added function to calculate the gradient, will follow

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2013-03-07 07:58:42 +00:00
parent d821a0ac62
commit b9e0326240
1 changed files with 247 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ real(pReal), dimension(4,36), parameter, private :: &
#ifdef Spectral
public :: &
math_curlFFT, &
math_gradFFT, &
math_divergenceFFT, &
math_divergenceFDM, &
math_tensorAvg, &
@ -2707,22 +2708,23 @@ function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4),size(field,5)) :: math_curlFFT
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
! allocatable arrays for fftw c routines
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, curl_fftw
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_fourier
! other variables
integer(pInt) i, j, k, l, res1_red
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: k_s,res
real(pReal) :: wgt
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: xi
integer(pInt) :: vec_tens
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< field of data, first three dimensions are resolution, 4th is 1 or 3 (vector or tensor), 5th is 3
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4),size(field,5))::&
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: geomdim !< physical length dimension in three directions
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: curl_fourier
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: &
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: &
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, curl_fftw
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, res1_red, vec_tens
real(pReal) :: wgt
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
@ -2734,6 +2736,8 @@ function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
write(6,'(a,3(i5))') ' Resolution:', res
! sanity checks
if (vec_tens /= 1_pInt .and. vec_tens /= 3_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt, ext_msg = 'Invalid data type in math_curlFFT')
if ((mod(res(3),2_pInt)/=0_pInt .and. res(3) /= 1_pInt) .or. &
@ -2742,47 +2746,49 @@ function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
call IO_error(0_pInt,ext_msg='Resolution in math_curlFFT')
if (pReal /= C_DOUBLE .or. pInt /= C_INT) &
call IO_error(0_pInt,ext_msg='Fortran to C in math_curlFFT')
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(res(1)*res(2)*res(3),pReal)
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(product(res),pReal)
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
! allocation and FFTW initialization
call fftw_set_timelimit(fftw_timelimit)
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_fourier,[res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
curl_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
curl_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(curl_fftw, curl_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(curl_fftw, curl_fourier, [res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions , length in each dimension in reversed order
field_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],& ! input data , physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding , product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag)
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions, length in each dimension in reversed order, total # of transforms
field_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],& ! input data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],& ! output data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag) ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions, planner mode
fftw_back = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,&
curl_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,&
curl_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag)
field_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:vec_tens,1:3) = field ! field_real is overwritten during plan creation and is larger (padding)
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
field_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) = field(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
enddo; enddo; enddo
call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(fftw_forth, field_real, field_fourier)
!remove highest frequency in each direction
if(res(1)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if(res(2)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
! remove highest frequency in each direction
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if(res(3)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
! differentiation in Fourier space
do k = 1_pInt, res(3)
k_s(3) = k - 1_pInt
if(k > res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(3) = k_s(3) - res(3)
@ -2802,18 +2808,15 @@ function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
enddo; enddo; enddo
! iFFT
call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(fftw_back, curl_fourier, curl_real)
if (vec_tens == 1_pInt) then
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
math_curlFFT(i,j,k,1:1,1:3) = curl_real(i,j,k,1:1,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
enddo; enddo; enddo
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
math_curlFFT(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_transpose33(curl_real(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
