Merge branch 'grid-spectral-simplifications' into 'development'
FFTW-related changes Closes #206 and #216 See merge request damask/DAMASK!661
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ program DAMASK_grid
external :: &
class(tNode), pointer :: &
type(tDict), pointer :: &
config_load, &
num_grid, &
@ -253,11 +253,13 @@ end function grid_damage_spectral_solution
subroutine grid_damage_spectral_forward(cutBack)
logical, intent(in) :: cutBack
integer :: i, j, k, ce
DM :: dm_local
PetscScalar, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: phi_PETSc
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
if (cutBack) then
phi_current = phi_lastInc
phi_stagInc = phi_lastInc
@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ end subroutine grid_damage_spectral_forward
!> @brief forms the spectral damage residual vector
!> @brief Construct the residual vector.
subroutine formResidual(in,x_scal,r,dummy,err_PETSc)
@ -297,48 +299,34 @@ subroutine formResidual(in,x_scal,r,dummy,err_PETSc)
X_RANGE,Y_RANGE,Z_RANGE), intent(out) :: &
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
PetscErrorCode, intent(out) :: err_PETSc
integer :: i, j, k, ce
real(pReal), dimension(3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: vectorField
phi_current = x_scal
! evaluate polarization field
scalarField_real = 0.0_pReal
scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = phi_current
call utilities_FFTscalarForward
call utilities_fourierScalarGradient !< calculate gradient of damage field
call utilities_FFTvectorBackward
vectorField = utilities_ScalarGradient(phi_current)
ce = 0
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1,cells(1)
ce = ce + 1
vectorField_real(1:3,i,j,k) = matmul(homogenization_K_phi(ce) - K_ref, vectorField_real(1:3,i,j,k))
vectorField(1:3,i,j,k) = matmul(homogenization_K_phi(ce) - K_ref, vectorField(1:3,i,j,k))
end do; end do; end do
call utilities_FFTvectorForward
call utilities_fourierVectorDivergence !< calculate damage divergence in fourier field
call utilities_FFTscalarBackward
r = utilities_VectorDivergence(vectorField)
ce = 0
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1,cells(1)
ce = ce + 1
scalarField_real(i,j,k) = params%Delta_t*(scalarField_real(i,j,k) + homogenization_f_phi(phi_current(i,j,k),ce)) &
r(i,j,k) = params%Delta_t*(r(i,j,k) + homogenization_f_phi(phi_current(i,j,k),ce)) &
+ homogenization_mu_phi(ce)*(phi_lastInc(i,j,k) - phi_current(i,j,k)) &
+ mu_ref*phi_current(i,j,k)
end do; end do; end do
! convolution of damage field with green operator
call utilities_FFTscalarForward
call utilities_fourierGreenConvolution(K_ref, mu_ref, params%Delta_t)
call utilities_FFTscalarBackward
where(scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) > phi_lastInc) &
scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = phi_lastInc
where(scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) < num%residualStiffness) &
scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = num%residualStiffness
! constructing residual
r = scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) - phi_current
r = max(min(utilities_GreenConvolution(r, K_ref, mu_ref, params%Delta_t),phi_lastInc),num%residualStiffness) &
- phi_current
err_PETSc = 0
end subroutine formResidual
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ end subroutine converged
!> @brief forms the residual vector
!> @brief Construct the residual vector.
