(pReal) frotn, frotn1, g
integer(pInt) ifr, ifu, itel, jtype, kcus, lclass, matus, n, ncrd, ndeg
integer(pInt) ndi, ndm, ngens, nn, nnode, nshear
real(pReal) s, strechn, strechn1, t
! ** End of generated type statements **
dimension e(*),de(*),t(*),dt(*),g(*),d(ngens,*),s(*), n(2),coord(ncrd,*),disp(ndeg,*),matus(2),dispt(ndeg,*),ffn(itel,*),&
! Marc common blocks are in fixed format so they have to be reformated to free format (f90)
! Beware of changes in newer Marc versions
include "concom2008r1" ! concom is needed for inc, subinc, ncycle, lovl
include "creeps2008r1" ! creeps is needed for timinc (time increment)
integer(pInt) computationMode,i
! write(6,'(3(3(f10.3,x),/))') ffn1(:,1),ffn1(:,2),ffn1(:,3)
if (inc == 0) then
cycleCounter = 4
if (theCycle > ncycle .or. theInc /= inc) cycleCounter = 0 ! reset counter for each cutback or new inc
if (theCycle /= ncycle .or. theLovl /= lovl) then
cycleCounter = cycleCounter+1 ! ping pong
outdatedFFN1 = .false.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'cycleCounter',cycleCounter
call debug_info() ! output of debugging/performance statistics of former
debug_cutbackDistribution = 0_pInt ! initialize debugging data
debug_InnerLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_OuterLoopDistribution = 0_pInt
debug_cumLpTicks = 0
debug_cumDotStateTicks = 0
debug_cumLpCalls = 0_pInt
debug_cumDotStateCalls = 0_pInt
if (cptim > theTime .or. theInc /= inc) then ! reached convergence
lastIncConverged = .true.
outdatedByNewInc = .true.
write (6,*) n(1),nn,'lastIncConverged + outdated'
if (mod(cycleCounter,2) /= 0) computationMode = 4 ! recycle in odd cycles
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 2) computationMode = 3 ! collect in 2,6,10,...
if (mod(cycleCounter,4) == 0) computationMode = 2 ! compute in 0,4,8,...
if (computationMode == 4 .and. ncycle == 0 .and. .not. lastIncConverged) &
computationMode = 6 ! recycle but restore known good consistent tangent
if (computationMode == 4 .and. lastIncConverged) then
computationMode = 5 ! recycle and record former consistent tangent
lastIncConverged = .false.
if (computationMode == 2 .and. outdatedByNewInc) then
computationMode = 1 ! compute and age former results
outdatedByNewInc = .false.
theTime = cptim ! record current starting time
theInc = inc ! record current increment number
theCycle = ncycle ! record current cycle count
theLovl = lovl ! record current lovl
call CPFEM_general(computationMode,ffn,ffn1,t(1),timinc,n(1),nn,s,mod(cycleCounter-4,4_pInt*ijaco)==0,d,ngens)
! Mandel: 11, 22, 33, SQRT(2)*12, SQRT(2)*23, SQRT(2)*13
! Marc: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13
forall(i=1:ngens) d(1:ngens,i) = invnrmMandel(i)*d(1:ngens,i)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
s(1:ngens) = s(1:ngens)*invnrmMandel(1:ngens)
if(symmetricSolver) d(1:ngens,1:ngens) = 0.5_pReal*(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)+transpose(d(1:ngens,1:ngens)))
SUBROUTINE plotv(v,s,sp,etot,eplas,ecreep,t,m,nn,layer,ndi,nshear,jpltcd)
! This routine sets user defined output variables for Marc
! select a variable contour plotting (user subroutine).