enddo; enddo; enddo
math_curlFFT = curl_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:vec_tens,1:3)*wgt ! copy to output and weight
if (vec_tens == 3_pInt) &
forall(k = 1_pInt:res(3), j = 1_pInt:res(2), i = 1_pInt: res(1)) &
math_curlFFT(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_transpose33(math_curlFFT(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)) ! results are stored transposed
math_curlFFT = math_curlFFT * wgt
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_forth)
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_back)
call fftw_free(field_fftw)
@ -2822,6 +2825,135 @@ function math_curlFFT(geomdim,field)
end function math_curlFFT
!> @brief calculates gradient field using differentation in Fourier space
function math_gradFFT(geomdim,field)
use IO, only: &
use numerics, only: &
fftw_timelimit, &
use debug, only: &
debug_math, &
debug_level, &
implicit none
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< field of data, first three dimensions are resolution, 4th is 1 or 3 (scalar or vector)
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),3,size(field,4)) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: geomdim !< physical length dimension in three directions
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: grad_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: grad_fourier
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: &
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: xi
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, grad_fftw
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, res1_red, vec_tens
real(pReal) :: wgt
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
if (iand(debug_level(debug_math),debug_levelBasic) /= 0_pInt) then
if (vec_tens == 1_pInt) write(6,'(a)') 'Calculating gradient of scalar field'
if (vec_tens == 3_pInt) write(6,'(a)') 'Calculating gradeint of vector field'
write(6,'(a,3(e12.5))') ' Dimension: ', geomdim
write(6,'(a,3(i5))') ' Resolution:', res
! sanity checks
if (vec_tens /= 1_pInt .and. vec_tens /= 3_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt, ext_msg = 'Invalid data type in math_gradFFT')
if ((mod(res(3),2_pInt)/=0_pInt .and. res(3) /= 1_pInt) .or. &
mod(res(2),2_pInt)/=0_pInt .or. &
mod(res(1),2_pInt)/=0_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt,ext_msg='Resolution in math_gradFFT')
if (pReal /= C_DOUBLE .or. pInt /= C_INT) &
call IO_error(0_pInt,ext_msg='Fortran to C in math_gradFFT')
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(product(res),pReal)
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
! allocation and FFTW initialization
call fftw_set_timelimit(fftw_timelimit)
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens,C_SIZE_T)) ! C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_fourier,[res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
grad_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red *res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) ! C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(grad_fftw, grad_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),3_pInt,vec_tens])
call c_f_pointer(grad_fftw, grad_fourier, [res1_red ,res(2),res(3),3_pInt,vec_tens])
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions, length in each dimension in reversed order, total # of transforms
field_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],& ! input data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],& ! output data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag) ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions, planner mode
fftw_back = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,&
grad_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,&
grad_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag)
field_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:vec_tens) = field ! field_real is overwritten during plan creation and is larger (padding)
call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(fftw_forth, field_real, field_fourier)
! remove highest frequency in each direction
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if(res(3)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
1:vec_tens) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
! differentiation in Fourier space
do k = 1_pInt, res(3)
k_s(3) = k - 1_pInt
if(k > res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(3) = k_s(3) - res(3)
do j = 1_pInt, res(2)
k_s(2) = j - 1_pInt
if(j > res(2)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(2) = k_s(2) - res(2)
do i = 1_pInt, res1_red
k_s(1) = i - 1_pInt
xi = cmplx(real(k_s, pReal)/geomdim,0.0_pReal)
do l = 1_pInt, vec_tens
grad_fourier(i,j,k,1,l) = field_fourier(i,j,k,l)*xi(1) * TWOPIIMG
grad_fourier(i,j,k,2,l) = field_fourier(i,j,k,l)*xi(2) * TWOPIIMG
grad_fourier(i,j,k,3,l) = field_fourier(i,j,k,l)*xi(3) * TWOPIIMG
enddo; enddo; enddo
! iFFT
call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(fftw_back, grad_fourier, grad_real)
math_gradFFT = grad_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:3,1:vec_tens)*wgt ! copy to output and weight
if (vec_tens == 3_pInt) &
forall(k = 1_pInt:res(3), j = 1_pInt:res(2), i = 1_pInt: res(1)) &
math_gradFFT(i,j,k,1:3,1:3) = math_transpose33(math_gradFFT(i,j,k,1:3,1:3)) ! results are stored transposed