subroutine formResidual(in, F, &
r, dummy, err_PETSc)
@ -501,15 +501,17 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, F, &
intent(in) :: F !< deformation gradient field
PetscScalar, dimension(3,3,X_RANGE,Y_RANGE,Z_RANGE), &
intent(out) :: r !< residuum field
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: &
PetscInt :: &
PETScIter, &
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
integer(MPI_INTEGER_KIND) :: err_MPI
call SNESGetNumberFunctionEvals(SNES_mechanical,nfuncs,err_PETSc)
call SNESGetIterationNumber(SNES_mechanical,PETScIter,err_PETSc)
@ -517,8 +519,6 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, F, &
if (nfuncs == 0 .and. PETScIter == 0) totalIter = -1 ! new increment
! begin of new iteration
newIteration: if (totalIter <= PETScIter) then
totalIter = totalIter + 1
print'(1x,a,3(a,i0))', trim(incInfo), ' @ Iteration ', num%itmin, '≤',totalIter, '≤', num%itmax
@ -529,32 +529,20 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, F, &
end if newIteration
! evaluate constitutive response
call utilities_constitutiveResponse(r, & ! residuum gets field of first PK stress (to save memory)
associate (P => r)
call utilities_constitutiveResponse(P, &
P_av,C_volAvg,C_minMaxAvg, &
if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error'
err_div = utilities_divergenceRMS(P)
end associate
! stress BC handling
deltaF_aim = math_mul3333xx33(S, P_av - P_aim) ! S = 0.0 for no bc
F_aim = F_aim - deltaF_aim
err_BC = maxval(abs(merge(.0_pReal,P_av - P_aim,params%stress_mask)))
! updated deformation gradient using fix point algorithm of basic scheme
tensorField_real = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = r ! store fPK field for subsequent FFT forward transform
call utilities_FFTtensorForward ! FFT forward of global "tensorField_real"
err_div = utilities_divergenceRMS() ! divRMS of tensorField_fourier for later use
call utilities_fourierGammaConvolution(params%rotation_BC%rotate(deltaF_aim,active=.true.)) ! convolution of Gamma and tensorField_fourier
call utilities_FFTtensorBackward ! FFT backward of global tensorField_fourier
! constructing residual
r = tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) ! Gamma*P gives correction towards div(P) = 0, so needs to be zero, too
r = utilities_GammaConvolution(r,params%rotation_BC%rotate(deltaF_aim,active=.true.))
end subroutine formResidual
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ end subroutine converged
!> @brief forms the residual vector
!> @brief Construct the residual vector.
subroutine formResidual(in, FandF_tau, &
r, dummy,err_PETSc)
@ -561,6 +561,9 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, FandF_tau, &
target, intent(in) :: FandF_tau
PetscScalar, dimension(3,3,2,X_RANGE,Y_RANGE,Z_RANGE),&
target, intent(out) :: r !< residuum field
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
PetscScalar, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: &
F, &
F_tau, &
@ -569,13 +572,10 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, FandF_tau, &
PetscInt :: &
PETScIter, &
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
integer(MPI_INTEGER_KIND) :: err_MPI
integer :: &
i, j, k, e
F => FandF_tau(1:3,1:3,1,&
@ -597,8 +597,6 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, FandF_tau, &
if (nfuncs == 0 .and. PETScIter == 0) totalIter = -1 ! new increment
! begin of new iteration
newIteration: if (totalIter <= PETScIter) then
totalIter = totalIter + 1
print'(1x,a,3(a,i0))', trim(incInfo), ' @ Iteration ', num%itmin, '≤',totalIter, '≤', num%itmax
@ -609,63 +607,53 @@ subroutine formResidual(in, FandF_tau, &
end if newIteration
tensorField_real = 0.0_pReal
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1, cells(1)
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) = &
r_F_tau(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) = &
num%beta*math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - math_I3) -&
num%alpha*matmul(F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k), &
math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F_tau(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - math_I3))
end do; end do; end do
r_F_tau = num%beta*F &
- utilities_GammaConvolution(r_F_tau,params%rotation_BC%rotate(num%beta*F_aim,active=.true.))
! doing convolution in Fourier space
call utilities_FFTtensorForward
call utilities_fourierGammaConvolution(params%rotation_BC%rotate(num%beta*F_aim,active=.true.))
call utilities_FFTtensorBackward
err_curl = utilities_curlRMS(F)
! constructing residual
r_F_tau = num%beta*F - tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)
! evaluate constitutive response
call utilities_constitutiveResponse(r_F, & ! "residuum" gets field of first PK stress (to save memory)
#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
call utilities_constitutiveResponse(r_F, &
associate (P => r_F)
call utilities_constitutiveResponse(P, &
P_av,C_volAvg,C_minMaxAvg, &
F - r_F_tau/num%beta,params%Delta_t,params%rotation_BC)
! stress BC handling
F_aim = F_aim - math_mul3333xx33(S, P_av - P_aim) ! S = 0.0 for no bc
err_BC = maxval(abs(merge(math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F_aim-params%rotation_BC%rotate(F_av)), &
P_av-P_aim, &
! calculate divergence
tensorField_real = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = r_F !< stress field in disguise
call utilities_FFTtensorForward
err_div = utilities_divergenceRMS() !< root mean squared error in divergence of stress
! constructing residual
#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
err_div = utilities_divergenceRMS(r_F)
err_div = utilities_divergenceRMS(P)
e = 0
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1, cells(1)
e = e + 1
r_F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) = &
math_mul3333xx33(math_invSym3333(homogenization_dPdF(1:3,1:3,1:3,1:3,e) + C_scale), &
#ifdef __GFORTRAN__
r_F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - matmul(F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k), &
P(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - matmul(F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k), &
math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F_tau(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - F(1:3,1:3,i,j,k) - math_I3))) &
+ r_F_tau(1:3,1:3,i,j,k)
end do; end do; end do
#ifndef __GFORTRAN__
end associate
F_aim = F_aim - math_mul3333xx33(S, P_av - P_aim) ! S = 0.0 for no bc
err_BC = maxval(abs(merge(math_mul3333xx33(C_scale,F_aim-params%rotation_BC%rotate(F_av)), &
P_av-P_aim, &
! calculating curl
tensorField_real = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = F
call utilities_FFTtensorForward
err_curl = utilities_curlRMS()
end subroutine formResidual
@ -242,11 +242,13 @@ end function grid_thermal_spectral_solution
subroutine grid_thermal_spectral_forward(cutBack)
logical, intent(in) :: cutBack
integer :: i, j, k, ce
DM :: dm_local
PetscScalar, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: T_PETSc
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
if (cutBack) then
T_current = T_lastInc
T_stagInc = T_lastInc
@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ end subroutine grid_thermal_spectral_restartWrite
!> @brief forms the spectral thermal residual vector
!> @brief Construct the residual vector.
