first ideas for more user friendly usage

This commit is contained in:
Martin Diehl 2021-03-30 07:24:47 +02:00
parent 2e96fcf768
commit b19ec4f8ae
1 changed files with 71 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from collections import defaultdict
import h5py import h5py
import numpy as np import numpy as np
import as ma
from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
import damask import damask
@ -345,76 +346,6 @@ class Result:
raise PermissionError('Rename operation not permitted') raise PermissionError('Rename operation not permitted')
def place(self,datasets,constituent=0,tagged=False,split=True):
Distribute datasets onto geometry and return Table or (split) dictionary of Tables.
Must not mix nodal end cell data.
Only data within
- inc*/phase/*/*
- inc*/homogenization/*/*
- inc*/geometry/*
are considered.
datasets : iterable or str
constituent : int
Constituent to consider for phase data.
tagged : bool
Tag Table.column name with '#constituent'.
Defaults to False.
split : bool
Split Table by increment and return dictionary of Tables.
Defaults to True.
sets = datasets if hasattr(datasets,'__iter__') and not isinstance(datasets,str) else \
tag = f'#{constituent}' if tagged else ''
tbl = {} if split else None
inGeom = {}
inData = {}
# compatibility hack
name = 'Name' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'label'
member = 'Position' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'entry'
grp = 'mapping' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'cell_to'
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
for dataset in sets:
for group in self.groups_with_datasets(dataset):
path = '/'.join([group,dataset])
inc,prop,name,cat,item = (path.split('/') + ['']*5)[:5]
key = '/'.join([prop,name+tag])
if key not in inGeom:
if prop == 'geometry':
inGeom[key] = inData[key] = np.arange(self.N_materialpoints)
elif prop == 'phase':
inGeom[key] = np.where(f[f'{grp}/phase'][:,constituent][name] == str.encode(name))[0]
inData[key] = f[f'{grp}/phase'][inGeom[key],constituent][member]
elif prop == 'homogenization':
inGeom[key] = np.where(f[f'{grp}/homogenization'][name] == str.encode(name))[0]
inData[key] = f[f'{grp}/homogenization'][inGeom[key].tolist()][member]
shape = np.shape(f[path])
data = np.full((self.N_materialpoints,) + (shape[1:] if len(shape)>1 else (1,)),
data[inGeom[key]] = (f[path] if len(shape)>1 else np.expand_dims(f[path],1))[inData[key]]
path = ('/'.join([prop,name]+([cat] if cat else [])+([item] if item else [])) if split else path)+tag
if split:
tbl[inc] = tbl[inc].add(path,data)
except KeyError:
tbl[inc] = Table(data.reshape(self.N_materialpoints,-1),{path:data.shape[1:]})
tbl = tbl.add(path,data)
except AttributeError:
tbl = Table(data.reshape(self.N_materialpoints,-1),{path:data.shape[1:]})
return tbl
def groups_with_datasets(self,datasets): def groups_with_datasets(self,datasets):
""" """
Return groups that contain all requested datasets. Return groups that contain all requested datasets.
@ -1385,3 +1316,73 @@ class Result:
v.add(u,'u') v.add(u,'u')'{self.fname.stem}_inc{inc[ln:].zfill(N_digits)}')'{self.fname.stem}_inc{inc[ln:].zfill(N_digits)}')
def read(self,labels):
r = {}
labels_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # check for arbitrary iterable
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
for inc in util.show_progress(self.visible['increments'],len(self.visible['increments'])):
r[inc] = {'phase':{},'homogenization':{}}
for ph in self.visible['phases']:
r[inc]['phase'][ph] = {}
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph)].keys():
r[inc]['phase'][ph][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
r[inc]['phase'][ph][me][da] = \
for ho in self.visible['homogenizations']:
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho] = {}
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'homogenization',ho)].keys():
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'homogenization',ho,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
r[inc]['homogenization'][ho][me][da] = \
return r
def place(self,labels,fill_int=0,fill_float=0,constituents=None):
r = {}
labels_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # check for arbitrary iterable
if constituents is None:
constituents_ = range(self.N_constituents)
constituents_ = labels if isinstance(labels,list) else [labels] # allow abribtrary iterable
grp = 'mapping' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'cell_to'
name = 'Name' if self.version_minor < 12 else 'label'
with h5py.File(self.fname,'r') as f:
N_cells = if self.structured else np.shape(f['/geometry/T_c'])[0]
to_cell_ph = []
for c in constituents_:
to_cell_ph.append({label: np.where(f[os.path.join(grp,'phase')][:,c][name] == str.encode(label))[0] \
for label in self.visible['phases']})
to_cell_ho = {label: np.where(f[os.path.join(grp,'homogenization')][name] == str.encode(label))[0] \
for label in self.visible['homogenizations']}
for inc in util.show_progress(self.visible['increments'],len(self.visible['increments'])):
r[inc] = {'phase':{},'homogenization':{}}
for ph in self.visible['phases']:
for me in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph)].keys():
r[inc]['phase'][me] = {}
for da in f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me)].keys():
if da in labels_:
data = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)][()]
unit = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)].attrs['unit']
description = f[os.path.join(inc,'phase',ph,me,da)].attrs['description']
if not h5py3:
description = description.decode()
unit = unit.decode()
if da not in r[inc]['phase'][me].keys():
dt = np.dtype(data.dtype,metadata={'description':description,
r[inc]['phase'][me][da] = ma.empty((N_cells,)+data.shape[1:],dtype=dt)
return r