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_forth)
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_back)
call fftw_free(field_fftw)
call fftw_free(grad_fftw)
end function math_gradFFT
!> @brief calculates divergence field using integration in Fourier space
@ -2837,22 +2969,23 @@ function math_divergenceFFT(geomdim,field)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: math_divergenceFFT
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
! allocatable arrays for fftw c routines
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, divergence_fftw
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< field of data, first three dimensions are resolution, 4th is 1 or 3 (vector or tensor), 5th is 3
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: geomdim !< physical length dimension in three directions
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: field_fourier
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: divergence_real
complex(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: divergence_fourier
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, res1_red
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: k_s, res
real(pReal) :: wgt
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: xi
integer(pInt) :: vec_tens
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: &
k_s, &
complex(pReal), dimension(3) :: &
type(C_PTR) :: fftw_forth, fftw_back
type(C_PTR) :: field_fftw, divergence_fftw
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, l, res1_red, vec_tens
real(pReal) :: wgt
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
@ -2864,6 +2997,8 @@ function math_divergenceFFT(geomdim,field)
write(6,'(a,3(i5))') ' Resolution:', res
! sanity checks
if (vec_tens /= 1_pInt .and. vec_tens /= 3_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt, ext_msg = 'Invalid data type in math_divergenceFFT')
if ((mod(res(3),2_pInt)/=0_pInt .and. res(3) /= 1_pInt) .or. &
@ -2874,45 +3009,47 @@ function math_divergenceFFT(geomdim,field)
call IO_error(0_pInt,ext_msg='Fortran to C in math_divergenceFFT')
res1_red = res(1)/2_pInt + 1_pInt ! size of complex array in first dimension (c2r, r2c)
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(res(1)*res(2)*res(3),pReal)
wgt = 1.0_pReal/real(product(res),pReal)
! allocation and FFTW initialization
call fftw_set_timelimit(fftw_timelimit)
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) !C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
field_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens*3_pInt,C_SIZE_T)) ! C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
call c_f_pointer(field_fftw, field_fourier, [res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens,3_pInt])
divergence_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens,C_SIZE_T))
divergence_fftw = fftw_alloc_complex(int(res1_red*res(2)*res(3)*vec_tens,C_SIZE_T)) ! C_SIZE_T is of type integer(8)
call c_f_pointer(divergence_fftw, divergence_real, [res(1)+2_pInt,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
call c_f_pointer(divergence_fftw, divergence_fourier,[res1_red ,res(2),res(3),vec_tens])
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions , length in each dimension in reversed order
field_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],& ! input data , physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding , product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag)
fftw_forth = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens*3_pInt,& ! dimensions, length in each dimension in reversed order, total # of transforms
field_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],& ! input data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),& ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions
field_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],& ! output data, physical length in each dimension in reversed order
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,fftw_planner_flag) ! striding, product of physical lenght in the 3 dimensions, planner mode
fftw_back = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(3_pInt,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)],vec_tens,&
divergence_fourier,[res(3),res(2) ,res1_red],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)* res1_red,&
divergence_real,[res(3),res(2) ,res(1)+2_pInt],&
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag) ! padding
1_pInt, res(3)*res(2)*(res(1)+2_pInt),fftw_planner_flag)
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
field_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) = field(i,j,k,1:vec_tens,1:3) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
enddo; enddo; enddo
field_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:vec_tens,1:3) = field ! field_real is overwritten during plan creation and is larger (padding)
call fftw_execute_dft_r2c(fftw_forth, field_real, field_fourier)
!remove highest frequency in each direction
if(res(1)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if(res(2)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
! remove highest frequency in each direction
field_fourier( res(1)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(2) ,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,res(2)/2_pInt+1_pInt,1:res(3) ,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if(res(3)>1_pInt) &