subroutine formResidual(in,x_scal,r,dummy,err_PETSc)
@ -320,42 +322,34 @@ subroutine formResidual(in,x_scal,r,dummy,err_PETSc)
X_RANGE,Y_RANGE,Z_RANGE), intent(out) :: &
PetscObject :: dummy
PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc
PetscErrorCode, intent(out) :: err_PETSc
integer :: i, j, k, ce
real(pReal), dimension(3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: vectorField
T_current = x_scal
! evaluate polarization field
scalarField_real = 0.0_pReal
scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = T_current
call utilities_FFTscalarForward
call utilities_fourierScalarGradient !< calculate gradient of temperature field
call utilities_FFTvectorBackward
vectorField = utilities_ScalarGradient(T_current)
ce = 0
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1,cells(1)
ce = ce + 1
vectorField_real(1:3,i,j,k) = matmul(homogenization_K_T(ce) - K_ref, vectorField_real(1:3,i,j,k))
vectorField(1:3,i,j,k) = matmul(homogenization_K_T(ce) - K_ref, vectorField(1:3,i,j,k))
end do; end do; end do
call utilities_FFTvectorForward
call utilities_fourierVectorDivergence !< calculate temperature divergence in fourier field
call utilities_FFTscalarBackward
r = utilities_VectorDivergence(vectorField)
ce = 0
do k = 1, cells3; do j = 1, cells(2); do i = 1,cells(1)
ce = ce + 1
scalarField_real(i,j,k) = params%Delta_t*(scalarField_real(i,j,k) + homogenization_f_T(ce)) &
r(i,j,k) = params%Delta_t*(r(i,j,k) + homogenization_f_T(ce)) &
+ homogenization_mu_T(ce) * (T_lastInc(i,j,k) - T_current(i,j,k)) &
+ mu_ref*T_current(i,j,k)
end do; end do; end do
! convolution of temperature field with green operator
call utilities_FFTscalarForward
call utilities_fourierGreenConvolution(K_ref, mu_ref, params%Delta_t)
call utilities_FFTscalarBackward
! constructing residual
r = T_current - scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)
r = T_current &
- utilities_GreenConvolution(r, K_ref, mu_ref, params%Delta_t)
err_PETSc = 0
end subroutine formResidual
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ module spectral_utilities
! variables storing information for spectral method and FFTW
real(C_DOUBLE), public, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: tensorField_real !< tensor field in real space
real(C_DOUBLE), public, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: vectorField_real !< vector field in real space
real(C_DOUBLE), public, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: scalarField_real !< scalar field in real space
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: tensorField_real !< tensor field in real space
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: vectorField_real !< vector field in real space
real(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: scalarField_real !< scalar field in real space
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), pointer :: tensorField_fourier !< tensor field in Fourier space
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: vectorField_fourier !< vector field in Fourier space
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: scalarField_fourier !< scalar field in Fourier space
@ -116,18 +116,12 @@ module spectral_utilities
public :: &
spectral_utilities_init, &
utilities_updateGamma, &
utilities_FFTtensorForward, &
utilities_FFTtensorBackward, &
utilities_FFTvectorForward, &
utilities_FFTvectorBackward, &
utilities_FFTscalarForward, &
utilities_FFTscalarBackward, &
utilities_fourierGammaConvolution, &
utilities_fourierGreenConvolution, &
utilities_GammaConvolution, &
utilities_GreenConvolution, &
utilities_divergenceRMS, &
utilities_curlRMS, &
utilities_fourierScalarGradient, &
utilities_fourierVectorDivergence, &
utilities_ScalarGradient, &
utilities_VectorDivergence, &
utilities_maskedCompliance, &
utilities_constitutiveResponse, &
utilities_calculateRate, &
@ -385,6 +379,7 @@ end subroutine spectral_utilities_init
subroutine utilities_updateGamma(C)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: C !< input stiffness to store as reference stiffness
complex(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_cmplx, xiDyad_cmplx
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: A, A_inv
integer :: &
@ -392,7 +387,8 @@ subroutine utilities_updateGamma(C)
l, m, n, o
logical :: err