! v variable
! s (idss) stress array
! sp stresses in preferred direction
! etot total strain (generalized)
! eplas total plastic strain
! ecreep total creep strain
! t current temperature
! m element number
! nn integration point number
! layer layer number
! ndi (3) number of direct stress components
! nshear (3) number of shear stress components
use prec, only: pReal,pInt
use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_results, CPFEM_Nresults
use constitutive, only: constitutive_maxSizePostResults
use mesh, only: mesh_FEasCP
implicit none
real(pReal) s(*),etot(*),eplas(*),ecreep(*),sp(*)
real(pReal) v, t(*)
integer(pInt) m, nn, layer, ndi, nshear, jpltcd
! assign result variable
v = CPFEM_results(mod(jpltcd-1_pInt, CPFEM_Nresults+constitutive_maxSizePostResults)+1_pInt,&
nn, mesh_FEasCP('elem', m))
! subroutine utimestep(timestep,timestepold,icall,time,timeloadcase)
! This routine modifies the addaptive time step of Marc
! use prec, only: pReal,pInt
! use CPFEM, only : CPFEM_timefactor_max
! implicit none
! real(pReal) timestep, timestepold, time,timeloadcase
! integer(pInt) icall
! user subroutine for modifying the time step in auto step
! timestep : the current time step as suggested by marc
! to be modified in this routine
! timestepold : the current time step before it was modified by marc
! icall : =1 for setting the initial time step
! =2 if this routine is called during an increment
! =3 if this routine is called at the beginning
! of the increment
! time : time at the start of the current increment
! timeloadcase: time period of the current load case
! it is in general not recommended to increase the time step
! during the increment.
! this routine is called right after the time step has (possibly)
! been updated by marc.
! user coding
! reduce timestep during increment in case mpie_timefactor is too large
! if(icall==2_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max>1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! return
! modify timestep at beginning of new increment
! else if(icall==3_pInt) then
! if(mpie_timefactor_max<=0.8_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.25_pReal)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.0_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold/mpie_timefactor_max)
! else if (mpie_timefactor_max<=1.25_pReal) then
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*1.01_pReal)
! else
! timestep=min(timestep,timestepold*0.8_pReal)
! end if
! end if
! return
! end
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
implicit none
! *** Precision of real and integer variables ***
integer, parameter :: pReal = selected_real_kind(15,300) ! 15 significant digits, up to 1e+-300
integer, parameter :: pInt = selected_int_kind(9) ! up to +- 1e9
integer, parameter :: pLongInt = 8 ! should be 64bit
type :: p_vec
real(pReal), dimension(:), pointer :: p
end type p_vec
! *** Strain increment considered significant ***
real(pReal), parameter :: relevantStrain = 1.0e-7_pReal
! *** Numerical parameters ***
integer(pInt), parameter :: ijaco = 1_pInt ! frequency of FEM Jacobi update
integer(pInt), parameter :: nCutback = 20_pInt ! max cutbacks accounted for in debug distribution
integer(pInt), parameter :: nReg = 1_pInt ! regularization attempts for Jacobi inversion
real(pReal), parameter :: pert_Fg = 1.0e-6_pReal ! strain perturbation for FEM Jacobi
integer(pInt), parameter :: nOuter = 20_pInt ! outer loop limit 20
integer(pInt), parameter :: nInner = 200_pInt ! inner loop limit 200
real(pReal), parameter :: reltol_Outer = 1.0e-5_pReal ! relative tolerance in outer loop (state)
real(pReal), parameter :: reltol_Inner = 1.0e-6_pReal ! relative tolerance in inner loop (Lp)
real(pReal), parameter :: abstol_Inner = 1.0e-8_pReal ! absolute tolerance in inner loop (Lp)
real(pReal), parameter :: resToler = 1.0e-4_pReal ! relative tolerance of residual in GIA iteration
real(pReal), parameter :: resAbsol = 1.0e+2_pReal ! absolute tolerance of residual in GIA iteration (corresponds to ~1 Pa)
real(pReal), parameter :: resBound = 1.0e+1_pReal ! relative maximum value (upper bound) for GIA residual
integer(pInt), parameter :: NRiterMax = 24_pInt ! maximum number of GIA iteration
real(pReal), parameter :: subStepMin = 1.0e-3_pReal ! minimum (relative) size of sub-step allowed during cutback
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Things to be implemented into the code
# adopt CPFEM_GIA8.f90 to new scheme, use "select case" to switch between homogenization schemes in CPFEM.f90
# make OpenMP parallelization work again
# adopt constitutive_dislo
# check out
Author = {Balasubramanian, Srihari},
School = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
Title = {Polycrystalline Plasticity: Application to Deformation Processing of Lightweight Metals},
Year = {1998}}
for an analytical way to calculate the Jacobian matrix instead of the numerical perturbation technique currently employed.
Reference in New Issue