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
field_fourier(1:res1_red ,1:res(2) ,res(3)/2_pInt+1_pInt,&
1:vec_tens,1:3) = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal)
! differentiation in Fourier space
do k = 1_pInt, res(3)
k_s(3) = k - 1_pInt
if(k > res(3)/2_pInt + 1_pInt) k_s(3) = k_s(3) - res(3)
@ -2927,13 +3064,11 @@ function math_divergenceFFT(geomdim,field)
enddo; enddo; enddo
! iFFT
call fftw_execute_dft_c2r(fftw_back, divergence_fourier, divergence_real)
math_divergenceFFT = divergence_real(1:res(1),1:res(2),1:res(3),1:vec_tens)*wgt ! copy to output and weight
do k = 1_pInt, res(3); do j = 1_pInt, res(2); do i = 1_pInt, res(1)
math_divergenceFFT(i,j,k,1:vec_tens) = divergence_real(i,j,k,1:vec_tens) ! ensure that data is aligned properly (fftw_alloc)
enddo; enddo; enddo
math_divergenceFFT = math_divergenceFFT * wgt
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_forth)
call fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_back)
call fftw_free(field_fftw)
@ -2944,7 +3079,6 @@ end function math_divergenceFFT
!> @brief calculates divergence field using FDM with variable accuracy
! use vec_tes to decide if tensor (3) or vector (1)
function math_divergenceFDM(geomdim,order,field)
use IO, only: &
@ -2955,20 +3089,19 @@ function math_divergenceFDM(geomdim,order,field)
implicit none
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: field
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: math_divergenceFDM
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: order
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3) :: geomdim
integer(pInt), dimension(6,3) :: coordinates
integer(pInt) i, j, k, m, l, vec_tens
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
real(pReal), dimension(4,4), parameter :: FDcoefficient = reshape([ &
1.0_pReal/2.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,& !from
2.0_pReal/3.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/12.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
3.0_pReal/4.0_pReal,-3.0_pReal/20.0_pReal,1.0_pReal/ 60.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
4.0_pReal/5.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/ 5.0_pReal,4.0_pReal/105.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/280.0_pReal],&
real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: field !< field of data, first three dimensions are resolution, 4th is 1 or 3 (vector or tensor), 5th is 3
real(pReal), dimension(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3),size(field,4)) :: &
real(pReal), dimension(3), intent(in) :: geomdim !< physical length dimension in three directions
integer(pInt), intent(in) :: order !< order of Finite Differences
real(pReal), dimension(4,4), parameter :: FDcoefficient = reshape([ &
1.0_pReal/2.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,& ! from
2.0_pReal/3.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/12.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
3.0_pReal/4.0_pReal,-3.0_pReal/20.0_pReal,1.0_pReal/ 60.0_pReal, 0.0_pReal,&
4.0_pReal/5.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/ 5.0_pReal,4.0_pReal/105.0_pReal,-1.0_pReal/280.0_pReal],[4,4])
integer(pInt), dimension(6,3) :: coordinates
integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: res
integer(pInt) :: i, j, k, m, l, vec_tens
res = [size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)]
vec_tens = size(field,4)
@ -2980,18 +3113,22 @@ function math_divergenceFDM(geomdim,order,field)
write(6,'(a,3(i5))') ' Resolution:', res
if (vec_tens /= 1_pInt .and. vec_tens /= 3_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt, ext_msg = 'Invalid data type in math_divergenceFDM')
! sanity checks
if (vec_tens /= 1_pInt .and. vec_tens /= 3_pInt) &
call IO_error(0_pInt, ext_msg = 'Invalid data type in math_divergenceFDM')
! differentiation in real space
math_divergenceFDM = 0.0_pReal
do k = 0_pInt, res(3)-1_pInt; do j = 0_pInt, res(2)-1_pInt; do i = 0_pInt, res(1)-1_pInt
do m = 1_pInt, order + 1_pInt
coordinates(1,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i+m,j,k],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(2,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i-m,j,k],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(3,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j+m,k],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(4,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j-m,k],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(5,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j,k+m],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(6,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j,k-m],[res(1),res(2),res(3)]),[res(1),res(2),res(3)])
coordinates(1,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i+m,j,k],res),res)
coordinates(2,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i-m,j,k],res),res)
coordinates(3,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j+m,k],res),res)
coordinates(4,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j-m,k],res),res)
coordinates(5,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j,k+m],res),res)
coordinates(6,1:3) = periodic_location(periodic_index([i,j,k-m],res),res)
coordinates = coordinates + 1_pInt
do l = 1_pInt, vec_tens
math_divergenceFDM(i+1_pInt,j+1_pInt,k+1_pInt,l) = math_divergenceFDM(i+1_pInt,j+1_pInt,k+1_pInt,l) &