C_ref = C
C_ref = C/wgt
if (.not. num%memory_efficient) then
gamma_hat = cmplx(0.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal) ! for the singular point and any non invertible A
@ -434,68 +430,6 @@ subroutine utilities_updateGamma(C)
end subroutine utilities_updateGamma
!> @brief forward FFT of data in field_real to field_fourier
!> @details Does an unweighted FFT transform from real to complex. Extra padding entries are set
! to 0.0
subroutine utilities_FFTtensorForward()
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
end subroutine utilities_FFTtensorForward
!> @brief backward FFT of data in field_fourier to field_real
!> @details Does an weighted inverse FFT transform from complex to real
subroutine utilities_FFTtensorBackward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planTensorBack,tensorField_fourier,tensorField_real)
tensorField_real = tensorField_real * wgt ! normalize the result by number of elements
end subroutine utilities_FFTtensorBackward
!> @brief forward FFT of data in scalarField_real to scalarField_fourier
!> @details Does an unweighted FFT transform from real to complex. Extra padding entries are set
! to 0.0
subroutine utilities_FFTscalarForward()
scalarField_real(cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planScalarForth,scalarField_real,scalarField_fourier)
end subroutine utilities_FFTscalarForward
!> @brief backward FFT of data in scalarField_fourier to scalarField_real
!> @details Does an weighted inverse FFT transform from complex to real
subroutine utilities_FFTscalarBackward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planScalarBack,scalarField_fourier,scalarField_real)
scalarField_real = scalarField_real * wgt ! normalize the result by number of elements
end subroutine utilities_FFTscalarBackward
!> @brief forward FFT of data in field_real to field_fourier with highest freqs. removed
!> @details Does an unweighted FFT transform from real to complex. Extra padding entries are set
! to 0.0
subroutine utilities_FFTvectorForward()
vectorField_real(1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planVectorForth,vectorField_real,vectorField_fourier)
end subroutine utilities_FFTvectorForward
!> @brief backward FFT of data in field_fourier to field_real
!> @details Does an weighted inverse FFT transform from complex to real
@ -511,12 +445,14 @@ end subroutine utilities_FFTvectorBackward
!> @brief doing convolution gamma_hat * field_real, ensuring that average value = fieldAim
subroutine utilities_fourierGammaConvolution(fieldAim)
function utilities_GammaConvolution(field, fieldAim) result(gammaField)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: field
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,3) :: fieldAim !< desired average value of the field after convolution
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: gammaField
complex(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: temp33_cmplx, xiDyad_cmplx
real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: A, A_inv
integer :: &
i, j, k, &
l, m, n, o
@ -526,8 +462,10 @@ subroutine utilities_fourierGammaConvolution(fieldAim)
print'(/,1x,a)', '... doing gamma convolution ...............................................'
! do the actual spectral method calculation (mechanical equilibrium)
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = field
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
memoryEfficient: if (num%memory_efficient) then
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(l,m,n,o,temp33_cmplx,xiDyad_cmplx,A,A_inv,err,gamma_hat)
do j = 1, cells2; do k = 1, cells(3); do i = 1, cells1Red
@ -586,39 +524,53 @@ subroutine utilities_fourierGammaConvolution(fieldAim)
end if memoryEfficient
if (cells3Offset == 0) tensorField_fourier(1:3,1:3,1,1,1) = cmplx(fieldAim/wgt,0.0_pReal,pReal)
if (cells3Offset == 0) tensorField_fourier(1:3,1:3,1,1,1) = cmplx(fieldAim,0.0_pReal,pReal)
end subroutine utilities_fourierGammaConvolution
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planTensorBack,tensorField_fourier,tensorField_real)
gammaField = tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)
end function utilities_GammaConvolution
!> @brief doing convolution DamageGreenOp_hat * field_real
!> @brief Convolution of Greens' operator for damage/thermal.
subroutine utilities_fourierGreenConvolution(D_ref, mu_ref, Delta_t)
function utilities_GreenConvolution(field, D_ref, mu_ref, Delta_t) result(greenField)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: field
real(pReal), dimension(3,3), intent(in) :: D_ref
real(pReal), intent(in) :: mu_ref, Delta_t
real(pReal), dimension(cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: greenField
complex(pReal) :: GreenOp_hat
integer :: i, j, k
! do the actual spectral method calculation
scalarField_real(cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
scalarField_real(1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = field
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planScalarForth,scalarField_real,scalarField_fourier)
do j = 1, cells2; do k = 1, cells(3); do i = 1, cells1Red
GreenOp_hat = cmplx(1.0_pReal,0.0_pReal,pReal) &
GreenOp_hat = cmplx(wgt,0.0_pReal,pReal) &
/ (cmplx(mu_ref,0.0_pReal,pReal) + cmplx(Delta_t,0.0_pReal,pReal) &
* sum(conjg(xi1st(1:3,i,k,j))* matmul(cmplx(D_ref,0.0_pReal,pReal),xi1st(1:3,i,k,j))))
scalarField_fourier(i,k,j) = scalarField_fourier(i,k,j)*GreenOp_hat
end do; end do; end do
end subroutine utilities_fourierGreenConvolution
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planScalarBack,scalarField_fourier,scalarField_real)
greenField = scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)
end function utilities_GreenConvolution
!> @brief calculate root mean square of divergence of field_fourier
!> @brief Calculate root mean square of divergence.
real(pReal) function utilities_divergenceRMS()
real(pReal) function utilities_divergenceRMS(tensorField)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3), intent(in) :: tensorField
integer :: i, j, k
integer(MPI_INTEGER_KIND) :: err_MPI
@ -628,6 +580,10 @@ real(pReal) function utilities_divergenceRMS()
print'(/,1x,a)', '... calculating divergence ................................................'
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = tensorField
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
rescaledGeom = cmplx(geomSize/scaledGeomSize,0.0_pReal,pReal)
@ -660,9 +616,11 @@ end function utilities_divergenceRMS
!> @brief calculate max of curl of field_fourier
!> @brief Calculate root mean square of curl.
real(pReal) function utilities_curlRMS()
real(pReal) function utilities_curlRMS(tensorField)
real(pReal), dimension(3,3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3), intent(in) :: tensorField
integer :: i, j, k, l
integer(MPI_INTEGER_KIND) :: err_MPI
@ -673,6 +631,10 @@ real(pReal) function utilities_curlRMS()
print'(/,1x,a)', '... calculating curl ......................................................'
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = tensorField
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
rescaledGeom = cmplx(geomSize/scaledGeomSize,0.0_pReal,pReal)
@ -723,7 +685,7 @@ end function utilities_curlRMS
!> @brief calculates mask compliance tensor used to adjust F to fullfill stress BC
!> @brief Calculate masked compliance tensor used to adjust F to fullfill stress BC.
function utilities_maskedCompliance(rot_BC,mask_stress,C)
@ -793,29 +755,46 @@ end function utilities_maskedCompliance
!> @brief calculate scalar gradient in fourier field
!> @brief Calculate gradient of scalar field.
subroutine utilities_fourierScalarGradient()
function utilities_ScalarGradient(field) result(grad)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension( cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: field
real(pReal), dimension(3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: grad
integer :: i, j, k
scalarField_real(cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
scalarField_real(1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = field
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planScalarForth,scalarField_real,scalarField_fourier)
do j = 1, cells2; do k = 1, cells(3); do i = 1,cells1Red
vectorField_fourier(1:3,i,k,j) = scalarField_fourier(i,k,j)*xi1st(1:3,i,k,j) ! ToDo: no -conjg?
end do; end do; end do
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planVectorBack,vectorField_fourier,vectorField_real)
grad = vectorField_real(1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)*wgt
end subroutine utilities_fourierScalarGradient
end function utilities_ScalarGradient
!> @brief calculate vector divergence in fourier field
!> @brief Calculate divergence of vector field.
subroutine utilities_fourierVectorDivergence()
function utilities_VectorDivergence(field) result(div)
real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(3,cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: field
real(pReal), dimension( cells(1),cells(2),cells3) :: div
vectorField_real(1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
vectorField_real(1:3,1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = field
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planVectorForth,vectorField_real,vectorField_fourier)
scalarField_fourier(1:cells1Red,1:cells(3),1:cells2) = sum(vectorField_fourier(1:3,1:cells1Red,1:cells(3),1:cells2) &
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planScalarBack,scalarField_fourier,scalarField_real)
div = scalarField_real(1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3)*wgt
end subroutine utilities_fourierVectorDivergence
end function utilities_VectorDivergence
@ -1046,11 +1025,19 @@ subroutine utilities_updateCoords(F)
step = geomSize/real(cells, pReal)
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1), 1:cells(2),1:cells3) = F
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,1:cells(2),1:cells3) = 0.0_pReal
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
! average F
if (cells3Offset == 0) Favg = tensorField_fourier(1:3,1:3,1,1,1)%re*wgt
if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error'
! integration in Fourier space to get fluctuations of cell center discplacements
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,1:cells(1),1:cells(2),1:cells3) = F
call utilities_FFTtensorForward()
do j = 1, cells2; do k = 1, cells(3); do i = 1, cells1Red
if (any([i,j+cells2Offset,k] /= 1)) then
@ -1062,13 +1049,8 @@ subroutine utilities_updateCoords(F)
end do; end do; end do
call utilities_FFTvectorBackward()
! average F
if (cells3Offset == 0) Favg = tensorField_fourier(1:3,1:3,1,1,1)%re*wgt
if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI error'
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planVectorBack,vectorField_fourier,vectorField_real)
vectorField_real = vectorField_real * wgt ! normalize the result by number of elements
! pad cell center fluctuations along z-direction (needed when running MPI simulation)
@ -1136,7 +1118,7 @@ subroutine utilities_saveReferenceStiffness()
open(newunit=fileUnit, file=getSolverJobName()//'.C_ref',&
if (ierr /=0) call IO_error(100,ext_msg='could not open file '//getSolverJobName()//'.C_ref')
write(fileUnit) C_ref
write(fileUnit) C_ref*wgt
end if
@ -1156,38 +1138,38 @@ subroutine selfTest()
call random_number(tensorField_real)
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
tensorField_real_ = tensorField_real
call utilities_FFTtensorForward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planTensorForth,tensorField_real,tensorField_fourier)
if (worldsize==1) then
if (any(dNeq(sum(sum(sum(tensorField_real_,dim=5),dim=4),dim=3)/tensorField_fourier(:,:,1,1,1)%re,1.0_pReal,1.0e-12_pReal))) &
error stop 'tensorField avg'
call utilities_FFTtensorBackward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planTensorBack,tensorField_fourier,tensorField_real)
tensorField_real(1:3,1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
if (maxval(abs(tensorField_real_ - tensorField_real))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'tensorField'
if (maxval(abs(tensorField_real_ - tensorField_real*wgt))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'tensorField'
call random_number(vectorField_real)
vectorField_real(1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
vectorField_real_ = vectorField_real
call utilities_FFTvectorForward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planVectorForth,vectorField_real,vectorField_fourier)
if (worldsize==1) then
if (any(dNeq(sum(sum(sum(vectorField_real_,dim=4),dim=3),dim=2)/vectorField_fourier(:,1,1,1)%re,1.0_pReal,1.0e-12_pReal))) &
error stop 'vector avg'
call utilities_FFTvectorBackward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planVectorBack,vectorField_fourier,vectorField_real)
vectorField_real(1:3,cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
if (maxval(abs(vectorField_real_ - vectorField_real))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'vectorField'
if (maxval(abs(vectorField_real_ - vectorField_real*wgt))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'vectorField'
call random_number(scalarField_real)
scalarField_real(cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
scalarField_real_ = scalarField_real
call utilities_FFTscalarForward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_r2c(planScalarForth,scalarField_real,scalarField_fourier)
if (worldsize==1) then
if (dNeq(sum(sum(sum(scalarField_real_,dim=3),dim=2),dim=1)/scalarField_fourier(1,1,1)%re,1.0_pReal,1.0e-12_pReal)) &
error stop 'scalar avg'
call utilities_FFTscalarBackward()
call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planScalarBack,scalarField_fourier,scalarField_real)
scalarField_real(cells(1)+1:cells1Red*2,:,:) = 0.0_pReal
if (maxval(abs(scalarField_real_ - scalarField_real))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'scalarField'
if (maxval(abs(scalarField_real_ - scalarField_real*wgt))>5.0e-15_pReal) error stop 'scalarField'
end subroutine selfTest
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